Chapter 30: Unsettling Welcome

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"Yurei! Are you up?" I hear my mom call from the living room as I give a final push on the stack of clothes in my suitcase before zipping it up.

"Yes!" I answer. Judging by the large lump pushing up on my luggage, I feel like I'm taking too much, but it's really all just clothes, toiletries, and a few other small things.

With that aside, I button up my shirt to complete the school uniform. Finally, I shove my phone in my pocket and heave my case off my bed to the door. I pull it out into the living room where Mom passes me a large ziplock with sunscreen and bug spray.

"And you're sure going to be okay??" she asks.

"Yes mam," I sigh. "It's just a week Mom; not like I'm moving out."

"I know, I know, it's just..." She glances down at the floor. "Your school is going through a lot, and I don't mean the workload. I mean, first it was ambushed by villains, I held my breath more times than I can count watching you in the sports festival, then the events at your internship was... was..." She sighs and covers her eyes. "Simply indescribable as you can see."

"Terrifying?" I offer. "Shocking? Uncalled for? Wrought with peril?"

"All of those, thank you."

"We're gonna be with pros all week, Mom. Besides, I got it that the location of the camp is a complete secret only known to UA and camp staff. I'll be fine."

I stare into her worrying eyes. After a solid ten seconds, she throws her arms around me. Caught by surprise, I almost don't respond but then return the hug. "Just be careful; you hear me?"

"Yes mam."

"Call me as soon as you can."

"Yes mam."

"And stop growing."

"Out of the question."

She laughs before letting me go. I give one last smile and grab the handle of my suitcase and walk to the door. "Love you!"

"Love you more!"


I get off the twenty bus with my luggage and make my way through the familiar gate. Walking toward the parking lot, I spy the buses already parked and waiting. Everyone here is just doing their thing, chatting amongst themselves, scrolling through their phones, or stretching from the early morning. Mr. Aizawa is talking with Vlad King, so I doubt we're supposed to be doing something just yet.

"'Morning, Yurei." I look up to see Tojuta, rubbing his eyes, the quills on his head pointing every which way.

"Hey," I greet. "Is that bed head or did you just lose your scrunchies?"

"Little bit of both. I actually broke all of them."


"It's hard to fix your hair when it's sharp at the tips, okay?"

"Understood. Did you get enough sleep?"

He yawns. "Don't think so. I plan to just crash on the bus."


"Are you at least excited for camp!?!" Auxi suddenly appears out of nowhere and screams behind us, making me jump and Tojuta flash his quills. We turn back to her.

"Uh, morning, Auxi," Kuiru greets.

"Hyperactive as always," I put in.

"Yep! Today was my time trying a drink of my mom's coffee before coming here!" She grabs her head by the sides. "I see fricken everything!"

I glance to my porcupine friend. "Go ahead and kill me now."

"It'll wear off, I'm sure."

"And if not, remember we'll be stuck in the woods with this," Samae reminds, walking up to join us. "Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Well, at least she'll probably use it all on camp activities."

"Hey, guys!" A familiar voice calls, prompting us to turn around and spy Luna casually walking over.

"Morning, Luna," Kuiru greets. "Excited for camp?"

"Uh-huh. I'm just waiting for some classmates of mine. We're all trying to find each other before one of us ends up with Monoma as our seat buddy."

"That would be greatly horrifying," a new voice deeply groans from behind, scarring all of us, especially Auxi, who screams and leaps behind Samae.

The new guy looks your typical emo, long, black hair covering the right half of his face, slumped over, and his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"Bro," she breathes. "Where did you come from?!"

"My parents," he bluntly replies.

"Yo, Kyor!" Samae exclaims, raising a high-five. "What's up?"

"The sky," he simply answers, lazily returning the gesture. Is he just gonna answer everything in two word sentences?

"You making progress, man?" Samae continues. "Do you know your classmates names?"

"Some of them."

"Do you remember my name?"


"Fair enough."

"Am I missing something?" Tojuta asks.

"Oh right!" Samae snaps his fingers and gestures to the emo. "This is Kyor, the 1-B student I worked with at my internship. He's crazy strong, though not great with his memory."

"Just names," the student, or Kyor corrects.

"That's fine," Tojuta smiles at him. "It happens to most everyone." He holds out his hand to shake. "I'm Kuiru Tojuta!"

Kyor takes it. "I'm not gonna remember it." He looks up and points at or behind Samae. "I think she's trying to get your attention."

Surprised, we look behind Samae and Auxi at another girl with short cinnamon hair. Auxi, again, screams and darts in front of Samae from the surprise. "C'mon! It's too early for this!" Her eyes widen though. "Hey, I know you!"

The girl silently crosses her arms as I stare at her. I've seen her from somewhere, too. Maybe just add some features on her arms and...!

"Hey," I realize. "You're that girl from the hospital. In the same room with Captain Shipwreck."

Shocked, the girl only covers her ears and sourly nods.

"Heh!" Luna laughs. "This is Navia Ninji. She doesn't wanna hear the name of that pro ever again. She said she got bored to death listening to his stories in the hospital for six hours straight."

I stare back at her in confusion and ask Ninji, "Couldn't you have just told him to keep it down?"

Navia brings her hands down and furiously waves them in different patterns with a scowl on her face. More than confused, I glance at Luna.

"No," Luna answers for her. "It's her quirk. She can't make any sound whatsoever. She can only write and use sign language to communicate, so it's so hard for her to 'get a word out' in any matter as 'no one listens to her.'" She smirks at her friend by the irony in her last statement, provoking Ninji to stick out her tongue at her. "Anyway, only Sen understands her. The rest of us are working on it."

"Luna?" Another girl with black hair walks up behind Luna in plain sight. "Do you have a partner yet?"

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Auxi screams again, pointing at the newcomer, even though she didn't even do anything surprise her. Drastically annoyed, Samae slaps Auxi across the back of her head. "If you're gonna scream, do it elsewhere!"

Shocked and scared, the girl stares at Auxi and blinks at her a couple times before giving a small wave. "Hi."

"Okay, let's just bring over the entire back row of our class," Luna sighs. She puts a hand on the girl's shoulder. "And this is Kyor's twin sister, Aonani. She has a similar power to Kyor, but doesn't fight so much."

"Doesn't mean I don't though," she nervously laughs.

Navia waves to get Luna's attention before pointing at us and hitting two finger's on top of another two.

"That means name," Aonani points out. "I know that much."

"Ah! Right!" Luna exclaims. "Kyor, Aonani, Navia, this is Seshin, Tojuta, Samae, and Auxoriya."

"Call me Auxi."

"Nice to meet you all. I look forward to working with you." Aonani bows her head, glancing up at Kyor and nudges him to imitate, whereas he just nods up.

"Same here," Kuiru responds. "Awesome to know more people from the other class than just Luna. No offense, Nightwind."

"Meh, none taken."

"Luna?" Aonani looks up behind them. "Is Itera coming too, or..?" She points to a boy in a UA uniform chilling at the other end of the parking lot, waiting for something.

Luna follows her finger. "He said he would see us off. I'm gonna go meet him." She looks back at us. "Good to see you guys. See ya at camp."

"Sure," I respond.

With that, Luna and Aonani walk to meet the boy. Being her twin, Kyor follows. Finally, Navia, probably realizing it's hopeless to wave her hands at people who can't understand her, rolls her eyes and leaves to find her other friends among 1-B.

So those four are the back row of their own class. Wonder how our relationship will build up.

"Okay, all of you gather around and listen up," Mr. Aizawa tiredly steps up and announces to us 1-A students. Almost instantly, everyone stands and walks over at attention. "Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin." He lowers his eyes. "However, don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become plus ultra."

"Yes sir!" we all respond before returning to our conversations.

"So what are you guys hoping to improve on?" Samae picks another subject.

I shrug. "I dunno. I haven't earned another flame in a while, so that I guess."

"I'm wanting to explore what all I can do with my quills," Tojuta answers, pointing behind him. "Maybe my agility and how fast I can pull them off and throw em."

"You wanna know what I wanna learn!" Auxi quickly chants. "I wanna-!"

"Let's hear it for camp!" Uraraka suddenly rushes away from Midoriya and shouts among us. "Who's ready?!"

"Woo!! Me! I am!" Auxi is easily distracted from us and runs over to cheer and dance with her, Kaminari, and Ashido.

"She is incredibly pliable," Samae sighs as he watches her leave.

"How about you, Samae?" Tojuta asks.

"Really I just wanna work on exiting and leaping out. Y'know, quick strike or something."

"I heard some of class A is taking extra courses!" a familiar voice howls.

You've gotta be kidding me! I groan as we glare aside at Monoma.

"Does that mean they actually failed the final exams?! That must be so embarrassing! Especially since you're supposed to be so much better than my class! All of you must be wallowing in shame!!"

As if it were a miracle from Heaven itself, Kendo comes from behind him and swings a karate chop into a pressure point, making the blond drop down, twitching. She politely waves to all of us. "Don't mind him." With that, she drags him away to the bus door.

Samae sighs. "Rip. It's times like this I fear for that class."

"I mean, I see now why it was a good idea of Luna and them's to go ahead and pick buddies," Tojuta inserts.

"Don't worry about them," I point out. "We ourselves have our own little nightmares to face everyday." To prove my point, I gesture at Mineta in front of all of us, his wild eyes quivering over his drooling mouth as he stares at the girls of our rival class prancing to their bus.

"Hm. Fair enough."

"Attention class A!" Iida yells over all of us, waving his arms like a football referee. "Our bus is here! Everyone line up in seating order!"


The bus ride was as one would expect one to be, but if I had to pick three words to describe it, they would be, 'long,' 'loud,' and 'labored.' Tojuta had trouble getting to sleep as he had planned, but when he was fixing to doze off, it would be on me, so I would have to poke him awake before he accidentally pricked me. There were times where Iida had to yell at a classmate for falling out of line, but he was mostly disregarded. Mr. Aizawa didn't seem to care any less, as he just hung out in the front seats.

Now though, we find our ride coasting around a mountain to an outlook over a large forest. There's a stray black car parked off in the other side, but we don't pay attention to it.

"All of you look alive," Mr. Aizawa announces, starting Tojuta awake again. "We're stopping here."

Tiredly, we stand and plod down the aisle to the steps. I rub my eyes from the drive and scan the open area.

"Finally," Kaminari sighs. "I needed off that bus."

"Lemme through; I gotta pee!!" Mineta panics behind us and leaps over me to get off. He scurries around the bare outlook for any sort of private space as we all look around, confused.

"Huh, this isn't much of a rest area," Kirishima observes.

"I'm not seeing Luna or any of the other students," Tojuta adds after yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Auxi runs over to the railing at the overlook's edge. "Killer view though. Heh! Imagine if we fell down there!"

"I-I don't wanna," Tojuta groans.

"You don't really think we stopped here just so you can stretch your legs, do you?"

We all stop at Mr. Aizawa's question and stare at him. What does he mean by that? Is this where we're staying?

Mineta stands before our teacher, keeping his arms down to prevent himself from leaking. "Please, sir, the toilet."

Finally, the doors on the black car open up and two colorfully dressed women with markings on their faces step out. There's a theme between the two. They look like frilly cats with their headgear, combat skirts, paw-like gloves, and bell collars, but one is red and the other blue.

"Heya, Eraser," one of them greets.

"Long time no see." He bows a greeting.

The ladies step forward to properly introduce themselves to us.

"Your feline fantasies are here! Say me-ow!"

"Purr-fectly cute and catlike girls!"

"You can call us the Wild Wild Pussycats!" They finish in a dramatic pose that leaves us wondering if that is at all necessary.

Tojuta leans over to me to whisper. "Have you heard of them?"

"No clue here," Auxi answers instead. "But I do wanna know who horn-hat is over there." She points beside the pros at a little kid with a scowl on his face under a red spiked hat. "Is he supposed to be their mascot somethin?"

"These are the pro heroes you'll be working with here at the summer training camp," Mr. Aizawa explains.

Midoriya lights up and turns to us. "They're a four person hero team who specialize in mountain rescues! The Pussycats were founded when we were kids like forever ago!"

The girls gasp as I raise an eyebrow. 'When we were kids??' We're freshmen, dude; how old can a 'kid' be?

He looks back at the two, still excited. "This marks their twentieth year working as a-!" Suddenly, the blue cat's paw glove flies into his face, stopping him mid-sentence.

"I'm sure your math must be off," she aggressively corrects, gripping his head with exposed claws, ticked off. "I'm eighteen at heart."

"Understood," Midoriya's muffled voice says.

Now that's just sad.

The pro lets off as Mr. Aizawa corrects us. "Everyone, say hello."

"Hello, nice to meet you."

With pleasantries out of the way, the red cat motions to the forest down below to present. "We own this entire stretch of land out here, everything you can see." She then points to the complete bottom of the mountain, which must be miles from here. "The summer camp you're staying at is there, at the base of the mountain."

"That's far," most of us exclaim.

Hold up, that's gotta be another half hour drive. What are we doing up-?
. . .
Oh no.

"Excuse me?" Tojuta politely raises his hand. Kuiru, no! "I'm excited and everything, ma'am, but why do we need to know this now?"

"Yeah," Uraraka agrees. "So why did we stop all the way up here instead?"

"I'm afraid we all know the answer to that," Asui croaks.

How does this make sense?! We need to unpack and everything first! Surely, we don't have to walk from here! Crap, then again this is Mr. Aizawa's training; of course he would have us do something like that!

Samae's eyes widen as he backs away. "Tha-that's messed up. No way."

"Nope!" Auxi throws up her hands and turns to leave. "I ain't havin' it! I'd like to return to sitting in a vehicle watching YouTube all the way!"

"That can't be right," Sato swallows, shaking his head and nervously smiling with Sero, who slightly chuckles in discomfort before turning back to the bus. "Um, back on the bus. Quick, let's go."

"Good idea," Kaminari agrees, putting his hand on Koda's shoulder as if trying to hide from the true intentions. "Time to load up." Ashido and Koda nod while the red cat deviously smirks up front, showing her claws and somehow wagging her tail behind her.

"The current time is nine thirty in the morning. If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon."

Finally getting the idea, Kirishima's eyes widen as he steps back. "No way. Guys!"

"Holy crap!" Ashido exclaims.

"Save yourselves!!"

"Kitties who don't make it there by twelve-thirty don't get any lunch!" the red cat announces.

I follow everyone else and run to the bus. No way on earth am I hiking through all that!

We all run past Mr. Aizawa, who calmly sighs, "You should've guessed, students." We keep running as he continues, and the blue cat somehow leaps from out of nowhere and blocks our paths with her paws pressed hard on the on the ground, making us freeze up in terror. "The training camp has already begun."

Everyone say it with me. "Snapples."

The next thing I know, the ground shifts and suddenly flies up from underneath. I try to phase to dodge the attack, but I just as quickly realize my mistake. In the blink of an eye, a tidal wave of dirt erupts into us, throwing us over the cliff down to the forest below. As I should've known, the dirt douses my flames, killing my power, and pushes me with everyone else.

We all scream as we plummet to and hit the ground. I open my eyes and stare up at the sky, watching stars spin in my vision and trying to catch my breath. I start to sit up, and feel a sharp pain shoot up my back. I clutch it and shake my head to dismiss my dizziness.

Auxi sits up almost immediately. "I WAS JUST KIDDING!!" she yells up at the cliff side.

"Good news!" a voice casually calls from the top of the cliff. We all stare up at the red cat. "Since this is private land, you get to use your quirks as much as you want to! You've got three full hours! You should be able to make it to the facility in that time! That is, if you can get through the beast's forest!"

Excuse me??

"Th-the what?" Tojuta gulps and stares into the vast greenery.

"The beast's forest?!" Midoriya gasps.

"That sounds like a name right out of a fantasy game," Kaminari adds.

Let me get this straight. Not only do we have to walk all the way, but we have to face and battle danger untamed here?!

"Why do we keep falling for Aizawa's little tricks?" Jiro asks Uraraka and Asui as Kirishima stands and dusts himself off. "I guess there's no use complaining. Might as well get going."

Seeming to be more than eager to do as Kirishima suggested, Mineta speeds to the forest. He stops short at the sound of an echoing thud emerging from the trees. My eyes widen and slide up along a pillar something brown and rough. Just as the cat hero had described our location, an enormous brown monster stomps into the light and moves its head to look at us. I gulp hard at just the sight of the thing's many, large claws and fangs and terrifying head. As if it couldn't be more frightening, the thing opens its mouth and roars at us.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Sero, Kaminari, and Tojuta scream. "We're all gonna die!!"

Darn it! What is this thing?! And why is it here near a camp site?? It doesn't look at all friendly, and I'm sure it could kill us in just a matter of seconds! From my reasoning, I stand despite my aching back pain and summon my flames around me to be ready to attack with my classmates who look to have similar intentions.

Mineta on the other hand is petrified before the monster, only watching as it raises a front claw to strike him. Crap! What do we do?!

Of all people, Koda frantically rushes up, waving his arms to get the monster's attention. "Please calm yourself, my giant friend!" he begs in a surprisingly high voice. "You don't wanna hurt them!!"

Despite his pleas, the monster brings down its arm, but not after Midoriya leaps in to grab the boy. The two zoom a safe distance, grabbing the beast's attention.

What was Koda's quirk again? Right, he could talk to wildlife. But he just tried to talk to that thing, and it didn't pay any mind to him. This thing's not natural, so who could be behind this??

"What even is that thing?!" Samae yells, showing his teeth. "Do you think those heroes even knew this was down here?!"

"Does matter whether those cats knew it," Bakugo growls. "If it wants a fight, it's got one coming!" With that, he madly bolts in behind Todoroki and Iida.

Eyes on the prize, Todoroki gets in range and sends of barrage of ice across the ground that engulfs the beast's feet.

"RECIPRO BURST!!" Iida tears his pants to use the engines on his legs for a kick, destroying the monster's left arm.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!" Bakugo screams himself and blasts the other arm to ash.

Now without any limbs to use, the beast is immobilized as Midoriya flies in with green electricity dancing around him to finish it off.

I relax my stance and watch them in amazement. It all happened so fast. "Incredible," I breath out loud.

"You guys took that beast down in seconds!" Sato cheers to Todoroki.

"It was awesome!" Sero adds.

Safe at last, the rest of walk over to join the four. Like I wanna get shown up though, but at least we have others that are sure to get the job done.

"You showed that thing who's boss," Kirishima congratulates Bakugo, who only growls.

"We're not done." He points off among the trees ahead of us to a foggy clearing. I squint my eyes as the ground over there shifts and clumps up into view. Suddenly something like wings sprout up from the dirt and another one springs from sand and into the sky.

"Wait, they're just coming up outta the ground now?!" Tojuta panics. "What even are those?!"

"They're creations from Pixiebob, the blue Pussycat," Midoriya explains, his body still lit up. "She can control dirt and shape it in many different ways. Here, she's using it to make monsters for us to fight."


A roar sounds above the trees as the new dirt monster soars above us, and I ready myself once again. Our eyes dash around the tree tops, wondering where it will attack.

"Hey, c'mon," Kaminari whines. "Don't ya think this is a little unfair?"

"What now?" Ashido asks. "Do we run?"

"Not good," Sato pants. "If we don't make it to the camp fast enough, then we won't get anything to eat."

"He's right!" Yaoyorozu calls us. "We have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route!"

I couldn't agree more. It's not like the pros will come in and hold our hands all the way. We're going to get to the camp whether we feel like it or not. That's what this is about anyway, pushing ourselves to our very limits. I nod with the rest of my class and summon my flames around me.

"Alright," Iida takes the lead. "Let's go, class A!!"


At our war cry, dangerous sounds of the woods are already getting louder. Shoji's arms branch out and Jiro stabs her jacks into the setting.

"I spy three up ahead," he warns. "And two more flanking each side."

"So seven total. They're coming!"

Our classmates pick targets and charge in. I look at Tojuta and wait for him to be ready. Kuiru takes a deep breath and flexes his abdomen, forcing the quills on his back to rip through his button up and flash up. Samae cracks his knuckles and loosens up his shoulders. Finally, Auxi feeds more to the end of her straps, twirling them around. More than ready, I point at a monster. "Let 'er rip, Kuiru!"

"Here goes everything!" he answers, twirling to face his back at the griffin-like beast. The mutant takes notice and flies for us as Tojuta plants his arms against his stomach and forces them in, firing off a barrage of needles into it.

It flinches from the attack, and I follow up with Inner Demon. I summon the monster before me and deliver a punch that breaks it down.

"That was easy enough."

"Don't get comfortable, Kuiru; strength comes in numbers, and there are more of these things."

We hear a war cry and look over to see Samae leaping out of the shade to uppercut another toothed quadruped, smashing its head before coming back down to send a kick into its crumbling back. He gets up to catch his breath as we stare in amazement.

"Well, Samae's certainly feeling it," Tojuta comments.

"Guys!" We look up at Auxi, who's running toward us and being chased by what looks like a giant wasp monster. There are a couple of her straps flying against one of its limbs, indicating she tried to attack it. Despite her situation, she's smiling. "I done did it this time!"

"Darn it, Auxi!" I yell back.

Tojuta puts his best foot forward and sends a wave of quills at her chaser. "Heads up!"

Upon the attack, it pulls back giving me room to attack again. Instead, Samae zooms out of a tree and kicks it in the back, bringing it down. He immediately gets back up. "Quit wasting time! Let's go!" He then dashes off with a few of our other classmates.

Agreeing with him, we follow, staying alert for any more monsters.

"He- he must be pretty eager to get there," Tojuta pants to me.

"I mean, we have three hours to get there, so I mean I'd rather get in my steps than starve today," I answer. "Let's keep going!"

Author's notes: Welcome back to another conclusion, where we discuss the four additional OCs to 1-B!

Of course we all know Luna Nightwind, but here we are introduced to the rest of the students. Meet Navia Ninji, Kyor and Aonani Yokuna! Like Luna, these guys are owned by WaterDragon02 and star in Mutant's Tail! Interested? Experience the 1-B side of The Hero From Beyond and check out my talented little sister's story!

That's all for now, friends. God bless, and stay safe!

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