Chapter 9

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Haneul POV

It's morning

I woke up and quickly freashned up. Then I went to the kitchen only to see Jin making breakfast. Woah! Never imagined I'll see Dr. Jin like this. Oviously he's looking so hot in that white shirt which was folded upto his elbow along with a pink kitchen apron. His broad shoulder was relaxed and he was busy furnishing the dish he was making. What are you thinking again Hani?

I mentally slapped myself. As Jin noticed me he gave me a smile and said,

"Oh Good morning Haneul."

"Good morning. Need any help?"

"No. But can you put those plates on the table."

I put the plates on the table and organised them. Woah. Jin made pancakes along with raspberries, honey and butter. There were also coffees and hot chocolate. But why one mug?

"Who drinks hot chocolate?"

"Oh it's V. He doesn't like coffee."

"I see."

"I forgot. Can you call the others for breakfast. Those idiots are still in their rooms."

What is he saying!!!???


"Yes. Any problem?"


Jin was secretly smirking at me. Fuck you Jin. I knew you wanted me to call V or Jungkook as I'm nervous with them. I glared at him while going upstairs.

The Palace is huge, so huge that I might get lost in it. I really haven't known all the rooms of this palace neither I roam. Climbing up to the stairs there was a big balcony and few rooms on the right side which were I guess their planning, study or who knows what rooms. I went to the the last room yesterday night which means it was Jungkook's study room. On the left side there were six rooms and the four of them were hyung line's. One was Namjoon's, one was Jin's, one was Suga's, one was Hobi's. The other two were a guest room which was for me and a gaming room. There were huge corridors on both sides. If you're gussing where's the maknae line's rooms then I tell you after passing the gaming room there's a big door and another small corridor where the three rooms were situated. One was Jimin's, one was V's and one was Jungkook's.

Okay. Now first I'll go to Hobi oppa's room as he doesn't seem so confusing like the others. But before knocking the door I saw Hobi oppa already getting out of his room.

"Ooo Haneul. Need anything?"

"No oppa. Just Jin oppa's calling for breakfast."

"Okay. I'm going." He gave me his sunshine smile and went away.

Then I went to Namjoon oppa's room. I knocked the door twice and a deep 'come in' was heard. Oh he's so authoritative. I still feel goosebumps by his voice. I opened the door and saw all bright, neat and clean. There was a bookshelf on the corner and his room feels so asthetic. I saw him sitting in the balcony, reading a book. He reads book in this early morning!!

"What do you want little messenger?"

"Umm... Jin oppa's calling for breakfast."


I got out of the room and breathed out. Phew. Then Suga's room. I knocked but no response. I peeked inside and saw everything's dark. He's still asleep. Oh no. That means I have to wake him up. I gulped at the thought. Jimin said waking Suga up means going to the lion's den with my own will. Slowly I stepped inside and poked him, closing my eyes. He wiggled and looked at me.



"Oh." He took my hand and pushed me outside of his room.

"I'll come later. Let me sleep more." And he closed the door.

I blinked. What just happened? I then made my way towards the maknae line's rooms and stopped in my tracks, standing in front of the three rooms. Yes I know the hyung line's room I mean who's room is who's but I don't know about the maknae line's. Oh no. I definitely don't want to go to V's room. I'll first go to Jimin's then I'll tell him to bring V.

I tried to guess which was Jimin's room and I choose the middle one. I again knocked the door and again no response. I again peeked and saw none but only the sound of showering was heard from the bathroom. I observed the room. It's unconsciously beautiful, the color was black and grey. I cleared my throat and screamed a little,

"Whoever you are Jin oppa's calling for breakfast."

Still no response but I heard the shower off. I shrugged and waited a little but then when I was about to twist the knob of the door to go outside I turned around as I heard the bathroom's door open. And it was my big mistake. I froze in my spot.

Fuck! Oh man holy shit!

There standing V, all in his glory. He was watching me while wiping his hair with a towel. Water was dripping from his hair to his cheeks, lips and neck. He was wearing a black silk bathrobe which was making him more tempting and sexy. I was so lost in him that I didn't realise he's now standing in front of me. As soon as I realised I tried to ran away only to get pinned by him against the the wall. My back was against the wall and my front was pressed against him.

"There's no problem having fun with Jeon right? Then why running away from me, babygirl?" His deep voice sending shiver down my spine.

"Leave me." I gritted my teeth.

"You look more hot when you're angry." And I freaking blushed. He aggressively caressed my lower lip and said in his husky tone,

"Kiss me."

"What? Have you gone mad?"

"Why? There wasn't any problem kissing that Jeon yesterday. All alone in a room."

"I didn't kiss him."

"But you were about to."

"I thought you were a psycho but you're actually a psycho."

Oh no. I made another mistake. Listening this his eyes darkened, darker than the darkness. He gripped my jaw tightly and I whimpered. He forcefully tried to kiss me and I was struggling under his strong grip. I felt my tears flow and I closed my eyes. But I felt nothing not even his grip. I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me.

"Get out."

As he said it I wasted no time and went outside of his room. I wiped my tears.

"You're a monster V."

I then went to the left room. I saw Jimin lying on his bed, watching his mobile.

"Haenul. What happened?"

"Nothing. Breakfast."

"Ok I'm coming." I didn't let him understand what happened.

The last room was Jungkook's. But he wasn't in his room.

I went downstairs and saw Hobi and Namjoon oppa already there.

"What took you so long?" Jin asked.


I sat on a chair. Jungkook also wasn't there.

"Where's Jungkookie?" Namjoon oppa asked.

"He went early today."

"I see." I became sad that I couldn't meet him. I then saw Jimin, V and Suga oppa coming. Seeing V my cheeks became red and I felt angry. He smirked at me and suddenly sat on the chair beside me. I became shocked and was about to get up to switch my seat but he gripped my knee and I stopped.

"Don't dare to move." Whispering he put his big hand on my thigh which nobody saw because of the table. I felt so ticklish and......


I bit my lips as he squeezed my thigh.

"Fuck you." I cursed and gritted my teeth.

"Oh. I won't mind you riding on me." He muttered all smirking and I gave him a disgusted look.

The breakfast completed silently.

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