Chapter 41

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(Don't forget to read the previous chapters >-<)

Author's POV

Namjoon and Jin were cautiously hiding behind the grey concrete wall. A while ago the car which they were following stopped in front of this huge warehouse which is situated inside the forest area.

"Isn't this a bit weird Namjoon-ah? The area is pretty hideous."

"Yes hyung."

They saw someone getting out of the car dressed in full black and they were sure it wasn't Taehyung. They can't even see the person's face as he was wearing a mask neither his eyes because of the black sunglass and cap. But he looked familiar. So familiar.

As soon as the guards who were guarding the place saw the person, immediately they moved from their spots and the male went inside. The security around the place is so tight and Namjoon was thinking how to get inside this warehouse. Meanwhile Jin was keenly observing the place. The sun is going to rise soon but still the place looks so quite and cold, a totally spine chilling atmosphere. He shivered a little while rubbing his arms. Obviously people usually don't come here. Who knows which gangster or mafia's territory it is cause it's way too far from the Bangtan Palace and Namjoon himself is new to this place.

Taehyung groaned when he tried to open his eyes and move his body. He was blindfolded. Feeling something metallic against his skin he realized he was bound with chains. Not only this but also his hands and legs were cuffed with the chair he was sitting on.

"Tch." He gritted his teeth.

'It feels like my head will burst because of the burgeoning migraine. Where am I and who the fuck did this?' He thought while trying to get rid of the cuffs.


Some moments ago.

Taehyung felt a presence in the room and alerted his mind. He pulled out his dagger from his back pocket. And within a second he bend down. As a result the one who was about to attack him missed the chance.

"So there's a party huh?" Taehyung muttered before swinging his dagger at the masked male. But before he can stab the man someone hit his head with a baseball bat hardly from behind. The assassin clutched his head tightly feeling the throbbing pain but still tried to fight back.

'Who the fuck is this? Attacking from my blind spot.'

He understood one of two was a female. No one can even hear the sounds as the gaming room was soundproof.

Taehyung managed to dig his dagger on the male's shoulder but he was again hit on his head and fell on the floor.

Flashback ends.

Jieun's thought crept in his mind and he immediately stopped in his tracks. Someone took her and attacked him. Damn. That bloody person was quick and clever to attack him from his blind spot.

He started to become extremely worried for her. How's she? Where's she? Is she okay? Just then sound of clicking heels reached his ears. He clenched his jaw feeling someone's presence coming near him. The strong cologne of the very person was making him irritated.

"Who the fuck are you and where's my wife?" Taehyung's angry voice echoed in the room.

"Your wife? She's okay, until now."

'Wait? This voice. Is it what I'm thinking?'

"Open his blindfold." The person ordered one of the guards and he hesitantly went to do it, knowing what Kim Taehyung actually can do.

As soon as the black cloth was removed Taehyung quickly closed his eyes because of the binding lights and then slowly opened them to see who it was. And his guess was right. It is Minji.

"What the fuck are you doing Minji-ah?" His cold gaze landed on her and the girl gave him a sultry smile earning a disgust from the assassin.

"Oh I just want to be with you Tae oppa." She said, emphasizing the word 'Oppa'. 

"Have some shame Minji. I'm a married man."

"Which marriage are you talking about? You literally forced her to marry you. You didn't love her. She doesn't deserve you either."

"Pfft." Taehyung laughed out. His laugh echoed in the room making the guards standing there shiver violently.

"Who are you to say whether she deserves me or not?" He darkly said and the girl clenched her fists. Then a sly smirk plastered on her lips as she moved closer to him and shamelessly sat on his lap. Taehyung's eyes darkened. That place is only for his babygirl and no one else. How dare she!

"Your soon to be wife."

"You've gone mad." He said in disbelief hearing what she just said. Her fingers traced his jaw.

"I'm not joking oppa. You know your pretty little wifey is still under my control. My one order and she...."


"I'm not in a mood to argue with you." The girl said with a bored tone while getting up and then turned around.

"Just leave her Minji. Why brining her in this matter? She has nothing to do with it."

Minji looked at him.

"Yes. She has nothing to do with it. But she's the main obstacle between me and you. And I just want to remove her. That day when she kissed you, my hands were aching badly just to kill her in that spot. You're only mine Tae. Only mine and if you aren't mine then nobody's."

This girl has a serious crazy obsession with him.

"Say whatever you want. But I'm never gonna be yours. I and her love each other, so deep that you can't even imagine Minji."

"WHAT SHE HAS THAT I DON'T HAVE? HUH? I'm far more better than her. Why can't you just love me Tae?" She yelled.

"Oh I see. She can warm your bed that's why..."

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH." Taehyung growled, literally jerking his hands violently to remove the cuffs just to choke her to death with his bare hands.

"Where is your brother and where are you? Sometimes I think if you're really his sister or not." Taehyung scoffed at her.

The girl chuckled while bending down to his level. Taehyung averted his gaze as the girl was wearing such a revealing cloth, showing her cleavage.

"What do you think who helped me to get you here huh?"

And Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"Although you managed to hit him but he's also a tough one like you oppa."


"Oh it's none other than my dear brother."

Namjoon easily broke in the security room and tackled two of the four guards down while Jin skillfully pressed some nerves of the other two, temporarily paralyzing them.

"That was easy though." Namjoon said while tapping his fingers on the keyboards, looking at the screens of the cctv footages of the whole warehouse, observing the details.

"They are just idiotic fools." Jin scoffed at them and looked outside to see if anyone was coming or not.

"Hey is that Tae?"  He averted his gaze where Namjoon was pointing at. Widening his eyes he moved closer to the screen. It is Taehyung.

"Why is he chained up? Who did this and when did it happen?" 

"Hurry. We should go there hyung."

The two mafias quickly headed towards the room where Taehyung was. Strange. Why isn't there any guard despite knowing that who Taehyung is? Or they say V.

"Let me go first." As Jin said Namjoon nodded while loading his gun with bullets.

"Don't let your guard down hyung." The leader spoke, cautiously stepping inside following the eldest.

Feeling familiar presences around him Taehyung muttered,

"Is it you hyung?"

"Taehyung-ah." Jin ran to his cousin and removed the blindfold.

"These bastards also took Jieun." Taehyung gritted his teeth.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"What do you mean? Which bastards? For God's sake she's pregnant."

Namjoon tightly gripped his gun.

"Who the fuck did this?"

"I did this."

The trio looked at the direction where the voice came from. And in that moment they felt the ground beneath them slipped seeing the person whom they never ever expected, even in their worst nightmares.

"Dad?" "Uncle Kim?"

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