Chapter 29

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Haneul's POV

Damn it. I couldn't talk with Jungkook and Taehyung just handed me his car's key and told me to go home. I huffed. What does he think of himself? But he did told me the story about Lee Minho.


"Lee Minho is the eldest son of the Lee family and currently the CEO of the Lee Industries. He lost his father at a young age. He has a little sister who's name is Lee Jieun." Taehyung said to me while deeply looking at my eyes.

"People say that she is dead." I frowned at his words.

"Why? What happened to her?" I asked.

"One day while going somewhere he and his sister both got into a car accident and sadly both of them went to coma for five months. When he woke up he found out his sister was dead. But he didn't believe it. Everyone of his family and friends tried to make him understand that she was long gone but he wasn't convinced. He still believes that his sister is still alive and he's still looking for her."

"Then why he's referring me as Jieun?"

Taehyung chuckled at me.

"Maybe he found her in you."

Flashback ends.

A very tragic story. But something doesn't feel right? Why do I feel so attached to him then? Why do I feel like the story Taehyung told me is incomplete?

While driving I was thinking about the whole thing.

Well I'm driving after a long time. I don't know why but my head feels like it'll burst as it is paining alot. Just then I heard my phone ringing and I looked at the caller's ID. Oh it's Jin oppa. I see. He's maybe worried as I didn't tell him that I have come to the office to meet Jungkook. I picked up the call and.....

"WHERE ARE YOU NOW YOUNG LADY?!" His loud yell was heard and I immediately pulled my phone away from my ear. Ooops he found out.

"Sorry. I forgot to tell you. I just wanted to meet Jungkook."

"Do you know how worried I was? Thank God Jimin told me about that. By the way have you talked to Kookie?"

"No. Just caught up with another thing."

Suddenly I felt so dizzy all of a sudden. I'm again having flashbacks like this morning.

....The car. The familiar face who was driving and I was sitting beside him. We were happily talking with each other.....

My heart started to beat faster than usual. I'm feeling short of breath.

"Hello? Haneul?" I heard Jin oppa's faint voice.

"J-jin oppa?"

"What happened? Are you okay?"

I don't know. I can't hear anything. Am I having a panic attack?

....Suddenly our car hit with a van. My head harshly bumped with the windshield.......

"Haneul just stop the car." Jin oppa said but my hands are shaking. I can't focus on anything. Just then my car got unbalanced and it hit with a tree. The windshield cracked and my head harshly hit with the steering wheel. Blood started to ooze from my arm as it made contact with the broken glass.

......I slowly moved my head to look beside me and saw the person who was bleeding. Blood trailed down from his forehead to his cheeks and neck........

No. Please. I can't bear. My eyes felt heavy and I lost my consciousness. Before blacking out my mind recalled a name and I whispered,

"Minho oppa."

Jin's POV

I was talking to Haneul on the phone. I was so worried when I found none in the house. It's so dangerous for her to go outside without bodyguards and this little punk didn't even inform me. I called Jimin and he told me she was at the office. I was confused when Jimin said why I was asking about her where I send her there. Huh? Then I realised she went there to meet Jungkook. So I went with the flow so that Jimin won't suspect anything as we still don't know what the real story was.

But why does she want to meet him? Is it anything about her past? Well it is possible as I'm giving her the antidote regularly.

Suddenly I heard her heavy breathing. What happened? She was talking fine. Maybe the antidote is working. Oh no. She's driving now. I called her name, tried to calm her down but she couldn't hear me. She's having a panic attack of her past accident. And suddenly I heard a loud sound of car crashing.

"Haneul! Hello! Answer me please."

And the call got disconnected. If she's coming here then she has to come through the private path and there are so many trees and rocks there. My mind went blank and heart stopped beating. Not wasting a second I immediately called Taehyung. It's ringing but he isn't picking up.

"Please pick up Tae. Please." I ranted while getting inside my car. And luckily he picked up,

"Taehyung." I breathed out.


Hanuel's POV

"You know Minho oppa. After a long time we met with Uncle Lee. I was so excited." I said to my brother, Lee Minho.

It was night and our SUV has entered the roads of the highways. We met with our uncle who was the close friend of our father. After our father's death he was the father figure who was always with us.

"I was excited too baby." He said while moving the steering wheel.

"Wait." Suddenly Minho oppa said while his foot continuously pushed the brake.

"What happened oppa?" I asked. His face drained color. His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"The brake isn't working."

"What!" My eyes widened in shock.

While we were busy in seeing what happened we didn't notice a van was coming speedily from the opposite direction. As soon as I noticed it my hands immediately went to the steering wheel.

"MINHO OPPA!" But it was too late. The van hit our car and it rolled out from the road. My head harshly bumped with the windshield and the glass broke. I felt everything was going upside down. My vision started to get blurry and I looked beside me. I saw my brother bleeding heavily.

"M-Minho O-oppa."

My hands tried to reach him but I couldn't and soon the darkness engulfed me.

"NO!" I jolted up from my sleep while sweating. I was breathing heavily. Just then a hand rubbed my back.

"It's okay Hanuel. Nothing happened." I recognised. It's Jungkook's voice and I calmed down. I looked around and understood I'm in a hospital. It's the KSJ Hospital. My right hand was bandaged and not forgetting to mention my head is still hurting.

"You're okay." He caressed my hair.

"Thank God that it wasn't that serious. You just have a cut on your right arm. Taehyung reached on time and brought you here." He said.

T-Taehyung? M-my family is the reason of his pain. How will I face him when I know the whole thing now? Not able to bear I hugged Jungkook. My eyes started to brim with tears. Now I know Who I am, who I was. Everything.

"I remember. I-I remember." I ranted and Jungkook confusingly looked at me.

"What Haneul?" He softly said.

I breathed out,

"Lee Jieun. I-It's me. It's me." I couldn't hold more and cried out. I'm a Lee, the daughter of the bloody family.

Author's POV

Taehyung leaned his back against the wall beside the door. When Jin informed him about Haneul's accident he quickly went there and found Haneul unconscious. He then brought her to the KSJ Hospital as it wasn't far and Jin was the one who treated her. His blank eyes stared at the white floor of the hospital. Lee Minho was also there. How can he stay back when his sister got into an accident? He is afraid to lose her again.

"Thank you." He said to the gangster, the husband of his beloved sister.

Taehyung smirked. Staring at Lee Minho's eyes straight he said,

"Don't think I saved your sister. If she isn't alive then how will I make you regret?"

He cocked his head. The familiar maniac glint lit on his black eyes.

"I'll make you taste every inch of the pain which my sister felt because of you." Saying he went away. Lee Minho fell on his knees on the cold floor. Will he be able to save his sister from this monster?

Meanwhile, inside the room where Jungkook was talking to Haneul.

"Did you.....Did you remember your past?"

"Y-Yes." He softly looked at her hearing her shaky voice.

"Can you tell me what actually happened?"

She deeply sighed.

"I actually don't know what happened to my father. But I learnt from Namjoon oppa that my father and Taehyung's father were friends."

"I see. I also do know that Mr. Lee and appa were friends but I didn't know you were his daughter. I only saw Minho hyung then."

"It was because I wasn't allowed to go out and I wasn't in Seoul. Lee Minho oppa was 20 and I was 13 years old when we were sent to the Tokyo city of Japan. I guess it was the year after Taehyung was sent to the juvenile center."

She paused for a second and took a deep breath.

"We used to live in a small apartment. After our father's death Uncle Junghee was the one who took care of us. Neither him and neither Minho oppa told me about father's death. They told me he died in a car accident and our mother died while giving me birth. I didn't even know who you guys were and also didn't know Minho oppa and Jisoo unnie were in love with each other. Time passed by happily but then the day came which took our happiness. At night we were returning from uncle Junghee's house and suddenly a van hit with our car. We were badly injured and for that we were in coma for five months. When I woke up the first person I met with was Uncle Junghee. I couldn't recall what happened so I asked him and he said he knows me."

"WHAT?! He didn't tell you about your brother and the truth?"

"I also don't know why he didn't tell me. Remember when you first asked me about him? The story starts from there. Uncle Junghee said I was an orphan and he was the one who took me to the orphanage telling my father abandoned me."

Just then she realised something. A lone tear escpaed from her eye. Although her father did horrible things to Taehyung's family he didn't just abandon her. He loved her.

"So what about his disappearance?"

"I still don't know. After a month he just stopped coming to meet me"

Jungkook was quiet for a moment.

"Now I understand. It's all Lee Junghee's plan."

"What plan?" Haneul asked feeling confused. Jungkook then took out his phone and showed her the picture of her medical report. Seeing this Haneul's eyes became wide in shock. She was given drug regularly which was why she forgot her memory.

"I-It can't be." She whispered.

"Jin hyung was suspicious about Taehyung's revenge on you. So he secretly took your blood sample and tested it. When he found out he started to give you antidote by mixing it with your food. It worked quickly as the one who gave you drug stopped giving the drug."

Haneul just couldn't believe it.

"Lee Junghee is the main culprit. I'm sure he's the one who planned the accident of you and your brother."

"B-But why will uncle Junghee do this?"

"He knows it well. That's why I'm trying my best to find him."

Haneul felt so broken. Her father killed Taehyung's father. Her brother who was the lover of Taehyung's sister betrayed her and left her heart broken. The poor girl couldn't bear the mental pain and killed herself. Taehyung was sent to juvenile center and his whole childhood went in immense pain because of them. Then the father figure she always respected and loved was the one who betrayed her. Now Taehyung wants revenge from all of them by using her. And the worst part is she unknowingly fell in love with him who won't even love her back.

'Why am I still alive? Why didn't I die in that accident?'

Jungkook felt her inner turmoil. He engulfed her in a warm hug and lightly caressed her head.

"Trust is the thing which can be earned easily if you're naive Haneul. You won't even know who'll stab you behind your back. That's why we gangsters don't follow our hearts. We follow what our minds say."

Haneul pulled away from the hug and blankly stared at the floor. Her silence was killing Jungkook.

"Do you want to meet with your brother?" He asked.

"No. Not now." Her voice sounded cold as ice.

Now she knows who she is and she'll act like it.

"They did a mistake so let them feel the pain."

Jungkook nodded his head and went outside of the room. Before finding Lee Junghee he needs to meet with that caretaker of the orphanage as he was the one who told Haneul about what connection she has with Lee Junghee. He might get some hints.

On the other hand, in a dark basement.

A man is tied in front of Lee Junghee.

"Please leave me. I did what you told me to do and it was completed long ago." The man pleaded.

"You did the job greatly by being the caretaker or I say a fake caretaker." His eyes pierced through the man's soul.

"Now if you stay alive I'll be caught soon but I still want the show to be continued."

"No p-please."

"Oh do you think Agent Jeon Jungkook will spare you if he knows you're a drug smuggler? He'll kill you in the spot mister. More painfully."

The man gulped in fear, regretting his life why he agreed to do a cunning person like Lee Junghee's work.

"Take a good care of him, kid." He ordered Soobin and the boy flinched listening him.

"Yes s-sir."

Lee Junghee smirked while walking out from the basement and sat inside his car.

"Agent Jeon. It's not easy to play with Lee Junghee. I'm always one step ahead of you guys."

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