Chapter 6 - Lights concern

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Lights pov

Man how the heck am I gonna explain this to Mom and Dad when they get back?...sheesh...maybe I should give my mother a call...he ain't gonna like it...neither will my father...I called them that night... I heard my mothers voice said, hello?... I said, uhh...Mom?...can we talk? Mother said, yeah sure...what's wrong? I explained, my brother had a nightmare and he said it felt real...any chance you know about that? My mother replied,'s just normal Light...just give it some time okay? I said, yes mother... before we hung up my mother said, look Light don't worry...your father and I will be back in a week so hold on okay? I nodded and said, yes mother...bye.. then we hung up... I felt deeply concern for Spade...I decided to call my cousin June...if anyone will know why my little brother had that nightmare she would...I dialed my Aunt Sonia's house... that's when Uncle Shadow picked up the phone and said, yeah? I said, hey Uncle Shadow? June there? He replied dull-fully, hang on will ya?...the phone was silent for a moment before June picked it up and said, hello cousin. I said, hey June? brothers had this strange nightmare so you have any idea why? June said,'s probably natural why! I said, the nightmare felt real cousin...whatcha think it came outta nowhere?...Spade normally sleeps without dreaming...this has to be wrong... without a moment June said, okay...I'll admit I'll try whatever I could to see what's going on in the mean time just gets some rest and allow Spade to sleep with ya okay? I said, alright June... we hung up... that's when I heard Spade from behind me said, Light?....I know I'm a little old for this but....can I please sleep with you? I nodded without hesitation as I walked with him... we fell asleep on the couch because we were too tired to go to our rooms....I just hope Mom and Dad will be back a little earlier.

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