Chapter 1 - important advice from Auntie-Bule

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In this story I have added Bule the bright blue Lion.... featuring my friend: sonic_little_sis well enjoy...

Lights pov

It's not that I don't love my's just that I keep getting ticked by Spade not filling in for me....I mean he such a real slacker....I really don't like it when Spade slacks off on his duties....I haft to protect the master emerald just like my dad.... the thing about us is that we haft to protect it together... but Spade would always slack off like my mom....I mean he's just....lazy...he even is in love with some idiot named Hiro...but I don't trust him...he's a
Completely stupid....I'm straight but Spade is not.... okay that enough about this......I was watching the master emerald.....alone....when my moms pet Lion Bule came by to talk to me.....she always knows how I feel....she maybe my mom's pet but.....she's like an Aunt to me and Spade....just like Aunt-Cream..... anyway she sat next to me and said,  hey there how's the adorable-looking Hedgechidna doing? I said, I'm okay Auntie-Bule... Auntie-Bule said, is there something wrong Light? I replied, well it's just that Spade always ditches his duty to protect the master emerald....& I'm the one who's just doing all the work.... Auntie-Bule said, well you should give Spade a know he's like your mom....and something's can't be help ya know.....its how Spade is....there are something's you need to accept Light.... hearing her talk always makes me feel better ever-since I was a year old....she heard the incident about my dad going missing and she was proud of me for doing it....she told me if it haven't been for me dad wouldn't have died... she always has a strong personality.....that's what I believed.... she said, ya know....Light there are some adventures that you and your brother can your parents did before you and Spade.... I said, your right Auntie-Bule.... then I heard my moms voice, Light you better not be....*my mom walks up the shrine and he's sees Auntie-Bule*...oh hi Bule I didn't know you were coming to visit.... Auntie-Bule said, well I had to pay you and your family a visit before your husband and wife how are ya? My mom said, oh we're doing a bit great Bule thanks for asking....

Spades pov

My mom and dad are going to a vacation while Auntie-Bule is watching us....she normally dotes on Light, mom, and me.... but dad....she sometimes dote him.....besides I was at my friend Angels house sitting next to Hiro....I'm not sure if he likes me back.... Hiro said, hey Spade what's up..... I replied, n..nothing much about you? Hiro said, ehh...good just been working mom and dad are complete geeks's how I roll.... if there's one thing I know....Hiro is the son of Ellen Kenzie and the brilliant inventor and genius Boomer Kenzie who was a friend of both Uncle-Tails and Uncle-Manic... and I'm in love with Hiro's not easy being the son of a hero and a guardian...but things ain't easy as Light.... we laughed and talk until I got back home....

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