chapter 1:born of the hell squad

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In the darkest forest,Tree was slient throught the night,A wind blow,make the leaves on the tree move follow it.

Down on the ground,there was a fire,light up on the wood,The fire is so tiny,It could move little longer, however the wind blow it,the fire move it but still light on.

There was someone sitting on the wood tree,stare at the fire,the firuges was tall black,Have a yellow eyes his eyes shape is like a ferocious animal,He have long black hair on his back,His whole body is black armor, have a horn on forehead,his mouth was large,a point ear on right and left.

The one was sitting is none other,then the fearest warrior,fear enough make those saw or hear him,scared to hear,even his...flute,his song

This was Zen-aku former duke Orge,and former spirit of the sliver hero

Zen-aku is playing the flute,he whispers it,the song of his was peaceful,and clam himself,when he done,he low his flute on the ground,he look up the bright moon that are shining

Zen-aku: "AWOOOOOOO!"he is roaring,his natural as a wolf,zen-aku low his head down.

So how did he in the forest,even though he use to be with his old friend,Well...he decided he need to go his journey of redemption by himself,he know what he done in the past,be label a evil and monster,the true is,he isn't always like that,when he with his old friend,he feel different,he feel like,he don't need become someone lab dog,be order this,be order that,he even try to learn to forget those hero team use to lock him up,but it was his old friend,ask them to do it,Still when he separate from Frist time,he feel empty a outcast,he want to mere with his old friend,but his old friend reject however still let him go with him on journey to redemption

And here he are,alone and outcast one more,he still remember the fight,the battle with those hero,how can he forgets despite he is on redemption journey he still have his pride as a warrior.

It is too late,he better get a sleep, tomorrow he will be on his journey,zen-aku slowly lay on the ground,slowly close his eyes
Next zen-aku know,he is on the grass,but when he slowly open his eyes,he see himself are on the sky and he is fall down really fast.

When did this happen?is this somekind human use to call dream,No this isn't dream,he know and he feel it,cause there is no way,he feel cold on the sky,He will think that later.

He turn himself,he is freely down,he notice there is a tree down there,he take his weapon Cresent moon,when fall down,he thrust the Cresent moon,he slide down the tree,he jump,land down on the ground,he stand straight up,look around,he is in the forest,he look up the sky was dark,What did happen?he fall down from the sky now back to the forest

As he was analysed and thinking a sound from the bush,make him turn his head,he look around,to find whoever or whatever make the noise,He raise the Cresent moon, attention who know what will happend next

Zen-aku: "Show yourself"

The sound are now everywhere, zen-aku must forcus,cause making lot of sound is definitely the distraction and trap

From behind him a eyes glowing,jump out the bush, Zen-aku know it,he quickly turn,raise crescent moon,block the attack

Infornt of zen-aku is the tall,bulky,his whole body armor was white,he have a blue spiky hair and a fang on his mouth,his both armr are bulky but can easy hold the claw,This was Leo zodiarts

Leo: "You fast,how did you know,I will attack you from behind?"

Zen-aku: "cause if I was mine opponents I would do the same"he push the Cresent moon,make Leo backward "Who are you?and why you are here?"

Leo: "I should be the one ask you the same thing,Are you somekind new zodiarts,if so show me your human form"

Zen-aku: "I never hear the zodiarts and I'm not Human,I'm zen-aku a duke Orge"

Leo: "Duke Orge,never hear of it"

Zen-aku: "You will,after tastes mine blade"he raise crescent moon,charges at Leo,he thrust Cresent moon,Leo raise right armr block it,he push the Cresent moon,make zen-aku backwards

Leo swing his claw,Zen-aku duck move aside,he swing Cresent moon,Leo duck move aside,he thrust the claw,stab on zen-aku make him push but hold still his feet on the ground,Leo charges round house kick,Zen-aku duck away,he jump spin hook kick,Leo duck aside,he swing left hook claw,Zen-aku raise his right armr block it,he push it,he jump kneel strike,Leo block it,but still push him,Leo still on his feet.

Leo: "Not bad"

Zen-aku:must admit fighting Leo was different "You too",

Leo:is thinking it would be honor to know his opponent and might be they could meet and rematch "My name is Leo zodiarts"

Zen-aku: "and I guess this is part I said nice to meet you"

Leo: chuckle "hehehe,funny,you take that from a human"

Zen-aku: "as matter of fact...yes I do"

Before they could do anything or rematch,a blast hit on the ground push them away,two of them land down,they look up see whose in the smoke,it was two armor firuges one his have green and one is yellow

They name were mig and benglo

Mig:hold a two gun point at two of them "sorry to interrupt your fight,but i think,You two going explain to me and mine friend here,who are you?"

Zen-aku:turn his head look Leo "friend of your?"

Leo:look at them,his answer would be "No"

Zen-aku: "I don't Know who you are,but attack when your opponent's are Fighting is a coward move"

Mig: "oh yeah...fight with honour,why i forgive,Oh wait.I DON'T GIVE A FUCK"

Benglo: "Listen you two,if you want be alive and slowly die,I suggest you explain to us"

Leo: "I don't need to explain to those are point a gun at us"
Mig: chuckle "then I guess we going Tear you all limb to force to speak"

Leo: "Give it try"

Zen-aku is seeing himself in a trouble situation,two of humanoid and armor they wear not originary but seem like high tech armor,he never like technology very much of human,They have gun,he and leo have basic weapon,He don't know who win,but for what he see,There only be one...or two can survive

Mig and benglo prepare to fire them,but a gun clocking sound,make zen-aku,Leo attention,Mig isn't turn,he know who point a pistol at his head.

On the right is a red humanoid,wear a brown coath,brown pant have a scratch on two lege,behind there is a tail Sharp like a knife,And horn on forehead,the point pistol to mig was striker

Striker: "well howdy what do we have here,bunch new sinner come out nowhere,star a fighting,Mind I join the party"

Mig: "and who the fuck are you?"

Striker:grin "name striker,The name strike at you neck"he point the pistol to mig back neck

Mig: "Point your gun to somewhere else,Or I going fucking kill you"he turn point his pistol at Striker

Striker: doesn't scared "Oh really,Let see whose faster,me or you"

Two of them stare each other,They eyes Is fill with Determined on terminator each other, Question is who will Go down Frist,who will pull trigger fast

Zen-aku saw these two is star off a fight, Normally he won't mind,But there is something bother him,Why they all here in these same place,A forest,Why they have to be meet each other,to kill each other?no that doesn't make any sense,there is something or someone brought them here,real question what reason brought them here?"

Zen-aku: "Enough, don't you two see this is strange,we all meet together in these one place,Do you ever thought why reason we all here together"

Mig: " you mind,I about star to kill these Fucker"

Striker: "ain't no way,I going die by this bastard fuck"

Zen-aku: "Snap out of it,Killing each other won't make Different,you two can kill each other,when we find out reason why we here"

Benglo and Leo see he have a point,they all in the same place,All together in here,to kill each other, probably but no more like make them work together to figure out

Benglo:look at mig "Listen mig,I don't like these kind trap in here,But he got a point,we need to find out where are we...?"

Leo: "And whose brought us here,why in these place?"

Mig and striker still point pistol to each other neck,they eager want to blast of each other head,to see which one going die, However listen to what zen-aku,Leo and benglo said,they thinking that there must be someone or something that brought all of them here,So they have no choice but stick each other,When they done find out they can kill each other they want,who the freak care of it

Mig and striker,low they gun,they eyes stare in each other like warning one day they going finish what they star.

Mig:look at benglo "fine"he look at zen-aku "but let this be clear when this done,we walk on separate way even kill too"

Zen-aku: "suit yourself"

Striker: "Oh right,I not here alone,there is someone here too"

All of them look at striker,what does he mean he isn't here alone, obviously they all here what more to came here and who is it?"
Speak of freaking devil,There is truly someone here and be hang it upside down,That someone is a robot wore purple clothes,have a high boost,His whole a metallic robot,oh have black hat a sword on his back and dagger on his left waist

This was scaramouche the merciless,The loud mouth assassin robot,And third too


the group have arrive,see scaramouche is hang on the tree

Leo: "A have to be kidding me"

Scaramouche:notice the group,he smile glad happy to see them "Oh be-bo-ba-bo You all here now, Quick babe get me off this tree"

Mig:see how this robot are and no need to jurgde,he already know this robot is a loud mouth "You know what ,let get him stick on the tree"

Scaramouche:hear it,he can't be stick on the tree that would be a humiliation "hey babe don't leave me,I can be useful"

Striker: "Yeah how usefull?"

Scaramouche: "I'm assassin baby,Top assassin of the world"

Benglo: "wait I thought top assassin should be deadstroke guy or new guy name wrath,I never hear scaramouche"

Scaramouche: "Oh come on babe,I top assassin babe"

Mig: "Yeah who the fuck care"

A wave fly toward to scaramouche,it cut the tree part make scaramouche fall down on grounds very badly,The group look who do it,it was Zen-aku with his Cresent moon.

Zen-aku: "He is brought here too,That mean we all have a common thing to find"

Mig: "common thing,really fucking about that,we all have it while that stupid bot"he raise left armr point Scaramouche "will hold our fucking foot"

Zen-aku:turn look at mig "you have problems,If you do why don't you kill me here,If I died then how we going know whose brought us here,not to mention we are in a place that me and you doesn't know it,So either follow mine order this time and when done,we will Star our fight"

Mig stare at zen-aku blue eyes,he feel the dark sense come out from him,every word he make is make him... little scared,but Ain't no way he going scared a kind like,kind he most despite and hate most,So there no way,he going let these stupid dog order him,But he do have a point here that they all trap in these only some freaking god know,And someone bought them here,So he will stick with them...for now

Mig: "You know what?fuck you and second don't order me,Cause I ain't bow to anyone especially a stupid dog like you"

Benglo: "he is wolf mig"

Mig: "fucking know that benglo"

Zen-aku: "Very well"he turn away,as mig look at zen-aku with his hatred on his eyes, zen-aku look at Scaramouche "what is your name?"

Scaramouche: quickly stand up,he grin "Oh you haven't hear,I scaramouche the merciless, The The Pied Piper of Ruination,the crooner of Carnage,the Ambassador of Annihilation,the Eradicator of All BABY"

The group is speakless of scaramouche...what should said,Crazy

Mig: laught "hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha,And here I thought I fucking mad hahaha"

Zen-aku breath well this going be a lone day for him to deal with these group.
Somewhere that isn't a forest but a place that is full of house,Full of store and a big tall tower that is like a castle

These kingdom full of people do they Activities like do the job,buy food in ther market children go out the house play the game with each other and study too

But these is use to be become a disaster place,fire is everywhere,house burn,The wood of house crumble down on the ground,Tree is on the fire

What most Notice that all man in village die in painful way why the women...well they be rape by this bunched soldier wore a armor,along with those big ass brown beast have a point ear and a bunched green are rape the girl

Every women is be rape,some feel pleasure,some are down,some are be play gangbang to a point Broken mind,sort off they all be rape.

And those soldier as well those orcs are fell pleasure

Soldier:thrust his manhood into hole of woman,he move his hip over and over,as he chuckled "Hehe come on slut tasted my seme now hehehe"

Woman:face is scared she don't want it,she don't want lose her virgin to him "No...please...let please... anything but these...NO"

Soldier:thrust his manhood so hard,it pour into woman whole "Here I cum"

The woman can't Handel anymore,she pull out her toughe in agheo way,she exhausted,fell on the ground as her hole is pour a lot seme

When the Soldier done,he grab girl head,and smile

Soldier: "what a prefect slut you are hehehe"

A voice speak up behind him,He turn look who is it,is was a man,he wore a grey sliver armor,His hair is black on his left eyes have a scar

Soldier:smile "oh captain Derek"

Derek: "I see you have a fun here"

Soldier:grin "yeah"he raise the woman while hold her head "these bitch surely a good pleasure"

Derek:smile "if you said,why don't share the other"he step aside showing more soldier,they are hold they manhood

Soldier:See no problems "sure thing?"he throw the woman on ground

Woman:look see,she horrific at these all them at one "No-no-no,Please stop it,Please"

All Soldier charges at her they Do horrible thing,they rape her force her to blow job and more

Derek just standing there smile,he know this is the fate of all people this is...his country rule

Derek: "cuntry will live forever,Who will dare to stop us now"
Scaramouche fall on the ground with a mud on his face,and he seem like tired,very tired of course they all walking together and not only him,the group is tired too and they all sit down to take a damm break

Striker spin his revolver,he put in it,point at mig.

Benglo:notice it,he look mig "Did you know he going try to kill you"

Mig: "Two can play that motherfucker"

As he said,not only striker Point his pistol,mig also point his pistol to striker,yep two can play that game,Striker see it,he low his pistol raise his left armr flick the bird,Mig also flick the bird too

Mig:turn look at Scaramouche that still on the freaking "Hey stupid bot,stand the fuck up ain't no time for you the rest"

Benglo: "actually mig we all rest here"

Mig: "I fucking know that"

Scaramouche: stand up "come on babe can I get a rest here babe,I mean we all walk in fithteen or seventeen miles...I don't know babe,all I know that babe I deserve a right of robot here babe"

Benglo: "okay I got a confuse are you gay or something"

Scaramouche:open his mouth Shocked "now that is racist babe"

Benglo: "more like sexist, Because racist is the colour of them"

Scaramouche: "oh-oh-oh just because you too are cyborg,I'm robot and call me gay that is pretty racist babe"

Mig: "Yeah who the fuck care about racist,I mean racist is still there"

Benglo: "No racist is gone and people is equal"

Striker: "Well not untill China come in knock a door and said hey I bring you A bat ,infect people and people begin racist each other"

Benglo: "because they be infected,By the way Chiness make a bat soup,now that just sick"

Scaramouche: "wait is that true babe, Because that not happen"

Mig: "Yeah is because you from ANOTHER FUCKING UNIVERES"

Scaramouche: Shock again,he touch his left side "That hard babe,even I have a heart"

Mig: "Yeah a fucking metal heart"

While these four is talking with each other but attitude of them is saying they are having a rought conversation, Zen-aku is meditation,he ingrone everything behind him,Leo is relay on the tree and sleep

As zen-aku is meditation,He hear something very far,far away from here is like someone are screaming,begging and he hear sound....flapping which he know what is it and he doesn't like that sound,the voice is near here,that mean,he and the group are near some village in here and the village is under attack,so what will he do ingrone that or Do something,He already have his answer that is do something,he can't sit here and Ingrone,no,if there is something he learn from his friend

That is whenever someone is or need  indangerous,then must help,if do nothing,stand or sit won't will make him regret it and he know what is regret is those people have a family,child of they gone,they family and friend will sad and despira and it also his path of redemption

Zen-aku open his eyes,he stand up,turn walk toward to the four,Leo is done sleep,he stand up too

Zen-aku: approach to the four "I hear there is village near here by and under attack"

Mig: "so?"

Zen-aku: "we going help them"

Slient few a minute untill the four brust out a laugh at zen-aku

Mig: "Hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha"

Benglo: "hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha"

Striker: "Hahaha hahahaha"

Scaramouche: "Hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha"

Zen-aku stand there,listen to they laughed which he doesn't mind,Cause obviously know what is they respond

Mig: "wait-wait-wait you tell us do to the hero job,A goody two shoes job"

Zen-aku: "Not a job but a request"

Mig:"Yeah fuck right"he stand up "We got whole situation right here,that is find who the fuck brought us,and later kill each other"

Zen-aku: "that could be wait, remember when I said,we stick together,Even it mean do goody two shoes job,Is because there is no hero in here,no power rangers in here"

Mig: "How the fuck you know"

Zen-aku: "I sense this world full of darkness and there is no such thing as hero,that is why it don't need a hero,it need a reaper to do the job,Now either you follow me,you will survive and can kill each other I don't care"

Mig listen to zen-aku, dammit why these stupid wolf know what to said,and Everytime he speak,he spread out the dark aura, whatever as long as this job make it quick and kill his boredom since he don't have anything to do.

Zen-aku:look at the other "Does anyone have a question about I do"

Benglo: "no,as long as mig agreed,I agreed too"he stand up

Striker:Stand up side his neck "Me too,Hope there is some fucker to kill,cause sitting with the fucker make me pissed"he raise left armr point mig

Mig: "shut the fuck up striker"

Scaramouche:grin "oh-oh babe it been while I haven't kill people"

Leo:look at zen-aku"Let hope these whatever threat is, Surely make a entertainment for me"

Zen-aku: "This won't be a entertainment but it will be massacre"

Benglo: "Sound fucking fun"He brought out the shoot gun,Lock and load

Zen-aku turn away,he walk as well as the other

Zen-aku walk Infornt,Leo walk on his right,mig and benglo walk from behind zen-aku,Striker is walk on the right,He raise his pistol, Scaramouche spin his dagger with a grin on his metal mouth

These more like these squad is about to Bring some Action,burtal action.


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