Chapter Two: The Demi's

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Vagotha the day it burned

A tall, broad-shouldered man stood in the midst of the massacre. Blood dripped from his large hands and midnight claws. Hell fire glowed in his dark, cruel eyes, focused on but one thing, the destruction of Vagotha.

His unnaturally, long curly black hair hovered just out of reach of the flames, the only remaining thing unharmed.

Blood gushed from my leg as I made my way toward him, stumbling over the rubble and corpses of both demon and Vagothian. The midnight clawed demon was the leader. If I managed to take him out, the others would flee.

Smoke hung heavily in the air, choking the life from my lungs, and blocking out the violet skies. My family, the timekeeper, everything I had ever known was gone, but for some damned reason I was still standing.

It was my duty to protect my homeworld, however little was left of it. My hands trembled from the weight of the long knives in my hands, beckoning me to give up and allow myself to be engulfed in the flames. There was nothing left to save, why was I even trying?

Because I was General Falosa, leader of the third army. Defender of Vagotha. I couldn't just roll over and die. The only death worthy of a warrior was in the heat of battle.

One foot in front of the other, my intent to murder the demon who took everything grew stronger. Hatred deep inside myself fueled the fading energy as my magic became inaccessible. My lifeforce spewed it into puddles on the ground. Puddles of crimson and black. Wait. Black? Shit I've been tainted.

Searing pain shredded through my back and sent me to my knees. Why hadn't I heard them coming? Was the fire's roar truly that loud? Or have my senses already begun to leave me?

The rotted scent of a high level demon assailed my nostrils with a potency that would've made me gag if I wasn't screaming from the claws shredding through the muscle and flesh of my back. Their attack rendered my arms useless. The knives clattered to the ground.


Red light flickered in front of my eyes. If I wasn't delirious from blood loss, I would've thought the leader of the demons was trying to save me as he leapt over the flames and the world faded from sight.

..... ..... ..... ..... .....


Ice cold fingers pulled me from the waking nightmare, the one I wish never was, the one that ruined my life. The world blurred into focus alongside the pain that I should've been used to by now.

Demons. I was fighting demons.

My vision swam, everything remained blurry and out of focus. The blood loss. Nothing would get any easier. That also meant my magic was unusable, I wouldn't be able to heal.

Blood shot up my throat, coating my tongue in a flood of metallic nastiness.

Gods. I needed to get up. I needed to get out of here. If I didn't, anyone could kill me. Like I this, I was near mortal.

Despite the agony from my wounds, I fought to push myself up, only to be slammed back down on my stomach by those fingers colder than the grip of death.

"He's awake, hold him down," a deep males voice commanded.

Fuck. I can't see clearly, I have no strength left in my body. What am I going to do?

Strong hands wrapped around my wrists, holding me in place."I'm not a damned nurse, you paid me to find him, not fix him."

That voice, I recognized that voice. The demi who threw the knife. Had she saved me? Or captured me for a horrible purpose?

More blood entered my mouth, I spat it out, hoping it hit the floor, but I couldn't see if it had.

"Mona is ill and James is on vacation, I'll pay you double for helping me," the man declared.

What did they plan to do? Why were they searching for me? Revenge? I can't begin to count how many demi's I've killed. Fuck, this is bad. What happened to Kalon? That brute is always gone when I need him.

Scalding pain splashed across my back, I fought against the grip on my wrists, still unable to clearly see. "Fuck! What the hell are you doing?"

"Helping you, unless you'd rather die," the deep male voice said in a matter of fact manner. "Drey, fetch me a bowl of cool water and a soft towel, Seroe, get my needle and thread, and. . . well you can stay where you're at, Wesley. On second thought, why don't you busy yourself in the kitchen, brew some hot water for afternoon tea."

"Yes Master Geayu," three voices responded in unison.

I was slammed roughly onto my back, sending stars across my eyes from my wounds impacting the metal table beneath me. A groan involuntarily left my lips. If they were trying to help me, then why were they slamming me around?

"Just because you're not a nurse, doesn't mean you should tenderize him like a steak. Gods Jalin, be careful," the man scolded.

My blurry vision finally came into focus to reveal a cobblestone room dimly lit by oil lamps. Above me, the most majestic being I have ever had the honor of laying eyes on held me in place, her strong grip inescapable.

The pain seemed to fade to the back of my mind. If this beautiful piece of heaven wanted to slam me around, I'd take each hit with a smile.

Even in the dim light, her beauty was unmatched by any living thing. Her deep ebony skin made her emerald eyes stand out. They sparkled like an ocean I wouldn't mind drowning in.

Scalding pain splashed across my chest and abdomen, making the goddess blur into a whirl of colors before the world came back into focus.

"Don't stare at me you useless shit." She turned her attention to a much shorter figure who moved in the shadows. "Do you want to explain what is going on, or should we let 'General Falosa' believe he's being held captive?"

My name. She knows my name. Even with the spite spewing from each uttered syllable, it sounds like an angel touching earth when the words leave her lips.

I should be questioning why she knows it and how, but all I want is for her to say it again. "What did you call me?"

"General Falosa," she spat, her eyes narrowing. "I don't like repeating myself."

I let out a satisfied sigh, unable to keep my eyes from wandering the skin tight black outfit she wore that accentuated the mighty fine curves of her body. . .

"Gods, stop perving on Jalin." The man whom I assume is Geayu stepped forward to the opposite side of the table, clearing his throat. Deep brown eyes that matched mine turned stoic and unreadable as he ran a hand through short, black curly hair that had begun to turn silver at the temples. "I sent her to find you, because we need you."

Laughter that didn't resemble even the tiniest bit of hilarity exploded from me, furthering the pain in my still open wounds and sending more blood up my throat with a less than pleasant gargle. "What could you possibly want with a magicless immortal? As I am I can't do anything to help you."

The servants returned. A stocky fellow dressed in a black suit with coat tails stepped forward, bowing his blond-haired head low. "We have retrieved what you asked, Master Geayu. I apologize for how long we took. Wesley made a mess of the kitchen. All three of us had to clean it up."

Eyes wide, Geayu adjusted the white coat he wore over his expensive suit that was visible from the unbuttoned front. "What kind of mess could possibly be made while boiling water?"

Considering the awful things I've seen Kalon accomplish, this didn't surprise me in the slightest. What happened to that fool? I hope he died. One less thorn in my side.

The servant frowned, accentuating the wrinkles on his weathered face. "You'd be surprised, sir. Do not worry, it has been taken care of. I have also taken the liberty of isolating Wesley to his quarters until you have finished attending to your patient. We'll all be safer that way."

Safer isn't a word I'd use.

I swallowed. Gods. Why does that needle look so large?

Geayu took the needle and thread from one of the servants. "Thank you Seroe, good help is hard to find these days."

Seroe nodded curtly, taking the bowel of water and towels from the young lady who I assumed was Drey, and placed them on a table to my left, near the lovely goddess.

Jalin, goddess of the sun.

"Seroe, could you fetch me some whiskey? Thank you," Geayu said, walking over to the table. "Jalin, you may leave, I'll call you if I need you."

I watched her ascend the steps, resisting the urge to click my tongue at the fine perfection of her swaying hips and fine as--

My head jerked to the side from impact. I reached up to touch my cheek. "What was that for?"

"I said no perving. Don't make me gouge your eyes to keep them from wandering," Geayu spat, his eyes narrowed. "Jalin is a living demi, not an object to be lusted over."

"How can you not look at that? Has anything in life ever transcended the beauty of that goddess?" I asked, staring after her dreamily.

Such a majestic, beautiful goddess. Jalin, goddess of the sun.

With a disgusted sigh Geayu pinched the bridge of his nose. "Apparently I'm the only gentleman in the house that keeps my gaze on her face. You'd be wise to control yourself. I've seen a demi lose a limb for less. Jalin isn't a patient woman."


The word finally burrowed it's way into my brain. Demi's were rumored to be insane, dangerous, and slowly losing their humanity as their blood fought with itself. It's why I massacred them.

I, General Falosa, who killed thousands and led raids, was in the hands of demi's.


"I'm not going to kill you. The council of Demi's doesn't know you're here, and I intend to keep it that way," Geayu stated as if he had read my mind. "Just don't announce your presence with any display of excessive magic."

It was odd how he caught on so quickly. Perhaps the fear showed in my face. Weary as I was, trying to filter my expressions was next to impossible.

Seroe returned, handing Geayu a bottle of whiskey and corkscrew before taking his leave.

The physician popped off the top and handed it to me. "Don't down the whole thing, but drink enough. I need to stitch whatever my medicine didn't seal. . . which is unfortunately most of your wounds. At least it took care of the internal damage, maybe, I hope."

He hoped? That doesn't sound promising.

I sat up with his help taking a swig. Gods this was phenomenal! Much better than the shit I'd been forcing my tongue to suffer through in that raggedy tavern. The pleasant burning coated my tongue and spread to my chest as I proceeded to down the entire bottle.

Geayu snatched it, but by then it only had a few drops remaining. "I said not to do that! Do you have any idea how much that costs?"

"More than the cheapest drink in a tavern?" I asked, raising a brow. I knew exactly how much the fine bottle of 1750 whiskey cost, especially considering how rare it was. And damn was it good.

The glare I received from Geayu could've cut through diamonds. "That's a severe underestimate." He sighed, grabbing the needle and thread. "No matter. It's not like I can get it back."

Before he took another step, Geayu paused. "I've been waiting to say anything, but I see no recognition in your face. You don't remember who I am, do you?"

I lowered myself back to the table with trembling arms. "I have no idea who you are, besides some rich demi. Why did you save me? After all, the Vagothian's and Demi have been at war for a long time. My hands are stained with the blood of your brethren, you know that."

None of this made sense. He should be wanting revenge, I'd earned their hatred, deserved it. Why was he helping me?

Turning away, Geayu's shoulders tensed. "War? What sort of brainwashed fuck believes a one-sided genocide is war? Vagotha attacked unprompted, all we did was try not to die." He set the needle back down, his hand slamming hard into the table and shattering it into pieces. "Why did I decide to save you? I've been asking myself the same question. I don't even know who you are anymore."

The demi kept claiming to know me but I have no idea who he was, no recognition whatsoever. Who the hell does he think he was? Did we fight? He would've died if we did.

"Who the fuck are you?" I spat. "You keep claiming to know me and I have no idea who you are."

Geayu's body stiffened, but he didn't turn around. "I'm your half-brother. And I brought you here to get what we all want. Revenge on the demon race."

Hey look,

Another chapter, it exists!

Falosa is so hopeless. . .

What do you think will happen if he makes a move on Jalin? O_O

I'm thinking death by daggers, or death by strangulation.

What did you think of the reveal that is totally not a part of the blurb? >.>

Remember to let me know your thoughts and vote if you enjoyed!

-N.G. Brier

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