Chapter 7

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First of all, I would like to thank all the readers who have supported me directly and indirectly. Your dedication forced me to continue this book. At #235 in science fiction, I feel great and have no idea how to thank you. This book was on hold for a year and gradually people read and it is doing quite well. Now, I promise I will finish this book and also the others which I have put on hold. I hope, 47 has your support throughout his journey. Now onto the story...................

47's bluetooth dinged signalling he had received a message from Diana. He took it off and checked it out. There was another target shortlisted. And the target was Fuchs' lawyer. 

Apparently it was him who has been the brain of Fuchs. It was evident that Fuchs was a reckless and dimwitted, which makes him the easier target. Plus Fuchs lawyer, Gilberto was Fuchs' nominee which meant that all of this dumb as heck's money was going to go to the fox in the lion's den. So there had to be a way in which the two high profile targets were going to be killed. And it had to be as stealthy as possible. 

47 took out his device and tried to locate the second target. The second target was in a room in the basement as per the satellites tracking ability. 47 trotted downstairs towards the basement, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned behind to see a woman staring at him with flirtatious eyes.

"I hope I can entertain you, handsome." She said batting her eyelashes. 

"I am sorry ma'am, but I am your servant for tonight hence I should be the one to entertain you," 47 replied politely. 

"Then dance wi-"

"By serving you some drinks. Let me get some more." With that 47 ran away as fast as a hare. He was supposed to get out as soon as possible especially before the sudden demise of his targets. 

At Dr. Chrome's lab

Sasha sat there watching the 'thing' they called her daughter being put into a huge machine. She had mixed feelings for this babe. She did not know whether she should be happy because she finally got rid of the thing or should she be sad that her soon-to-be replica will be another assassin. 

She felt as if she should just take away her baby and run away so that she could prevent her from becoming a hit woman but she had no choice. Should she take the babe back with her, millions of questions will be raised about her purity. She was born to a very strict christian father, who did not like her going out with her boyfriend, Jack, though Jack had promised to wait for her till marriage. 

How would she face her father with a babe in her arms? What would she say when they asked her who the father of the baby is?

Dr. Chrome had said that the baby will have the same genes as her because there was no meiosis in the ovum. So technically, the baby has her 'X' gene and her father's 'X' chromosome. 

That was ethically wrong. Very very wrong.

She had not realized that a few tears had escaped her already bloodshot eyes until someone wiped her tears. She looked up to see one of the scientist, who was probably in his mid twenties, staring down at her sympathetically. Had this been a different situation, Sasha would have found him handsome.

"She is being made for a good cause. 47 needs a lady in his life who can not only help him in completing his missions but also be there for him when he needs support. You have to forget about her and let her grow the way we want." He paused for a while and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. He handed it over to Sasha. "This is a cheque of one million dollars." He raised his hand to silence Sasha's protest. "For your ovum and for you to keep your mouth shut. We don't want anyone to know about these projects. So please, keep quiet and forget anything ever took place and go back to your world." With that said he held out his hand for her to take. Sasha gave one longing look to her baby as she clutched the scientist's palm and walked out of the lab holding her one million dollars in the other hand. 

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