Chapter 43

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Namjoon's POV

Jin hyung's face fell. My heart dropped hearing what dad just said. Does he even know what he is saying?

"You're kidding right?" Jin hyung's voice was deep. Dad was neutral. He looks like he doesn't even care about any of us.

"Not at all." Dad said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Have you ever thought why you three always feel so attached to each other despite being cousins?"

The question hit us hard. Yeah we never think about it. But it was true. The seven of us are close to each other but me, Jin hyung and Tae are a bit different. Now that I think about it whenever we discuss about something personal it's always Jin hyung, me and Taehyung. I don't know if hyung and Tae ever felt it but I always felt our bond was deeper than the bond we share with Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung and Jimin. Jungkook's matter was different. I also felt the same when I met him for the first time despite knowing that he was Tae's step brother. But I would shrug the thought away thinking we are cousins.

My thought broke when I heard Jin hyung said,

"What connection does it has with our relationship?" Hyung raised one of his eyebrows.

"Because you three aren't cousins my child."

I frowned at him. What does me mean by we aren't cousins? Wait. He said he wasn't our father.....then talking about us three feeling attached despite being cousins.....telling we aren't cousins so that means.....

My eyes widened. It can't be.

Author's POV

"You surely are intelligent Namjoon-ah." Mr. Kim said while smirking viciously. Jieun closed her eyes, letting her tears fall.

"No way." Jin looked at his dongsaengs.

All this time they thought Taehyung was their cousin but no. They were actually brothers, blood brothers. They share the same blood. Jin fell on his knees.

'He hid this very big truth from us.'

He clenched his fists in deep agony.

"All this time you were lying. Fucking bastard. Bloody motherfucker. HOW DARE YOU TO DO THIS." He growled angrily looking at the old man who was fooling them all the time. That means Jisoo was also their sister. Knowing their real father dead and the killer was none other than their was actually adding fuel to the flame.

"Well not my fault. That time when you were four years old and Namjoon was two, one of your father's rivals attempted to kill you both. Taehyung was still in your mother's womb and Jisoo was only three. Your father couldn't take the risk of losing you all. So he send the two of you to me, in London. He told me to take care of you both until you grow up and requested me to keep this as a secret. And I just took the advantage of it. You both grew up in London where Taehyung and Jisoo in Seoul, far away from you where I was decorating my plan. So smooth. You all believed me blindly. But the problem was the fucking Lee who was your father's friend. Somehow he got to know about me and I had to take the big step. I had to remove the thorns. So I made them kill themselves, I made Jisoo kill herself. I did all of those without drenching my hands in blood. Haha....hahaha." His sadistic laugh echoed in the room.

"Then Lee Minho. I took care of that situation by Lee Junghee. I threatened him using his daughter Rośe and man..... he obeyed me."

Jieun harshly bit her lips and gripped the fabric of her dress tightly. Lee Junghee closed his eyes.

Taehyung was quiet. This was too much for him to take.

"You two were nothing to me but my pawns." Mr. Kim looked at Jin and Namjoon.

"Now get up and do what I have told you earlier."

"Pfft." Jin laughed out while standing up. He picked Namjoon's gun which was lying on the ground.

"After knowing what you have done to us you still had the audacity to tell us what to do or not."

This is bad. Jin was a person who usually doesn't show his anger or intimidating side easily. But when he's out of control he's just like his brother. Meanwhile Namjoon didn't even move from his spot neither Taehyung.


The trio along with Jieun flinched on their spots hearing the gun shot. Mr. Kim fired his gun at the ceiling.

"Don't do anything foolish." He snapped his fingers and immediately his men surrounded the room with their guns pointed at Jieun.

"Drop your gun Jin. Even if you kill me my men won't hesitate to kill you sister-in-law." But Jin didn't move an inch.

"I said drop.your.gun."

And Jin did what he told. Mr. Kim then looked at Taehyung.

"Taehyung. If you don't want me to do this then tell your brothers."

This fucking old man is a psycho.

"Don't Tae." Jieun remarked. But immediately yelped feeling the harsh grip on her arms by Mr. Kim.

Seeing the gun dangerously close to Jieun Taehyung couldn't think of anything.

"Hyung hit me." He spoke adamantly, looking straight at the gun which was aimed at his wife's baby bump.

Jin and Namjoon were still frozen on their spots. How can they hit their own brother?
They looked at Jieun. The girl shook her head telling them not to do it, her nose and cheeks were red due to crying.

"Hyung please hit me." Taehyung again said.

Jin clenched his fists. Namjoon gulped the lump of his throat.


Another gunshot was heard. The bullet nearly passed Jieun making the girl shiver violently.

"FUCKING HIT ME!" And Taehyung punched Namjoon's face.

Jin closed his eyes and raised his hands. His fist harshly collided with Taehyung's cheek and the boy fell on the floor. Namjoon's foot shot out, kicking the assassin's stomach. And Taehyung didn't fight back.

"NO. PLEASE OPPA. STOP." Jieun struggled to freed herself from the old man's grip.

Taehyung spat blood because of the continuous punches and kicks. Jin and Namjoon felt like dying because of the pain. They can't do anything. They can't risk Jieun's life. They can't risk the baby's life.

"Please tell them to stop. Please." Jieun cried out and Mr. Kim let out a satisfied laugh.

"Stop." Both Jin and Namjoon fell on the floor panting hard. Their eyes were red due to crying.

"I'm sorry Tae." Jin silently cried.

"Please forgive me." Namjoon breathed out.

"Well done." Mr. Kim chuckled while sitting on a chair.

"You surely are enjoying, dad." A new voice was heard and they looked at the direction. It was Jinyoung along with Minji.

"Dad~ Why did you hurt my Taetae?" The girl pouted while sitting on another chair beside her dad. Jieun snickered at her remark and the boys made a disgusted face.

But wait. Them calling him dad. Dad?

"Time for another big mystery. I would like you all to meet your real cousins, my son Jinyoung and my daughter Minji."

"Hello there cousins."

Jinyoung smirked and Minji winked at them.

"So they are your real children." Namjoon darkly said, ogling at the two siblings. Jinyoung was just like his dad, a traitor. And Minji. Just don't say anything about her.

"Bastards." Jin growled. Taehyung slowly sat up.

"Just release Jieun. She has nothing to do with you." The gangster said.

"Oh she's the main character here Taehyung-ah." Mr. Kim twirled his gun.

"But I can. You know love demands sacrifice. If you're willing to sacrifice something then Jieun's safe."

And Taehyung didn't hesitate to answer.

"I'll do anything. Just leave her."

"Are you mad Taehyung? N-No you can't..." Jieun's voice broke.

"I would rather die than see you in pain Jieun-ah." Taehyung softly muttered. Jin and Namjoon placed their hands on his shoulder.

"We're with you Tae."

The assassin's charcoal black eyes looked at Mr. Kim.

"Tell me what do you want now."

Mr. Kim patted his daughter's head and Minji viciously smirked.

"Do you want it daughter?"

"Yes yes. Oh dad you're the best."

Mr. Kim then turned to Taehyung.

"You have to marry Minji Taehyung-ah."

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