Chapter Nine: Of Contacts and Demons

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I laid in bed staring at the ceiling and dreading the moment my eyes closed. What would I see? Or what would happen that I didn't know about? Sure, I had been able to find out what occurred the other night but before that I had no idea. There was no predictability to this, whatever it was. Demon general. . . Was that what it was? While it made the most sense, something in my gut said otherwise, it denied this, as if some part of me knew exactly what was going on. I'd love if that part of myself would communicate to my brain, any time now, that knowledge would be useful. It was like having the word on the tip of my tongue but continually having it falter from my memory.

What would happen if Geayu had people follow? I dreaded to see what would become of them with the things I had seen before. How many more were to fall at this psycho's hand before we put a stop to him entirely?

A darkness started closing in around the edges of my eyes, summoning me into sleep, submitting me to whatever it was Zendar intended to do. Just as it had all but taken over, I saw my hands begin to disappear in a cloud of red. We were going somewhere, and no one would be able to follow.

...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ..... ....... .......

Music sounded all around me. It was loud, obnoxious, I loved it. Bar wenches walked around with low cut dresses, serving not only things appealing to the eye but disgusting brew that some thought delicious. I didn't understand Falosa's fascination with rotted shit. Then again, I did appreciate a good body decay, you could say we had the similar interests. The only difference is I preferred blood fresh, not fermented.

Across the bar, seated on the far edge, two Demi's whispered with demons. I couldn't hear them from where I was towards the middle of the chaos, but I knew what they were talking about. The young Demi I had the opportunity for a few dates with had been most helpful with acquiring that information. They knew I was here, we had already made eye contact more than once. The question remained, what were they going to do about it? I brushed my fingers across the daggers, I couldn't wait to see what excitement awaited the nights end.

A hand settled on my shoulder, but it was lighter, non-confrontational. "You can't imagine my surprise when I stepped into the bar and saw you here, Zendar. What brings you around?"

I smiled broadly and turned around. "Devis! Long time no see, I noticed you acquired a few more scars. They suit you."

The demon appeared human, with pale skin and horns subtly tucked beneath his hair. He was albino by demon standards but it made his ability to navigate society that much easier. His white hair that matched mine in hue was longer now, reaching down to his lower back. He held it tied back in a ponytail with a black ribbon. The outfit he wore was regal as ever with a deep navy blue coat and a white shirt underneath with ruffles. On his face, he had a scar across one eye he'd had since I met them, and a new one at the edges of his mouth.

Devis returned the smile. "Thank you. May I have a seat?"

"Please," I said gesturing to the barstool beside me.

"Barkeep! Get me an ale!" Devis called before turning to me, his lips a breath away from my ear. "I heard more about Tragore's arrival. He will be visiting every portal location within the months end. I don't know which one he will be going to first but I do know he always rotates right, so if he's sighted, I will tell you and then you can predict his next move. . . " Devis grabbed my face, turning me towards him. "Are you sure about this? Tragore is unchallenged, no one can beat him. What if you get hurt? Or Worse?" He brushed my hair back, tucking it behind my ear. "I care for you Z, I don't want to see you getting hurt."

I shrugged. Despite how many people I've fucked I can't say I ever felt any of what they felt. It was an empty action, a temporary pleasure. Even as Devis stared into my eyes like a lost lover, I felt nothing towards him. I enjoyed his company, his aesthetic, but I would never be the lover he sought. "I need to take him out. After what he did to me—he has to pay." I grabbed Devis' hand, knowing it would bring him comfort. I mirrored the things I'd seen other couples do, as they seemed effective. "Please understand that I need to do this, for my own sake. I won't rest until Tragore lies drowning in his own blood."

Devis nodded and took a swig of his ale before setting it down on the countertop. "Let me know if there is anything more I can do to help. Word is, Tragore can't die by a normal blade, but I assume you already knew that."

"Perhaps. . . I had assumed immortal steel would've been effective since it can kill immortals, after all," I stated, glancing over my shoulder to see the other demons making their way toward us.

"No, only one thing can kill Tragore. You're going to need to find a way to get it." Devis handed me a crude sketch of a jagged dagger. "He keeps it close to himself, since he knows it's the only thing effective against him. Until he appears, you won't have a way to kill him."

A clawed hand grabbed my shoulder, digging their dagger like fingers into my skin. Blood trickled down my arm and chest, announcing the beginnings of a fight. How I loved confrontation!

I whirled around, gutting the demon from their lower abdomen to their chest. They cried out, staggering back as their entrails fell through the slit in their body, plopping onto the floor with a pit pater.

A demi threw fire in my direction.

I ducked, allowing the fire to hit the bar behind me.

Devis pulled out his daggers and ran forward, cutting off the Demi's hands and leaving them for me to finish off.

I rushed forward, stabbing my dagger into one of their eyes and pulling it across their face to the other. The squelch at its entry gave me goosebumps. The slight crunch as I ran through bone was a symphony of horrors that excited me.

The demi fell to the crowd, twitching as they drew their last breath.

Those who remained ran. Pity for them, I liked the chase.

Inhaling a deep breath I teleported to the door, blocking their exit as fire continued to spread throughout the building until it was overtaken and crumbling. Most of the mortals had already fled, leaving the establishment as a battlefield for me alone.

I put a bloody blade in my mouth, grabbing a flaming chair and breaking it across the spine of a smaller demon that tried to slip past me. His clothes caught alit, burning his skin as he screamed, rolling around on the floor, only succeeding in collecting more flame. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, intoxicating and delicious.

Devis cried out, falling to my right as a demi pulled a dagger from his chest. His screams tugged at something deep inside my gut, something I didn't understand, something I couldn't understand. All I knew is that I had to protect him, to save him.

I rushed forward, stabbing one demi in the chest, and spinning to stab the other in the thigh, severing a main artery.

Three demons rushed at me.

I swirled my hands around themselves, throwing a tornado of red fire in their direction. They didn't have time to scream before they turned to nothing more than dust.

That was all of them.

I put away my daggers and rushed to Devis' side. His breaths were fast and labored. Black blood had already pooled beneath his body, sparkling like the night sky in the reflection of the flames.

Kneeling down, I placed his head in my lap, holding his hand in my own. He looked up at me, tears running down his face. "I'm sorry, Z, I won't be able to help you anymore."

"It's okay, Devis, you've done more than I could've asked for," I said, knowing that comfort was what most sought as the life left their eyes.

"Kiss me, Z, let a dying demon live in love for his last moments in this world," Devis pleaded as blood pooled at the edges of his mouth. "You showed me there was so much more to life than I could've imagined, and for that, I thank you."

I leaned down, granting his request. Devis had been nothing but good to me, he was one of the few in the world that had put me first, and done everything in his power to help. Black blood smeared onto my lips as I met his, they were wet and soft. I held his face gently, wiping away his tears. He returned the kiss gently, tuning out the destruction around us. His hand grew slack in my grip, his head lolling to the side. I pulled away, staring at his glossed over red eyes.

Death never bothered me. I grew up surrounded by it. So why did I feel a growing pressure in my chest? Why was there a wetness on my face and a lump in my throat? It was only in that moment that I realized I had felt something for Devis. Something beyond what I'd felt for anyone else, and now, he was gone. The Demi's had taken him from me. Tragore had taken him from me.

Red magic seeped from my arms, swirling around me in a destructive hurricane of fire, destroying everything it touched.

I had loved him.

I had loved Devis.

Is Zendar a psycho?
Oh for sure.
But those feelings. . .
What do you think he's going to do now?
Pain like this can truly unleash some hell

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