Chapter 6

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     ▪️The repurcusions ▪️

     "Who are you ??" Shivaay asked.

      " What ? Have you lost it ??" I said panting.

" I have lost it, seriously!! Look who is talking. I dont think I slapped a local woman and dropped juice on her head " he screamed.

     After that fiasco Shivaay had pulled me before they reacted  and we had run far away from that place.

" So what was I supposed to do ? Sit and listen ?! Like oh lady, please bitch about my family in front of me !! You tell me oberoi can you handle someone badmouthing about your family ?"

" No I wont listen!! But I wont create a scene like that either !! Especially if I was from the royal family !! I would keep my anger in check"

"Why ? are we made of stones ? We dont have a heart ? "

" No it's because your heart should be bigger and resolute firmer than them.
You are the to be queen anika ! If you behave like a freaking child,  what example will you set ? No wonder Amu maa thinks you are not right for the throne!!" He said sarcasm dripping from his voice.

" Then why would she call me here "

" Because she doesn't have an option"


   You know that one moment in your life where you question your existence. This was my moment. I literally  felt like someone threw a large hammer on my heart.
     It hurt like anything but a tiny voice in my head screamed that he  was right. I wasn't cut out for this. I was too wild. Everyone thought this, even my own mother.
   I threw all my future plans in the garbage when mom called me. I came rushing back. I was trying to be my best version for her right. But she didn't trust me and that truth pained me.

     Shivaay realized his mistake and immediately his face was struck with guilt. But what's the use now. The cat is out of the bag. No one wanted me here. They had to bring me here.

" I think we should head back " I said trying hard to  maintain a straight face.

   We headed back to the castle while " You are not enough " circulated in my head like a broken radio.


Shivaay's POV

  I am an idiot who doesn't have a control on his tongue. I was a hypocrite who screamed on her for not controlling her anger while I couldn't handle it either. And yet after realizing all this my guilty ass couldn't dare  to apologize to here.

   So here I was sitting at the breakfast table with everyone, buttering my bread. Was everyone too quiet today or is it just me.

    Just as I was about to say something Anika came and sat on her chair. She looked different. Something was off about her. Her sparkle. That gleam in her eyes. The naughtiness  on her face was missing . And what the fuck? did anika come down dressed up properly and not in her pjs . Everyone was as shocked as I was.

" Lata di, bring my breakfast please. I am late for my meeting"
She said in a robotic voice. Wait meeting ? Which meeting ?

    I looked across to gauri mouthing her my question.

" To prep her with everything she needs to know to be a queen, the politics, the history and stuff " she whispered. I hummed back.

" Anika beta, are you okay ?" Amu maa asked her.

" Yes " she gave a clipped response.
Something was wrong. Was it because of me ? Damn I should apologize.

" Stop staring at her " gauri mouthed at me after kicking me below that table. God these sisters are too violent.

After finishing my breakfast, I walked to anika who was leaving the table.

" Hey Anika, I am sorry ab.."  I called but she without turning ignored me and left. What happened to her ?

" Hey leave her alone. She had a  rough time yesterday after you two came back" gauri said standing  beside me.

" Rough time ?" I asked curiously.

" Didn't you know she and Amu maa had a big fight yesterday regarding the coronation after you two sneaked back in ?" She questioned.

" No we are uh not on kind off speaking terms " I said awkwardly.

" Why what happened out there ?"

   " I am not sure you would want to hear " I asked sheepishly scratching my neck.

" Spill Oberoi !! NOW !!" Princesses and their orders.

     I narrated the whole incident to her including the cafe fiasco and me shouting at her. I expected a short blast from her, violence too probably but instead I was surprised when she sighed and sat down on the couch near us.

" Hey I know karate okay ! Just in case you are thinking of hitting me ?"
I said stepping a step behind.

" No you weren't exactly wrong. "

"What say that again??"

" Shut up !! You were absolutely wrong in the way you handled things but I understand your intention wasn't. You just  need to understand that Anika has always been the one to follow her heart and its difficult for her to suddenly get used to all this. She needs time to adjust."

" Yeah and she does  have  a lot on her plate " I said
" Exactly, so cut her some slack and apologize to her " saying she got up.

" Oh and don't you forget, anika is a sucker for sweets"  gauri winked before leaving.


2 days, For two whole days I tried apologizing to anika. I sent her chocolates, flowers, candies from all over the world with sorry notes on all of them after following the advice of gauri and rudra. But she wouldn't talk or look at me. The one thing she had of a queen was her attitude.
    Now was my last try. After a long  pep talk by om I was outside the huge wooden door of the  library to meet anika and apologize personally. I knocked a few times. After a low come in I pushed the door and walked in.
Anika was sitting on her chair with worn, coffee brown books all around her.

She looked up and then continuing her strategy of ignorance looked back at her book. This strategy won't work in front of my charms miss anika. Wait and watch I thought.
" Hey beautiful !! I hope I am not disturbing but I need to have a word with the princess "

" Speak " She said without looking up.
If you are stubborn so am I Anika.

" Will you, my beautiful princess go on a date with me ??" I mischievously gazed at her.

" What ?!" She asked shocked at my surprising question.

"A date princess " I smirked knowing I had her attention.

" No thank you !! I am busy " She angrily huffed.

" Oh I forgot to mention  it's a dinner date. And someone must have mentioned to you how amazing I cook."
I proudly said.

" No one mentioned, plus I dont trust your skills. Cannot fall ill before my coronation now can I?"

" Absolutely!! Then my handmade halwa has gone to waste I think. Who will eat it now ? All that ghee I put in it also wasted ? Those nuts also wasted ? What should I do ??"  I loudly wondered on purpose.

" You made it already ? "

"Yeah everything is ready at the table set for our date tonight "

" Pretty confident huh" She said slightly smiling.
" That I am. I am waiting to hear praise for my food from the great princess anika "

" And why should I come to a date with you, to eat your food after what happened that night ?"

" You should come, to allow me to properly  apologize for behaving rudely with you "

" Okay I'll think about it  " anika said looking back to her book with a glint in her eyes. She is coming.


Thank you for reading guys !!! I am trying to update as soon as I can but medical ain't an easy career so please bear with me !!!
Thank you,

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