Fifteenth Birthday

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Percy's POV

It's our birthday today! Today is also the day that marks three years until we take over the thrones. We're all spending time with our parents.

Pearl, Poseidon, and I are going to the beach.

Thalia, Jason, and Uncle Zeus are going skydiving.

Hazel, Nico, and Uncle Hades are going to a funeral. (I really don't see the attraction in that, but that's my opinion)

Katie, Don, and Aunt Demeter are going to tour through gardens.

Annabeth, Colin, and Athena are going to the worlds largest library.

Piper, Jasper, and Aphrodite are going out for a full on makeover.

Frank, Clarisse, and Ares are going to watch some war that's going on.

Leo, Carmen, and Hephaestus are going to take a building class.

Will, Soleil, and Apollo are going to drive around on the sun chariot.

Lana, Chris, and Hermes are going to steal, I mean buy, things from the best prank stores in the world.

Lara, Castor, and Dionysus are going to a wine tasting.

Hera is going to Calypso's Island to see if she is a suitable heir.

Artemis is going to ask her lieutenants if they want to be her heirs.

After all of that, we get to meet Hera and Artemis's heirs and eat dinner.

The beach was awesome! We went diving, and we saw... wait for it... NEMO! We found Nemo! We explored the reefs, talked to some fish, played with dolphins, you know, the regular.

At lunch time, dad brought us down to a little house he had set up. He made some food magically appear from the water. It was really good.

"Pearl, Percy, I want to talk to you about the powers you will be receiving. You'll be getting the same powers. More control over water, Vapour Travel, flashing places, control over currents, control over hurricanes, control over waves, boiling and freezing water, and more. You also won't get tired."

We asked a couple questions, and then he gave us the big surprise.

"I'm going to give you your powers today. You're already immortal, so the effects shouldn't be to bad. On the count of three. One..." We closed our eyes. "Two..." We took a deep breath, "Three!" A ball of sea green light came flying at me. I could see the brightness through closed eyes, that's how bright it was. It enveloped me, and I felt way more powerful.

I opened my eyes to see Poseidon and Pearl grinning.

"Wow. That was better than I expected! I thought you would pass out."

"You're lack of faith disturbs me." Grumbled Pearl.

We horsed around a bit more, and then we flashed back to Olympus. Everyone else was waiting for us. Along with Calypso and one of Artemis's lieutenants.

"Percy, Pearl, these are the new heirs. Calypso, heir to Hera's throne, and Zoë Nightshade, heir to the throne of Artemis. They are technically half siblings. They shared Atlas as they're father." Both girls grimaced.

We sat down to a fancy dinner. Afterwards, we took the newest additions of the Council of the Heirs to our shared palace.

"Are you two sharing a room? Or do you have separate rooms?" Asked Annabeth.

"We are not certain at the moment." Zoë said.

Apparently they had separate rooms. Zoë's is silver, and Calypso's looks kind of like the Demeter kids room. We decided to take them in the complete tour.

"On the first floor, we have the indoor part of the pool, games room, and workshop. On the second floor, we have the library, makeup room, the new meeting room, and indoor training room. The third floor has the bedrooms. The fourth floor has the Apollo kids bedroom, the Zeus kids bedroom, Zoë's bedroom, and the observatory. Outside, we have the outdoor pool, the orchard, the outdoor training arena, the garden, and Leo's amusement park. Oh, and if you see a bronze dragon, it's Festus. Leo found and fixed him."

The two girls looked around in awe. Well, Zoë was. Calypso was stealing glances at Leo. Leo was stealing glances at her. It's really funny.

"Now that you two are officially heirs, you are also apart of the Council of the Heirs. We elected Annabeth to be in charge until the election.

We all went to bed soon after that. We all had new powers, and we're all very tired.

I hope these three chapters make up for the time I spent writing other things.

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