Chapter 20

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So like I promised updates will be frequent and twists and turns will be there obviously. I don't know how far this story will go but I am quite grateful to all those who stayed by its side and did not give up on it. I will probably be updating a chapter a week but no promises on that one. I hope the upcoming chapters keep you as merry as they kept in the previous ones.

A big shout out for my 8k reads. :) I cannot explain my happiness to you. 

Kudos buddies now time to leap into the roller coaster. ;)

1 year later.......

Things were not the same. Milano had become more violent. Dr. Chrome had lost his patience and 47........well he was a lost cause. Nobody knew or understood his sudden departure. Things weren't the same anymore. Diana had become more monotone because she not only lost the love of her life to a spiraling depression and aggression but also her best friend literally.

She was now the handler of Agent 74 who was the exact opposite of 47. 

47 was always professional to her during the missions but 74 was anything but professional. 74 was only hitting on her like the flirtatious crocodile he was and even tried to seduce her. This irritated her like heck and she had asked Jacob to switch her with another agent but he didn't listen even when he had witnessed 74 misbehaving with her. It was as if she did not mean anything to him anymore and that was what hurt her. 

On the other side Milano was in his own world always laying around with any femme he got. He could just not get over the fact that he was the reason of his wife's death and in his rage became violent with his mistresses. 

His business had lowered drastically. Even though he used to doll up the girls he would sell, there would still be those bloody scars which could not be hidden even with the tons of make up thus spilling out the fact that they have been used before. 

Then on the fateful day of March 20, he found the locks to all the cages open and the girls that he had recruited were all gone. He was furious to say the least. From then on there was more security and any trespasser was immediately prosecuted. 

This had been the condition in the human trafficking office. 

The banks that he had put up seemed to have incurred losses as there had been a horrific genocide in the bank which gave the robber a perfect opportunity to extract the huge case which was filled up with a 100 million dollars. 

It was as if his dead wife wanted to torture him because after all these he started envisioning his wife everywhere. He felt as if his wife was calling out to him and laughing at his misery. But he knew those were his dirty thoughts. His wife was as pure as the driven snow. She would never want his ill-will even though he was the one who caused her so much of misery. She would always love him up even if she was angry and would soothe him to sleep. 

Milano was undergoing one of the roughest phases in his life. He had tried taking his life but then remembered his daughter who was the light to his dark at this point. The one person who lightened up his week with a two hour visit.

He tried fighting and gaining back his daughter but was in vain because he himself knew that he would never be able to provide her with the love and affection and the atmosphere that would turn her into a good woman. 

 He wanted the best for her. So even in his worst times he continued to send wads of cash for her education and lifestyle requirement which would be returned not so politely by his brother-in-law.

"Don't send that filthy money to me. My niece would never want to live on that money even if she were a beggar right now. I guess you are first supposed to help yourself, then take care of others."

As much as Milano tried to erase those words, it would always ring in his head upon the very much sight of his brother-in-law who would always regard him with a disgusted poker face.

His daughter was his not an another, but he did not have the strength to fight his brother-in-law anymore. He had given up on life. He had given up on his business. 

And he had also given up on love.

He had tried taking over doses of sleeping pills but then remembered his princess. The only one who was there for him. The only thing that he could call his.


"I don't want this life anymore, sir. I want to live my life as a normal human being where I am not a part of murders, robbery and genocides." 47 confessed with a solemn look overtaking his face.

"Don't worry son. All will be good. Just submit to the almighty and he will guide you on the right path." Father Christopher replied while patting 47's head softly. 

"Yes father. I will do as you say." 47 replied with a blank look enveloping his face.

"Now clean up the shed, son. We will be having a few guests today." 

47 replied with a head nod and picked up his broom and continued his job of the day. He heard chirping and looked up to see two love birds perched near the fountain. He looked at them and remembered the girl who had stolen his heart. He wished she could be there with him or somewhere close to him.

But now it was a lost cause. 

He did not know if he just cared for her or loved her but he knew that she was the first and last girl to step in his life.


What was that? 47 perked up and his head snapped up to the church. He ran up the steps skipping three to four in the middle. 

"Father." He yelled. He ran towards the entrance of the church and saw a car driving off. 

"Fatherrrrr." He shrieked. Sweat drizzled down his fit body. 

Why would someone do this to the Archbishop? The Archbishop never judged anybody. He was always kind to everybody. He was only a preacher for God's sake. 

His thoughts were interrupted when he found a box lying near his foot. He picked it up hesitantly and saw his code name written on it. 


That meant it was somebody who he dreaded to remember. Somebody who belonged to his past. His mind drifted to one name.

Giuseppe Milano. 


Well I hope you might have sensed that the last scene has been taken from the second game in the Hitman series (The silent assassin). But I just took a part of it. I will be combining scenes from Blood money, the fourth game in the series. I haven't played Absolution yet so I don't really know if I can write up anything from there. 

I hope you have a great day ahead.......

And that vote button would do wonders so please click on it. 

Comments in the form of constructive criticism are absolutely welcome.

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