Chapter 15: Seshin VS. Sicuto

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Author's notes: I originally wanted to post this chapter a couple days ago, but at the same time, I wanted to finish this picture I had in mind. Like I said in the last chapter, I was in the mood to draw. On the banners are parts of the usernames belonging to one of my biggest supporters, WaterDragon02. Thank you so much for your support, as well as everyone else enjoying the story! It really inspires me to keep writing this. Now, onto the chapter!


Well, here I am. This is what he's wanted. Ever since I caught him back in Naetwo, I've always known Sicuto couldn't wait to legally beat me to a pulp. Unlike some of my peers, I didn't plan to win the Sports Festival, and I still don't. However, with the position I'm in now, I at least need to win this battle. I can't really say I've trained for this moment, but still, I feel like I'm ready.

"AND IN THE OTHER CORNER, A STUDENT WITH EYES SO SOULLESS, THAT STARING INTO THEM GIVES ME THE CREEPS: YUUREEIII SESHIIIIIN!!!" Present Mic's booming voice pulls me out of my pre-battle thoughts. I open my eyes and look up at Sicuto straight across from me. The announcement is followed by cheers from the excited fans, but the ones that really catch my ears are Auxi's wild celebrating in the cheer leader squad and Hagakure's screams of good luck.

I look up at my class's area in the bleachers and pick out Tojuta in the group. He waves, and I look back at my rival. He has an advantage. He knows my quirk, but I know nothing about his.

Midnight raises her baton. "Battle... BEGIN!!"

I ignite my flames to make ready for him to make the first move. Sicuto comes charging in and readies a punch. I wait for the perfect moment and twist to the side. He smoothly swings, missing, but then fires another. I continue dodging as he unleashes a chain of attacks.

I try to keep up with all of Sicuto's punches and kicks. I continue to back off to the edge of the ring, hoping to stay out of those swings. This isn't blind attacking. It looks like he's using an actual, organized fighting style that hardly leaves any openings. Possibly kickboxing. I look over my shoulder and see the edge getting closer. This is my chance.

I wait for just the perfect moment as he brings an arm back. I raise a hand as he throws another punch. My flames come around me and all grab at Sicuto's arm as soon as it flies down to my side and misses. I close fist to get the flames' grip on it and swing my arm down and around me, using the force Sicuto's already applying to himself and let him stumble past me. To my frustration, Sicuto catches himself and turns back around.

"Nice try," he scoffs. He quickly reaches out to grab me, but I surround myself with my flames and back off to the middle. Without wasting a second, he runs after me. "Get back here!"

Dude, I'm getting sick of that saying after Bakugo constantly yelled it back in the cavalry battle.

I cancel my levitation and join a couple sets of flames. My loyal minions float by my side, ready to attack. Just like last time, Sicuto brings out another series of strikes. Instead of just dodging, I have my minions perform some attacks as well. I hit him from all sides, trying to avoid getting hurt from him.

I pull back my arm for a hit of my own. Sicuto just barely sees it and ducks to dodge. He's gonna counterattack now! I extinguish my minions and phase myself. Just in the nick of time, Sicuto jumps from his crouch to uppercut me straight up in the chin. He of course goes right through me. After he lands from his pathetic shoryuken, I bring all my flames to my hands.

"Inner Demon!!" My beast solidifies and roars to the skies. I give the command as it brings its arm back and swings it straight into Sicuto's face.

I hear Sicuto grunt in pain as flies a bit backward from the blow. He lays on the ground from the hit and stares at the sky. I extinguish my flame as I watch him. This is surprisingly easier than I ever thought. It hardly feels like Sicuto's putting up much of a fight. In fact, I'm sure he could've dodged that blow perfectly fine. On a side note, I don't think he's even used his quirk. C'mon, he couldn't be quirkless. . . Could he?

Midnight stares at Sicuto for a few seconds. He's not moving. "Riyaki Sicuto has fai-!!"

Before Midnight can finish, a large red aura starts to form around Sicuto and wave like slow fire. Fans gasp as Sicuto slowly sits up. "Hold up, Midnight." He shakily stands to his feet with a grim smile. "I'm not out yet. I'm just getting started."

I stare at the blood leaking out of his nose as Sicuto stares me down. He then looks himself over, observing the red aura emitting off him. He takes in a long breath and lets it out. "It's good to feel like this again." He looks back up at me. "I gotta thank you Seshin! You're contribution to my victory is very much appreciated. However, this is where your road ends."

I bring in my flames to surround me again. "You asking for another slug across the face?"

"I doubt you'd get the chance. You're on my level now."

What on earth is that supposed to mean?

Sicuto roughly slams his knuckles together. "I am Riyaki Sicuto of the general studies course! I entered this school because I wanted to be a hero! You're lucky, Seshin. I don't show off my quirk often because none of my victims were worthy enough to hit me like you did. It'll be my pleasure to end this battle and take your spot in the hero course!"

With a war cry, Sicuto rushes at me, an evil look in his eyes as he rapidly nears. To dodge, I quickly bring up my flames to phase myself and wait for Sicuto to zoom right through me.

Suddenly, the unthinkable happens. Instead of feeling Sicuto run past me and swing at nothing, I feel his fist of thorns punch me straight in my right eye! I step back and fall to the ground in pain. The audience gasps in confusion, probably wondering why I just stood there and took it. But I didn't!

"Ooh! That felt good!" Sicuto smirks as Present Mic commentates with exclaims of disbelief.

What the actual crap!?! I phased. I'm one-hundred percent positive that I phased! There's no way on earth he should've been able to touch me! I bring my hand up to my eye. It stings sharply at the slightest poke. Did he just erase my quirk? To be sure I summon a flame and stare at it. No, it's still functional. So what was that? Some instant pain move?

I look over my shoulder at Sicuto. "Haha!!" he laughs. "I love that look on peoples' faces when that happens."

I stay laying on the ground, panting hard. I gotta find out what that was! If I don't, he may use it again and I won't be able to counter properly. I should get this over with before he uses it again.

I suddenly jump to my feet and throw my flames at him. I plan to levitate him and throw him out of the ring. Sicuto simply stands there in pride as my flames circle him. I close my fist but feel nothing! I can still feel my connection with my flames, but it's like I can't get even the slightest grip on him.

"I'm unstoppable now, Seshin! Give up!" I just stand there and try harder. "No? Cool. More fun for me then." Sicuto rushes at me and sends a few fists. He's faster than before! Either he's been taking it easy on me earlier and this is his true strength, or his quirk quickened his movements. I dodge a couple punches, but am whacked in the chest with a third attack.

As I stumble back, Sicuto leaps over me and quickly grabs both my hands behind my back with one hand and puts his other hand on top of my head. He pulls back my head to trap me.

"I've waited for this moment," he says in my ear. "I would've fought you any other time I crossed you, but I had no idea you were this weak."

"You've waited all this time just cuz you were without your friends from middle school? You coward."

"I regret not making a move sooner. Who knew you were as pathetic as Quills?" I blink and glare at Sicuto with my hollow, yellow eyes in absolute rage. "You don't belong in the hero course! I do! That's why I'm doing this! Go hide back in your lair, villain."

That did it. Just like that, I break from Sicuto's grasp and spin to swing at him, but he's too quick. Sicuto leaps out of the way and puts up his fists.

I summon all six of my flames and glare at him. "You're gonna regret what you just said!"

"Come at me, Seshin!"

I roar and run at him. I apparently didn't learn anything, because I summon my minions and have them soar around Sicuto. My plan straight up backfires as Sicuto ignores the minions that are phasing right through them and delivering me blow after blow.

I grunt at the constant pain he's sending me. I can't even get in a hit of my own on him. My violent side screams for revenge. Swinging blindly and getting hit nonstop, I keep up my attacks. Sicuto finally grabs me by the collar of my shirt and brings me in to head butt me to the ground.

Weak and bruised everywhere, my stubbornness refuses to let me give in. I know I'm gonna be bested, but I just don't accept it. Sicuto towers over me as I catch my breath.

Stop! Stop!! What am I doing?!

'Stop?' What do I mean 'stop?!' I wanna win this thing, right?

Yes! But-

Then the most logical way is to keep attacking! I'm getting my revenge! This is what I want!

But this is also what he wants! My quirk is having no effect on him whatsoever! It's just filling me to the brim with openings! This isn't working!

That just means I'm not strong enough! I just need to keep this up, and then he'll get what he deserves!

It's not gonna work! This must be his quirk in function!

How else am I gonna take him down?

Gnh! Think, Yurei. Think! What would Midoriya do?

What he does best! Break himself with that flashy quirk that came from Heaven knows where, cower in a corridor and nearly die to Blast Boy, or better yet, make an entire saga of notes about quirks of many kinds and strategize against the-!

Wait. Strategize... I need a better plan. I need a second to see what exactly he's doing. I just gotta stop attacking, and I can get through this!

No way! Then I'd be without offense!

There's a time for offense and a time for defense. C'mon, just use defense for the time being.

I catch my breath and gaze up at Sicuto. With quivering arms and legs, I stand back up.

"WHAT?!?" Mic yells over the cheering crowd. "He's still standing! How flippin' tough is this kid?!"

"Are you asking for another slug across the face?" Sicuto taunts.

"Try me, Riyaki. There's no way you're beating me."

Sicuto growls then charges in. I refrain from attacking and just try my best to dodge. Time to think about this. My levitation couldn't grab him, my minions just flew right through him, and finally he could still touch me even though I phased. He said he brought me down to his level, but that's not true. My flames still work, just not on him. Maybe he has something that's allowing him to phase through everything? No. That wouldn't explain how he punched me when I phased. He's not getting anything from my quirk, but he can get something from things that aren't quirks. I got it!

Sicuto kicks me back again. I stay standing then bring in my flames. I press them together. "Inner Demon!!"

"You really are stupid, aren't you?"

I ignore Sicuto charging in at me again and give the command. My beast raises both its arms. I crouch down as it heavily slams both of them on the ground. The cement beneath us breaks, causing much debris to fly up. The pound also works as an earthquake. Sicuto loses his footing and stumbles forward. There's now a pretty large crater in the center, and jagged cement sticks up from the ground. I disperse my demon and change my flames to levitation. After scanning the area, I find just what I need. To take out this Goliath, I find three chunks of gravel the sizes of my head and lift them with my flames. This is just what I need.

Sicuto looks up from his position at me. "Wha- what as that?"

"Riyaki," I call. "You've been acting like my quirk has nothing on you. Correct? Well," I lift the cement blocks around me and show him. "What do you have to say about quirks having their effects on other things?"

Sicuto's eyes widen. His face then deepens in a scowl. "Whatever, Seshin! I can beat you whether or not you have some new toys!"

"I'd like to see you try." I raise my hand and have the fire-surrounded blocks spin in the air. I let my hand fall straight at Sicuto who stands his ground. He brings his arms up to his face and tries to defend himself from the objects banging against him.

My plan's working! He has nothing against inanimate objects!

Satisfied, I order a couple clusters to flank him. The rocks come around him and push hard. Sicuto quickly puts up his hands to keep the rocks away. I walk forward as he struggles.

"Do you forfeit?"

"What?" he grumbles.

"Do you surrender?"

"Ghh! Never!"

I take in a breath. "How unfortunate." I point upward as if to tell him to look up. Sicuto gazes upward to see the third chunk a couple feet above him. He looks back at me in worry. I open my hand. "Good game." With that, I close it hard, extinguishing the flames above him and allowing the chunk of cement to fall straight onto his head.

Sicuto gasps as he's stricken and falls to the ground, unconscious. Midnight looks down onto our hole. She counts in her head before raising her baton. "Riyaki Sicuto has fainted! The victory of match five goes to Yuri Seshin!"


I step out of the crater I created and watch the medical bots carry a stretcher into the pit. Once they load up Sicuto, they carry him out and exit the field. I wave at the crowd, scanning over my classmates and our cheerleaders as well. Hagakure's waving her pompoms like crazy while Auxi's dancing a quick Macarena. Weirdo.

I step out of the field myself and hang out in the hallway to catch my breath. If I recall correctly, Tokoyami's match is up next. They've still gotta fill in that crater I made, so I got a bit of time to make it back to my seat.


After Tokoyami's match and victory against Yaoyarozu, I suddenly remember my bruises and make my way to find Recovery Girl's temporary office. I walk through the stadium's hallways. I begin to argue with myself about getting a check-up, but then I rub the bruise on my forearm to try to show myself that I need attention. I wince at the sharp pain. It hurts. It also kinda pains me to know that I've got another harsh match with Tokoyami later after I get my bruises patched up.

I push my worries against Tokoyami aside as I near the nurse's office. I step inside and am greeted by Recovery Girl and Mr. Carver.

"Ah. Young man, I expected you sooner," Recovery Girl greets.

"Sorry, mam. I wanted to watch the match after mine."

"That's fine, dear. Show me your wounds."

I pull up my sleeves and let her examine the damage Sicuto dealt to me.

"Hmm. Those are pretty dark. And that one over your eye doesn't look so good either. Alright, hold still." I say nothing and let the old lady do her job. I shudder a bit as I feel her kiss meet my arm. Not very soothing to be kissed by an old lady, but what needs to be done needs to be done. Once she leans back, I clutch my arm to feel the difference.

"That's a lot better. Thank you."

"No problem, dear." She holds out a jar with a few candies inside. "Lollipop?"

"I'm good, thanks." It's then that I happen to glance over and see Sicuto laying still unconscious on one of the few beds in the room. He's all banged up, especially around his forehead where I conked him. "Is that.. Sicuto?"

"Oh yes." Recovery Girl follows my gaze at him. "He's taking a bit of rest now. Quite a reckless patient, might I say." She looks at me. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"I just... expected him to be out with the other classes, watching the fights."

"Oh, he'll have to watch it from a recording off a tv station another time. He probably will be able to leave by the end of the day with his bandages around his head, but he won't be completely healed for a few weeks."

"What?" I stare at her in disbelief. Knowing Recovery Girl's healing does wonders, it usually takes a day or two before the patient is healed up. "You're kidding. Did I hurt him that bad?"

"Oh no. Just a little less than he hurt you. There're about as much injuries as I expected."

"Then why is it gonna take longer for him to be completely better? Can't your healing quicken his recovery?"

Recovery Girl looks at me. "You don't know? After knowing that you've known each other for a while and fighting him today, I would assume you'd know what exactly Sicuto's quirk is."

I shake my head. "Can... you tell me?"

Recovery Girl sighs then looks at Mr. Carver. "Sicuto's your student, Carver. Mind telling the boy?" She turns in her chair back to her desk.

"Yes, mam." Mr. Carver looks at me. "Well, Seshin, I'll tell you, but only because his quirk interests me. Don't think you're getting special treatment." I nod, and the teacher turns to watch Sicuto sleep as he explains. "Sicuto's quirk is a reckless one. He doesn't seem to use it often, and it's probably for the best if he doesn't. His quirk is one called Ignorance. Think of Sicuto's quirk like a stamina bar in a video game. Once that health bar descends to a certain level of stamina, Sicuto can ignore all quirks that have an effect on him in any way. You experienced that in your fight with him."

My eyes widen. "Please explain?"

"You see, all effects of quirks, good or bad, become futile to Sicuto once he's hurt enough. A devastating punch that could potentially shatter bones from All Might would feel like a normal blow if used on him. Additional body parts like Ojiro's tail and Jiro's earphone jacks would phase right through him as if they never existed. He couldn't be burned or frozen from Todoroki's quirk. If the elements are natural, he can get hurt. As he heals, his quirk deactivates until he's sufficiently energized."

At that moment, everything about Sicuto started to make sense. Why he picked fights, how he just brushed my quirk aside like it was the least of his worries, and finally why he wasn't able to score anything in the entrance exam. His power is a Quirk Manipulator. It had to do with others' powers. In the entrance exam, robots don't have quirks, so there was nothing he could ignore and give himself an advantage.

"Wow," I breathe. "That's incredible. It's like a sacrificial move in a way. If he gets injured enough, he can hardly be touchable. That power's amazing."

"As much as I agree, Seshin, I'm afraid there are some downsides. Since Sicuto's quirk allows him to ignore all other quirks, that includes supporting ones, like Recovery Girl's healing. He'll have no backup that can make himself stronger in any way."

"Can't Mr. Aizawa erase his quirk for the healing to kick in?"

"That's a quirk, too, Seshin."

"Maybe I can find some kind of healing elixir or something that restores health," Recovery Girl thinks out loud. "It's not a quirk, so it might work."

"Unfortunately, Recovery Girl, I've never heard anything of the such," Mr. Carver points out.

"Just wishful thinking. Don't think too much against it."

"Anyways," Mr. Carver continues. "Sicuto is working on advanced hand-to-hand combat as to give himself some offense with his defense. Along with that, he's training to have his quirk activate sooner so he's still in good enough condition to fight on."

"Cool," I comment.

"Alright, dear," Recovery Girl turns to me again. "You're all healed up. Go be supportive of your friends and watch their matches, okay?"

"Yes, mam. Thanks." I walk out of the room and think about what I just heard. Sicuto's got an impressive quirk. However he himself has a bit of work to do. I was still able to take him out in the fight. Alright, enough about the past match; time to think about my future one against Tokoyami. I've had some fighting experience with him. I should probably reflect off that.

From what I've learned in training with Tokoyami, he's not as aggressive as Sicuto, but he's more premeditated than him. I should really think through my strategy. Unlike our training in the field, there will be more light, so Dark Shadow will be somewhere near its weakest. I probably shouldn't try and use all three minions against him, but at the same time, with less minions to focus on, Dark Shadow can possibly keep track of me easier. Tokoyami knows I need to work on controlling three ghosts, so I definitely need to stay away from that. Let's see... Tokoyami seemed pretty determined to just attack Yaoyarozu with Dark Shadow without getting his own hands dirty. Maybe I can take advantage of that.

I finally make it to my class's area in the bleachers. Tojuta immediately waves me over. I walk toward him and sit in between him and Samae.


"What's up, Kuiru?"

"You just missed Kirishima's match against that steel guy. It was crazy! Every single move they did, it was the exact same! It's like Kirishima just found and fought his long last twin."

"They even fainted at the exact same time," Samae adds. "The victor will be decided later on today with an arm wrestling match. Though I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't go anywhere! They're so similar, we would possibly be here ages, and they'd still be at it! Ha!"

"Interesting. Remind me, who's next?"

"Uraraka and Bakugo," Tojuta answers. "You know, that zero gravity girl?"

"Yeah yeah. Against Bakugo though? She's toast." I pause a moment to pick a subject before the eighth match later. "Hey, Kuiru. I found out what Sicuto's quirk is."

"Really?!" he gasps. "I saw he paid no attention to your quirk from here. What is it?"

"Ignorance. Once he takes enough damage, he can ignore all quirks."

"Man!" Samae exclaims. "That's sick!"

"You did well in your match."

I turn toward the dark voice behind me to see Tokoyami walk down and sit down next to Samae. He crosses his arms to get comfortable. "That boy's quirk is interesting and powerful. It could be well-used against villains who rely on their quirks too much."

"Hi, Tokoyami," I greet. "You did a great job as well. And, yeah, it took me a bit to understand what Sicuto was doing."

"Well, too bad that's your only victory in this round." He smiles. "I'm ready for our match when it comes." I nod just as we start to see Bakugo and Uraraka enter the field.


I lean forward in my seat to watch the battle. It's just started with Uraraka running, but I'm already on edge, especially considering the fact that she's going against the most violent person in the school.


I watch the other matches until a round before mine. Sorry, Iida, but I gotta prepare for my fight with Tokoyami. It doesn't last long, but I wait in the locker room until I hear the cheering crowd and Mic announce Iida as the winner. Understanding that that's my cue, I make for the hall leading to the field.


"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami calls.

"He's mine!" Dark Shadow shoots out of my opponents body and flies at me.

I press my hands together and instantly grow a fire ball from it. "Inner Demon!" My beast forms and catches Dark Shadow. The two push against each other with great force.


"Dark Shadow! Just as we planned!" Wait, he did what now? "Aim for the source!"


Dark Shadow flips past my ghost and comes at me. I dive out of the way just in time, extinguishing my ghost.

How did he kn-! Oh yeah. I did tell him on the bus. Dang. He can now counter my quirk, but what can I do? I could have my flames surround Dark Shadow to brighten it up, but that would do nothing in my case. The light only weakens Dark Shadow, so it's still gonna attack. That does it. Time to finish this quickly.

Dark Shadow swoops down at me again. I run from my spot and shoot straight at Tokoyami. I leap up to slam down on him, but he's too fast. He leaps backward as I make contact with the ground. I summon my flames and fly at him. With Dark Shadow still chasing me, I copy my actions, running and trying to push him to the edge. He keeps jumping back until he hardly has any room to escape toward. I get close once again and phase to dive through him. I turn as soon as I get behind him.


Tokoyami just smirks and turns to the side, revealing Dark Shadow coming straight at me. I gasp and summon a flame to wave in front of it's face in order to weaken it. Dark Shadow slams against me and pushes me back. I get my footing back summon some flames.

"Yurei Seshin! You are out!" Midnight calls. "Tokoyami will advance!"

I look at her confused and gaze at my foot. It's past the boundary. He planned this! He leapt back cuz he knew I was gonna follow and try to get behind him.

I sigh as the audience cheers. Tokoyami recalls Dark Shadow and bows. "Good game."

"Yeah. Good job, man. Thanks for not sending me to the nurse's office."

With our business concluded, we both exit the field. It was definitely less exciting than my battle with Sicuto, but it was fun. Like I said, I didn't plan to win the festival, but at least I beat Sicuto. I'm satisfied with just that.


I rejoin my peers and watch the rest of the matches. They're all definitely interesting. Iida's match against Todoroki's match is pretty close. Todoroki froze Iida's muffler before he could throw him out of the ring, immobilizing him in the process. Tokoyami's match against Bakugo is what I expected. Dark Shadow is easily weakened from Bakugo's explosions and provides an opening for Bakugo to pin him and win. At last, the finals, Todoroki versus Bakugo. The battle is very exciting. The two are easily even until Todoroki chokes. Bakugo ends up winning, however he seems furious about something.

After Bakugo's victory comes the award ceremony. We all stand out in the field and watch as the top three students ascend onto the field on placement podiums. Tokoyami in third, Todoroki, second, and Bakugo in first. Wait. What the dirty? Bakugo's chained up against a stack of cement and muffled. His hands are also some giant clamping cage. He's shaking and trying to break free like an angry bear.

"Woah," Mineta sighs. "What the heck?"

"He's been goin' nuts ever since he woke up," Kirishima explains. "Man, Bakugo. Pull yourself together."

As cameras flash, Midnight explains. "Tenya Iida actually shares the third place award with Tokoyami. But unfortunately, he had to leave for family reasons. Gotta love those familial bonds." She strikes a pose.

Tokoyami exclaims in a bit of discomfort. "Must you really?"

"Too bad Iida couldn't be here; he was so excited," Asui croaks.

Midoriya looks down and simply nods. "Yeah."

I wonder what could've happened.

"Now," Midnight raises her hand after the photographers have had their share of the students standing still. "Let's bring out the hardware! Of course there's only one person worthy of distributing the awards!"

We hear a heroic laugh come from the top of the building. We look up to see All Might. The fans cheer to see the number one hero at the most popular event in Japan.

"Citizens! I am here with the medals!" With his announcement, he jumps off the stadium roof and lands in the field with a grand smile.

"So now that you're here, All Might," Midnight holds up a box of medals. "why don't you start the presentation?"

All Might goes through each of the students, placing the awards around their heads and giving words of encouragement. When he comes to Bakugo however, it doesn't really look like Bakugo wants it, but All Might wedged it in his teeth anyways.

With the awards given, All Might turns to the crowd. "Here they are! The winners of this year's sports festival! But listen closely! Any of you first years could have ended up standing on these podiums. Think about what you've done today. You've challenged each other, learned, and climbed even closer to your goals of being pros. I think the next generation of heroes is proving to be our most promising one yet! So I have one more thing to say! I want to hear everyone yell it with me! You know what it is!"

I of course stay silent, but the crowd yells the school motto while All Might just thanks everyone for their hard work. Well that was awkward. Seriously no one saw that coming.


So comes the end of the sports festival. The evening after it, Mr. Aizawa gathers us in the home room.

"Nice work," he begins. "You have the next two days of school off to recuperate. I'm sure the pros who watched the festival will wanna recruit some of you." Recruit? I'm fifteen! Doesn't it seem a bit weird to be brought onto a team at such an early age? "We'll look over the draft forms and update you when you return. Get some rest. You still have a lot of training."

"Yes, sir."

Now that we're dismissed, I gotta get home. Mom will be waiting to congratulate me, and I've got quite a few things I wanna meditate on. The sports festival certainly had a big impact on me as much as it had on everyone else.

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