The Last Dynamite & Rampage Before Revolution.

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Jacksonville, FL. March 2, 2022.

I was waking up in my hotel room, did my usual up-downs, push-ups, hand stand push-ups, and pull ups using a mobile pull up rig. After doing that, I got showered, shaved and changed into casuals before heading to the arena for my first night in AEW.

After a meeting with Tony Kahn,  I headed to catering as I was not supposed to make my debut tonight, but at Revolution this Sunday after the face of the revolution ladder match.

While in catering, I was sitting alone, drinking some sweet tea before the current AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker, came and sat across from me. "Hi, I'm Britt Baker." She introduced herself.
"The AEW Women's Champion." I replied. "Yeah, I'm guessing your the new guy." She smiled.
"What gave me away?" I asked.
"Your not the usual kind of guy that's usually around here." She said.
"Cause I'm not." I told her. "I'm the type of guy who could care less about what you think or say about me. And if you push me. You won't survive the encounter."
"Interesting. Well, can I talk to you about possible problems?" She asked.
"Most definitely." I told her. She looked at the doorway and saw her six month ex. Adam Cole. In the doorway of catering. I could tell she wasn't happy to see him."Let me guess, your ex."
She nodded, "He hasn't  bothered me yet. But I got a feeling that'll change. Not sure when, but he will." She said.
"When he does. Let me know, but I think somehow I'll know." I told her.
"Thanks Daniel. Nice talking to you." She smiled.
"Same here." I replied. She grinned as she left me alone in catering. On her way out, Adam pounced on her, figuratively speaking. I wasn't interested as she got away from him as she went into her locker room.

I watched Dynamite as it went on the air. All the matches were real good. When MJF attacked Punk. I noticed FTR and Shawn Spears and Wardlow were keeping security or help from coming to the ring. I didn't bother worrying about it since Sting, Darby, and Sammy were gathering in the gorilla.

Then Britt's match came up against Dark Order's Anna Jay with Tay Conti in her corner.
The match went by the numbers to start with. Then Adam went ringside and got into arguments with Tanea and Jamie. Which distracted the ref and Britt tried to get the ref's attention only to get rolled up in a pin and the ref noticed and did the three count declaring Anna as the winner. Britt was mad at Adam and when he slid into the ring she slapped him.  When he grabbed her arm aggressively. I had enough and ran to the ring, slid  in and spun him around and slapped on the Throat Claw and I didn't let go.
Half of the locker room and security could barely get me to let go. I let go and smiled as he coughed to catch his breath. I slid out of the ring, grabbed a chair, slid back in cleared the ring and looked to the crowd with the chair in hand. Chased away ReDRagons and picked up Adam and performed Skull Casino onto the chair. Then leaned in close to his ear. And told him to stay away from Britt. Then picked him up and performed Fear Factor onto the chair before sliding out of the ring and heading to the back. People kept their distance from me as I walked to the interview area to talk to Tony Schiavone.
"I'm here with 'The Hellion From Hells Playground' himself Daniel Boyce, and Daniel. You made your first appearance on AEW tonight, and I'm sure alot of people are wondering why you attacked Adam Cole?" He asked.
"Tony, everyone knows that I'm the most dangerous, and the deadliest wrestler in the world. And we all know about Cole and his six month dead relationship with Britt Baker is no more, hasn't been the as I said before, six months been a clue to him? Apparently not as Cole persists to try to get back with Britt. I don't think Cole understands even with Fear Factor and Skull Casino that Britt does not want to be with him. And I  really hate bullies. Besides I thought Cole would be the perfect person to send my message." I explained.
"And what is that message?" He asked.
I just smiled, "Hells come to AEW."

I headed to the hotel and got some room service for dinner before running through tomorrow nights match card looking for my next messenger. I found the perfect four.
After dinner, I put my phone away and went to bed.

I woke up a couple hours later to frantic knocking on the door. I sleepily got out of bed and opened the door only for Britt to run in crying. I closed the door behind her and went into the kitchenette of the room and started making coffee. Then returned to the living area with a couple mugs of coffee, where Britt was on the sofa crying into  her hands, "So, what do I owe this two in the morning wake up call?" I asked handing her a mug of coffee.
"You told me, if I had a problem, to come see you." She said.
"That's right. I did." I grinned. "So, what's the matter, Britt?"
"Adam somehow got a spare keycard to my room. So I ran out of there after breaking away from his grip and here I am." She put the cup down and wrapped her arms around my right arm.
"Let's head up and get some of your stuff and you'll stay with me." I told her.

We headed up to her room where the door was open and we heard a raucous coming from the room. I smiled as I pulled a collapsible police baton, flicked it to full extension and slowly entered the room and found Cole with his friends the ReDRagons. "Excuse me gentlemen. Miss Baker is going to come in and get some of her things. If anyone tries to get in her way. Let me remind you. Your drunk, I'm sober, tired and very cranky, so any attempt to keep Britt from doing so. Will result in a a very severe beating with this." I held up the collapsible baton.
Britt smiled as she came in, gathered her things and left for my room as I looked to the ReDRagons.
"Thanks for your cooperation gentlemen.  But if I were you and the Young Bucks. I'd pray you even make it to Revolution. Goodnight all." I left the room then headed to mine and opened the door and let Britt in and once she settled in, let her friends know that she switched rooms, she got ready for bed.
She smiled as she came into the living room as I was setting up the sofa for myself tonight. As I was going to let her sleep in the bed tonight. "Daniel, I just wanted to thank you for helping me out with my ex and his friends." She smiled.
"No problem, Britt." I replied.
"And are you sure you don't want to share the bed with me tonight?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm sure. I have a rule about sleeping with women, I'm not dating." I told her.
"What if you and I started dating?" She asked.
"That would be cool." I grinned.
"How about we go out on a date after Revolution?" She asked happily.
"I don't see why we can't."I replied making her smile as she kissed my cheek.
"Goodnight, Daniel." She smiled as she walked back into the bedroom and closed the door.

I grinned as I told myself, 'Boy. You may have met the one for you.'
I soon slid into the sofa bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of  coffee. Along with pancakes and toast. I yawned, stretched and smiled, "Well, I didn't expect a DMD  to make us breakfast. I would have gladly done it."
"I know, but I think you deserved more sleep time,  so I decided to cook breakfast before we head to Orlando for Rampage." She grinned.
"Alright." I got up, grabbed some clothes and a towel before heading to the bathroom to get a shower in.

Fifteen minutes later, I dried off and dressed in the clean clothes I brought in. And put the towel I used in the shower on the counter and walked into the parlor of the room and put my dirty or worn clothes from last night in a pocket of my suitcase. Put on my jacket and shoes as Britt was done with cooking breakfast. We made short work of breakfast and the coffee, then washed, dried and put the dishes away. She got prepped and ready to go. After I picked up my bags. We headed to the hotel front desk, tuned in my room keycards and she met up with Tanea and Jamie. As I headed to my rental car, put the bags in the trunk and was about to step into the rental when I heard, "Daniel, wait. Do you have any extra room. Apparently Tay and Anna were going to join Tanea and Jamie for their trip to Orlando." She weakly explained.
"Alright, get in." I replied with a smile. She put her bags in the backseat and kept the AEW Women's Championship in her lap. I didn't bother worrying about it since she was very responsible with the title.

The entire ride to Orlando, we talked about our early years but me being me. I spoke of my preteen and teen years. She told me about her early years and the day she got her doctor of medicine in dentistry degree. When we stopped to stretch our legs, get a drink and snack before heading to the hotel. She grinned as she saw an old style poster from my early days in wrestling hanging in the Women's restroom. She took it down and brought it out with her. She showed me the poster and I smiled. She asked if she could keep it and I told her she could.
We arrived at the hotel and got checked in. And I sprung for the somewhat less expensive suite of the place.

When we got to our room, which was really spacious and could fit four people comfortably. I got a call from Tony Kahn.
'Hey Daniel. I'd like to see you and Britt in my office of the hotel the morning after Revolution." He told me.
"We'll be there." He hung up and I looked to Britt who was out cold on the bed. She probably didn't get much sleep last night, so I pulled a blanket over her and sat next to her as she slept. Close to four hours later, she woke up to me sitting in the bed close to her. "Hey. You have a good nap?" I asked.
"Yeah. Thanks for staying next to me." She grinned.
"No problem. I think maybe we go out for dinner. Maybe a pizza place? Or maybe order from a local restaurant?" I suggested.
"I think we should order out. That way nobody will think we're dating. Yet." She replied and I had to hand it to her. She had a point. No need for us to be seen together before Revolution. So I ordered a pizza from a well reviewed place in Orlando and spent the night talking and eating the pizza with Britt. After the pizza was gone. We just sat and relaxed and talked about tomorrow night and my plan for the Young Bucks and ReDRagons if they made an unannounced appearance. All I said was that they would get to be acquainted with a new friend before her 'sharp' dress change.
After the clock read ten o'clock in the evening. She got a shower in and I just swallowed my rule regarding not sleeping with girls i wasn't dating and got dressed for bed. When she came out of the bathroom, dressed in her sleepwear. She was surprised to see me in the bed. "What happened to your rule about sleeping with women your not dating?" She asked.
"Well, the way I see it, we're possibly going to be dating after Revolution. So. I thought it best to just change the rule or forget about it just this once." I replied with a grin.
She smiled as she got in next to me before kissing my cheek, "Let's go to sleep Daniel." She suggested.
I just smiled and put my phone on the charger as did she and we turned off the lights and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to a sleeping Britt and grinned as I kissed her cheek, before going to the bathroom to get a shower in.

After a few minutes, the hot water was relaxing my back and shoulder muscles, when I felt a pair of slender hands glide up my back and rub my shoulders making my eyes snap open and slide to the other side of the shower, "What's wrong Daniel?" Britt asked happily.
"I wasn't expecting to have Dr Britt Baker to shower with me." I explained.
"Well, to set your mind at ease. Maybe we should move up our date to after Rampage tonight?" She replied.
I was so confused and conflicted on what to do, I've always been, schedule an appointment or activity. Never change it. But here I was with the most beautiful woman in AEW possibly in all of wrestling, I've only known her for a couple days, but she's had me rewrite at least one rule or swallow it at least. Sleeping with women I'm not dating. Now the appointments or events once their made. I looked at her and decided, "What the hell. Sure. Let's move it to tonight after Rampage." I smiled as I leaned in close and kissed her.
Britt smiled as she kissed me back as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"But nothing more until after our date tonight." I told her.
"I'm fine with that baby."She grinned as she kissed me once more before we enjoyed the shower together.

When we got out of the shower and towel dried off. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her the entire time. She grinned as she noticed me watching. "Enjoying the show baby?" She giggled.
"Sorry. I was just. Distracted." I explained as she giggled.
"Baby. It's okay, really. Besides. If our date goes well tonight. Which I believe it will. This," She slid her hands over her body, "will belong to you."
"I like the sound of that." I grinned as I kissed her.
"I know you do. Let's get dressed before we go get some breakfast, go to the arena and see the lucky bat you've chosen for your surprise later tonight for the ReDRagons and Young Bucks. Then after you and I can go to a nice quaint place for our date. And back here for some fun." She smiled as she kissed my cheek.
"Sounds like a plan, honey." I told her.
We walked to the bedroom, got dressed, repacked our arena bags and headed to a fast food spot to get some breakfast, then headed to the arena.

Later that night, Britt wasn't scheduled for tonight, then again neither was I. But when Christian won the final spot for the Face of the Revolution ladder match, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus came to the ring, only to be followed by ReDRagons and Young Bucks who came out to trash talk the champions. Only to be leveled by me wielding a crimson color baseball bat. I grinned wildly as I looked to the camera and held up the bat that had a little blood in it.
'Meet Lilith. She's not really dressed her best. But I'd think twice when she is at Revolution.' I laughed. The camera went off signaling the show was over.

I went to the back only to be met by Britt who hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Nice second debut, baby." She grinned as she walked with me to our locker room. Once the door was closed.
"You were great out there baby. And you delivered on your promise to the ReDRagons and Young Bucks."She grinned.
"That's right. And once Lilith gets her extreme makeover. She'll be ready to deal with Adam, but that's for another day. Let's go on our date honey." I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I kissed her

We went to a nice diner that looked like it was from the 50's near the hotel for our date. We sat in a booth and ordered our food and drinks.
"So which title are you going after first baby?" She asked.
"The TNT title." I replied. "With all due respect to Sammy." Britt giggled. "What people will understand after Revolution. Is I'm not here to make friends. Well maybe I am but that's beside the point. But I will not tolerate self righteous champions. Nor will I tolerate bullies."
"Who would you consider a bully? On camera?" She smiled.
"Aside from you?" I asked with a chuckle as she punched my arm. "Jade, MJF, anyone connected to him, Team Tazz, almost everyone really. But I won't get involved unless it becomes a numbers game."
"That's a good reason baby. And I'm sure you'll do well going after the TNT title. And I think you'd look really good with gold around your waist." She grinned.
"Flattery will get you everywhere tonight honey." I said as I leaned in and kissed her as our food and drinks arrived.
We ate as we talked about what we wanted or hoped for in the future or in this relationship.

When we finished eating, and I paid the bill. We went for a little walk.
"What would you like to do for your birthday?" I asked.
Britt thought for a moment, bit her lip, then grinned, "I'd like a dinner, made by my boyfriend, a cake, an unplugged evening with said boyfriend and possibly a mind blowing evening between the sheets."
"That's doable." I told her.
"What about you baby? What would you like to do for your birthday?" She asked.
"Pretty much the same, a dinner made by my girl, a cake, an unplugged evening with my girl, and a wild night between the sheets." I chuckled.
"Well, I'm a pretty good cook." She smiled.
"I know that to be true, baby. And I'm looking forward to it." I kissed her.
We continued our walk until a growing tumor in our lives Adam walked up to us, "So, out for a walk, eh?" Adam stepped in our path.
"Get out of our way Adam." I warned him.
"What are you going to do? She's mine." He spat back.
"Adam. I have all the respect in the world for you as a wrestler. But you try and touch her. Your life is over." I told him.
"We'll see. How about this, I win the AEW World Championship, you get lost." He grinned.
"No. Britt's not going to go out with you or be with you ever again. And I know that I'm a far better option than you. And if you ever talk, come near or look at her again. I'll enjoy tearing you apart." I got in his face.
"Try it." He challenged with a grin. I reared my arm back only for Britt to grab it.
"Baby. No. He's just trying to get under your skin." She said.
I looked at her, then back at Adam. "Your right honey." I relaxed. "Get out of our way Adam. Now." He stepped aside and let us pass.

We headed to the hotel, upon arrival, grabbed our arena bags,headed to the hotel room, once our arena bags were put in the closet,  me and Britt fervently started making out, and undressing. Slowly making our way to the bedroom. When the last piece of clothing hit the floor,  we fell onto the bed and had a hot, passionate, intense four and a half hour round that found me on my back, her laying on my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist, my left hand on her back and my right on her left bicep, both of us caked in sweat, breathing heavily, and smiles decorating our faces.
"You, were, absolutely amazing, baby." She grinned.
"You were, no slouch, yourself, babe." I replied as I kissed her. "Love you, Doc."
Britt smiled, "I love you more, baby." We kissed once more before falling asleep.

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