Chapter Three

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CHAPTER III: good omens

Gaemon was eager to return back to Dragonstone. Only a few more days here now, and then they would fly off back home. Or mayhaps Gaemon would have to sail, if Aeg and Visy demanded it.

Gaemon loved flying very much, but he loved his brothers even more. And Vermithor would not mind to fly back without his rider. He was very well fond of Syrax, Vermax and Arrax. Some said that the bonds of dragons was even closer than that of a rider and their dragon. Gaemon would have to agree.

"Gae," Luke said, a soft smile on the younger boy's face. "You seem preoccupied with your own thoughts," Gaemon nodded at his cousin's words. His mind was far from here, in truth. Particularly because of what awaited them today.

As a good omen, Viserys had bid the court painter to made a portrait of all five of them. Daemon's eldest son, Rhaenyra's eldest two sons, and his own two eldest sons. Gaemon was dreading the occasion very much.

"You are in question as to why I bid my mind to be elsewhere?" Luke shook his head.

"Far from it. I myself wonder how to escape it." Gaemon smiled at him. Luke was only two and ten, but he was very much a funny lad. Which was rare. At least in this family. Jace had been rather silent and obedient at that age, never making a jest nor a prank. Well, except when Aegon bid him to one.

"I do think it is unfair that Helaena, Baela and Rhaena are not to be included in this painting. I am sure my uncle, your grandsire, could have very well have them included. Perhaps he chose to not have them in it."

"Which would be a same, as they are far prettier than we," Luke offered, and Gaemon nodded. It was a jest, to be sure, but it was right. They were far more handsome than Aegon and Aemond to be sure. Though about Jace, Gaemon would say nothing. He cared far too much about his pride.

"You are very right. We are but ugly pigs, and they are Valyrian beauties." Gaemon would very much have liked to be close with Helaena, if Alicent had permitted it. And if Aegon had not been in the way, of course.

For a man who did not love his wife very well, he was very protective over her. But to Gaemon, that had always been more a sign that Aegon saw Helaena as his property, his wife, rather than an equal who deserved love and respect. If Gaemon every had the honor of being a girl's husband, he would treat her with all the love and respect owed to her as his wife. He fears most that he will be like Aegon.

Or his father. The stories of how Daemon Targaryen's first wife died, haunt Gaemon's memory. Though it all happened years before his very birth, Seven Hells, years before is parents even married.

"You're doing it again, Gaemon. I do wonder what you are thinking of, Cousin." Luke said, a smirk on his face. Gods, from what his father had told him, Luke was the very imagine of Rhaenyra when she was younger. In action, rather than looks, of course.

"Where's Rhaena, by the way? I've been looking for her for some time now." Gaemon snorted. "Is that what you came to talk to me about?"

Luke shrugged. "Maybe. But so what if I-"

Gaemon silenced him with a hug. "Then you could've just asked, Lu. She's in the small library. Last I saw her, she told me she was looking for a book about Nymeria of Dorne." Lucerys smiled brightly.

"Then I shall go and assist her," He said, in a soft tone. He was very fond of Rhaena. The betrothal of them two had been the best thing to come of their wretched family, Gaemon knew.

With Lucerys now heading to Rhaena, Gaemon finds it only fitting he go search for Jace. He is probably with Aegon and Viserys, playing with them as he so often does. Or mayhaps he is with Baela, as the two of them train together quite often.

Even together, the three of them, they train. And surely, he found them together in the training yard. They were training with the sword, and it had not been a moment when he was handed a sword as well.

"You ready?" Gaemon said, as he stepped next to Jace. Baela was opposite them. "No fair! I always have to go alone, and you two always go together!" She shouted, and Gaemon thanked the gods she had not thrown her sword at them.

"Dear sister, tis only because you are better than the two of us. I would be unfair to go against only you, as you are stronger than Jace or I, even combined." Baela seemed to think for a moment, and even if she still found it unfair, she smirked now.

"I am stronger than you. But still. I want a duel fairly for once, two against two." As a cruel twist of the gods, Aemond come walking into the courtyard at that moment. Why do the Gods hate him so?

"Allow me to complete your set, then. Strong, me and you against Daemon's spawn." Gaemon was not going to let him talk like that, when Jace whispered something in his ear. "Don't let him take your power," The very same lesson Gaemon had taught Jace was coming back to bite him in the arse.

Anyway, it would be bad now if he did not follow his own advise. So, he nodded. And Aemond went to get a sword, as Baela looked quite annoyed with Gaemon. "Why in the Gods name would you agree to this?" He shrugged. It would be a bad answer to say it was because Jace had wanted him too, wasn't it?

Once Aemond had a sword in hand, Gaemon could see the uneasy look on Jace's face. What was stoping him from cutting Jacaerys open? Gaemon had to intervene.

"Actually, Cousin Aemond, would you like to partner with me? I am sure Baela would much prefer her betrothed over her brother to protect her, you must understand. Honor and duty, is all." Albeit a bit unwillingly, Aemond agreed.

"But of course. He's all yours, Cousin."

Gaemon and Jace switched places, but not before Jace looked very displeased with Gaemon. Gods, didn't Jace understand that he was doing this for him?

To wound his own teammate would be an accident, but to wound one's opponent would be another thing entirely. That way, Aemond would actually receive a punishment if he did something he should not do.

"Before we begin, I should like to share a thought that had recently come to me." Aemond said, his single eye looking directly at Baela. "Can I?"

"I am sure you would do it if we wished it or not, Uncle, so do your worst." Jace says, and Gaemon can see Baela blush a bit.

"You three are quite like the Conqueror and his sister-wives." Gods, what kind of compliment was that? Was it even a compliment? Knowing Aemond, likely not. "Jacaerys as the Conqueror of course, and you two..." He turned to Baela. "You, Baela, he will take for duty-" he then turned to Gaemon.

"And you, Gaemon, he will take for love-" Just as the words left his mouth, Gaemon stroked his hand over Aemond's cheek. "How dare you!" He yelled, and though he held his bleeding mouth, Aemond smirked. "You lay a hand on the King's son?"

"I lay a hand on the man who has insulted me, my sister and our stepbrother. You'd do well to remember it next time you quarrel with us. Jace will be King, not you, not your brother. You can act all high and mighty, but in the end, it is he who will die a king, my sister will die a queen, and I will die Hand of the King, Aemond Targaryen."

Aemond took his sword, but Gaemon held his in hand as well. "You are no match for me, you bastard," Aemond said, laughing it. "I am not. But Jace, Baela and I together can certainly outmaster you. Or will you cry for you mummy?" Gaemon said, as both Baela and Jace too took up their swords, ready to attack at any moment.

But Aemond was quicker than them, apparently. He slashed Gaemon's cheek, who brought his hand quickly to his cheek. "Ser Criston!" Baela ran out, as she saw Criston Cole in the vague distance, with King Viserys trailing behind him. Thank the gods.

"Aemond!" Viserys shouts, as Criston and the twins Erryk and Arryk rushed towards Gaemon. "Father!" Aemond did not have a face of guilty, but he did have the face of someone who was going to get some consequences for his actions. "What has happened here? Aemond, what has gotten into you that you would cut your cousin?" Ser Criston, though sour-faced, helped Gaemon up. He had lost quite a bit of blood.

"He hoped I will die, I bet." Gaemon says, and Criston quickly brushes it off. "The Prince is not in his right mind, Your Grace, he is speaking nonsense."

"Get off of me, Cole. Jace..." Gaemon said, though his vision was a bit blurry. "Jace, help me please," He said, sounding a bit groggy. Jace quickly walked over to Gaemon, and then Gaemon latched his arm around Jace's shoulder.

"Grandsire, what are you even doing here?" Jace asked him, and Viserys look sternly at the young men - and Baela, before answering. "The painter is here. It is time for your portrait."

Still badly hurt, Gaemon stood up straight. "Let's do it, then." He said finally, a worried look on Jace's face and a sour one on Aemond's.


little bit of a short chapter but expect drama next update ;)

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