Chapter Five: Demons, Murders, Claims, Oh My!

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Fog coated every part of the cobblestones, making it impossible to see anything. There were thirty other Demi's scattered about, waiting for me to be attacked. In an effort to making the demons find me easier, Geayu took out a few of the stitches on my abandon, allowing just enough blood to drip down my body to make my scent more prevalent but not enough to make me pass out.

Footfalls sounded on the stones. I stiffened. This was it. I pulled out my knives, preparing myself to fight against a demon, only to find a man, a few feet taller than me stalking toward me with a pistol in his hand.

"You!" He cried, putting his finger on the trigger.

I looked behind me and around before looking back at him in confusion and pointing to myself. "Me?"

He pulled the trigger.

I jumped to the side, narrowing avoiding getting shot in the chest. "What in the gods names is your problem! I've never seen you before!"

Tears streaked down his haggard face. Shadows were cast in the dim light, making it impossible to notice anything more than the shine on his face and his red, curly hair. "How can you say that? You murdered my wife! Why did you kill her?"

Another gun shot went off and I rolled to the side, grimacing as my wounds scraped against the hard ground. I knocked into something hard. It moved.

Looking up, I found myself staring into the face of a smiling demon, his yellowed teeth stretched to take up more than 90 percent of his face. He practically blended in with the darkness, his shimmering form very visible, marking him as the leader of the recon. "Hello, General Falosa. We've already located and taken out your comrades."

I stabbed him in the gut and leapt to the side, falling to the ground when I stepped wrong on my injured leg.

The man with the gun took advantage of this and shot my kneecap.

I cried out as blood and bone exploded in my already injured leg. The one bright side was at least he didn't take out my good one.

What did that demon mean by taking out our comrades? How had he known? Was there a spy among the Demi's? There was no other way he would've known.

A head of the white bearded Demi rolled to my feet, severed and staring wide eyed in permanent shock.


I went after the man with the gun, slicing his wrist and disarming him. "Get the fuck out of here unless you want to die."

"Are you threatening me? You kill me wife and then threaten me!" He cried, grabbing for my throat.

I sliced his other hand and kicked his feet out from under him. "I didn't fucken kill your wife! I have no idea who you are!"

He grabbed me by my bad leg and jerked me to the ground with him.

The demon leader chuckled, standing aside and doing nothing as more demons stepped out of the mist. "Well, this is interesting I must say. However, we need you alive."

Alive? Since when?

I didn't have time to think about it when a bloody hand punched me in the jaw, sending sparks across my eyes.

I pinned him to the ground and head butted him, hard. "Will. You. Stop!"

The man looked dazed and stared up at me breathlessly, the fight leaving his body for a moment.

Something poked me in the leg.

I froze. What the actually fuck. "Ew." I immediately got off of him, wanting to vomit.

One of the demons wrapped a hand around my throat as I backed right into them. I stabbed my blades backwards and went to finish them off when a clawed hand wrapped around my wrist and jerked me so hard that a loud pop sounded from my shoulder, followed by burning pain that rendered my whole arm useless. I bit back a scream and slashed with my other hand at my attacker.

Where in the gods name is everyone? Did they really get killed by the demons? Is it just me left?

They dug their claws beneath my skin, linking me to them despite the bleeding wound across their chest. "I grow weary of fighting. Just come quietly and I'll let you leave here with all your limbs attached." The demon leader dug his claws further into my arm, severing tendons that forced the knife to clatter to the ground.

I lost my balance and fell to my knees. My injured knee screamed for the impact, but I held my place. The further down I fell the harder it would be the get back up.

Help was coming, I had to believe that.

I leapt up and hacked at the demons wrist twice, severing it completely, leaving the claws embedded in my arm. If I tore them out, I would lose too much blood and pass out. I couldn't afford to do that.

Jalin rushed forward out of the darkness, letting out a battle cry as she swiftly beheaded three demons and stabbed two others.

Kalon appeared out of the fog and punched a demons head from their shoulders. He laughed. "How are we supposed to bring one back alive if we are killing them all?"

Before I could answer, arms wrapped around my throat as a heavy body jumped on my back.

I grabbed the arm arm my throat and threw the attacker over my head and to the ground. The red haired man looked up at me, his pupils dilated like a new born puppy begging.

"What in the gods name is your problem? Firstly you attack me, you claim I killed your wife, and now you look at me while your pants bulge as if I'm a piece of meat?" I let an exasperated groan. "What the fuck do you want?"

Pain shatters through my back as I'm thrown to the ground with great force, ending up on top of the horny man that wants me dead or to fuck me. . . Not sure which.

"Both. I want both. I don't understand it!" He cried, grabbing his head and shaking it back and forth. "One part of me wants to murder you for murdering my wife, but the other part of me finds pleasure from the idea of you killing me like that too."

A demon attempted to stab me in the back. I grabbed the man beneath me and pushed him aside before blocking the slash and return the favor.

I catch sight of Jalin murdering countless demons, black blood flying in all directions as she plows through them as if they are made of water. I could watch that for hours. Hot damn she's a powerful woman. I want her to step on me.

"What are you doing, Falosa?" Kalon asked as he grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me to my feet. "This isn't the time to, you know." He wiggled his brows.

"I'm doing nothing of the sort!" I cried out, my stomach churning. To think of bedding a man.  . . No. I was only into woman, I could never. I didn't judge others for their preferences, but they had theirs and I had mine.

The demons fled just as Jalin got ahold of a smaller one and held a knife to its' throat. "What in the gods names was that? Did you see how many got away? While you two are just standing around chatting?" Jalin throws the demon to Kalon.

Kalon catches and holds the squirming demon. "I fought, I don't know what you're talking about. Falosa is the one who was messing around with some redhead while we were fighting."

Fiery pain flashes across my face as my head snaps sharply to the side. Jalin glares at me as she raises her hand as if to strike again but drops it.

She's so strong. I put a hand to my cheek, feeling the burn she left behind. I wish she would pin me to the ground and take me by force.

The red haired man grabs his gun and aims it at me. Jalin grabs him by the hair and slams his face into the cobblestone, knocking him unconscious. "We're taking him too. If you two are done messing around, we got places to be." 

Well. . . That was, something.
Who do you think the red-haired man is?
Why would he claim Falosa did something he doesn't remember?
At least they got one demon,
That's totally worth the death of 30 Demi's lolololol

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