Chapter 8: Combat Training Part 1

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Author's notes: Above is my vision of Yurei Seishin in his school attire, hero attire, and then just some expressions and even a minion in the third section. Since this is the chapter where his hero outfit will be introduced, I figured this would probably be the best chapter to put my art on. I'm not the best artist, but I like it. Art of my porcupine character, Kuiru Tojuta, will show in the next one. I might make drawings of the other characters I've made, but we'll just have to see. Hope you like it! Now chapter time.
I awake the next morning and stare at my familiar ceiling. I then sit up and glance at my clock: 7:19. I should probably get ready. The next things I see are my jacket at the foot of my bed and my school uniform hanging properly in front of my closet. On a stool just below it is a paper bag with a sticky note of Mom's handwriting. I slide out of bed, and tiredly walk to the items.

The note from my mom reads: "Got an early shift. I got your lunch made for school later. Have fun! Love you!"

I smile and peek at the contents: some ingredients for a DIY beef 'n' leaf, white rice, and broccoli. Dang, she's awesome. Sure, they'll probably be having food in the cafeteria, but still, free food from the fridge is better than something you have to pay for. I close up the bag and get into my school attire. I'm tempted to wear my jacket just for my hood, but advise against it. So instead, I just stuff it in my bag, grab my lunch, and make my way to the bus stop.

The ride is pretty normal, until we stop at an area halfway there. I quickly glance from my window to the patrons climbing on and dropping in tokens. I don't pay much attention to it until Riyaki Sicuto climbs on. After paying his fare, he turns to the seats and immediately spots me. My eyes widen at the surprise as a scowl grows on his face. Neither one of us want to cause an uncomfortable scene, so we don't even address each other the entire ride until we both get off at the bus stop closest to UA.

I step off and try to just walk to the gate when Sicuto grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

"What the fart are you doing here?" he angrily asks.

I try to keep my calm and simply reply, "School. I could be asking you the same thing."

"That's none of your business!" He shoves me aside and walks to the UA gate. It's then that I notice he's wearing a UA uniform.

This time, I stop him. "Wait." He halts abruptly in his tracks and glares back at me. "I thought you didn't get any points in the entrance exam."

"Thanks for the reminder," he sarcastically shoots back.

"I don't get it though. Why are you attending UA? The staff have pity on you?"

"Listen, Seshin!" He marches to me in a threatening manner. "I'll have you know that I don't envy you in that big class of nerds like yourself. DJ Loudmouth introduced each of the classes and mentioned you in 1-A. I'm in a class where it'll be my butt that saves yours. So even though your class may look down on mine, you better shut your trap, because soon after you'll regret it! Understand?!"

'Class?' What 'class' is he in? However not wanting to get pummeled, I slowly nod. "I. . . think so?"

"Good!" He backs away. "Was afraid I wouldn't be able to get that through your thick skull." He continues on through the gate. He calls over his shoulder as he walks, "And tell your nerd classmates what I just told ya! Especially Quills."

I simply stand there in confusion. Bet I'd understand more if we just attended the dumb orientation. Dang it. I shrug it off and continue on to class, trying to keep a safe distance from my mysterious rival in front of me.

I make it to the classroom and walk to my seat in the back. Tojuta's already there, twirling one of his quills in his fingers. He looks up as I sit down. "Hey!"

"What's up, Kuiru?"

"Why do you always greet me like that?" he chuckles. I shrug. He then looks closely at me. "Hey, what's wrong?"

I pause to choose my words carefully. "Kuiru, do know of a class in UA that allows students in even though they have no points?"

"Uhhh... no. Why?"

"I saw Sicuto outside in a school uniform."

"What?! I thought he didn't get anything in the exam."

"He didn't; I confirmed that. But still, if he didn't score any point's I don't see why he should be in UA."

"There is the Support Course," the girl with the ponytail directly in front of me explains. We look at her as she turns in her seat. "That's a class in UA that doesn't really accept depending on the number of points people get in the exam. What quirk does your friend have?"

"Uh! Sorry, but he's not really our friend," Tojuta nervously shrugs. "And, uh, I don't know what his quirk is. Yurei?"

I shake my head. "Nope."

"Well if your 'not-friend' didn't score anything on the entrance exam but is still attending UA, they're probably in the Support Course."

"I guess that makes sense."

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu by the way."

"Yurei Seshin."

"Kuiru Tojuta!"

Yaoyorozu nods in acknowledgement before Mr. Aizawa walks in the room. He gets our attention and has us look at our syllabus.

The school day is pretty normal, as in essential classes that one would expect in a school: Math, English, those sorts of classes. After those, we have lunch in the cafeteria dubbed Lunch Rush. As I predicted, food is available in the cafeteria, but again, I would rather eat what I brought. As usual, Tojuta sits with me along with Samae and Auxi. My porcupine buddy was kindly invited by Kirishima to sit over at his table at the beginning, but turns out Bakugo was over there as well, so Tojuta didn't want to deal with that. After lunch comes the class that seems most required in a hero school.

I sit at my desk and lazily spin a flame at my fingertip. Mr. Aizawa is supposedly on break, so all the class is just either falling asleep or having a conversation among themselves. To make up for the lost time with him, Tojuta's having a chat with Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari. Auxi tries to make small talk with me, but I'm not really much for conversation.

Finally, a heroic voice calls from the door way, "I AM...HERE!!" I look up as Tojuta runs to his desk and sits down. The number one hero, All Might throws open the door and poses heroically. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!!!" Is he seriously gonna narrate everything he does? He's wearing his hero outfit instead of the suit he wore in his welcome videos he sent to each of us.

As the class whispers in awe about the majesty of the Symbol of Peace and pointing out the generation of his suit, All Might takes the podium and turns to us. The whole class falls silent as he continues talking. "Welcome to the most important class at UA High! Think of it as 'Heroing 101!' Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get to it!!!!"

He's as enthusiastic as Present Mic, but don't expect for him to get cheers unlike we did at entrance orientation. The number one pro has everyone's upmost attention. He brings out a stack of notecards and shows the top one labeled Battle. "Today's lesson will pull no punches!!"

Was the pun necessary?

"FIGHT TRAINING!!" Bakugo explodes up front.

"Real combat?!?" Midoriya gasps. Don't know if he's scared or what, but I guess he has a right to be.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is... LOOKING GOOD!!" At the last word, he points to a modified wall, and sections of it slide out to reveal numbered briefcases up to twenty-four, the number of us in the class. "These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started!"

Our hero attire?! For real?!

"Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

"Yes sir!" The whole class acknowledges and does as they're told. I walk over to my briefcase and take it out. I smile at the large twenty-four on the front and walk to the locker room. Once there, I open it up and unfold each of the pieces. I take out the dark purple base of it all and change into it. As I requested, the thing has a hood, so I'm grateful at that. After the base, I find a specially designed belt that can produce heat to support my flames when they're near, preferably when I'm levitating myself. I then slip on the shoes with the outfit. Somewhat a pair of sneakers cause I wanted something that wouldn't make a lot of noise when I'm running around or scouting an area. "Sneakers:" pun intended. The outfit also comes with a couple of ankle bands that look like chains cuffs. I was going for a spooky look that would strike fear upon my appearance. At the same time, the small, clinking chain kinda defeats the purpose of sneaking around now that I got a visual. I then pull on a pair of gloves, also designed to support my flames. The final piece: a purple bandana with a design of a wide, eerie, yellow smile that matches my eyes. What's more is that it glows in the dark, so kinda gives me a more spooky look from the shadows. Once I have it tied around my face, I throw on the last addition. I sigh in comfort, relived to have a hood over my head again.

As I make my way to the door, Tojuta also steps out in his outfit. Once he recognizes me, he gives a quick turn and asks, "Whadaya think?"

He's wearing what looks like a pioneer's outfit: a leather base with red stripes around the sides and leather boots with spikes at the bottom like cleats. A green visor covers his eyes as to prevent any damage to himself from his own quills or any other similar attack. Earpieces in a ray of his quills poke out from the backs of his ears. Finally, his suit is specially designed so that all his quills down his back poke out for attacking, so that he can flash or fire his quills without ripping the back on purpose.

"Very cool, man," I nod. "How about me?"

"Intimidating," he immediately admits. "and kinda scary. It's perfect!"

"Thanks. That's what I was going for."

We walk out and make our way to the training ground. The place is just like the replicated city from our entrance exam. All Might is already there as he said, awaiting our arrival.

"They say the clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen," he calls as we approach him. "And behold: you are the proof!"

As I walk into the field with more of my also changed classmates, I squint at the sudden sunlight coming in through the open area above my bandana. The light reflects on everyone's new clothing and gadgets. Bakugo's grenade gauntlets, Kirishima's belts around his shoulders, Tsu's goggles, it's all extremely impressive.

I take a bit of time to skim over everyone's new outfits. Samae's dressed in a slick diver's suit. Black splotches cover the suit like random splashes of shadow. A shark tooth necklace hangs around his neck over a chest pocket. His black, protected feet are shaped like flippers, and he has large, claw-like gloves to swipe at his enemies. The most noticeable part about it all is a large, black and white shark fin that slides onto his back. I guess I can somewhat pick up what his quirk is now.

I glance at Auxi as she excitedly skips through the large hallway. Her green hair has been pulled up into different areas for four, small ponytails, and she stares through a white visor. Her outfit's pretty basic. She's wearing a small strapped vest over a brown under shirt, and lighter brown pants over a pair of green shoes. Covering her hands are green, vinyl gloves that go up to just below her elbows. On top of all that, her layers of bandages around her shoulders rest on hooked shoulder pads to prevent her straps from easily slipping off.

"Take this to heart!" our powerful teacher continues. "From now on, you are all... heroes in training! This is getting me all revved up! You look so cool! Now, shall we get started, you buncha newbies?!"

The only one of us that was missing, Midoriya, runs in behind us all, late for the grand entrance. His suit is a little strange: over the green base, his hood and mask really look like they're resembling a rabbit. Pretty strange choice for a guy with a strength quirk like his. Uraraka in a somewhat pink, black, and white space suit runs up to greet him.

Before we can ask what our assignment is, a white and blue suit raise a hand. Must be Iida under the armor there. "Sir, this is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?"

"Not quite!" All Might shakes two proud fingers. "I'm gonna move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it: back room deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs! Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows."

"Yeah, and the rest in broad daylight are apparently stupid," Samae smugly adds, trying to put in some humor.

"That's not entirely true," All Might corrects. "There are some cases where the villains may pull off successful heists in the day time. Of course, they're usually caught in the end, but that's beside the point. Anyways, for this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of two of good guys and bad guys and fight indoor battles!!"

"Isn't this a little advanced??" Tsu asks.

"The best training is that you get on the battle field! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time; you're dealing with actual people."

Questions of many kinds immediately flood in from the crowd of classmates.

"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Yaoyorozu questions.

"How much can we hurt the other team?" Bakugo devilishly smirks.

"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?" Uraraka nervously asks.

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" Iida again raises his hand.

"Isn't this cape très chic?" the Frenchie winks and spreads his flashy, purple cape, wanting some attention.

All Might is strangled from the questions. "I wasn't finished talking." He pulls himself together and takes out a book. "Listen up! The situation is this: the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes. Time is limited, and we will pick teams by drawing lots!"

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida asks.

"Think about it:" Midoriya answers. "Pros often have to team up with other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason why we're seeing that here."

"Yes, I see. Life is a random series of events." Iida bows an apology to our teacher. "Excuse my rudeness!"

"No sweat!" All Might assures then returns back to business. "Let's draw!!"

With that, All Might begins to draw names. I'm placed on Team L with Tojuta. At the news, he excitedly claps his hands while I stay focused. I hear a groan of agony from Samae when he's announced to be on Team K with Auxi.

Once teams have been officially established, All Might reaches into two more boxes labeled 'Heroes' and 'Villains.' "I declare that the first teams to fight will be... THESE GUYS!!" He proudly holds up two balls labeled A and D, meaning heroes Midoriya and Uraraka will be fighting villains Bakugo and Iida. Interesting matchup. "Everyone else can head to the monitory room to watch."

"Yes sir," the whole class acknowledges. Having been giving the command, I turn with the rest of the group to follow, when I notice Tojuta leaving my side and walk to Midoriya, who's slightly shaking in fear.

"Hey," he puts a hand on his shoulder. The rabbit-looking boy turns in surprise. "I know Bakugo is rough, and I'm sorry you hit the unlucky. Good luck, okay? I'll be rooting for you."

Shocked at the encouragement for a brief bit, Midoriya smiles under his mask and gives a quick nod. "Yeah, thanks."

"Uh! I was also wondering, what's-?"

"Kuiru," I interrupt. "we should get going. You can talk later."

"Uh! Coming!" He glances at Midoriya. "See ya!" He catches up to me with a smile. When we're a good distance, Tojuta squeals, "I just wished him luck! As in, I talked to him!"

"Good job, fanboy," I tease. "At the same time though, against that violent monster and the stick man, he's gonna need it."

We soon arrive at the monitor room, where screens of the building decorate the front wall. A large timer above it all is frozen on fifteen minutes as to be ready for when the match starts. I cross my arms and watch the villain team pace around in their selected room. Iida is most likely thinking up some nerd strategy, while Bakugo seems absolutely cheesed about something. If I had a guess, I'd say it's either because he's on the villain team, or he's still raging about Midoriya's record topping his own in the quirk assessment test. Probably the latter.

Soon the match begins. Still interested about the boy version of One Punch Man, a follow him through the monitors. He and Uraraka silently creep around the dark labyrinth. At least I assume they're silent. There's no sound, so the only noise I hear is from my classmates already absorbed in the match. I then catch Bakugo out the corner of my eye moving along on another screen. He must be scouting for the heroes. He suddenly stops short and hides behind a corner. Before I can ask why he did, the heroes' shadows crawl along the wall from around the corner. Uh-oh: surprise attack time. As I predicted, Bakugo leaps out and throws a mighty right hook straight at the green rabbit.

A massive explosion goes off in the hallway, and I reflect back on Bakugo's question: "How much can we hurt the other team?" If this guy is actually craving blood, they could get seriously injured. My eyes suddenly widen as I spy Midoriya emerge from the smoke with his partner in his arms. The two boys start to have an inaudible conversation. A few of my classmates complain about the lack of sound while I stay focused, trying to take mental notes. Finally, Bakugo charges at Midoriya, ready to strike once more. Suddenly, Midoriya dodges the punch and ducks to grab the blonde around the waist and slam him over his shoulder.

Bakugo lays there in confusion and pain. As he stands, Midoriya begins to yell at him. Still inaudible, so whether it's inspiring or not, we'll never know. The two continue their fight while Uraraka sneaks away for the goal. Their fight soon turns into a game of Hide and Seek as Midoriya hides throughout the building, and Bakugo bursts through door after door to find him. A cowardly strategy, but at the same time, pretty smart. Bakugo is focused on Midoriya, so Uraraka has been bought some time to find the weapon Iida's blocking.

Really into the training test now, my classmates take turns commentating the fights and sharing their opinions. I hardly listen to any of it.

A little time passes until Miss Infinity finds Iida and the fake bomb, and Bakugo at last finds Midoriya. Bakugo looks more grim and evil as his great, grenade gauntlets begin the glow orange. He points his hand and grabs a ring at the handle piece. All Might yells at the boy to stop through the microphone, but the stubborn blonde ignores him and pulls the piece out anyway. The biggest explosion yet erupts from the boy's hand and straight at Midoriya.

After a quick recover, Midoriya shakily stands just as his opponent comes walking to him. All Might demands Bakugo to not pull off such a move again or he'll lose points.

Having no other choice, Bakugo goes for close combat instead. He leaps over and blasts Midoriya straight in the back. At this rate, Midoriya toast! He only landed one hit the entire match, while Bakugo has landed countless. The arguing intensifies quickly in the monitor room.

"They're gonna kill each other!" Kirishima calls to our teacher as if to hint him to do something about it. All Might stands there for a moment, provoking Kirishima to yell at him again. "Sir!"

All Might finally demands for the two to stop. Even though it was the right call, he should've done it sooner. Midoriya's arm has already started glowing again and Bakugo pulls back his fist for a devastating punch. The two throw their attacks, Bakugo landing his and Midoriya swinging his fist upward, creating a burst of wind to bust through the ceiling to the floor Uraraka's on. I nearly forgot she and Iida were still up there!

While Midoriya took the fatal fist to his face, Uraraka is able to distract Iida with a storm of debris flying at him and fly over to the weapon, claiming it and winning the match for her team.

I stand there in amazement. The room falls silent before All Might calls, "The Hero Team... WIIIIIIIINNSSS!!!"

As Tojuta celebrates out loud, bringing me back, I return my attention to the monitor displaying Midoriya and Bakugo. Midoriya has collapsed to the floor while his rival stands there in utter shock. He's once again been beaten by his so called 'Deku.'

"They did it, Yurei!!" Tojuta celebrates. "They won!!"

Yeah, but at what cost? Midoriya took blow after blow, all of them surely deadly. On top of all that, his arm appears to be broken again. So far, his quirk really leans toward the title 'Self-Destruction.'

"Right!" All Might calls. "Let's talk about the battle, then Team B and Team I will fight next!" I bring the rest of my thoughts back to reality as I glance at the screen one last time then back at the number one.

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