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"How can you do this Annika?" His tears betrayed him and flowed unstoppably from his eyes.His love infront of him,whom he trusted even more than God,more than himself, betrayed him.His pure loved losed the battle of truth.He losed.

"Shiv..."She tried cupping his face with her hands only to be jerked off.

"Don't touch me with your flithy hands." His eyes showcased pain, pain of betrayal; anger, anger of trusting her blindly.He was broken.

"Shivaayyyy..." A mere wishper, he was gone, leaving her all alone in that dark drizzling night; all alone in that empty mansion that only screamed silence.

"ANIKAAAAA" He woke up panting hard for breath, sweating profusely,he clutched the blanket near his chest and sobbed like a kid.

The damm of emotions broke,the pain that he has been holding in his heart since long, swallowing everything inside himself, within himself,broke out in form of tears.Loud wails and cries echoed in the whole empty mansion that night.

"Hmmm...and ya don't forget to send me the minutes of the meeting" his cold command and his P.A nodded making his way out of the cabin, thanking his stars as he didn't became prey of his boss anger for he knew something was off in his boss that day.

There he was sitting in cabin,in all his glory.Perfectly gelled hairs,ironed shirt,his three piece suit hugging his body propping his arm muscles and his tie well complimenting his look..A perfect rough and tough look only if someone can see the fragile, broken and vulnerable Shivaay behind the stone-hearted buisnessman.

"You know Anika, today I again saw that girl who use to sell flowers on streets from car to car and I always bought a rose for you everyday" He said caressing the photo of his beloved wife placed on the mahogany table of his cabin with the most beautiful frame.

"She was not seen since many days, maybe she changed her area but today when I saw her I again bought many roses for you,she was very happy as all her roses were sold out and she even blessed us for our happy life ahead" Placing the bouquet that contained almost 50 roses infront of the photo,he said wiping his tears that flowed without his permission.

"You are also happy na where you are? If not, just come back cause I am anything but happy without you. I miss you inna saara na baby.Please come back to you idiot billu, my billi" A part of him knew it was not gonna happen as the ones who went there where she was, never ever returned.

Every single breath that he inhaled knowing she wasn't with him made him choke.Every time his heart created a beat knowing that she wasn't there to listen to them made him die within. She was the reason he was alive and he wasn't aware and before he could realise it was too late.

Why the hell didn't he believed his heart when it was about his love? Why the hell, his thoughts overpowered his emotions? Why the hell it took him so much time to realise that pyaar mein dil frontseat mein aur dimag back seat mein ? Why? Why?

His thoughts went back to the day which became the blackday of their life.

The monsoon of that year brought many dark clouds of insecurities, misunderstandings and regret along with pouring tears and rain.

A very good professional and personal life was been experienced by Shivaay.His loving wife and her cute antics made his life worth living and entertaining, cracking new deals everyday and the succeeding pace of his company made him feel content with his life.

Untill that one day, everything changed.The dark clouds finally were casted over his sun of happiness; darkness everywhere.Not even a single ray of hope emerged out of nowhere; reason he himself.The trust built over 2 years was shattered in a mere period of 2 mins.The day when everything started,the beginning of a new chapter, the same day became the last day of their story.

"I hope she likes it" Leaning over the recliner Shivaay was continuously staring a red box in his hand occassionally caressing it.

It was their wedding anniversary that day and he was very happy and excited about it; of course he must be.

But unknown to him was arrival of a storm that would change everything; destroy every beautiful feeling they have; destroy every happy moments ahead, Daksh the name of the storm that would finish everything.

He wasn't even able to believe when he saw his wife ; his life laying in another man's arms covered in a thin satin sheet, his best friend and wife? This was biggest shock of his life,never did he ever expected something like this would happen.

"Annika!" His loud thundering voice echoed in the bedroom where they created uncountable happy moments and innumerable love sessions, but now it was nothing than a place which he never wanted to see.

"Shivaay...." Her voice muffled, her eyes drowsy, vision blurry and head spinning, she was drugged only if Shivaay noticed,things would have been better and much better.

"How could you Annika?" Hurt visible in his gleamering eyes with tears.

"Shivaay" She tried getting up only to be thrown away on the bed by a pair of hands.

"Don't get up" His best friend whom he placed next to god, Daksh and his wife whom he believed as a goddess betrayed him. He was shattered.

"What's your problem Shivaay? You interrupted such a pleasurable moment..." Daksh said getting down from bed his upper body bare.

"Daksh!" A punch landed on his face and the next moment blood started oozing out.

"Shivaay...! How dare you punch me?" Another punch yet again landed on his face followed by a series of fight which was stopped by the sound of something crashing.

Both of them looked up to see Anika on the floor with a small scratch on her head, and a vase shattered nearby.

"Anik__" Shivaay let go of Daksh's neck and rushed towards her but something stopped him from moving ahead.

The pain that he felt from her betrayal was far more than the pain that he felt seeing her in pain.He stayed still, he didn't dared to move forward, like his legs weren't supporting him anymore, like his legs and whole body wasn't in his brain's control instead his heart was ruling over him, his feelings, emotions were in power.He glued to his place watched her crawl towards him and stand trembling after many attempts.His heart ached watching her helpless but his hatred overpowered.

"Shivaay..." Her trembling hands made its way towards his face trying to touch him but she didn't had the courage.She knew she was drugged and innocent but had to convince the same to him, but no energy was left.

"Shiv...You trust me na? I am innocent, love. Please trust me. Your Annie is innocent.He drugged me Shiv...He drugged me,it was all facade, it's a misunderstanding, nothing of that sort happened.You trust me,I know...Say you trust me Shivaay...Shivaay" She cried helplessly watching him standing like a statue, her tears flowed freely
wetting her scarf.

He stood blank, not able to understand anything.His vision blurred with the new formed tears,he losed himself in the old memory lane, painting himself as a shy, reserved and nerdy boy who fell for Annika in the first sight itself, loved bloomed between them and the marriage was like dream come true.

He was indeed happy in his world but never expected this phase to ever come in their life. His bestfriend and wife?

A loud thunder broke his trance and he was brought back to reality only to see her standing in front of him crying.

How can you do this Annika?" His tears betrayed him and flowed unstoppably from his eyes.His love infront of him,whom he trusted even more than God,more than himself, betrayed him.His pure loved losed the battle of truth.He losed.

"Shiv..."She tried cupping his face with her hands only to be jerked off.

"Don't touch me with your flithy hands." His eyes showcased pain, pain of betrayal; anger, anger of trusting her blindly.He was broken.

"Shivaayyyy..." A mere wishper, he was gone, leaving her all alone in that dark drizzling night; all alone in that empty mansion that only screamed silence.

She slumped down on the floor crying, crying and just crying.

As he reached towards the car walking blankly, stumbling after almost every fifth step, the winds started blowing more feircely as if reflecting his emotions, the thunder started striking more violently as if reciprocating his anger and the clouds cried along with him; raining heavily.

He was looking nothing more than that of a Zombie; walking dead drowned in the pool of pain and betrayal, he slumped down near the tyre against the car and the tears started flowing involuntarily.All the past happy moments came flashing  in his mind and he loses himself in the memory lane.

"You will never leave me na?" After hours of crying and sobbing, his eyes red and puffy he finally asked lifting his face which was buried in her chest, hugging her.

His mother passed away that day and he was everything but strong. Not wanting to communicate with anybody and show his vulnerable side he pulled Annika with him in their bed room and hugged her burrying his face on her chest and cried unstoppably since then.On the other side, Annika kept on consoling him, wispering sweet nothings, caressing his head with utmost love just as a mother does , crying along but nothing seemed to calm him down.

The early morning sun turned into the evening glow but his cries didn't stopped.His pain and agony didn't matched with any pain in the world.His only solace was now his wife's embrace.He felt protected,he felt safe, the warm embrace helped him withstand the pain yet he wasn't stong enough.No matter how much he tried to stay strong he wasn't able to.

Different scenarios started forming in his mind and one among them was Annika leaving him after his mother did.He beared the pain of his mother dimise but he wouldn't be able to bear her seperation.His life revolved around her, he was completely dependent on her, no he can't live without her,he will die or become a living corpse.Shoving all his negative thoughts he asked for her assurance for never leaving him with the innocence of a child and the hope of a vulnerable, heart broken person to which she wiped his tears along with her before wispering "I will never leave you, I am with you hamesha, hamesha and hamesha (forever)"

"Hamesha, Hamesha and Hamesha?" He questioned again with a small smile forming along with glistening eyes.

"Hamesha, Hamesha and Hamesha" She repeated holding his hands making him sit straight, patting his cheeks.

"Hamesha, Hamesha, Hamesha" They said in chorus and as if all fears vanished from his mind; he smiled brightly.He hugged her tightly.

A loud thunder brought him back to Earth and he felt his heart breaking again, the little surety that he got just now from the flashbacks was now vanished again.He tried standing only to hear a sound of something made of glass breaking. Does broken heart makes sound too? He thought and wandered his eyes everywhere only to stop his vision on the ground to see a small finger sized glass bottle crashed beneath his shoes and a small injection lying a few centimetres to it.

Now, everything was crystal clear to him.Her words replayed in his mind.She was freaking drugged.He felt happiness clouding over his pain but yet again guilt clouded over the happy clouds.

Not waiting a even a moment he ran towards the mansion, shouting and calling her only to be welcomed with darkness and dready silence.His heart sank and his feets involuntarily moved towards the bedroom to find darkness, he somehow switched on the lights locating it in the darkness only to find a figure lying on the bed dressed in a bridal outfit; Annika's bridal outfit.He was utterly confused and with slow steady steps he cautiously moved towards it, the only sound heard was the clicking of his shoe soles against the white tiled floor and his thumping heart.

"Annika..." His words came out as a whisper as he saw his wife laying in a pool of blood as red as her outfit.The world came crashing to his feet.His breath hitched and his heart sanked, his feet rooted to the ground and his mind blank.He knew nothing at that moment,  he blanklessly kept staring her lifeless body and sat with a thud. No tears left to cry.His biggest nightmare came true.He knew nothing at that moment, he kept staring her, suddenly a piece of paper smeared in blood caught his attention, with trembling hands he caught hold of it and the next moment he felt as if somebody gripped his heart, ripping it into pieces.

"I love you Shivaay....And I know you do too. I know you are hurt after seeing me like this but I had no other option, the moment I saw hatred for me in your eyes , I knew I was dead.I can't live without you, the best option left was death. You may say I am weak, I agree I am weak because you were my strength.Tum nahi toh zindagi nahi, main nahi. I am sorry I wasn't able to become the best wife you deserved, shayad that wasn't in my fortune, but atleast I deserve to die as your bride, this red lehanga will become my last outfit as you wife and first too..I am sorry I wasn't able to fulfill my promise to be with you forever but I promise to love you Hamesha,hamesha and hamesha"

Those were her last words which still haunted his nights and memories.He was indeed a living corpse after her departure, living with a lifeless heart, a heart without any emotions, with a heart that's broken.


The End∆

Hope you liked this story...

Lot of love and tissue papers to help you wipe your tears if you cried. *Writer's overconfidence*

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