8 - The Rose

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Jungkook's POV

There’s something that I want to tell you 

Shit. That wouldn’t work. 

Can I tell you something?

That sounded way too casual. 

Maybe I could just burst the words out of nowhere just for the sake of letting the weight off my chest. 

But then again, would she take me seriously? Or would I just look like a fool who didn’t seem to know what he was talking about.

Would she laugh at me? 

God. I just can’t seem to find an escape from the loop of thoughts running through my mind. I needed to encourage myself, yet the devil on my shoulder did nothing but the opposite, only making my worries grow. And it made no sense. This wasn’t who I was. 

Never had I been so self conscious around someone, not that she made me feel that way in her presence. Rather, I felt more than comfortable, more than content (with a tad bit of nervousness that I could never deny), but I found myself careful with my actions and what I say, afraid that maybe she wouldn’t like me as much as I liked her. 

And that was the biggest cause of my worries. 


A feeling so unfamiliar to me, yet it felt like the most terrifying thing to happen. 

But there was no way around it, I couldn't bear the weight weighing me down every time I caught her soft eyes with my mind blaring out what my lips didn’t have the courage to slip. 

I want to tell her. 

Tell her just so I could finally hold her; just so I could have a taste. 

I don’t even notice I’m biting my lower lip as I gaze to the gardens below, watching the sun cascading over the horizon from the window I stood by in my office. I don’t know how long I had been standing there, my mind too occupied with the thoughts that circle around on a daily basis. 

There is so much I want to tell her. 

So much that my heart wants to spill out right in front of her as I see her each day.

I want to tell her that her smile is beautiful, and that her eyes sparkle with it. 

I want to graze my fingers through her hair, and ask whether she noticed the thump of my heart around her, or my urge to gaze at her forever. 

I want to kiss her and tell her that I do, rather than stare at her luscious lips with the temptation to do so every time. 

I wonder if all this was too obvious, or that she chose to play tricks on me just to bring me to my knees. 

Yet here I am, at her mercy. 

“Your highness, good morning!” 

I practically jump out of my skin when I hear a familiar jolly voice from across my work room, noticing the head that popped in before pushing the large wooden door open further. 

I let a smile curve my lips. 

“Good morning Mr.Wan." 

The short and stubby gardener that I had known all my life walked into my work space carrying a vase filled with fresh flowers I’m sure he had picked out just this morning. 

“I apologise if I’m interrupting anything. I had knocked, but you must have been too occupied to notice.” 

“Not at all,” I smile, my hands clasped behind my back “come in.” 

Mr.Wan does as he’s told, humming a soft tune as he makes his way towards the one dresser against the wall, replacing the vase already there with the new one like he does every day. He then walks back to his cart just outside of my room, grabbing another new vase with fresh flowers to replace another. 

I watch as a single red rose slips out from among the others, falling to the floor, and as Mr.Wan is preoccupied with adding a few touches to the bouquet, I walk around my desk and pick up the delicate flower. 

“Ah, did that sneaky rascal slip out?” 

I watch Mr.Wan join me as I hold the rose. 

“I guess so,” I mutter, reaching it out towards him so he could perhaps add it to the others if he wanted to. But instead he shakes his head with a tisk, slightly leaning in. 

“This one is destined for more than just sitting in your office, your highness.” 

I give him a confused look. 

“What should I do with it?” 

The older man shrugs his shoulders, a glint in his eyes with a slanted grin. 

“I’m sure you can find someone to give it to.” 

I blink, still confused. He gives a small bow. 

“Now if you excuse me your highness, I still have some work to get done.” 

I give him a small nod and the elder man gives me another warm smile before leaving me with my thoughts. 

Or not. 

Not even a moment later my doors burst open unexpectedly, catching me off guard, but I’m not too surprised when my eyes fall onto the small figure who jumps into my room. 

“Hyung! Have you seen my sword?” 

“Good morning to you too, Jungho.” I sigh. “Which one did you lose this time?” 

My brother casually welcomes himself into my work space, settling onto one of the sofa chairs in front of my desk, his hair ruffled probably from running here. 

“The one with the red hilt and blue stones! I can’t find it anywhere.” he exclaims and I lean back against my desk. 

“When did you last use it?”

“Yesterday when Miss Lara and I were in the garden. I was showing her a new trick that Yoongi hyung taught me—is that a rose?”

His doe eyes blink up at me curiously, the rose still in my hold, my arms crossed over my chest. 

I raise a brow.


“Who is it for-” 

Before he could finish his sentence, he cuts himself off with a gasp. 

“You’re going to give it to Miss Lara, aren’t you?!” 


I'm caught off guard, my eyes widening, when my little brother jumps to his feet, snatching the delicate flower from my hand. 

"I'm going to be the one to give it to her first!" he exclaims. 

"Don't be ridiculous—" 

I'm barely able to finish my sentence before he's turning on his heel and rushing to the door, and I'm left groaning as I push myself off my desk. 

"Jungho!" I call his name from where he ran down the hall, my steps growing quicker until I'm jogging to catch up to him. 

Damn, he ran fast for a six year old. 

"Give it up hyung!" He yells over his shoulder, turning a corner, and I can't help but grow annoyed at how childish he was being. 

It hadn't crossed my mind to give it to Lara, because she wasn't here yet. Her shift began in about an hour and a half, and I wasn't even sure if I would encounter her until later that day because of some work I'm yet to complete.

My steps quicken and I'm on his tail, his eyes growing big once he realises I'm in arms reach. 


My brother turns another corner and comes to an immediate stop and I almost run into him. I glance up to see what had happened only to see Lara gazing back at the two of us with round eyes and parted lips, clearly startled. 

I don't even have the opportunity to say anything before Jungho is reaching out the rose towards her, eyes sparkling. 

"Miss Lara, will you go out with me?" 

A heart beat goes by and my brows furrow, utterly confused. 

My six year old brother couldn't actually be asking out a girl triple his age. 

Her features melt from surprise and into an amused grin, her eyes disappearing into crescents before letting a beautiful smile escape. 

Her eyes glance up at me, and I feel my heart melt away. 

"I'm truly flattered, Jungho." She speaks gently, lowering the flower that he still held. "But I can't accept." 

My brother looks bewildered, clearly unable to grasp the rejection.  

"Why not!" 

She glances up at me another time, a tint of a smile being revealed. 

"Because I have someone else in my life." 

And there goes my heart 

Crushed and shattered to smithereens 

I don't bother to pick up the fallen pieces, instead left to stare at her, my chest feeling oddly heavy. 

I felt like crying, if I were to be honest, like a baby who's toy was taken away. But I blink back the slight burn in my eyes and clear my throat instead, catching the gaze of the girl who let loose all the emotions within me. 

"Who is it!" 

My brother, being the stubborn person he is, is clearly not ready to let go, so as I swallow the burn of emotion inside of me, I place a hand on his shoulder to make him look at me. 

"Jungho, you're being childish right now." 

"I am not! I want to know who it is!" 

"Jungho." I say his name sternly, and he fires back an angry glare. "Isn't it time for you to go back to class anyways?" 


I tisk in disapproval, rolling my eyes. 

"C'mon, get back to class before Mr.Kim goes looking out for you and I have to tell mother and father you're not cooperating." 

The six year old stops his foot and huffs with a glare. 

"Fine!" He grumbles, throwing the rose at me with an attitude, and I catch it right in time as my brother storms away. 

"That was very unexpected." 

The sweet voice has me turning my head towards her, my heart pounding. 

"Yeah, I apologise for his behaviour." 

"No worries." 

I nibble on my bottom lip, gazing down at the rose I held. I wanted to give it to her, but it wouldn't be right. 

"So you have someone in your life?" I rasp, finding it difficult to let the words out, but I'm caught off guard when she giggles. 

"Oh no, absolutely not."

I don't think my head ever whipped towards her so fast, heart pounding as the few broken pieces begin sealing back together. 

"But you just—"

"I lied." She shrugs, "I couldn't keep his hopes up forever." 

Mine sure as hell just skyrocketed though. 

I don't even realise I'm grinning. 

"Yes of course," 

A moment goes by, and I watch her step closer, her hand reaching out and grazing my fingers gently before touching the rose.

"I believe this is for me."

My heart is fluttering at the simple touch and smile she gives, suddenly at her mercy. 

"It is." 

Her lip is caught under her teeth, pink dusting her cheeks once I'm giving the delicate flower to the girl who had me going through a whirlwind of emotions.

"Thank you,"

I try to let my fingers linger as much as I could before they're falling back at my side, gazing at the way she blushes and smells the rose.

Gosh, I just want to kiss her. 

"Would you like to join me for a stroll in the garden?" 

I blurt out, and her beautiful grin only grows.

"I would love to."

I apologize for how long its been since the last update! I hope you enoyed this chapter ♡

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