Old wonds

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The next morning Julee woke up and saw that Damien Was already up Julee Stretched and changed out of her pjs  before putting on jeans and a purple long sleeved shirt before leaving the bed room Julee saw a the white board that was on Damien 's room Julee took the white board and marker before putting the white board on there room door before writing ; Julee and Damien 's room keep out . On the white board.  Julee walked down the stairs to the dining room to see Damien And William they seemed to be arguing about something Julee hung back to listen . I understand how you feel but if you go and see him what will it Change he has been in prison Since he was 17 years old he probably feels abandoned you showing up won't help him Damien Your Just opening an old wound . William Argued with Damien.  That's. Exactly why I need to go William to show him he was never abandoned even if he doesn't want to leave  he deserves to know the truth even if he gets angry I didn't leave yancey  my adopted parents lied to me and  told me he had died in an accident the same night as when my birth parents were killed. I truthfully didn't believe  it was an accident  . Damien said in angry. What did you think happened William asked in conferment . That my twin brother died protecting my birth mom and little brother that was the kind of guy my brother was . Damien said looking away . Julee felt awkward standing there Julee went back to the stairs before walking down them Badly so they could hear it, Julee's up William said . Look don't say anything to Julee about this ok this is the last thing she needs to worry about she had enough on her plate with dealing with her asshole  Seemingly controlling husband and  having to deal with that mob wanna be asshole she doesn't need to be sucked up into my family drama he most likely like not my twin brother I'm going to go with Julee today to visit her friend yancey and her prison family so l will know for once and for all then I will go from there . Damien said before sitting down.  Julee walked into the Dining room acting like she didn't hear anything. Hey there you are good morning Julee said with a smile. good morning jules yeah sorry about that William needs my help for a second it was his turn to make breakfast and he Needed help with The waffles. Damien lied . Julee smiled breakfast smells really yummy Julee said and smiled. Not that I miss his Arrogant ass but where is shanks ??? Julee asked . He is out with those low life flunky for breakfast William said in a cold tone. I'm glad that he isn't here I'm not really in the mood for his stupid ass jokes . Julee said coldly. Yeah that's how we feel Damien said as he got a plate and filled it with a thing of chocolate chip pancakes bacon and sausages . Julee did the same thing Julee grabbed a thing of orange juice before sitting down at the table.  Hey Julee I was thinking I'm free today it looks like shanks is going to be busy with his flunkys so I was wondering did you want to go visit with your Prison family and yancey??? Damien asked with a smile. Yeah  that would be so much fun maybe Mac and Doug can stop In and see us . Julee said with a smile. Damien smiled back. Damien felt bad about using her to meet yancey but it was the only way it could be done . I have to stop by Chris 's house I need to get more clothes and maybe spend time with my son if  he is home. Julee said Cooly.  Yeah ok Damien said as he ate his breakfast. Julee found 3 extra suitcases That were laying around in the closet before leaving the mansion Damien was following Julee when he was stopped by William. I get it William but now I know there's a chance I can't ignore it . Damien said looking his best friend in the eye , I know Damien Just  I understand if there was a chance a member of my family was alive I would want to know to . William said putting his hand on Damien 's shoulder. Just don't block Julee out  you and I both know she is the best thing for you right now she would be a grate support for you and she completely trusts us we shouldn't feel like we need to hide things from her  is all I'm saying. William said as he let go of Damien's shoulder .   Yes William I know when I know for sure I will tell her Damien said before Damien walked out to the car . Damien And Julee got into the car and got into the car.  Damien pulled up to Chris's house. Chris was outside smoking out on the porch . Julee got out of the car  and took out the suitcases. Chris walked up to Julee before taking 2 of the suitcases. Julee walked into the house Chris followed. Damien Just waited in the car Chris didn't Make him feel welcomed the last time he was in the house. Julee was in there bed room getting more clothes and packing them into the  2 bigger suitcases Julee put them outside the door for Damien to get the suitcases.  Julee went into the bathroom to get some stuff she  she had forgotten last time she was at there .  Chris walked into the bathroom. How long are you planning on doing this Julee . Chris said he sounded irritated.  Are we really going to do this now Chris  Ryan is  in the next room and my ride is waiting for me to  im visiting some of my friends today  so I have to get going. . Julee said calmly trying to Avoid a fight . Is it that Damien guy . Chris in the mocking tone  .  So what  if it is Chris I'm not going to fight with  You    We agreed to do this until we were able to go to couples Counseling   That way we don't fight in front of Ryan like we have been doing.  Julee said Cooly as she zipped up the middle sized. Suitcase . I want my wife back into our house  we're you belong. Chris said as he took Julee 's hand .  Julee sighed and took her hand away . You and I both know that isn't going to happen anytime soon we can't be in the same room for more then. A few minutes with out going at each Other's throat's and it's not heathy Julee said  as she tried to walk past Chris . Chris grabbed her wrist . Yeah and why not it's that  Damien guy isn't it you want to leave me for him ! Will guess what you can't we're married  until death do use part  remember ! . Chris yelled angrily.  Julee Cooly pulled her arm out of his grasp. First of all  this is  why we're going to Couples  counseling you have some issues you need help  dealing with even after I basically promised you that I am not cheating on you your still on  that ! 2nd of all were not even officially married were tow people who live together we don't have a marriage license  so there really is no marriage  ! . Julee yelled back angrily.  Chris angrily clinched his teeth  then what's the damn point for  Marriage counseling and there's no marriage to begin with if you want to leave so badly then go !  Chris yelled angrily and marched out the of the house and into the g.   Julee had enough she grabbed trash bags and filled the trash bags with the rest of her stuff Julee couldn't keep coming back to his house and fighting with him every time she came . Julee grabbed her lava lamp out of the bed room. Ryan was watching tv in the living room. Mommy we're are you going??? Ryan asked . Mommy is staying at a friends house buddy but mom will come visit ok . Julee said and hugged Ryan .  I will see you tomorrow ok buddy be good  for your  dad ok julee said and hugged her son .   Ok mommy hey mommy. Can I meet your friend Damien??? Ryan Asked . Yeah sure buddy but it has to be quick
mommy and her  friend. Are visiting our other friends and we don't want to keep them waiting. Julee said as she picked up Ryan and carried Ryan out to the car  where Damien sat waiting for julee  . Damien heard a little voice say . Hi uncle Damien my name is Ryan. Damien looked at julee. Who was trying not to laugh.  Hi there Ryan how old are you ?? Damien asked with a smile. I'm 6 . Ryan said smiling. Damien looked at julee who looked a little upset. Hey buddy mommy and I have to go . Damien said  in a calm tone . Mommy told me you guys have friends you wanna visit . can I go next time mommy ?? I like spending time with my grandma and grandpa but I would. Like to spend time with you to . Ryan said as he tured around and hugged Julee. Damien knew she was trying not to cry in front of him . Hey buddy it's almost lunch time did you want me to make you and daddy anything before mommy leave ??? Julee Asked And put him down gently.  Yes mommy Macaroni and cheese and hotdogs . Ryan said  smiling. Ok can uncle Damien help mommy get the rest of her stuff first ?? Julee asked . Yeah Ryan said And walked into the house. Is that a good idea for me to go in there ??? Damien asked . It's fine he is in the garage right now smoking  it's fine . Julee said calmly . Damien walked into the house and saw the Suitcases in about eight trash bags . Damien looked at julee who didn't say anything Just took the bags of stuff. Damien carried 4 trash bags with him into the car, Julee opened  the trunk for Damien, who put  the bags in the car it took 3 trips but they got all the bags . But julee 's lava lamp it was blue the top and bottom lid had Moon and stars on it. Julee had gotten the lava lamp  on her 15th. Birthday it was prett old but still worked  it helped her sleep for some reason. Julee carefully picked up the lava lamp  and left the house.  Ryan ran up to Damien and gave him a hug. Damien smiled at Ryan , bye uncle Damien. Ryan said before letting go . By buddy  see you later . Damien said kindly .  Damien walked up to the car where Julee was carefully putting down her lava lamp. He really likes you you know . Julee said out of the blue. Who Ryan? Damien asked . Yeah he normally doesn't call people aunt or uncle unless he  really likes them . Julee said with a smile. Damien hadn't been an uncle yet  his brother jimmy just turned  19 and he was in his first year  of  college Damien wasn't Naïve to think jimmy hadn't done things with the girls he has dated but jimmy wasn't serious about anyone of them not enough to make  Damien an uncle. Damien hadn't really found the right girl Either. Damien liked how it felt to be called uncle Damien .  Julee remembered she hadn't gotten her cell phone out of the bed room where she left it the night she and mark left for the heist she had used mark's phone . Julee walked back into the bed room to see her cell phone had been broken the screen was badly cracked . She had an idea about how that got broken . Chris had somehow Broken it . Julee put her broken phone in her pocket and grabbed her charger . Julee cooked lunch for Ryan and Chris before leaving the house. Julee   Got into the Car with Damien.  Damien drove off  . Julee held on tight to her lava lamp . Hey if you want to talk About anything  I'm here was all Damien said looking forward. Yeah I know thanks Damien. Julee said Damien could tell she was trying to hold back the tears that had formed in her eyes .  Damien pulled up to the mansion William was wating for them . Julee held on to her lava lamp and opened the door to the car . Julee walked past William with out a word or a smile.  Julee walked into hers and Damien's room . Julee found a place for her lava lamp Where it would be safe up on the book shelf  next to her bed . mean while Damien and William were. Getting the bags out of the car . What happened ??? William asked  as they took the bags in the mansion. they got into a huge fight I could hear it in the car  he told her if she wanted to leave so badly then go . Damien said shacking his head . The poor thing she looked pretty upset when she walked past me its not like her to not say hi or smile. William said shacking his head . William hated seeing her like that . He liked when she was smiling. Julee walked out of the bed room and walked down the stairs to where Damien and William were . Hey thanks for bring my bags  in  Cornel. Julee said forcing a smile. No trouble at all . William said kindly . William wanted to hug her but he didn't know if she would want that right now.  Julee William and Damien brought  all of the bags in the bed  room .  thanks guys I appreciate it I'm probably going to get theses  things unpacked first before  visiting everyone. Julee said her voice sounded like she was trying to make herself sound Positive when she felt down .  Did you want help ??  Damien asked.  Julee smiled     If you want to  it would be very appreciated.  Julee said with a forced smile.  Damien And Julee.   Unpacked her bags  and put her. Clothes away in the dresser. Julee unpacked  her books before putting them away in the book shelf  by her bed .  Julee took out the  fish tank Decoration that was a skull with green stones for eyes 

Where did you get that skull ?? Damien asked looking at the skull in her hand . It belonged to my betta fish she loved the skull she use to hang out in the back . Julee said and smiled she was really pretty light blue color Julee pulled out her cell phone and Looked up blue bettas Julee found a light blue betta that looked like sky . Julee loved sky she was Julee 's First betta fish she got sky when Julee was 15 sky lived for 5 years she passed away from old age Julee was tea upset after sky died she didn't want another betta fish so she got rid of her fish tank but kept the skull as a cool Decoration. After my fish died I didn't want another one so I got rid of my tank but I kept the skull as a Decoration it was in Chris's room Chris had a shelf put in in the bed room so I could put what I wanted in it . Julee said as she put the skull on top of the dresser . Julee showed Damien the pitcher of a betta fish that looked just like sky Julee didn't have a cellphone until she was at lest 2o she didn't need a phone until she started to do floor hockey then her parents got her a cell phone. What happened to your screen ??? Damien asked . It most likely was my son he likes to play on mommy's phone he most likely took it out of its case and dropped it . Julee lied she knew it was her asshole husband he probably saw that julee was texting mark she erased all texts of the heist but the text of mark asking Julee to go to lunch with him . Mark was nothing but a brother to her but Chris had a problem with his Jealousy he always had trust issues but it had gotten worse sence they had there wedding Ceremony . All you have to do is tell shanks he will let you get a new phone. Damien said shacking his head . Yeah that's true I wasn't thinking about that . Julee Cooly said as she took her phone back . Julee finished unpacking. It was dinner time when they were done . Thanks for helping me unpack it's a plain in the neck but it had to be done . Julee starched her arms over her head . William knocked on the door of Julee and Damien's room . Hey looks like you guys are done wanna head down and eat ??? William asked . Yeah is the lord of the flunkys here or is he gone ???? Julee Cooly Asked . Thankfully he is gone William Cooly said as he turned to walk away . Julee and Damien fallowed him down the stairs and walked into the dining room where dinner was already set on the table . Julee took a plate and put food on her plate William and Damien did the same . They sat down before eating dinner Julee's phone rang while she was eating dinner she looked down to see it was Chris . Julee rolled her eyes and ate her food. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him Specially after what he said to her . Chris left. A text message. Julee ignored it . Everything ok ??? William asked . Yeah I just don't feel like talking to him right now Is all . Julee said calmly she knew Chris was going to wanna give an Apology and a lame ass excuse to why he acted like he did she had heard it all she was sick and tired of his Excuses she just wanted to hang out with yancey and her prison family and not think about anything else . Julee wasn't really hungry she barely touched her food but when asked if she was ok julee would fake. A smile and said she was fine just had a long day . William and Damien hated seeing Julee like that they hoped that seeing yancey and the others would make Julee feel better at lest for a little while all they wanted to see was her smile . Damien and William finished there food and put there dishes in the sink before leaving the kitchen. Julee and Damien got ready to leave. Julee  And Damien walked out of the mansion before walking to Damien 's car . Julee and Damien got into the car  Julee and Damien put on there set belt before Damien drove off . Julee  turned off her cellphone she didn't want to talk to Chris or see any text messages it's been a while since she saw her prison family and didn't want Chris to ruin the mood  like he always does when he was in one of his moods .damien and julee pulled up to the wood clearing that lead to the club house . Julee and Damien walked down the path until they got to the club house. Julee knocked on the door  Julee heard whispering before the door opened it was Mac who opened the door . Hey are you going to let me in or are you going to stand there all night. Julee asked with a smile. Hey Mac who Is it??? Jimmy 's voice called . Mac smiled at Julee. Hey Mac what's going on why do you have the door-  hank started until he saw Julee standing there .   Mac moved out of the way so Julee could get in . Mac saw Damien and wasn't sure he should let Damien In. He's cool he can come In Julee said over her shoulder. Mac let Damien into the  club house.  Julee snuck up behind jimmy and covered his eyes with her hands . What the he'll yancey If that's you I aware jimmy  said grabbing for the hands when jimmy took the hands off he saw Julee smiling. Hey jimmy Julee said with a smile. Julee hey I didn't think we would see you again after you left . Jimmy said as he gave Julee a side hug . Like you guys could get rid of me so easily Julee said and smiled. Hey guys Julee is  back jimmy called . Tiny , bam bam and yancey stopped what they were doing and walked over to the middle of the room.  Julee smiled bigger when she saw yancey.   Hey  Julee said . Tiny gave Julee a one sided hug Julee hugged tiny back . Julee fist bumped bam bam . Glad your back bam bamb. Said with a smile. I'm glad to see you to bam bam . Julee said with a smile. Julee got to yancey. Julee Hugged yancey . Yance Hugged her back . Yance could tell something was wrong but didn't know how to ask her Yancey saw Damien Looking at yancey. Hey who's that yancey Asked Looking Damien over . Julee let go of yancey. That's Damien he is the friend from college I told you about the one I'm living with right now . Julee said with a smile. Yancey walked up to Damien. I'm yancey Stan it's nice to meet youes a friend of Jules is always welcomed here  and in the family. yancey said as he held out his hand . Damien looked at yancey in his face. Damien fakes a smile . I'm Damien marick it's nice to meet you to Julee has talked a lot of you guys all good things . Damien said  he seemed calm on the outside but on the inside he was freaking out.  That was his twin brother that was yancey but why did his birth parents lie to him about yancey dying for ???? Damien Though to himself. Damien let go of yancey 's hand . So youes and julee have been friends Sence college?? Yancey asked looking Damien up and down . Yes  we Recently caught up Julee told me she needed place to stay for a while while her and her husband sort out things out . Damien said as he put a hand on julee's shoulder .Yancey looked at julee wanting a Confirmation. Julee  smiled at Damien.  Julee smiled at Damien. Damien has been nothing but super supportive during mine and my " husbands" Process of separation . Julee said as she looked up at Damien who smiled back . Like yancey said anyone who  is friends With Julee is welcomed here and to the family.  Hank said as he shock Damien 's hand . One by one everyone introduced themselves to Damien. Damien smiled feeling welcomed. Julee sat down on an arm chair . Julee watched as Damien was talking to hank and the others Mac seemed to like Damien right  away .Yancey sat down next to julee. hey if you - yancey started. Julee forced a smile. Yeah I'm fine Julee,  lied Julee didn't want to ruin there hanging out time  with some lame drama .  Hey Is Doug coming to visit??? Julee asked Changing the subject . It's his turn to watch the security cameras he said  he would try to stop by . Jimmy said  as he and hank got the pool table ready before starting playing pool . Julee missed Doug he was like a Grampa to her . There was a knock on the door to the barn . Julee got up and went to the barn door. Julee opened it to see Doug . Julee smiled . hey Doug I'm glad you were able to come . Julee said with a smile Julee let Doug Into the barn . Hey Doug come play pool with us  hank called. Doug smiled and walked up to hank and jimmy. Yeah I can play a couple of games before I need to get back. Doug said as he took off his security guard hat .  Doug played pool with hank and jimmy. Julee smiled.  Mac was playing a game on the Xbox . Mac was killed by a  scary looking Iron Maiden   It had spikes all over  the creature How do I kill that thing  Mac said annoyed.  Julee got up and walked over to Mac before sitting down next to him . Hey do you have a Mind throwing gun ? Julee asked . She had played resident evil 4 before and she knew that's how to kill the Iron Maiden. Julee helped Mac with getting the mind throwing gun to help defeat the Iron Maiden Julee helped Mac with the game she forgot about what was  on for a while that's what she needed . Damien was playing cards with tiny Damien saw that julee was smiling and having fun .seeing her prison family was Exactly what she needed .  Julee and Mac had fun playing resident evil 4 . Mac looked at his watch. Damn it it's almost 2:30 guys we should be getting back guys before the new guard goes on duty. Mac said as he turned off the Xbox .  Yancey and the others stopped what they were doing. Julee Hugged Mac and Doug. Night guys  I had fun. . Julee said before Mac and Doug left . Julee side Hugged ,jimmy ,hank , bam bam and tiny . Night guys I had fun hopefully we can hang out again soon. Julee said with a smile.  Night guys it was really nice to meet you guys. Damien said with a smile. Night Damien they replied before heading back to the prison before they got  caught . Yancey was the only one left . Julee walked up to yancey and hugged him . It was good seeing you yancey. Julee said with a smile . Yeah it was good to see youes to Jules . Yancey said with a smile. Yancey looked over at Damien. It was nice meeting youes  youes  is welcome  here anytime . Yancey said before he shock Damien 's hand . Damien smiled . Yancey gave Julee one more quick hug before leaving the barn . Julee and Damien followed yancey out of the barn . Julee and Damien walked up to Damien 's car . Damien and julee got into the car before Damien drove off .  Julee looked out the window  she was smiling.   Damien And Julee pulled  up to the mansion before getting out of the car . Julee and Damien walked into the building Julee was walking up the stairs to her room she saw Damien walk  into the study where William was waiting  for him . Julee stat on the stairs she wanted to hear what Damien found out she already knew there was a chance that yancey was Damien's twin brother  .  So was it him ??? William asked as he poured himself a glass of  wine before pouring Damien a glass .  It's him William I would know him anywhere . Damien said as he sat down and drank his wine . What are you doing to do now ? William asked as he sat down in an armchair. Damien sighed . How do you tell someone that  your twins  after all these years he probably thinks that everyone has abandoned him . Damien said with a sigh . Julee sat there not saying a word, Julee quietly got up and snuck into hers and Damien 's room. Before laying down on her bed she turned on her lava lamp . She pretended to be asleep. Damien walked in and took his shoes off before he got into bed . Julee laid in bed not sure what to do she didn't want to get into Damien 's family business but Damien had done very thing in his Power to make her feel welcome at the mansion she decides to let Damien come to her when he wanted to and not Pressure him . Julee missed mark yeah he could be a dip but he was a good guy and he was good at making plannings he was also was a good at figuring out what to do . Julee went into her messages to see if she still had mark's number. Of corse her asshole husband erase it and other stuff from her phone . Julee sighed Julee though to herself . I hope shanks finds him soon I don't know if I can get the box without him . Julee said with. A sigh I miss you partner hopefully I can see you soon I can't get the box with out you . Julee said looking up at the Celling . Julee fell. Asleep  finally.                          

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