4 - A New Chapter

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I watched Jungkook tuck in his brother who was now fast asleep, his lips parted as soft snores escaped. I put the book he was previously reading away, then followed him out of the room as quietly as I could. 

The door clicked shut behind him and silence settled between us, making itself comfortable and known. 

I found myself out of words to speak and say, whether it even be spoken by my eyes alone. I looked at him then avoided taking a peak once more, afraid that it would make things awkward. 

I waited for him to break the silence because I found that I wasn't too good at it myself, and luckily the wait wasn't too long. 

Jungkook leaned onto the balls of his feet, hands now held behind his back as his eyes wandered the halls that I'm sure he knew like the back of his hand. 

He cleared his throat and finally looked my way, his eyes soft as always. 

"That pretty much sums it up," he began, referring to the hours that we had spent together, looking after his brother. "It's a lot of work, and I understand if it's a position that you're not willing to take." 

I locked eyes with him, peering into the depths that said otherwise; that seemed to tell me to stay. Or maybe it was just all in my head. I smile either way. 

"I'm still interested. I can't deny that it's a lot of work, but I can see myself enjoying Jungho's company," 

His pink lips curl in relief, and I swear that his eyes twinkled just a bit more. My heart flutters. 

"I'm glad to hear that." he speaks, then looks away for a moment down the hall. "It's late and I wouldn't want to keep you here any longer. I have a carriage waiting for you at the front. Shall we get going?" 

I nod and follow his steps. 

Jungkook doesn't let the silence make room for itself this time and finds a way to spark a conversation, beginning with my thoughts so far on the day with him and Jungho and leading up to the rose festival.

I found myself smiling unconsciously, enjoying the company that he brought as we walked down the silent halls with no one but us and the guards that we passed. 

We were beyond the topic of work now and to see the genuine grin spread across his lips, and the crescent that creased his eyes, it made me warm in a certain way. It made me happy. It made me comfortable. It made me bubbly inside, and to see that we were now nearing the giant oak doors of the entrance to the castle, I felt disappointed that the moment between us was about to be cut short. 

The two guards positioned at the sides of the doors bowed curtly at the sight of us before making quick strides to then pull the doors open. 

Jungkook gave them both a nod and warm smile of appreciation, although I could imagine that this was the norm for him. 

We now faced the marble steps leading up to the doors, and carefully made our way down to the carriage that he had mentioned previously waiting for us at the bottom. 

"So I guess this is it," I managed to muster up once my feet met the ground, the carriage patiently waiting. 

"The same carriage will be available to pick you up in the mornings and bring you safely back home." Jungkook spoke and I nod.

"Thank you," I look up at him with a smile that has refused to leave my lips for a while now and Jungkook returns one of his own. 

"You're very welcome. And thank you for accepting my offer although it was very unexpected. I truly am looking forward to seeing you around here quite often." 

This time I can't prevent the heat rising to my cheeks. 


Silence settles in this time and I tell him that I shouldn't make the driver wait. He nods in understanding and watches me climb into the carriage with his warm dazzling depths that I find difficult to look away from at times. 

I shyly wave to him goodbye, and the reins of the horses are whipped, the wheels rolling and the carriage lurching to life. He disappears from the small window I could previously see him through and instead divert my attention to the wall across from me. 

I could feel something in the pit of my stomach, whispering that this was possibly a new chapter in my life; a flip of a brand new page with a crown delicately drawn at the top.


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