Chapter 2: Ameliorate

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Her past continued to breathe down her neck with quivering madness. Her lungs burned and her body continued to plunge deep into the abyss. She no longer felt cold or warm. Rune felt numb, empty, light as a feather. The warmth she once knew became corrupted and cast away. The blood that once flowed through her transparent passages froze to her once beating heart.

She watched the crystal, serene water turn into a red hue. Her body continued to drag her down further into the darkness. She felt the water mould around her body and freeze her in place. For once in her life, she felt fear. Rune's once ebony hair turned into a white wonderland. Her transformation preserved her in the ice rather than making her body rot. She still didn't understand why she was able to talk as a matter of course, instead of screaming in their signature language.

Rune's eyes fluttered open to see it was morning. A pleasant sigh escaped her lips when she saw the beautiful golden beams of sunlight from the balcony. She never expected Kingslanding to be such a serene place. At the same time, Rune wished it was like this back at Storm's end. Everyone here handled her like family for the past few days. Viserys was like the father she never had. He was fair to her and gave her kindness and hospitality. Borros always treated her the opposite. Rune's silence is valued more than her presence. He'd preferably take care of a sheep than her. Above all else, she was something that he regretted.

"How long have you been standing there?" Rune questioned while staring at the balcony. She noticed someone familiar standing at the end of her bed. 

"Oh, not long," his sharp lips turned into a grin before relaxing. His eyes looked towards her feet that poked out from under Rune's blankets. She's been tossing and turning through the night to cause a mess of pillows on the floor. Before she woke up, he chose to wake her by wiggling her toe. He'd rather not have an angry woman who -- even the demonic gods would fear her wrath.

"What time is it?" Rune yawned and sat up. It wasn't normal for her to see sunlight at this hour. Back at Storm's End, the weather there was always overcast. Of course, she didn't mind it, but she soon became aware that she was light-sensitive. 

"Early. I used to wake up Aegon like this. After all, he'd rather be at a brothel than this place. He'd come home late and sleep until the afternoon," he folded his arms and continued to stare at her sleepy form. To her surprise, she never realized that royalty had the guts to walk down to a place like that. 

"You woke him up by shaking his toe?" Rune questioned. If it weren't for her teeth grazing her bottom lip she would have lost it by now. A funny feeling kept tickling her insides then she let out a small giggle.

"You'd be doing the same if you knew he saw battle or had an attitude -- such as yourself." Aemond unravelled his arms and flicked his wrist towards her. Once again, it reminded Rune of the time when they first met. Not only was she rude to him, but she thought he was a bit of a creep. But of course, she quickly figured out his status then she thought wrong. He didn't fuss with helping her for the past few days.

"Just be glad I didn't freeze your balls off," she rolled her eyes. Rune removed the covers off her body and slowly moved her legs towards the side of the bed. Her eyes locked on the wooden chair. It sat at the other end of the room where the rest of the set was. 

"Can you hand me the chair?" Rune questioned as she pointed at the chair near the balcony. Aemond turned his head and looked towards what Rune was asking. He made a slow pace towards the chair and clamped his gloved hand on top of the chair.

"Speaking of your brother. . . I don't recall ever seeing him," Rune spoke in a serene tone. Aemond stopped with his slender back to her and continued to listen to her words. He shook his head with a grin. He noticed she would rather talk about his drunken and lazy brother--preferably than what lies beyond the path of no return, the North.

He clenched the wooden chair and dragged it back to her. Aemond halted his steps when he heard her words. 

"But on the brighter side, you both sound very similar." In a way, her words turned twisted in his mind. He couldn't tell if she was being spiteful with her silver tongue or if she was generally sweet and misunderstood. It sounded like mockery to him. His brother was the lazy one out of the two. Aemond held the title of the 'One-eyed' prince, and even with one eye, he could do things twice as better as any man. He hated when others compared Aemond to his brother. Even if she reminded him, Targaryens are not all different, including his parent's succession. He knew he would never get the throne. But at the moment, he wanted nothing to do with her. For all the gods know, he curses his father for giving him the job of taking care of a possible whore. He as well didn't know her background too much. Right now, he wanted to be on the other side of Westeros instead of with her. 

"I am nothing like my brother, and I am certainly not pampering your arse." Before Rune could open her mouth, the maids came in. Both women didn't comment but they made a small giggle about why the prince was in her room.

Aemond took the chance to leave in silence. He didn't excuse himself, nor did he look back at her. Of course, he had other plans for the day and didn't want to be bothered with excuses. Rune sat there in silence and shock. He certainly got her tongue then. Rune certainly didn't want to be known as; a 'burden' to Aemond or the Targaryen family. She made a small note; to leave when she gets better.

After several minutes, the maids got her into a lukewarm bath. It took even longer for the water to cool. When she placed her hand in the water, she automatically retrieved it due to the pain. Now she sat in the tub, feeling worse than ever. His words still rang through her head like Kingslanding's church bells. She felt unhappy about their conversation. No matter what corner she turned, she was never accepted. For once, she thought Aemond was different, but she was wrong. He was just like the rest of them.

She then cast away her thoughts, and the maids helped her out of the tub. They helped her into a dark blue gown and sat her down to fix her hair. Even though she looked beautiful in the dress like a Targaryen princess - - she didn't feel the same. She felt insecure about the stretch marks on her thighs. It almost looked to be dragon claws. On the brighter side, she was glad her long hair covered the scar near her ear. Aemond wasn't the only one who had an injury during his youth. 

A sudden knock sounded from the door. Rune turned her head towards the oak-coloured door as she felt a bit of hope in her gut. Did he come back to apologize for his actions? Before she could elaborate on who it might be, one of the maids answered it for her.

"Of course," the maid commented before letting the man in.

Rune's sapphire gaze looked at the man. She noticed the white armour symbolizing his role in the Kingsguard. His wavy brown hair touched the hindmost of his neck as his brown eyes caught hers. She would be lying if she didn't say he was handsome.

"My lady, his Grace has requested your presence," the man proceeded to walk closer to her. He stopped in front of the cushioned stool she sat on. Then, a small smile curved at the ends of his lips.

"I'm Ser Criston, commander of the Kingsguard," he knelt to her level. Criston's gaze came into contact with hers. His gaze wasn't intense or dangerous like Aemond's. His eyes proved to be soft and reassuring. It wasn't too often she saw the same look. It reminded her of her mother. After all, Rune's mother was the only one who cared for her. Her mother argued with her father to treat her with more respect, or at least like a daughter -- rather than a stranger. But even though she was his wife to Borros, his power and words still overruled hers. 

When Rune's passing reached every corner of Westeros and Essos, it drew curiosity. No one knew Borros had a fifth daughter, nor did they realize she was the only one who lived to see the Night King. After all, it would have been impossible for someone to find Rune.

 A few locals from the wall found her when fishing one day. When they found her body, they paid no attention to the bracelet she wore on her left wrist that every Baratheon wielded. Their thoughts went to the missing princess, Celeste Velaryon. If she were a true Velaryon, her hair would have been white at a young age or formed at an older age. It was merely a mystery of the location of Celeste and the rumour of the dead walking amongst the living. 

"I'll be your escort until then," a small smile formed at the corner of his lips. Still, it was comforting to Rune. Even Christian wondered where Aemond went. After all, the rumour scattered across the Red Keep that Aemond was supposed to take care of Rune.

"Thank you, Criston." Rune nodded. He gently placed his hand around her back while she placed her arms around his neck. He slowly lifted her and waited for her to adjust her stance. Rune readjusted her arms to the same way she held Aemond; an arm around the back and an arm on the chest for support.

"Take your time. We're not in a rush," he whispered as they entered a long corridor that led to the garden. Her feet continued to shuffle slowly across the stone flooring. Rune felt a bit ashamed of her ability to walk. She felt like a newborn babe. It was almost as if her legs had brittle bones. In other words, she was embarrassed for others to help her.

Criston's eyes soon landed on the silver armour plate on his chest. From beneath her fingers formed a frosted path. He sucked in a breath and slowly released it. Her power proved to be anything beyond belief. Although Criston seemed to be the last one in Kinglslanding's apprise to such magic.

"Something troubles you," he finally let out. His mind continued to ponder whether he'd freeze at the end of the hallway. If there is a way to calm her worries, he might live to see another sunrise. 

Or not.

"If it makes you feel any better, I am all ears," Criston offered. Her icy eyes slowly rose from the floor and looked in his direction. She had already noticed the damage done. A frown painted its way on her lips when she saw the frost on his armour. Her chest started to feel tight as if she was going to suffocate. 

"Apologies!" Rune gasped. She swiftly pulled her hand away from his chest and suffered the consequences. The support she needed was no longer there. Before she could fall, Criston swiftly caught her wrist and pulled her towards him. In a way, Rune didn't want to freeze him, but she also didn't want to fall. His breath became shallow as he scooped her up.

"Careful, don't forget that you're still injured," a sigh escaped his lips. Rune continued to scold herself for her actions. She couldn't have imagined if she took him down with her and if her touch could hurt another. Her chest felt tight, almost as if she was suffocating. Rune was starting to hate being one of the dead. She could no longer enjoy hot baths or warm sunlight. Every time she became nervous, a curse would follow.

"If I am being honest with myself, I'm not entirely sure what's happening to me. I feel like every word I say or anything I touch shatters in its wake," Rune shrugged her shoulders. Her heart became heavy as shivers ran down her spine.

"Is that what's bothering you?" Criston asked as they proceeded down the hallway. She noticed how beautiful the architecture looked. Calmly, she stared at the beautiful wainscotting that covered the outer edges of the ceiling.

"No, it's not that. I am afraid my words have upset another," Rune sighed. There was nothing worse than the feeling of guilt. Of course, there was room for doubt, and she pursued to think back on her words. She searched every nook and cranny of her mind to find the one moment. After wracking her mind for a moment, she thought of a possible culprit.

"Who have you possibly vex while being here for only a few days?" he raised a brow. At this point, Rune felt like she could trust Ser Criston. In a way, Rune felt like he was a friend she could talk to. After all, she never had many friends. She struggled with socializing at; the age of ten when Borros forced Rune to stay in her room, especially when Borros hosted big feasts and drinking parties. The only time Rune thought she made a friend was the time; she made a friend with a local farm boy. She lost contact soon after when her father told her she couldn't leave the castle.

"Aemond." Rune felt her stomach churn when she said his name. It wasn't her intention to make the prince angry. Although, she felt like she was going in circles with her thoughts. 

"I fear that is quite possible, he is quick to anger, but I am sure he will come around. He isn't accustomed to handing out kindness to others. Once in a blood moon, a regular folk will see it. But I feel you're different." Criston paused and thought of his words for a moment before proceeding.

"I heard you were able to tolerate an unanticipated meeting with Aemond. It's most unusual to see a woman hold her ground like that. I admire that. You're someone he's never faced before," a small chuckle escaped his throat. The word around the Red Keep spread like wildfire. She proved to be the only woman who got his tongue. Nevertheless, she slayed him at his own game.

Or did she?

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, and she laughed. "I think anyone would have been defensive if you were pronounced dead, dragged across Westeros, and woke up almost -- in the skin you were born with," Rune couldn't help but notice how ridiculous her first awakening was. The more she thought about it, it sounded even more like something out of a horrendous comedy.

Finally, a beautiful courtyard came into view. The archway Rune and Criston stood under revealed a hidden gem of the castle. Partially at the end of the courtyard stood a weirwood tree. The white bark stretched tall with a crown of five large, pointed branches that held a bundle of red leaves. What surprised her the most was a face engraved in the middle of the tree. On either side of the courtyard; are substantial stone barriers that reach high above the garden and a verdant lawn with a stone path paved across, leading to the weirwood tree. Rune thanked the gods it was now overcast. She couldn't have imagined suffering in sunlight. It wasn't too hard to put the two together. After all, Kingslanding was known to be a hot place on its best days.

She widened her eyes in amazement. Rune had never seen such a beautiful courtyard. Everything at Storm's End looked like a place of doom and gloom. Nothing ever grew there besides yellowed grass. King's landing looked more promising than any other place in Westeros.

Criston led Rune over to a stone bench where Viserys patiently waited. He wanted to talk to her about something important. It wasn't too often Viserys spoke about this matter besides his family. Firstly, this decision would have to pass Alicent before he directed it to another. But this time, he decided to talk to Rune about it first. Something involving her future.

"I apologize, your Grace. I would bow if I had the strength to do so," Rune's soft gaze locked with Viserys's gaze. She swore to the gods that if they would bless her with some good luck, she might spare them the trouble.

"No need. Your presence is a breath of fresh air. Of course, I wouldn't ask you to bow when you're injured." Viserys leaned forward and clasped his hands together. She felt grateful to meet such a kind-hearted ruler. It wasn't too often a ruler would show that quality. Usually, men seek power to conquer and subjects to lay down their lives for them. But Viserys chose for the longest time not to seek war but to prevent it until war comes knocking on his door. It's a different story when you have a dangerous brother named Daemon. Viserys and Daemon were like different sides of a coin. Daemon isn't afraid to make risky moves. Meanwhile, Viserys chooses to avoid any risky move unless necessary.

"Thank you, your Grace. You are too kind," a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Please, sit." Viserys gestured with his left hand to the spot next to him. Criston slowly helped Rune sit down on the stone bench. He held onto her until she was able to stable herself. The way Rune held onto Christian reminded him of a koala.

"Thank you, Criston. You may leave." Viserys dismissed Christian.

Ser Criston bowed and looked at Rune. She smiled at him and mouthed a thank you. He raised his eyebrows and gave her a half smile before leaving. Rune felt something for a moment, something she hasn't felt in a long time. The feeling felt ticklish and warm, like a hug. She quickly shook that feeling away when Viserys started the conversation with her. When he left her, he knew where to find Aemond. Of course, Christian knew it was well past noon and knew Aemond couldn't have wandered far. Where does a prince like to take out his anger?

As the training grounds came into view, he watched Aemond practice on a wooden dummy. Splinters of the wooden practice dummy flew with each swing. Aemond gripped the handle of the sword and continued to oscillate the sword with all of his might. With each swing, he felt the adrenalin pumping through his veins. His heart rate continued to increase as his grunts broke the silence. 

"I know you're here, so don't bother sneaking up on me," Aemond scowled and halted his strikes, turning towards Christian.

"Aye, if I was planning to strike you down, I would have done it when your eyes are closed." Sir Christian unsheathed his sword and stood his ground.

"Is that so?" the venom dripped from his words like acid. Aemond stalked closer to Criston and swung his sword. Criston parried his attack and pushed his weight forward.

"I never taught you to use your anger when attacking. It gets you nowhere," Criston managed to break his stance and push him back. Aemond stumbled back and growled. He felt an intense pain in his chest. It was almost as if Aemond was a water pot boiling over. He knew Criston was right.

"Now, tell me; what troubles you?" Criston said. Aemond rolled his eye(s) and ignored Criston's words. He quickly recovered from the recent attack. This time, Criston chose to come to Aemond. There was no point in stopping Aemond when he could try to make him yield.

"It's nothing of your concern." Aemond pivoted his footing and swung his sword against Criston's. He gritted his teeth as he saw Criston blocking every attack he made toward him. The sound of steel against steel crackled through the air. Sparks of metal flew when Aemond had an idea. He extended his knee upwards and kicked Christian in the gut. 

Sir Criston grunted and felt an intense pain in his gut. When Aemond's boot collided with Christian's gut, he stumbled back and smashed into barrels, ropes, and shields. A heavy dust cloud kicked into the air. Criston then tried to recover his composure.

Aemond stalked closer to Criston, expecting him to stay on the ground. Within the cloud of dust, Criston could see Aemond's silhouette forming. He swiftly picked up a small handful of dirt and tossed it up. A small grunt escaped Aemond's lips. Criston wrapped the rope around both of his knuckles and held it tight. He moved his hands forward and hit Aemond's ankles, making him trip. As he collided with the ground he gasped for air when he felt the air get knocked out of him.

"You're paying dirty, Cole!" Aemond chuckled as he rolled to the side when Criston stood up and swung his sword.

"I heard a little bird made you irritated," Criston continued to swing his sword at Aemond. He swore to the gods above if he brought his mace; it would have been easier for him to end this.

"That Baratheon girl is nothing more than a pebble in my shoe, small and annoying," Aemond growled. He didn't want to admit that he had mixed feelings about the situation.

Within seconds, Criston stepped on Aemond's chest and pointed the tip of his sword at Aemond's neck. With any more pressure, Sir Christian could crush Aemond's lungs.

"Yield," Criston demanded. Aemond's lips turned into a thin line before grinning. 

Seconds later, Criston knew Aemond had surrendered. He moved his boot off his chest and sheathed his sword before extending an arm to Aemond. Criston felt good that he beat Aemond. After all, Criston was the one who trained Aemond from a young lad. 

Aemond took his gloved hand as Criston pulled him to his feet.

"What did she say to you?" Criston asked while he crossed his arms.

"She compared me to my brother. . ." Aemond mumbled under his breath. He then scanned the dirt for his sword.

"And why should you be mad at that?" Criston asked as Aemond walked over to retrieve his sword. There was nothing more annoying than a friend asking too many questions at once.

"I don't recall you being last in line for the throne. Not to mention, being compared to my older brother." At this point, Aemond felt a bit calmer about the situation.

"She could have meant many different meanings," Ser Criston Cole sighed and walked closer to Aemond. 

"You can't treat her like a plaything, Aemond. She went through just as much pain as you did. Who knows what would have happened if she attacked you the day you met." Criston looked Aemond in the eye and continued to lock his gaze.

"Then what do you suggest I do?" Aemond tilted his head and questioned him. He was this close to dropping the conversation and leaving Christian.

"You need to be more delicate with her," he stopped in his tracks and thought about his next set of words. Of course, Aemond needed a way to fix his mistakes.

"Go to her chambers tonight and clear the air with her," Christian told him. Aemond thought about the idea before grinning. 

It wasn't a bad idea.

Not at all.

Hi, my magical readers! Thank you so much for spending your Sunday night/afternoon/day reading my book! I hope you like the story so far. If you disliked it, that's okay too! I am having so much fun writing this story and bringing my story to life. I would just like to thank everyone for reading, voting, commenting, and adding this book to their reading lists, it means a lot to me to see such lovely support! 

I was just wondering if you like longer chapters or shorter ones. Please comment down in the comments if you would like longer chapters but longer time to update(this chap is over 4000 words XD) or would you like shorter chaps but quicker updates?

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Thanks for reading ^^

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