chapter 5:death

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Zen-aku is sitting on the rock,He is meditation,This keep him clam whenever he is gone mad

Like Mig attitude of being a...well what word that Merrick friend said,Oh yeah Jerk and asshole,Even though he doesn't care of the word from mig

He is also thinking what do next now,and Begin to Choice of the plan,Well the plan he original plan is find out whoever brought them here,he and his team find out then kill eachother,His pride of a warrior have make him believe he will win.

But then,the Village or kingdom happend,he have saw those horrible thing of those human call black-dog army,Done,they kill and burn everything in they way and yet have a Dishonored of the women

He don't have any experience with women of course,but they way those black-dog army treat woman,is make him sick to the gut.

He then think,might be this could be his chance to Fix it right,To prove that he isn't evil,But to think of it he can't broke the deal

He know it will pointless of kill eachother,and he know that one he into whatever this is,He will never find peace

All he ever want it is to find...peace,No fighting,No more revenge just A normal peace,And yet he feel like his warrior spirit can't let him have it.

He just ask one question?What will he do now.

Suddenly a voice speak up,Make zen-aku slowly open his eyes,he stand up, analysis the place

Is either the team like mig or Scaramouche try to interrupted his meditation,he doesn't mind only a give them a warning

However,he feel like this isn't any normal feel,he feel a sense of chill,A cold atmosphere

He can feel it,He turn his head look at the direction to the forest,he walk into it find out what make atmosphere cold and chill
Zen-aku keep walking,yet he feel atmosphere is still same,But something appears on his left

Zen-aku notice,he turn his head,shaw a black shadow,That is on the left seem like follow him.

Zen-aku keep walk and yet doesn't take his eyes on one second of these black shadow

When he walk it,the shadow suddenly disappeared,Make zen-aku shocked,he turn his head,he then stop walk cause the shadow that disappeared...appear infornt of him

Zen-aku:must be cautious on this shadow,he have bad fell of it "What are you?"

Shadow:open his mouth,but spread out a icy voice "The natural of all natural,the fear of all species,The Nightmare of all Night,The walking night with a soul,the gate keeper of hell and heaven"

Zen-aku hear of it,he wide eyes realize what infornt of him,The thing that most all species fear,The thing that all make a nightmare whenever see it

Zen-aku: "Death"

The shadow frigures open his hood,Reveal a form of him,It all dark, Armour,a scythe on his right back

Death: "Yes it is,I death"

From a Frist time,he saw death right Infront of him,He and death walk circle eyes look at each other

Death: "What does matter,Fell uncomfortable when you see a death came to you"

Zen-aku: "Yes,but I ready to die now"

Death: "no,Your time haven't came yet,along with you so call team"

Zen-aku: "If you not here For me and my team why are you here?"

Death: "isn't obviously,I'm death,I everywhere,In each releam,each dimension I collect the soul to where they go or deserve to go,And I find this world is unbalanced place,Man death yet no women and women,This world make me disgusted"

Zen-aku: "If you feel disgusted why don't you kill those black-dog army"

Death: "I would want do it,but I can't the death of them must be a natural,Either they died by accident Or kill in line,I consider it as a Death to them"

Zen-aku:stop walking so does death,he now realized something "You are the one brought us here,Do you,Want us to kill these black-dog army for your collect"

Death disappeared,And he appears right next to Zen-aku back,yet zen-aku know it.

Death: "No"one word make zen-aku shocked is not death then who

Zen-aku: "then who?"

Death: "find out by yourself,I not that depressed to brought all of you here,I rather,put all of you to hell where you deserve, However gate of hell don't accept you even heaven,So I rather let you all be a ghost"

Zen-aku hear what he said,That death rather let him and other be a ghost,He and him other be reject by heaven and hell,make he realized what If reason he and other be brought here is because...they all death,If so was the one creat human Or gather said...god brought them here.

Death slient look at him,He know what zen-aku thinking cause he can see through his Mind

Death: "you still wondering who brought you and your team here,Not me neither god,God isn't involved this

Then all thing zen-aku and his team are having us purgatory,Somekind Punishment of them.

Zen-aku: "Then is this a punishment,For me and other pay the crime"

Death: "not the punishment or purgatory"

Zen-aku begin to losse his control and patience,he even don't know what reason death are here,only know he here For collect the soul but what soul,Even he don't know is death was nor god brought him and other here,from death word is neither of them,then who?

Death: "perhaps let me clear your mind"

Zen-aku hear that word,He know what come next,Death pull his small scythe swing to Zen-aku,As zen-aku summond cersent moon,raise It block death scythe,Death look at Zen-aku eyes,the yellow furious eyes of zen-aku make him,So much Sense of jealousy

Death: "tell me,Those yellow eyes of your,Was it Better than me"

Zen-aku doesn't said,he use his strength hold cersent moon push the scythe away,He swing cersent moon,Death step aside,he swing another scythe on his left hand,Zen-aku duck away of it,he raise his body thrust the cersent moon,Death Block it by his two scythe,He push cersent moon of zen-aku,he jump spin hook kick

Zen-aku duck away,and move to death behind back,As death land down, Zen-aku swing cersent moon,death Easily step aside of it,He then strike zen-aku by swing the scythe, Zen-aku low his body,slide down,he duck away the scythe as the scythe touch his forehead a little,Zen-aku now behind Death back again, However this time

Something move on his forehead, Zen-aku raise his Left armr touch it,see It is blood,a blood he haven't have It in 1000 years.

His heart suddenly beat It,It keep beating and beating,He can feel like his body just be stop for a moment,he can't move one of his finger,he fell his breath is colder than before.

He look at death,As death just stand there watch him in his eye of emotionless,Death doesn't have any reason to fight him,Yet death just straight up want to attack him.

Death:Began move his feet, slowly approach to Zen-aku "the heart of you beating very fast,I can dance with it,It just keep beating and beating,When They end is come at them..."

Zen-aku look at death,that are keep approaching him,He heavy breath it,is like he no longer a hunter but he is the one be hunt,Should he run now...for his he can't run,He mustn't run,if he run what is point of what he doing,of what he are searching,no he can't run away it,Death is now the responsibility he have to carry now,he must fight death,With his life still on

As long as he live and breath,he won't bow to anyone or any Entity that challenge him,Zen-aku pick His cersent moon,stand straight up look straight at Death,Even death have reason or don't he still keep fighting death

As death stop when he see zen-aku feel is no more,He feel his proud and Responsible of the warriors and wolf he are,and willing to stand again him

Zen-aku waiting death to fight him,But instead death just raise his scythe put back on his shoulder

Death: "in I my life collection soul no Warrior nor the monster I face, Haven't run away from me,They only for a fun of my Hunt,you other hand,Have my respect"

Zen-aku hear it,he little half suprise of it,but he don't care much,Death can earn him when his time came.

Zen-aku: "You can have my Soul when you earn it"

Death remember what he said, about he won't collect soul of zen-aku and his squad,But when he fight him and see him stand straight up right now, Zen-aku will Be a honourable warrior soul he will have It,When his time end.

Death: "Very well"he turn away,but before he can go "go to north,It will Be a place what you are searching,I don't like break the vow not to into the life of human But you...I hope we shall meet again"

With that word,Death walk away,Go deep of the forest and disappear

Zen-aku know,one day or another he will meet death,Cause death Is everywhere and he will waiting him when time come,Also thank to death information,He know,he and other won't go west but will be north,he got a fell it will Be a go direction

Why he got that fell,he know death never lied,death can be lied sometime,even death have a blank eyes,he can feel death isn't lied,But still he must cautious.

A blast sound eccho through the forest,it creat a whole on the tree,the one creat it was Mig

Mig is holding his laser-blade, practice shooting...or in this case Put his fustrastion on the tree,he still hated when striker challenged him to tell his backstory

Like hell he would are,there is one thing,he hate most that is sharing his back story to other,he find sharing back story was Bullcrap him,if he leak out any back story it will Be use on again him,So yeah even striker insulted or mock him be a goddam pussy he are,He doesn't give a shit about

What he do care,is to done this shit job and kill those he hated most, especially striker,that damm bastard demon,his smug and his Grin even his Fucking ego on his edge just want to kill him

He keep firing all the tree,he angry firing them all,Think of the thing he hate most make him So much fustrastion,keep firing and firing in furious way

Mig: "AGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When he done it,he low his left armr,As the tree now completely burn and destroy to the ashes.

Mig breath,He raise his left armr, touch his head,fondle it in frustration way,he is find many way to betray this Goodman team,But every result away involveding on zen-aku,That damm wolf,he know that zen-aku is powerful,powerfull enough to stop his betray

He frustrated low his left armr and walk in furious,Does he have any plan to kill these damm wolf and damm bastard striker

Mig Begin sit down,raise his left armr touch his head while hold his pistol on his armr,He breath and thinking about what he and Benglo doing,Is like it doesn't go anywhere good of it,he hate it when ever he remembers that past of him,Which he hate it.

Mig suddenly feel something is wrong here,he stand up,low his left armr down,he have a fell something is watch him

Mig: "show the fuck yourself"

He demanding something that he doesn't know,Ohohohoh who I'm to make this narrator.

Mig:turn his head around and around "The fuck,are you?"

I can't reveal myself,It will make the story be boring,I want keep It a secret between me and the one reading it

Is he hallucinations now,is he gone mad now,He know he is mad but this is to much for him.

Mig are struggling,He kneel down,raise his both hand clab on his head,He feel like he gone insane hahahaha

And so he does,Mig really do kneel down,Clap his both hand on his head,he feel like something is control him, Something make him not to do his own will.

Mig scream,In agony,he just want end this right and now.

And so,he take his pistol,put It on his head, Begin to end his life

Mig pull the trigger,it blasted off his head,Mig lifeless body lay down on ground.

Inside of the luxury room,Full of status of human,that are Raise they hand,mouth wide open like they are screaming and Pictures hang on the wall of the world Is burning behind it it a giant triangle one yellow eyes stare down the burning world

Move to a man,Wear a yellow vest,black-hat and wore a black pant,have a Caine beside him,He is sitting on the throne which is a triangle,yet he sit there comfortable

He sip a coffee while his left armr holding a Ipap which he is watching Mig body lifeless lay on ground,Man put cup of coffe away,he smile in not good way

Man: "mig,mig,Mig you can't died,The Story just get better and better"He chuckled "Heheheh,oh I love...what people nowadays are saying"He remembers the word what is he saying and he know "Oh yes... Superhero show,man I like that"he throw the ipap away

He stand up grab the cane,walk towards to the room full of status of human screaming.

Man: "It been a age I haven't have such a good, delightful Show,Been lonely soo bored"he grin but now " call Hell squad is most interesting I have to see,Oh character so Complex,They're villain and Bunch Murder,I like it they would put themself for power just like these guy"he move his body,down,as his back low it,he point the creature

That is A eyes on the mouth,ear ontop as a eyes.

Man:move his back straight up "Ah,But apparently they different,What a show I like,A conflict of them,A Pretty reason of them,They Selfish,I wonder will it consume them hehehehehe"

He stop walk when he see a logo of the hell squad.

He turn look at it,he smile,look at How beautiful the picture are, suddenly he raise his Right hand snap it,The logo be burn

Man:turn look straight forward,he grin "now all reader out there,Be sure to keep continue read this story,I promise you it won't be that bad hehehe, mwhahahhah hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah hahaha hahahah"

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