Chapter 1: Daily Life of a Teen Hero

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Jinu's Pov

Alright allow to introduce myself. My name is Taimujan Parker or you can just call me Jinu. I was bitten by a radioactive spider on a field trip and for the past year and a half I've been the one and only Spider-Man. I saved the city all by myself but couldn't save one who raised me when I got Uncle Ben but he gave these word before he died 'With great power must come great responsibility.' I'm gonna kept those words to heart. Now I'm web swing towards high school as I somewhat overslept again. I activated my camouflage and landed in a bush and quickly changed into my regular clothing as I deactivated my camouflage and looked myself in the window of the school.

Jinu: Looking good. Suit is under her just in case some shit happen. 

I walked right inside of the school and was greeted by one of my friends that I made as he the captain of the football team, Flash Thompson.

Flash: Parker what took you so long?

Jinu: I overslept alright. You know I like my sleep.

Flash: Whatever Parker, the rest of everyone is  almost in class so you better hurry up man.

Jinu: Yeah yeah yeah.

I quickly walks over to my locker put my bag in there before grabbing some books and closed it as I followed Flash to our first class of the day. My first class was somewhat easy for me since it's a language class and I can speak in three languages. But it was a quiz day and I took notice that Flash was struggling as I told him to study for the quiz but knew he won't as I slip him the answers as I gave my quiz to the teacher and put my head down on my desk.

Couple of hours passed.......

Me and Flash was walking towards out lockers as we went to two out of our classes.

Flash: Thanks for the help for the quiz today.

Jinu: *stares at him* I told you to study for the shit instead of playing video games stupido.

Flash: Huh?

Jinu: It means stupid dumbass.

Flash: Hey man!

???#1: Calm down Flash you know you can't win a fight against Jin.

???#2: Yeah what she said.

I chuckled as I saw my other friends: Mary Jane Watson or call her MJ and Harry Osborn.

Flash: No I can honestly win the fight between me and Parker.

Harry: Flash he was trained in martial arts, you can lay a finger on him.

Jinu: Yeah you can Flash I can knock you out in five seconds.

I watched Flash grumbled as I let out a chuckle again and closed my locker. We all heard the bell knowing the next class is going to start as we all split up for our classes.

After School.......

School was over with as me and my friends walked out of the school.

MJ: So you guys got anything to do today?

Flash: Homework I'm behind..

MJ: Of course you are Flash. What about you Harry?

Harry: Spending some time with my mom. Jinu?

Jinu: Eh stuff to do that's all I'm gonna say.

They looked at me confused as I shurgged my shoulders as my spider sense went off.

Jinu: ....I'm gonna go see you guys tomorrow.

I quickly leaves as i walked into an alleyway and changed into my suit and fired webs to the roof and and jumped off and started web swinging towards where the danger my spider sense warned me about. Took me five minutes as I landed on a lap post and saw someone who I just shook my head at.

(Shocker aka Herman.)

Jinu: Hey Herman.

Shocker: *looks at me* Spider-Man? Ugh.....

I watched as Shocker started to use his gauntlet to jumps away as I started following him.

Jinu: Come on Herman can we not today?

Shocker: Shut up!

I grumbled as I kept on following hi as Shocker blasted his gauntlet at me but I dodged it but felt my phone rings as I answered it to hear my girlfriend's voice.

Izumi: Hey Jin-Jin!

Jinu: 'Damnit Izu.'  Uhh hey babe. What's up?

Izumi: Oh just wanna call and check up on you. How are you doing?

Jinu: Doing just well. *dodges a blast*

Izumi: Hm? What was that?

Jinu: Oh just playing a videogame that all. How are you an school?

Izumi: It's going well I guess. I got into UA.

Jinu: Congrats! *dodges another blast and runs on a building and went back to web swinging*

Izumi: Thanks and even All might is there teaching.

Jinu: Him teaching? That's a first and don't go all fan girl when you meet him.

Izumi: H-hey!

Jinu: *chuckling* Just saying babe. Look I gotta go something came up. I Love you.

Izumi: I love you too.

Izumi hanged up as I was close to Herman and landed onto his back as he crashed into ground and webbed him into the ground as I watched him struggle to break free.

Jinu: Just stay put and the police will take you....again. See ya Herman.

I fired a web and web swings away into the city for any more problems for me to stop.

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