A Change in Perspective: Riyaki Sicuto

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Author's Note: Above is a picture of Sicuto (left) and WaterDragon02's character, Lax (right). Before you're wondering who this is and everything. And now, it's time to learn more about the holder of Ignorance. This chapter will still include some canon story but through the eyes of another person, so think of this one as Chapter 24.5. Enjoy!

I'm sure you know the most popular question asked to kids dreaming of becoming heroes. "Why do you want to become a pro?" There are many responses, like great fortune, noble compassion, or maybe just an inspired future. My answer: I owe it to Death Arms. You might be asking how so, but you gotta swear not to laugh.

Alright, listen up. Believe it or not, I started off as a young dreamer back in my kindergarten years. I was an okay kid, but I wasn't always treated fair. Every school day morning, a classmate would walk in and show off their new quirk that had just manifested. All the excitement of other kids and the encouragement of the teachers only drove me to fantasize what my quirk would be once I got it. Not only was I itching to at least know, but the class started to segregate themselves, categorizing each other into those with their quirks and those without. This lead to me being left alone with four or five other kids who had yet to get their quirks. Just to fake pride in our division, we called our group "Team Quirkless."

Soon however, the number began to diminish, until the only other person with me in this group was an All Might fanboy. We got along okay, however this kid usually wanted to hang out with some egomaniac kid and his pals. It was odd though; it really seemed like the jerks picked on him to no end. He had a curious taste in friends. Not that I minded really; he was a sheer go getter, determined that his quirk would be just as incredible as everyone else's.

Months went by, and he and I were still the only ones without quirks. Every day at morning time, we would sit together, asking if there was any luck with each other's signs. Every day though contained the same frustrating result: nothing out of the ordinary happened with either of us. Finally fed up with the same answer, we both went to our moms and begged them to tell us whether or not it was possible to know if we had a quirk right away. They both gave in and told us that a gene test could be taken to determine just the answer we've been looking for.

And so, the day of our appointments were marked and soon came. He and I were excited to finally know the truth of whether if we were to have quirks. I was welcomed in first and let them draw blood. It stung like crazy, but it was all worth it. Thanks to some quick research and comparison, I was determined to have manifested my quirk, Ignorance. It was so cool! I was already dreaming of what sort of bad guys I could beat with it! When I came out of the room, I told my friend the awesome news, and he congratulated me over and over, calling me lucky and everything. Then it was his turn. I waited expectantly until his mom lead him out, him dazed and petrified. She excused themselves from us, and I was confused as to what had happened. I soon learned that my classmate was truly quirkless. He was heart broken and didn't even speak to me for an entire week.

I had mixed feelings: glad that I had finally manifested my quirk, determined to do awesome things with it, but sad that the dreams of my closest friend, who was wrongfully outcasted with me, were crushed. I didn't want to leave him behind, but finally, when he did start talking again, he wished me the best of luck with my dream, and went back into shock, practically letting the other kids taunt him for his misfortune. I tried to step up for him, telling them that as someone with a quirk, they should back off. But as far as they were concerned, I was still in the same boat as him: a powerless loser. No matter what I said, I couldn't prove that my quirk existed. Ignorance at that time was far too weak to activate while I was still even conscious.

"Liar." "Fraud." "Quirkless." All of these names were ones that I took in class. It convinced me to learn everything there was about my quirk. I knew that I had to at least hurt myself, so I got to it. I was doing everything I could think of to activate it: banging my head against the wall, jumping off playground equipment, and dropping heavy objects on my feet. Soon, I even started picking fights with my other classmates, ones who had the audacity to taunt me or call me a name.

There was one particular fight that almost went too far. I was on the playground with my friend, who had come by with those "friends" of his. They excluded him in their stuff, leaving him an opening to come talk with me. Despite his depression, he asked how I was doing with my own quirk. I swear, that kid had the most compassionate soul in the world. Our conversation was cut short when his "friends" came over and recognized me as "that lying brat from school." That ticked me off, and I challenged them all to a fight, still determined that my quirk would activate right before their very, taunting eyes. I was stupid, and they took advantage of that. Dangerously outnumbered, I was severely beat up and still receiving blows on the ground until my friend stopped them and insisted that he fight for me and stop them himself.

I don't really remember if he successfully fought them off or what, (probably not,) but I received many bruises and lumps to be convinced that I just had to have activated my quirk.

It still didn't.

Sitting alone outside the nurse's office and waiting for my parents to come out of there and pick me up, I had realized that my healing was done from a quirk. I was devastated and stupidly ungrateful. I had to do something before I healed up completely. So, I walked out the building alone.

The busy street in front of me was crawling with cars, and I got the most foolish idea ever. I waited for the stop light up the street to change from green to red and back again. A pickup truck was the first thing to cross the intersection, and I made my move. I'm sorry to say that I ran out right in the middle of the street to take it on. I figured if this wouldn't activate my quirk, nothing would. Surrounding pedestrians were probably screaming, seeing a little boy run right in the way of a truck.

However, just seconds before I made contact, my short life flashed before my eyes, and I was terrified. I recognized my foolishness and gasped deeply at my mistake. But, just at the right moment, a pair of massive arms reached over me and stopped the speeding truck. I shakily looked up to see one of the city's pros, Death Arms, panting hard and cringing from the sudden impact.

I was eternally grateful and almost immediately broke down crying. Of course I was given a very harsh and scared scolding by both Death Arms and my parents, but I was just thankful to be alive. My reckless choice convinced my parents that we had to move to a more quiet area of Japan and immediately put it into action. I hardly cared. As long as I could train hard and watch my actions, I was satisfied.

From that day forward, I decided to take baby steps, slowly trying to get stronger for the hero that saved my life. I can't really say what happened to that quirkless friend of mine, but we stopped keeping in touch a little after the move.

Years went by, and we did move back to our home city, but I haven't heard any word of him, in the city or my new school, which was unfortunately also filled with chumps who doubted my power. Anybody with the guts to talk down to me would get it good.


I stuff my last textbook in my backpack. Once everything is packed up, I kick it under my desk to keep it out of the way. I then pick up two weighted paper clips I had brought and stick them in my pocket. They're the same size and shape as thin, rectangle erasers but heavier. Their main purpose is to keep papers together and weighed down, but I've rarely found a perfect use for them. So instead, they're just for fidgeting. Mr. Carver has just dismissed us to lunch, a time I don't always look forward to. I'm never comfortable in a room with a large number of people.

"Yo, Sicuto!" a boy with brown, messed up hair comes to my desk with a small wave. "Same deal as last? Find Janju and eat together?"

"Whatever. I don't care."

At least not everyone is a jerk. Lakiri Hironaga, or Lax, is one of the very few people I hang with around here. He's never been one to criticize and is actually, dare I say, a good listener. His quirk is kinda annoying as it tames just about anyone. He's even used it on me a couple times. However if he overuses it, he'll fall asleep upon breaching his limit.

Walking down the hallway, he slaps his forehead with a smile. "Ah! How could I forget! You know the rumor going around, man?"

"'Bout what?"

"About the hero course. You heard of it?"

The hero course. There are only two classes of that and only forty-eight students in it. I had first tried to apply for it, but turned out the entrance exam was junk for people who could actually fight a robot. "No. I'm listening."

"Alright, check it! You're gonna wanna hear this! Word is one of the students of 1-A is dropping out! And you know what that means. There would be an opening!"

"You're joking. Who?"

"I'm not sure. I was gonna look more into it to surprise you more, but I don't know much. Maybe ya'd like to help?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Sick. Maybe we can ask Janju about it, see if she knows anything more. Or we can check in with some of the students of the hero course and see where that'll get us."

I don't know what to say here. Sure, I've been fighting to get into the hero course, but it sorta doesn't feel right. Eh. I'll think about it later.

We arrive at the Lunch Rush and get in line for the front. Lax insists I get in front of him to be served first, so I do so. Waiting in line, I hear Lax exclaim and laugh, so I turn to see what's up. Another one of our group, Qwik Janju, has apparently made a sneaky entrance behind us and grabbed Lax in a surprise choke hold. I think she and Lax are dating or some junk like that. She lets off of her prank and stands behind Lax.

"Sup, Janju?" he greets.

"Nothing much. Still making gear and stuff. I'm trying to pick out quirks from the hero course and think about what they can use. You?"

"I'm chilling. Everything's good."

"How about you, Sicuto? How's it going?"

"Alright, I guess."

"Yo, Janju." Lax takes the conversation again while the line is moving up. "So, I'm sure you've heard the rumors. About someone in 1-A dropping or something?"

"I actually have!" She points a finger gun at me and winks. "Is someone excited or what!"

I shrug and look back ahead toward the pickup counter. I slap a bill on the surface and take a tray of food while the two keep talking.

"Anyway, so Sicuto and I were wondering whether or not you know any more than we do. Say, stuff like who exactly is dropping?"

"I haven't the slightest." She declares while swiping her own tray off the counter with Lax. We start walking in the direction of our usual table. "I think I know just about as much as you guys do."

"Darn. Well, it was worth a shot." Lax shrugs it off. "Hope you're not too bummed about it, man."

"I'll be fine," I assure him.

"But," Janju continues. "I didn't say I don't know who we can confirm it with."

"Yeah? Who?" Lax gets excited for me.

"Well, this is a rumor about 1-A, so. . ." She glances around the room as if looking for someone. I see where this is going. It's about 1-A, so we get information from 1-A. Yay. Socializing with some of the people I most despise.

Her expression finally lights up, and she glances back at us. "Boys, follow me."

Just please be someone decent.

She leads us past many tables, some with people I recognize and others, not so much. I'm specifically looking for two kids in particular so I at least know we're not going in their direction.

Finally however, Janju frees a hand and approaches a certain boy with a group of kids at a table from behind. Crap. I can already tell who this is by the back of his head. She taps him on the shoulder.

"'Scuse me, pal."

The boy turns to show, yep, my arch rival and hell boy himself, Yurei Seshin. Curious as well, his friends around the table look up. I scan over his company around the table. Let's see, we've got Quills, shark boy, Human Medicare, and dragon tales.

Seshin takes a second to stare at her and Lax. "Oh, Riyaki's friends. And Riyaki himself." I scowl at him to show that I'm not very happy to see him either. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, actually! So there's a few things we've heard but couldn't get specific details on. Figured you guys would know a bit, so we came to ask."

Seshin stubbornly turns back to his food. "I don't know what we would even have to fill you in on-."

"Yeah!" Human Medicare interrupts him and jumps up in her seat excitedly. "We'd be happy to talk! While we're at it, we're trying to figure a few things ourselves, so maybe you can help us with that."

"Deal," Janju nods.

"Alright! Here." She starts to shuffle around the bench to make space, moving her food with her. Getting the idea, shark boy and dragon tales slide around as well. "Take a seat."

"Thanks." Janju walks around the table to sit down and motions for us to do the same. Lax smiles and steps forward, but I stop him by lightly grabbing his shoulder.

"We're sitting somewhere else," I argue. I can't stand sitting at the same place with my hated foes.

"Nah, man. It's chill. You'll live." He waits till I start moving before walking to sit next to dragon tales. I take a seat between Janju and him, across from Seshin and Quills . Without another word, I start my meal. He looks over the other kids. "Seshin, good to see ya again. Everyone else, hi, pleased to meet you guys. My name's Lakiri Hironaga, but call me Lax. This is my good buddy, Sicuto." He pauses for me to say something, but I ignore him and continue eating. "He doesn't wanna talk."

"Oh yeah, the kid that fought Seshin in the Sports Festival," shark boy observes. "I heard you took a beating and would take a while to recover, but I see you're back in it."

"Sure," I grumble.

Qwik takes the spotlight again. "And my name's Qwik Janju. Nice to meet you guys!"

"Alright, my name's Orika Auxoriya, but my friends call me Auxi." So that's Human Medicare. Auxi waves jazz hands at shark boy as if telling him to 'take it away.'

He hits her hands away and introduces himself. "Call me Samae."

Quills looks up from a whispering conversation with Seshin and slightly waves. "Uh, my name's Kuiru Tojuta."

"Then there's our friend from 1-B," Auxoriya motions to dragon tales. "Say 'hi,' Luna!"

The dragon girl jerks her head in a nod. "Sup."

"That'll do! Great to meet you guys, too!"

Once we're all acquainted, Janju speaks up to the hero students. "So.. you guys wanna ask first, or..?"

"Nah, you go. You came to us with questions first," Auxoriya points out.

"Okay, well, we got this from a rumor going around, but something's being said about someone in 1-A dropping out. I know it sounds weird and stuff, I mean, you know how rumors can be, amiright?"

"Oh yeah, that's me."

The three of us stare at the girl in somewhat surprise. Wanting more information, Lax clears his throat.

"Why are you dropping out?"

"Well, I'm really just talking about it at the moment. Nothing official, I mean. But I just think my potential is more suited for something else than the hero course."

"Do you know if it's possible to recommend anyone to take your spot?"

"I do not."

"Well, if it turns out you can, Sicuto is wanting in, so maybe you can set him up?"

"Sure, I'll try."

"Awesome sauce!" Lax celebrates for me by patting my back. "Thanks, Auxi!"

I say nothing even though I don't feel so sure about this. I should feel grateful, but, again, it seems wrong.

"Our turn," Samae gets to their questions to us. "So, finals are happening, but there's something about a practical exam. We don't know what it's about or what they'll be having us doing. You know anything?"

"Luna says that her classmate said it's gonna be those robots from the entrance exam, but that's all we got," Quills adds.

"The robots, huh?" Lax brings his chopsticks to his mouth to chew on while he thinks. "If that were the case, I would imagine that the production of those things would be less concentrated. It would make sense, but I actually doubt they'd have their students doing the same thing as they did to actually get into the school."

"We have been studying intermediate robotics in support lately," Janju points out. "I dunno if Powerloader is having us build those for you guys or what. Nothing was said. But that would be pretty cool! It'd be like us giving you guys the test and see what we ourselves can improve on if you manage to bring them down. You guys would be dropping like flies when you fight some of the ideas I've been getting lately!"

"Fun for you maybe," Seshin says. "But when you word it all like that, it sounds kinda concerning."

"However," Janju continues. "Powerloader has been spending more of his free time on his own mech lately. Maybe that's his entry? At the same time, it does need a driver and everything. And if that's the case, you would technically be battling him."

"Battling a pro. Fun!" Lax comments. "But you know, come to think of it, Mr. Carver has lately been coming into the classroom looking like he was working out before he arrived." He chuckles. "He has also brought in his war hammer he uses for combat by accident a few times."

That has been happening. Can't say for what reason, but I guess pros need to stay fit and rescue ready.

"Eh. Whatever. I think the robots ordeal is your best bet," Janju concludes.

"Dully noted," Seshin comments.

"Hey, Pokey." A voice calls from the aisle. "Think fast!" The next thing we know something flies into the back of Quills' head but stays sticking on. Quills flinches a few times and looks behind him at the kid that threw whatever it was. As he does, the rest of us identify the sticky object in his pins as a small, gooey gummy of some kind. A few of us, including myself, snort at the sight as Quills stares at us in pure confusion then back at the kid. We follow his gaze ahead to see a boy with gold hair and a taunting look in his eye, carrying his own tray of food.

"Dude," Quills shoots at him. "What was that?" He reaches behind him and pokes at the gummy.

"Well, I did give a warning, didn't I? I would've assumed you'd at least duck."

Seshin rolls his eyes. "Yay. The copycat from 1-B. Haven't seen you since the Sports Festival. What do you want?"

"Well, since you asked, my ears were burning, and I just wanted in on the gossip. So if I understand correctly, the bandage girl is leaving, yes?"

"Nothing set in stone, but yeah," Medicare casually confirms. "So?" I try to make it none of my business by continuing with my meal.

"So as in someone in 1-A, who are supposed to be better than the rest of us, are turning tail and running away? Ha! Pathetic."

"Hey, I didn't say I was running away. More like offering the opportunity to someone else."

"It's all too hard for you so you have someone else do the sweaty labor? Not very ideal now, isn't it?"

"Dude, I legit just-."

"How can one be better than someone if they just give up and leave? The rest of us are giving it our all, not looking back and always pushing forward to our greatest potential. Yet, here is one of UA's supposed best, throwing in the towel and leaving us to our training that is too hard for them. I wonder if you're just trying to make the entire school look bad and incapable. How shameful." He turns his gaze at Seshin, who's trying to guide Quills' hand to the needle the gummy is stuck on. "And while I have the attention of someone who was in Hosu, I heard you wandered off from your proctor and stumbled upon a scene of utter chaos, getting yourself hurt. Are you trying to prove something, or are you always that reckless??"

Believe it or not, this guy is cheesing me off even though he's not even talking to me. "Alright, hot shot!" I slam my chopsticks on the table and stand up in annoyance. "Shut up. Just shut up! I don't know if you're trying to pick a fight, but no one likes a turd who can't learn to mind their own business! I don't know about these guys, but I myself just want to eat my meal in peace without wanting to kill someone! It's bad enough that I'm sitting with this purple-haired freak, but your presence just crosses the line and makes me sick! Take that ugly mouth of yours, and get outta my sight!"

Even though I'm glaring at this wannabe alone, I can feel everyone's eyes on me in surprise. He stares at me back in shock, not really knowing how to respond. He at last smiles calmly.

"Well, everyone wants to be left alone in peace, but when-."

"Monoma," Dragon Tales sighs, irritated as well. "Just shut up and leave us alone. No one's in the mood for one of your rants about 1-A."

"Very well," he agrees with a laid back smile. "Be seeing you. Well, most of you that is." With that, he walks off in search of another table. I sit back down and pick up my chopsticks again.

"Geez, dude!" Lax breathes. "Got him good!"

"Yeah, he's a jerk. Thanks for not trying to restrain me."

"Meh. He needed that, so I let it pass. Thank you and good job for not getting too violent."


"Gotta say, Sicuto," Quills nervously speaks up with his hand still behind his head. "You've definitely changed last I saw you." He plucks out his quill with the gummy stabbed into at the tip.

"Don't think I did that for any of you!"

"I.. didn't say you did." He looks over his quill before bringing it to his mouth and popping the snack in.

The others continue their talk about random subjects for the remainder of the hour. Lax tries to include me at different points, but I hardly care. Finally though, lunch time ends, and we all leave to discard our lunch trays. I dump my scraps while Lax and Janju are talking it away and wait for him to shut up so we can head back. While I am though, I happen to glance over to the door bound for the hallway. Medicare had stayed behind from her classmates to talk with Dragon Tales. She finally waves and walks out the door for her own class.

I at first think nothing of it until I slide my hands into my pockets. I then feel my paper weights, and then it hits me. I figured out what I'm bugged about with Medicare leaving the hero course.

I glance over at my friend. "Lax. Go back without me. I'll be there in a bit."

"Hm? Why?"

"I gotta do something. Don't follow me." I point a finger at him to get my message through.

"Alright alright. See ya in class."

I quickly nod and speed walk to the door. I push past the students already roaming the halls as I scan through them. I finally turn a corner to see the girl lightly skipping down empty hall.

"Hey. Straps," I call to her, keeping a harsh tone to stay the same as I usually am. She does excitedly look over her shoulder at me, but smoothly turns back with somewhat shocked smile, pretending to not have made eye contact. How annoying. "Hold up."

Having no other choice, she halts again and turns back toward me. "Yea? What's up?"

I simply respond by taking my fist out of my pocket and toss her the weights. "Here."

A bit surprised, she catches them and stares at them in confusion. "Uhh.. thanks. . . What are these?"

"They're weights, stupid. You know what those are?"

"Okay. . . what do I do with these?"

I sigh, a bit frustrated and embarrassed to give my explanation. I could let her figure it out herself, but I've already learned that she's utterly hopeless. "Okay look. Why are you leaving the hero course?"

"I told you. My quirk doesn't fit the criteria."

"Just cuz you got no offense?"

"Well, yeah. Pretty much."

"What are those on your shoulders?"

"They're.. uh.. bandages."

"Okay, you see bandages. I see whips."


"Yeah. I'm sure if you fwip those just right, they can serve as them."

"So, what are these for?" She shows me the metal rectangles.

"You clip them on, dummy!" I march over to her and snatch one weight and the end of her right bandage. I work it on the center of the strap's edge in a bit of frustration. "I can't believe I even have to say that." Once I'm done, I back away as she sways her shoulder to rock the weight at the end bellow her arm. "Those are to make sure they can hit and wrap around."

"Okay. That's actually pretty cool." She chuckles at her new chance. I'm done wasting my time, so I turn to leave. Medicare on the other hand has other ideas. "Hey, wait!" I stop but don't turn. She continues anyway. "I don't get it. If you're wanting to get into the hero course, why are you helping me to stay in?"

I sigh again, completely embarrassed this time. I hesitate before sharing my thoughts. "You're right that I want in, but I have my preferences as to how I get in. That blond wannabe was right about one thing. It's shameful for someone in one of the best classes in Japan to just give up and leave. It'd be better if that person was forced to leave than on their own accord. My point being, I want to get into the hero course on account of me being better than one of you. Not because of you giving up. So do me and yourself a favor. Make it more of a challenge, will ya?" With nothing else to say, I walk back for my classroom.

I continue back the way I came from, catching small glimpses of other students passing me to their own rooms. I soon make it to Class 1-C just as another group of students walks past me. I can't help but cast a glance at them for a split second. Just a few students from the hero course. I can recognize them all from the Sports Festival fairly well. The zero gravity girl, gearshift flash, and that one kid with green hair and breaks his fingers.

I stop before walking in. Wait. That last kid... green hair... what was his name again? I look back at him but stay silent. I wanna say it was at least Midoriya as I heard. Wait. As in..? Nah. That can't be him. The last Midoriya I knew was officially deemed quirkless, whereas it's obvious this guy has a quirk. I guess it's just a common name. Still though...

The door to my home room slides open and Lax peeks out. "Hey, there you are." He follows my gaze at the hero course trio. "It's rude to stare, you know."

I say nothing and contemplate my logic. That can't be him. It doesn't make sense.

"You know them, man?" Lax asks, getting my attention back.

I take a few more seconds before walking in the room. "Nah. Just some nerds from the hero course. Forget about it."

With that, Lax shrugs it off and struts down to his seat.

That can't be him. It's just a kid with the same name and hair but actually with a quirk. Yeah. 'Team Quirkless' is something of the past, and that's final.

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