Chapter 26: Practical Exam

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Author's note: So here's my pro hero, Carver, in his hero getup. Carver's quirk is called Dummy Swap, where he always has and is bound to an indestructible effigy of himself. There are two forms shared between the two hosts: indestructible yet lifeless and flexible yet vulnerable. There always has to be one of either form, so at least one of the hosts is not going to be completely safe. Carver's quirk allows him to trade forms with his effigy no matter what his position, like an instant teleportation but with some progress required. Carver's statue can be freely moved but is incredibly heavy due to its unnatural and unidentifiable material. I'm really proud of this character and can't wait to show what he can do in this chapter here. And now, the entire reason I created Carver. Enjoy!

We stand outside the front of a gate leading to a large hedge maze. Not really the most ideal place for a fight. Maybe a theme? The escape gate is on the other side of the place. However, Carver won't be taking it easy on us.

"We sticking to the plan?" Tojuta interrupts my thoughts. "Fight 'im?"

"Yeah. His quirk is basically a load point in a video game that he can set over and over. Immobilize that, and I think we can win. One of us keeps Mr. Carver busy while the other cuffs it. If he swaps, then he plays right into our hands."

A loud buzzer sounds. "Team Seshin and Tojuta. Practical Exam. Ready? Go!"

The gate opens and we run through. So far it's a straight line.

"Y'know," Tojuta looks at me as we run. "Mr. Carver is a skilled fighter. As a pro he wields that stone war hammer and is good at hand on hand. You sure one of us could take him alone?"

"Should be simple. I can phase, so I can just keep him busy, like I said earlier, and wait for your help."

"You're right." He turns his head to face our direction. "We got this! We just need to stay calm and-! What the CRAP!?!"

I turn to see what he's so shocked about. My eyes widen as we stop short and observe our area. What the crap is right! We've arrived at a large clearing but every inch of the place is covered by a stone statue of Mr. Carver. There's gotta be at least a hundred and there's still more up ahead, but only one of them is the real statue. He must've seen right through our plan.

"How on earth are we supposed to find him or his statue in here?!" Tojuta exclaims.

"For a UA teacher, this guy has way too much time on his hands to craft all these." I walk up to a group of statues and compare them. "They've been chiseled to last detail. His clothes, facial features, and everything are perfect. Bit of an ego if you ask me."

"You call it an ego, I call it over-the-top preparation."

"Well, I guess they don't call him 'Carver' for nothing," I comment and laugh a bit.

"Unh! I don't like it. He could show up anywhere. Plus the thought of inanimate objects coming to life and getting the jump on ya can creep a guy out."

"Can't argue with that. It's got a Doctor Who feeling to it, you know?" I take a second to scan over them all. "Let's try to head to the gate for now. If we find him, or vice versa, we'll take him on."

"I'm all for that." Tojuta nods, and we run through the statue garden.

If we play it safe, we might not run into Carver and just make it out without conflict. Yeah, go figure. This is his turf we're running through. He made that clear when he made this place his museum.

There are starting to be more paths in this hedge maze, but they all have a statue in the middle of them, daring us to try our luck down that way. We continue on through a somewhat narrow path with more statues decorating the sides, all having their hands behind their back like they're soldiers. Having no other choice, we press on.

We pass each statue with caution, waiting our opponent to make a move. Suddenly, I hear grinding stone behind me, and I turn to see one of the effigies gain Carver's self and bring out the hammer it was hiding behind its back, pulling it back to take a swing.

"Heads up!" I yell and use my flames to shove Tojuta out of the way before phasing myself just in time for the hammer come down through me but the swing and dust putting out my flames. Now that I'm tangible again, Carver let's go of his hammer and takes a few swings at me. I try my best to dodge each one before backing up to my partner. Carver let's off and leans down to grab his war hammer again.

"That was close!" Tojuta breaths, getting in a fighting stance.

"The battle's just getting started, Kuiru. Stay focused."

Carver swaps position with his statue again and walks out of hiding to his effigy. "Well," he calls as he leans on his statue, "you kids are good. I was told I would be meeting a challenge, but now I believe it. Hope you two can keep up."

"Keep up? Please," I sigh. "Excuse me as I point out the obvious, but there's two of us and one of you... plus a rock."

"A rock, huh? I was gonna take it easy on you, but since you insulted my best friend, this 'rock' will be your tomb."

"That's both scary and sad at the same time," Tojuta sighs. I'll admit, it is, but it's not like he's gonna legitimately kill us. "Yurei, does mean we're going back to the fighting plan?"

"Yeah." I ignite all my flames and get in position. Tojuta draws his knife quills and does the same. "Ready? Let's go!"

We both rush forward for the fight. Just as I hoped, Carver takes his hammer from his statue and runs at us as well. Building momentum, he brings it down as he comes in for an upper swing, but I use my levitation to keep it down when the time comes. While he's pinned, Tojuta dives past him and goes for the statue. Carver drops his hammer, freeing himself, and comes at me for more hand-to-hand combat.

He blocks each of my swings perfectly and disarms me by tossing my arms behind me. I step back and raise my leg for a mighty kick. Instead of blocking though, he swaps himself with his dummy, making me kick his impenetrable statue and catching Tojuta off guard.

I take a knee and sharply grunt as the pain rushes up and down my leg. It's like kicking one in the leg only to hurt yourself on their bone but way worse!

Carver pulls his hands back before Tojuta can cuff them and dives past my partner to grab his massive hammer where his effigy left it. He pushes Tojuta back with the top of it, and I regain strength in my leg once again.

"Tojuta, get him!" I command and summon all my flames. I have them surround his statue and get a strong grip in case he swaps back. I can't pick him up due to all those weights of course, but I can keep him from moving if he were to swap.

Tojuta tears a wave of quills from his head and throws them with perfect precision. Perceptive as ever though, Carver sees right through our plan and just dodges his incoming needles, slamming his hammer on the ground, pole upward, as a steadfast way to quickly pull himself out of the way.

Out of nowhere though, once all Tojuta's quills have missed, Carver roughly twists the pole of his hammer and pulls out it from the stone hammer piece and hurls it like a javelin at me.

I'm too focused on keeping my trap in tact, that I fail to dodge the weapon in time. It flies into my gut, making me fall back and lose my grip on my flames. I struggle to sit back up, only to see Carver somehow get behind my partner and put him in an arm lock with one arm and wrap his inner elbow around Tojuta's neck with his other.

Before the porcupine can do anything to get away, Carver swaps back, keeping Tojuta in a heavy, frozen lockup and picking up the pole he had thrown at me.

Crap! I expected nothing like this! He's in perfect sync with... well.. himself, sharing his split weapon like that and knowing when to swap and when not to! Tojuta may be caught, but that also means he can't swap without risking letting him go. At the same time though, I'm still writhing in pain from that cheap move!

"Heh. You like my move? I call it Impenetrable Prison." Carver points over his shoulder at my struggling partner and waits for me to respond. When I say nothing, he continues. "Well? You ready to give up, kid?"

I don't wanna fail this test! I need to pass! With quivering legs, I stand up, still clutching my stomach and trying hard not to throw rainbows. I take a few seconds to regain my stance and ignite my flames once again. I cough and look him square in the eyes. "That was a cheap move."

"Please! You'd probably do the same thing if our roles were reversed. Besides, this is a practical exam. You expect it to be easy?"

"I'm done talking. No more wasting time." I combine my six flames for three minions and send them forth. I conduct two of them to fly circles around Carver and send the third to Tojuta's prison.

I manage to get a few scratches on Carver as he swings his staff at them and I try to think what to do about Tojuta. Not only would he be an extreme help, but he has the cuffs, so if we wanna win this by fighting, I need to get him out of there. While I'm fighting our teacher, I scan the stone effigy for some kind of weak point or a way for my partner to slip out. What if I tried to trick him out into swapping? He traded forms when I was about to hit him, so I need to put him in a pretty dire situation. How do I do that though? He's taking all these small attacks with no problem, so I gotta think bigger.

Carver finds an opening in my attack of minions and runs at me staff in hand. I think fast and put out my minions, bringing my flames back to myself to phase. He swings his staff at different angles and that blow all over my flames. Feeling my connection with them getting unstable, I leap back until I pass through something pretty big. I hide behind it and recognize it as one of his fake statues. Wait, I got it!

I solidify myself and summon Inner Demon. While I myself hide behind the statue, I send the beast out to throw a few punches. I quickly give a few commands, feeling slight periodic sores on myself as Carver deals his own blows to my monster. As soon as I finally see an opening I raise the demon's large claw and bring it down. Carver brings his staff up to block, but I grab it. Instead of pulling away though, both of us push on it at each other, me trying to knock him down and him trying to stay on his feet. I can see Carver straining to push back.

It's unbelievable! At the direction his force is angled, not only is he fighting the weight of my beast but the weight of his handicap bracelets as well!

"Kuiru!" I yell at my partner for him to get ready for anything. He looks up and quickly nods.

My trap is set. I quickly extinguish my beast, letting Carver tumble forward in unexpected surprise. With my flames back on me and my opponent unbalanced, I surround the statue I'm hiding behind with my fire and force it forward.

It flies at him, and I can see the immediate panic spread across his face as he watches. In less than a heartbeat though, he closes his eyes, holds out his hand as a last result, and hardens, trading places with his statue imprisoning Tojuta. Kuiru takes a deep breath and jerks his head backwards.

Prepared though, Carver releases his captive and leaps back. He may not be down, but at least Tojuta is free. I notice the effigy before me is holding Carver weapon, so I try again with my plan and use my flames to levitate and trap it. It's incredibly heavy, so I need all my flames to support it in the air. I push myself and struggle to keep it stable and contained.

I watch as Tojuta faces our opponent, who now has no weapon on him whatsoever. Even so, Carver cracks his knuckles and readies himself. I have my doubts as to how well Tojuta will last against him even though he has the cuffs, so I gotta think of something. My flames are all already occupied with Carver's statue in my grasp. I look up at my prison and see Carver's outstretched hand. That's it! He's practically begging to lose!

"Kuiru!" I call again. "The cuffs!"

Tojuta looks over his shoulder at me with the handcuffs already prepared. Getting the idea he hurries over, but Carver gives chase. He's faster than him; he'll be caught again for sure.

Still running, my partner opens and holds out a cuff of the pair. "Give me the hand! Hurry!"

I steadily but hurriedly bring it down and line up the outstretched arm and Tojuta's cuffs. Carver reaches out at my friend's shoulder and swipes at it just as I panic and force the statue forward. Tojuta stumbles from Carver's attack and falls into me, pushing me down and making me lose my grip on my flames just as I hear a click. I dropped the statue and we're down! This isn't good!

I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut. But before we can get up though, the same buzzer from the beginning sounds. "Team Seshin and Tojuta have passed the exam."

I open eyes in surprise and sit up with Tojuta right next to me. "Wait. . . Really?" he pants. "I-I blacked out for a second. Did we do it?"

"You sure did," Carver chuckles and gestures to his statue on the ground. I get up and walk over to examine. The cuffs are indeed latched onto the solid figure. I smile and exhale a laugh.

"We won," I mumble and look back at my friend. "We won, dude!"

"YES!!" he celebrates and leaps to his feet. "We did it!" He jabs his arm out to offer a fist bump, and I accept.

"Congratulations, boys," Carver calmly applauds. "I'll admit, I myself was scared for a second back there. I should've thrown my staff to my other self before I fled. You're very resourceful, Seshin."

"Thank you, sir."

"Alright, you two get outta here and rest." He clasps his hands and looks back out over his many statues. "I better start cleaning up here."

"Yes, sir." We both respond and leave for the exit.

"What a fight!" Tojuta sighs. "That was pretty scary."

"Yeah, I lost track of how many times I held my breath. Good job, man."

"You too!"

We make it back to the main building, where Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Asui, Auxi, and Samae are watching Todoroki and Yaoyarozu's match. The rest of the fights for the day are pretty dang exciting. It's pretty cool to watch each of our friends fight their fully focused foes in both logical and uncanny ways.

Finally, "All matches for the practical portion of Class 1-A's final have now been completed."

At the end of the day, only two teams failed and Sero hardly stayed conscience in his and Mineta's round, so I don't think he cut it. But all in all, we finally get a break from all the crap going on, whether school or villain related. Summer training camp, here I come!

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