Chapter 6: Chances of Regret

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Author's notes: I might as well explain a few things as to clear up any confusion. What I'm doing to Class 1-A is simply adding four students, bringing the student number to 24. I know each student in the series has their time to shine, so I'll be creating the challenges and other things for the four. Because of this, more characters will be added to the story. I'll also be changing some ranking positions that I think would best suit the characters. Positions like in the Sports Festival and things like that.

Secondly, I know I've been using some new terms to describe some quirks, like mutation and trickster. This is because I've categorized quirks into groups that best suit their characteristic. Might as well explain. I have six categories for quirks: Attackers, Amplifiers, Mutations, Tricksters, Manipulators, and Supports.

Attackers are basically elemental quirks like Todoroki's Half-Hot Half-Cold Quirk and Kaminari's Electricity Quirk. Why I didn't just name the category Elementals, because I figured Aoyama's Naval Laser and Ashido's Acid would best fit here.

Amplifiers are quirks that boost one's natural ability. This is the category for where Iida's Engine Quirk and One-For-All would fit. They're quirks that boost a trait anyone can do and apply it their body in some way.

Mutations are quirks that change one's appearance and abilities completely. These sort of quirks are mostly animal quirks, so quirks like Asui's Frog Quirk and Ojiro's Tail Quirk would best fit here.

Tricksters are pretty much the "other" category. These quirks are ones that are least expected and surprise people easily. These basically have nothing to do with the user's appearance, so good examples would be quirks such as Tokoyami's Dark Shadow and Yaoyorozu's Creation.

Manipulators is actually shortened from Quirk Manipulators. These are quirks that have to do with another person's quirk. There aren't many examples, but the best ones I can think of are Aizawa's Eraser Quirk, All-For-One's Quirk, and Monoma's Copy.

Finally, there's the Supports. The name's pretty self-explanatory. These are quirks that support others, whether by healing or strengthening them. Examples of these are Recovery Girl's Heal Quirk and La Brava's Love Quirk.

Alright, enough of me geeking out. Enjoy the chapter!


A week has gone by, and I anxiously wait for my results. To get my mind off things, I'm usually meditating, working toward flame number six. While this form of training has helped me to become a patient person, my mind keeps drifting to the exam results. Once I try to call Tojuta to help me not think of it. He immediately started rambling on about the exam. Not helpful, Kuiru! Even my mom is nervous. It's not like she herself is trying to get in.

Just when it seemed like the week would never end, finally came a letter. It happens like this:

I'm in my room meditating. My five flames circle my head as I keep my cupped hands in the center of my crossed legs. My focus breaks when I here a knock on my door.

"Yurei," my mom calls. "You've got a letter."

It better not be Tojuta pranking me. I smirk at my new thought before standing and calmly walking to the door. I open it and am greeted with my mom's smiling face. In her hand, she shows me an envelope with a blue seal. Okay, surely that's the real deal. Mom hands me the mail, and I take it to my desk. Excited to see my results as well, she follows and watches me break the seal and slide the contents onto my desk. A small, metal disk clunks against the wooden surface. I pick it up in utter confusion. Am I supposed to plug it in or something?

Suddenly, the lights shine on the device and I slam it down on my desk in surprise. The disk whirs for a bit before playing a holographic, prerecorded video of the number-one hero, All Might. Instead of wearing any of his hero outfits, however, he's wearing a golden tuxedo. Probably not the most fitting color for the hero. But at the same time, I'm a guy who just wore a jacket over a business suit despite the hot temperature, so who am I to judge someone's fashion sense?

"I am here!" All Might announces. "To congratulate you on your performance at the entrance exam! But not only as a hero, for I have accepted a job at my alma mater!"

Whatever that is...

"That's right! I will be a teacher at UA High!"

Who cares? Get to my exam results.

"Now back to your exam results! You scored high enough marks to pass the written exam! As for the practical exam, you worked efficiently in defeating your opponents as well as assisting your peers!"

'Assist?' They saw that? And if he's mentioning it, does that mean...?

"There was a category that we had not mentioned, specifically designated toward rescue!"

Called it!

"For showing such selflessness in rescuing your peers, despite physical repercussions, you received forty rescue points in addition to your twenty-nine villain points, bringing you to a total of sixty-nine points! Your score has placed you in seventh place over all!! Congratulations, Yurei Seshin! You've been accepted into UA High!! I look forward to seeing you in class!"

The video closes as tears of joy begin to slowly flood my eyes.

"Ohmygoodness, Yurei! You made it!" My mom cheers and wraps me in a hug. In a good mood, I return the gesture. "Celebration time! We're telling your father then it's out to eat! I'm so proud of you!!" Her hug gets tighter, and my tears are streaming down my face now. My phone starts to buzz and I look at the lock screen. Tojuta.

My mom releases me, and I answer. I practically yell into the mic. "What's good, Kuiru?"

"Wow!" he exclaims. "You sound happy. You get your results?"

"I did, dude! I'm in!!"

"Really?! Me too!! Congrates!"

"You too! Gourds! I feel better!"

"Same. You wanna celebrate? I know of a movie goin' on."

"Sounds fun, but sorry. Can't. I'm gonna visit my dad then party with Mom."

"Oh. That's fine. Well, see ya in class!"

"Later, man!"

I hang up and get ready to head out.

First on our agenda, we both go to visit Dad. I bring the metal disk in the envelope to show as proof that I'm in. Because Mom is with me this time, we don't have any trouble getting in. Dad congratulates me over and over again. I can see where he's coming from. After all, the acceptance rate was pretty tight. He insists that I try to focus even more on my flames to show that I'm getting stronger throughout the year. I agree to his terms and additionally promise to try to teach him any techniques I learn. He says he can't wait before talking to my mom about other things he's missed. (Stuff about her new job and things.) After the jailhouse, we go out to eat. Mom tries to spoil me rotten, but I try to stick with the thoughts of how a hero would react. While we're out and about, we go to pick up my uniform for school. I can't wear my jacket over or under it just for my hood, so that sucks. On the topic, we head to buy any school supplies UA might require before heading home. I wait the rest of the summer, doubling my meditation training, until the first day of school comes around.


Once again, I'm standing on the brick walkway up to UA High. I'm a little early, but I just figured that would give me enough time to settle in. I subconsciously reach for my hood but grab at nothing except my backpack handle. I sigh at my stupid lack of memory and instead shove my hands in my pockets. I try to be as invisible as possible, even though I don't run into anybody. Finally, after following the signs, I arrive at an enormous door at least three times my height.

I question it a bit before taking in a deep breath and opening it up. There are already a few people here. I scan over the four-by-six seating rectangle and walk to the back of the rows to the desk in the far right corner. I plop down and survey my classmates already in the room. A blonde kid with extremely spiky hair a few seats ahead of me lazily leans in his chair with his feet propped up against his desk; a girl with earbud cords attached her earlobes rhythmically nods her head to some music from her phone her cords are plugged into; a boy with two-colored hair in front of me patiently remains sitting and staring at the empty chalkboard in front of him. There are a few spiky-haired boys somewhere in the middle of the desks already sharing a conversation. Either they conveniently knew each other for quite some time, or their social skills are phenomenal. Their hair colors are different though: a redhead sits next to a guy with black hair, and the one in front of the other two has bright yellow hair with a black lightning bolt scribbled in it. I watch a few more students come in, some familiar, some new to me: the midget and the tongue girl from the entrance exam, some alien-looking chick with pink skin, and a pretty silent guy with a head that looks like a mountain in a way.

Finally, Tojuta comes in with a backpack over his right shoulder, and I give a small wave. His face lights up when he sees me and walks on over through the front then up the aisles between the two right-most rows of desks. Not paying attention to his bag on his shoulder, it heavily bumps against the blonde's propped-up foot, and the blonde nearly leaps in the air in fury.


"Uh! Sorry!" Tojuta whimpers.

(I'd say what the blonde actually said, but it's not very family friendly.) I watch Tojuta bow an apology as I compare this guy's attitude with Sicuto's. Oh, gourds, God made two of them.

Tojuta speed-walks up the aisle and, without hesitation, takes the seat directly to my right. "Hey!"

"What's up, Kuiru?"

"Nothing much. This place is huge though! I stopped to look at the front gate, and I think that thing has a security system or something!"

"Wouldn't be surprised."

"Alright, so I believe we have Opening Orientation today, right?"

"That's my understanding."

"I see you made it in as well." I look up to see the bird from the exam, staring at me with a hint of neutrality in his eyes. "Congrats."

"Same to you."

"We're not properly introduced," he reminds me. "I'm Fumikage Tokoyami, wielder of the Dark Shadow. "

"Yurei Seshin, wielder of my own stuff that's not that."

"Kuiru Tojuta!" Tojuta waves his hand, trying to get included. Tokoyami looks at him in surprise. "The.. uh.. porcupine, I guess." Tojuta gets intimidated in the middle of his introduction.

Not really thinking much of it, Tokoyami nods. "Well met. Um.. to you both."

"He's with me. It's fine." I turn to Tojuta. "Kuiru, this is a guy I helped in the entrance exam. Mob of robots or something like that."


"Yes, I admit it was foolish of me to take on the whole lot on my own," Tokoyami sighs. "I appreciate your help."

I give him a thumbs up before he walks to his chosen seat in the middle of the desk arrangement. Before I could return to my conversation with Tojuta, the door suddenly slides open and in steps the straps girl, energetic as ever. "WHAT UP, NEW CLASSMATES?!"

Completely surprised by this everyone turns to face the girl, not really knowing how to respond. Some look confused, some scared, some annoyed, while I just slouch down in my seat further.

The shadow boy from the exam walks in behind her, completely embarrassed. "Please shut up."

Ignoring her friend's request, she marches on in, not showing the slightest bit of fear. "The name's Orika Auxoriya, but my friend's all call me 'Auxi!'" She happily slams the palms of her hands on the lightning kid's desk, leans over to his face, and smiles widely at him, provoking him to lean back from her, a bit uncomfortable. "So you know what you guys can call me?" The frightened boy opens his mouth to say something, but Auxoriya interrupts him. "That's right! Auxi! Cuz we're already gonna be friends!"

Apparently thinking she was going to sit over near where she made her impression, the shadow boy walks to the back row with me and Tojuta and slides himself into the seat on the left corner. He was wrong. Auxoriya prances up the aisle to sit next to her supposed friend; then she sees me. "Hey! Pyro-boy!"


"Ya made it in! Congratulations! I'm sure when you heard that points were awarded to those who rescued people, you immediately thought about saving me. So I guess I did ya a favor? You're welcome!" She reaches out to ruffle my hair like we've been best friends this entire time. I again slap her hand away. She pulls it back from the pain and rubs her hand. "Oh, yeah! Silly me! No touchy. Right!" She gives me a thumbs up and prances to her seat.

Tojuta looks at me. "You saved her, too?? Wow! You got a gift, Yurei!"

"Thanks. And it also makes me feel good that I got more rescue points than points known as villain points."

"Take your feet off that desk now!!" Our conversation is again interrupted when the stiff kid from the orientation yells at the blonde with the attitude. I hadn't even noticed him coming in. Come to think of it, a lot more students have filed in as well in the middle of my interaction with Tojuta and those other two kids.

"Huh?" The blonde sneers. He smiles as if taunting the strict student.

"It's the first day, and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"You're kidding me, right?"

I facepalm myself as the two continue their fight. It's just a desk dude, c'mon.

The stiff boy gasps a bit before sighing to calm himself and pushes his glasses up his nose more. "Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Soumei Private Academy."

"Soumei, huh?" the explosive boy interrupts. "So you must think you're better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one."

Iida steps back, shocked at the threat. He gasps. "You would threaten me?! Your own classmate?!? Are you sure you're in the right place?"

Whether this was meant to be an insult or not, that line seems to shut the blonde kid up. His evil smirk fades and instead glares at the door. His scowl deepens as Iida follows his gaze and spies another kid at the door, nervously waiting for the tension to die down.

"It's him," the strict boy breaths as everyone turns to see the quivering kid.

"Uh! Hi!" a dark green-haired boy simply says with trembling words and blushes hard from the sudden attention.

"Good morning," Iida shouts to him and stiffly marches to the frightened boy. "My name is Tenya Iida from the-"

"Yeah, uhh, I know!" He waves his hands as if to insist Iida to not come any closer. He calms down and brings his hands back to his sides. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. Super nice to meet you!"

Am I supposed to know this guy? Why did the tall guy say it like this kid's infamous throughout the school?

The two continue their chat as Tojuta gasps and excitedly bounces in his seat. "Dude!" he whispers to me. "This guy has to be an early legend! I think he straight up risked himself to save some girl by taking out a zero-pointer with just one punch!!"

"Seriously?!" A zero-pointer? In one punch?? How strong is this kid?? "You are talking about one of those 'keep away from at all cost' zero-pointers?"

"Yeah! I don't think he got any villain points, so he must've made it through on just his rescue points!"

Holy cow... this kid sounds crazy strong. Not that I'm looking for any competition, but I stare at the kid in disbelief. He doesn't look that buff to me. Sure, he's got a bit of muscle, but a zero-pointer in one punch? I can't stop thinking about it.

"If you're just here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now," a tired man interrupts everyone's thoughts and conversations. "Welcome to UA's hero course. It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that." As he walks into the room, I can get a better look at him.

He's a pretty dark man dressed in black, which clashes well with his also black, long hair that sags around his head. A long, thick, grey scarf hangs around his neck, and he drags a large yellow sleeping bag behind him. At first I thought he sounds pretty exhausted, but when he turns to look at us all, he shows the deep bags under his narrow eyes. Now I absolutely know it.

He continues his introduction. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. I'll be your teacher." I can almost feel the shudder of my classmates. This guy is definitely intimidating. I raise an eyebrow as Tojuta whispers, "This guy's all gloom and doom, huh?" I slightly nod as our new home room teacher reaches into his sleeping bag as if it were a plastic, supermarket bag and pulls out some tracksuits decorated with the two high school's large initials. He sighs. "Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside."

I do as I'm told, not wanting to get immediately reported or something. I take a tracksuit that's about my size and make my way to the men's locker room. Tojuta follows.

Once in there, I claim a locker for my suit, and Tojuta selects the one just beside mine. I glance at a few of the other boys walking behind us to their own lockers. I unfold my tracksuit and look it over. Might be a little inappropriate for orientation. It looks more like something one would wear for a work out.

I suddenly hear a whooshing sound behind me. I turn to see Tojuta holding his tracksuit in front of him, but with his vest and button up off. His quills stand up along his back from him taking off his shirt as if he just flashed them behind his back. Behind him, I see the redhead, the black-haired kid, the lightning boy, and the guy with a prehensile tail all standing in weird posses against the wall. They're outlined with some of Tojuta's quills that have flown off his back and stabbed into the wall, just missing the four.

Tojuta turns embarrassed. "I'm sorry!" he calls. "The static in new clothes does that to me sometimes. I should've turned the other way!"

"Nah, kid, it's cool!" the red head states. He gets out of his outline and walks to examine the porcupine's quills. "Up till now, I thought those things just covered your head. But man! Those things serve as a good offense and defense. That's a pretty cool quirk, man!" He smiles and gives a thumbs up. Tojuta blushes and nods a 'thank you.' "My name's Eijiro Kirishima!" He holds out his hand for a shake.

"Kuiru Tojuta!" Tojuta accepts the gesture and points to me. "And this is my friend, Yurei Seshin." I give a small wave, and Kirishima nods in acknowledgement. The other boys Tojuta nearly pinned walk up for introductions as well.

"Hanta Sero! Nice to meet ya, Tojuta."

"Hey there! I'm Denki Kaminari."

"And I'm name's Mashirao Ojiro."

Tojuta smiles and gives a quick nod. I smile a bit, glad Tojuta is making friends.

"Hey," Sero looks at me as I slip off my jacket piece. "It's kinda obvious we know Tojuta's quirk, Seshin, but what's yours?" Kinda rude. They didn't even talk about theirs.

Before I can answer though, the shadow kid in his tracksuit walks past our group and reminds us something. "Should probably hurry up. I don't wanna be in trouble, and I don't think any of you wanna be either."

"Aw, c'mon, Samae!" Kirishima complains. "We're just making friends."

"That's what Mr. Baggy Eyes advised against. Just hurry up." With that, the shadow kid, or Samae, walks off.

I smirk. "Guess you'll have to wait and see." I continue to slip my tracksuit on. As I am, Tojuta gets one more question in.

"Who was that?"

"That was Hikari Samae," Kirishima explains. "He was a friend of mine back in middle school. He applied with me."

"Oh. Well it's always good to do stuff with friends." I smile at Tojuta's thought as I'm finishing up before heading out as well, not exactly sure what our terrifying teacher has in store for us.

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