Chapter 17

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First of all, I am going to fall on my knees (please imagine virtually ;)) and beg for your forgiveness for not having updated in the past two months. My career has been taking a huge toll on me and I was also experiencing writer's block. I hope this chapter makes up for the lost time. 

Thanks a lot for 5k+ reads and 100+ votes. I thought this book was gone with the wind.

Now read on and enjoy the roller-coaster ride of Agent 47.

Tom did not look like a man who was not given food for the past 72 hours. Anybody looking at him would think that he was just a happy-go-lucky, extremely lean guy. No body could find a trace of depression that he had gone through with in the past few weeks. The feeling of freedom seemed more powerful than the word itself.  He walked in a wayward direction not knowing himself where he was going. He was too excited to be caught because he was going to pump in his adrenaline and run away wherever he could just to get away from the tunnel. But his happiness was short lived because right in front of him seemed a dead end where water was dripping from a tiny little hole which was the only source of daylight. Tom did not want to give up and thought that he would rather die than live in this hell like a starved animal. 

A wail escaped his parched lips. He thought he could go back to his father. Now his dreams seemed shattered like his heart. After all he was in this situation because of the person he loved the most - his girlfriend.

'No! I don't need to think about that wh**e! I have to get out of here!' 

He sat down and just then his hand got pricked on a sharp surface. 

"Ow!" He turned his head to see an axe lying right next to him. He felt the bulb of his brain suddenly glow because an idea struck him. 

He picked up the axe and felt his agility come back to life. He had to live for himself; for his father and for his nanny. He could do it. He definitely could do it. 

He struck the little hole making the mud around it to slither away and making it bigger which further caused more water to flow into the tunnel. He kept striking it and as the hole grew bigger and more volumes of water were flooding the tunnel, he swam in through and kept flipping his hands till he could feel the broad daylight brighten his pale face. 

He had finally found the opening of the tunnel. 

A huge smile stretched across his face. He was free like a parrot that flew out of its cage. 

But something spoilt his merry mood and he realized he had forgotten something.

What would have happened to 47?


Wolverine laid the pretty girl in his bed. He was developing a dangerous infatuation, an obsession which he very well knew was going to lead to his downfall. But he was already trapped in it. He couldn't help not falling for her. 

It was just pure testosterone in action was what he thought. 

 How could he feel so much for a girl in such a short span of time?

How could he just become so jealous at the thought of Milano keeping her with him? 

He would have never let any other man so much as lift his eyes to have a fractional look at her let alone Milano but the handsome payment was what stopped him from marking his territory. 

He would just have to bear with it else he would have to face consequences. Besides, he should be thankful to Milano for having assigned this mission to him. 


Diana's computer pinged indicating that 47 had reached the place of interest. She was shocked. Just an hour ago, the satellite stopped detecting him. She quickly dialed his number.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked worry dripping in her voice. 

"Got stuck in a tunnel." Was all he replied. 

She felt relieved that he was away from danger's reach. But how did he get out? 

"I got out the 47 way." He said reading her mind.

"47 way?" 

47 chuckled and replied, "That's for me to know and for you to find out." And with that he hung up.

Diana's lips were forced to twitch upwards.

47 continued his way to where the arsenals were kept. Everything was set up in the English Gothic style. There was two in number of everything. 

The AK-47s, AK-5, AK-104, AK-105 etc were lined up on the higher most part of the column of assault rifles. The CZ-805 BRENs were lined up in the middle and SS09s were in the lower section. 

The sniper rifles were no less. Blaser R93, Barette M98B, Armalite AR-50 and AWC G2........

His mind was blown off only with the rifles. He caught hold of an AK 47 which he deemed his favourite amongst the others. He clicked it once checking if it was full and he wasn't surprised to find it the way they should be kept - empty. He was very happy at the well-kept arsenals in front of him. After properly arming himself, he left the weaponry room and darted off to where his high profile target was enjoying his wine.

He went to the kitchen room and found what he wanted the most - wine bottles. He took out his most lethal weapon - anaesthetic injection. He injected the serum through the corks of the wine bottles and quickly slithered out like the poisonous snake that he was.   

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