Chapter 34

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Jieun's POV

It's been four weeks Taehyung has confessed to me. Those days were so beautiful. I never saw Taehyung this happy. When the first time I saw him smiling I was determined to make him smile like that forever. The members were so emotional seeing Taehyung so lively. I saw it in their eyes. Some days ago when we all were bickering in the hallroom Taehyung laughed out loudly seeing Jin oppa getting hit by Jungkook. Their eyes were shining like glittering pearls. I even saw tears in Yoongi oppa's eyes.

All this time Taehyung kept his feelings to himself. The painful memories of his childhood were eating him and he couldn't even express it to anyone because he thought no one could ever understand what he felt. But I saw relief in his eyes when he told me everything about his past. Whenever I saw Taehyung sleeping there was something which I couldn't understand. There was stress. His face would held pain, distress, agony. Whenever Taehyung whould stare at me I would feel goosebumps. My whole body would shiver seeing his stone cold gaze on me. His charcoal black orbs were like a maze. They used to held hate for me. I remember the day when he gave me a single black rose.

Black rose doesn't only mean hate and revenge. It also means a new beginning.

But now I'm fond of the new side of him. His eyes, they felt lively, full of adoration and love. His giggles are like music to my ears. Oh boy he was a big baby whipped for cuddles and kisses. I was so shocked that I don't know how many times I've choked seeing him like that. But this side of Taehyung is only for us, me and his gang members. Taehyung is a passionate lover and also a sadistic assassin. Sometimes he comes home late at night after doing his missions. If I wake up in that time, I see him bathed in blood. It's not like Taehyung kills any innocent.

After taking shower and freshening up he comes to sleep by hugging me close to him. I feel so relaxed seeing him sleeping peacefully. I would silently watch him breathing. I would caress his cheeks, jaw and lips. I would ran my fingers through his wavy black hair.

Sometimes the nights are rough. You know what I mean. Cough cough. Anyways I'm now getting ready for my job. I quickly climbed downstairs and went to the dining room. Only Jimin and Hobi oppa were sitting there. I guess the rest of them already left for their respective works.

"Good morning oppas." I greeted and they smiled.

"Good morning Jieun." Hobi oppa said.

"I'm still not used to call you by this name." Hobi oppa chuckled at Jimin oppa's words while placing my breakfast on the table. Woah. Sandwich. It looks so yum yum.

"Hobi hyung made it." Jimin oppa grinned. Then I must eat this. I took a bite and slowly chewed the food. All of a sudden I felt a bit weird. I don't know why. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. Hobi and Jimin oppa both looked at me.

"What happened Hani?" Jimin oppa asked while Hobi oppa poured water on a glass.

Not able to hold more I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up on the toilet. They both also ran behind me. Hobi oppa rubbed my back and held my hair, preventing them to fall on my face. After throwing up twice I breathed out and rinsed my mouth.

"Hey are you okay?" Hobi oppa asked.

"Is the sandwich too bad? I'm sorry then."

"N-no. No. Not at all. It was really good. I don't know. I suddenly felt sick. Maybe morning sickness." I said. I really don't want to break Hobi oppa's heart. He made the breakfast for me with so much love. But why am I feeling like throwing up? I usually like sandwiches in morning.

Jimin oppa helped me to sit on the chair. Hobi oppa handed me the glass and I drank the water in one go. I looked at the food which Hobi oppa made for me. I want to eat it. I again took a bite but now I feel good. Don't know what happened earlier.

"Are you feeling good?" Jimin oppa asked and I nodded.

I quickly finished my breakfast and went to our SUV, heading towards the KSJ Hospital.

At 3:00 pm.

My work was almost done but I'm feeling so tired that I can barely open my eyes. I usually don't feel like this. What happened to me? Sudden nauseas, vomiting and.... wait. Why didn't I think about it earlier? Gosh. I'm so dumb. Now that I think of it Taehyung didn't use protection and my period is also late. Could it be.....? Oh my God. I should check up first. I need Jin oppa's help then. As my schedule was over I went to Jin oppa's cabin. As soon as I stepped forward my head felt heavy and I clutched my hair. My knees became weak and I fell on the floor. Before blacking out I saw Lisa running towards me.


I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a couch in a familiar room. I recognised it. It's Jin oppa's cabin. As soon as I sat up I saw Jin oppa standing in front of his desk, leaning against it while his hands were holding a file. His delicate wolf like eyes stared at the paper. He then looked at me. Silence remained between us. He then suddenly hit my head lightly with the file.

"Idiot! How can you be so careless?"

"W-what happened?"

"Read it." He shoved me the file and I looked at it. My eyes immediately widened in shock. OH MY GOD. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.

"I-I'm pregnant." I whispered the words. And suddenly I felt a bone crushing hug.


My eyes brimmed with happy tears.

"I guessed it when Hobi told me you threw up in the morning. When you lost your consciousness Lisa called me and I brought you in my cabin. I took your blood sample and sent it to the hospital lab for a pregnancy test. So we got the result quickly."

"I'm so happy oppa." I said while rubbing and wiping my tears like a baby.

"Looks like a baby is going to have a baby." He teased and I slapped his arms.

"So when are you going to tell Tae?"

This question made me think.

"Oppa. I know Taehyung will be very happy to know that he's going to be a dad but that day when he confessed to me he said his fear was to lose me, to lose us. We still don't know anything about Lee Junghee's whereabouts and then there's Lee Minho. Taehyung is still restless about the attacks. If I tell him about my pregnancy you know what he'll do."

Jin oppa nodded at my words. I then held his hands and said,

"I will tell him in the right time oppa. Until then...can you keep it secret?"

Jin oppa looked at me and then at my hands. Engulfing my hands in his big plams he said,

"Okay but be careful. You're now carrying another life inside you Jieun."

I smiled and nodded.

I'm now currently sitting inside the SUV, keenly staring at the streets while driving. Jin oppa will come later as he caught up with some important works. On my way towards home my eyes suddenly landed on a cafe or I say a bakery shop. I immediately braked the SUV and licked my lips. Pastries are my weakness. I parked the car and went to the cafe. But as soon as I stepped towards it I bumped into someone.

"Ouch. I'm sorry." I quickly apologised and looked up only to get shocked. It was Lee Minho.

"Oh it's you." He whispered. There were different kinds of emotions in his eyes. Are they wet? I'm not going lie but I really want to hug my big brother. He seemed broken. Dark circles under his eyes are telling that he hasn't slept for days. I felt a pang in my heart. My hands were aching to touch his face, to caress his cheeks. But Taehyung's image flashed in my mind and I pulled my hand back.

"I'm sorry for my behavior in that day M-Mrs Kim." He shuttered saying 'Mrs Kim'. I narrowed my eyes.

"We need to talk." I said while grabbing his arms, pulling him towards the café. I need some answers from him.


My fingers played with the spoon while he was sitting in front of me, sipping his black coffee.

"I understand what you're feeling Mr. Lee." I said and he looked at me. I need to dig his past which he kept secret from me. As he doesn't know I have recalled my memories so he will share his past with me in order to make me remember him.

" carried by my emotion." He said.

"I heard from Taehyung that your sister is...."

"NO. She isn't." His voice was a bit loud. He then relaxed his shoulder.

"I believe. I know she's still alive." He said looking at me. I gripped my left fist under the table.

"Can you tell me what happened to your sister?" I asked. He silently stared at me. I then quickly said,

"It's okay if you aren't comfortable...."

"No. It's okay." He sounded calm now. I see. He started to tell his story.

"My sister's name is Lee Jieun. She was the angel in my life, my baby sister. Four years ago we both went to coma because of a planned accident."

"Planned?" I frowned my eyes. Does he also know about Lee Junghee?

"Our father's closest friend, uncle Junghee. After our father's death he was the one who took care of us. But he betrayed us. He was the one who took my sister away from me. Until now I trusted him blindly. But truth can't be hidden forever. I got to know his true face a few days ago. I guess he tried to kill me but maybe his daughter stopped him from doing that."

"His daughter?" I again asked. What's happening? Lee Junghee has a daughter?

"He has a daughter which he kept secret from everyone. Her name is Rośe."


"Do you have a picture of her?"

"Yes." He showed me her photo from his phone and my heart dropped. It really is Rośe. So all this time all our whereabouts and informations were leaked by her. My eyes widened in realisation.

That day when Taehyung's file was gone it was actually her. Even when Taehyung's father's violin got burnt she was also there which means she had done that. All this time she just pretended to be their friend. I guess she also stole the red box which Namjoon oppa told me.

"The first time I saw you I thought it was really my sister Jieun." I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Lee Minho's voice.

"Why did you think it was me?"

"Cause you do resemble her. And I have a past with Taehyung. I thought he was taking revenge on me."

"What revenge?" I tried to act I don't know any of it. A sad sigh escaped from his mouth.

"His big sister Kim Jisoo was my lover."

I pretended to be shock.

"We truly loved each other. But one day she suddenly started to ignore me. I don't know what happened to me. I can't remember. She just broke up with me saying my father killed her father, she doesn't love me anymore, she was using me and so on."


How can it be possible? As long as I know he was the one who cheated on her. He was the one who hurt her.

"After that I along with my sister was sent to Tokyo, Japan. We haven't met each other after that. I don't even know how she is now."

I feel like my words are stuck at my throat.

'He doesn't even know she's dead.'

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