Chapter 49

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Jieun's POV

Another week passed.

The boys tried their best to cheer me and Taehyung up. It was hard. So hard to believe that our baby isn't with us. Rośe came to visit us yesterday. I heard from her that uncle Junghee won't be able to walk because of the bullet injury. He'll be living with Minho oppa now. Oppa told me that he has forgiven him for his deeds but he still has trust issues.

Many things have happened in our life in the past weeks. So many betrayals to shatter our hearts. It wasn't any enemy, it was our very own family who betrayed us.

Now everything's clear. Jin oppa, Namjoon oppa, Jisoo unnie and Taehyung, they are siblings, blood siblings and their father was killed by none other than their uncle, for the Kim's empire. My dad got to know the truth so he also killed him and as uncle Junghee was dad's closest friend, he used him by threatening to kill his daughter Rośe. He was the reason of Jisoo unnie and Minho oppa's breakup and also the killer of unnie.

Everything was planned in front of our very eyes and we didn't even get to know about it. Heck we couldn't even suspect a thing.

Now that we know about it, we won't leave a chance to take them down.

And I want to start it from Minji.

I quickly took shower and wore my outfit.

I know who can help me with my plan. A smirk formed on my lips.

Just wait for your destruction uncle Kim.

I knocked the door of Yoongi oppa's room. These days I didn't had a proper talk with him. He was feeling so guilty but he wasn't at any fault. A faint 'come in' was heard and I twisted the knob. I saw him lying on his bed, aimlessly staring at the ceiling. Seeing me he hurriedly got up.

"J-Jieun? Do you need something?" His voice was hoarse. I sat beside him and he looked away.

"Won't you talk with me oppa?"

"I-I..." He couldn't utter anything. I gently held his hands and squeezed them in my small palms.

"I'm not angry on you neither upset."


"It wasn't your fault oppa." I took a deep breath before saying,

"I need your help."

Straight to the point.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. My eyes darkened as I told him my plan. Within a second the familiar smirk crept on his lips hearing me. That's it. That's the thing I want to see.

"It would be my pleasure to do it and I'm gonna do it without any hesitation." Saying he pulled me outside towards their planning room.

"Now princess tell me  from whom I should start."

"Minji." My eyes shone seeing his smug smirk.

He sat on his chair before opening his laptop and continuously pressed the keyboards. I watched in amusement as he was opening one after another files while clicking the mouse and lastly entered a site which I couldn't understand. He searched and searched and after some minutes he found it, her location.

"That girl is too careless to notice anything. She's at a strip club now."

I smirked as he said and hugged him.

"Thanks oppa."

Then something clicked on my mind. How did oppa found her?

"How did you do it?" I asked.

"Well I entered that fucking warehouse of them in a disguise as a servant. I secretly replaced her ring which she always wears with a duplicate one when she was showering. It has a tracker. I thought we will have benefits in future if I do it."


Taking informations of the club and bidding him goodbye I went to the basement where Jimin and Hobi oppa are now. I tapped the passcode and went inside one of the practice room. Peeking through the door I saw Jimin oppa continuously punching a punching bag and Hobi oppa observing him. Soon the punching bag ripped making Jimin oppa nervously chuckle at Hobi oppa.

"It's the third time today you ripped it. I won't replace it Jiminie." Hobi oppa folded his arms and said.

"Hyung." Jimin oppa whined.

"Wait. Someone's here." As Hobi oppa said I stepped inside.

"It's Jieun." Jimin oppa came to hug me but I lightly poked his chest, playfully pushing him away.

"You're sweaty oppa."

"Oops sorry."

"Why are you here Jieun? It's almost evening." Hobi oppa asked me.

"I need your help oppas." As I said they both looked at me with serious expressions.

"Come with me to the XXY strip club."



"Seriously Jieun? I was too shocked to give a reaction." Jimin oppa said while driving his luxurious Audi. Hobi oppa chuckled a bit hearing him.

"Not my fault. It's her location."

After I told them about the matter they agreed to go with me. That was swift. But the reaction of them were priceless. Why will I go to a strip club man? And that too when my husband is the dominating one. I shivered at the thought. I should focus on my plan.

Now I, Jimin and Hobi oppa are going to the strip club which Yoongi oppa told me. Minji surely is there and it's a perfect chance to take advantage of it. I felt the car stop so that means we reached our destination.

Hobi oppa helped me to get out of the car. They both got ready and hid their guns beneath their jackets. Jimin oppa handed me a mini dagger and a gun, for extra protection. I was thrilled just by holding it. Jin oppa surely gonna lecture us for this.

"Okay so the plan is I'm gonna look for that girl and Jieun will stay with Hobi hyung okay? Don't go here and there and Hobi hyung don't look for any chicks." Jimin oppa sternly said and Hobi oppa rolled his eyes at him.

"Look who's talking about finding new chicks."

They playfully glared  at each other and I chucked at them. Most of the time they both are send together on a mission so I thought of bringing them with me. As soon as we entered the club I saw numerous girls dancing on the stage like attention seeking sluts. I rolled my eyes at them and stood close to Hobi oppa. Jimin oppa was already gone.

"I wonder where Minji is?" I whispered. Hobi hyung took me to the bar.

"Probably whoring around." He muttered but I clearly heard it and laughed.

Author's POV

Jimin went straight to the VIP booth. Yoongi sent him a message saying she was there. XXY club wasn't a normal strip club. It's run by many mafias and many things can happen here without any care of anyone. Jimin knows it and he was shocked when Jieun said the name to him. Later he understood that old man's daughter was here and Jieun wants to lock her in their base and punish her herself. Well not that he mind.

He just went straight and whoever tried to stop him he just showed his gun. He didn't have to show it either. His one stare was enough.

When he went inside he saw the girl was grinding on a man, just what he thought. He rolled his eyes when the man saw him and gulped in fear. Everyone knows who Park Jimin is and what he is capable to do. 

Minji was too drunk to notice the young gangster. The man which she was using to quench her sexual desires got up and she whined.

"Hey! I didn't pay you for fucking 30 minutes." She yelled but the man was long gone as Jimin gestured him to go away. Now no one's here except her and Jimin.

The fighter stood in front of her and grabbed her jaw. He wants to crush her. He wants to pierce her throat then and there for hurting his sister.

Jieun wasn't his blood sister but the bond between them wasn't less than that.

"Such a whore you are." Jimin's cold gaze landed on the girl who was trying to sit on his lap.

"So from where should we start?" He said, his smirk not leaving his lips.


"Where is oppa?" Jieun said looking here and there for Jimin.

"I wonder also......wait." Hoseok pulled out his phone as it rang. After a little talk he cut the call and held Jieun's hands, quickly heading towards outside.

"Where are we going oppa?" Jieun confusingly asked. 

'Shouldn't we wait for Jimin oppa?'

"Jimin called." As Hoseok answered she flinched when she heard yelling from inside.


The male smirked at the petite girl's shocked face. Some of the bodyguards ran towards the direction.

"Jimin did his work."

"What about the cctv cameras?"

"Oh Jieun I defused them earlier."

"Woah." She said in amusement.

"Jimin just killed her guard and he's in the car right now."

"You can't go out sir." The guards who were at the entrance stopped them.

Jieun's eyes shone before they darkened as Hoseok pulled out his gun and shot those men who tried to stop them from getting out of the club.

"It's time to have some fun."

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