Chapter 1: A Journey Begins

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(Readers POV)

I heard my alarm go off. I opened my eyes and looked at my phone next to me. I picked it up and turned the loud alarm off. I yawned and stretched my body, causing some satisfying pops to be heard.

(Y/N): I hate mornings.

I heard a knocking on my door. It opened up and my dad walked inside my room.

Dad: You better get ready! You start school today!

(Y/N): Wait. That's today?

Dad: Yep.

(Y/N): Man. I thought school started next week.

Dad: I don't want to hear your lazy ass complain! It starts in an hour! Your mom is making breakfast!

He slammed my door shut. I sighed to myself and got out of bed. I walked to my closet and picked out my clothes for today. I took off my pajamas and put on the new clothes. I walked out of my room and went to the dining room. I sat down at the table. I saw my dad walk up and sat down too.

Dad: I thought you would've went back to bed.

(Y/N): I was about to.

Mom: Breakfast is ready!

I saw my mom walk in, holding some plates of food with eggs, bacon, and toast on them. She placed them in front of me and dad. I saw my mom wearing her Hero clothes.

(Y/N): You're leaving, aren't you?

Mom: I would love to stay and eat breakfast with you two, but work as Numero Uno Hero is always a busy schedule.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave one to dad.

Mom: I love you two. I'll try to get back early tonight.

She ran outside. I looked out the window and saw mom jump into the air, flying through the sky, and leaving a small crater in the ground.

Dad: Looks like I'm cleaning the lawn again.

I started to eat my breakfast. It tastes so good! I never get tired of my mom's cooking! I quickly finished it. I stood up and grabbed my backpack from the floor next to the front door.

Dad: Son.

(Y/N): Yeah dad?

Dad: Hope you have a great day.

He gave me a warm smile. After him yelling at me earlier, you wouldn't believe he's the same person. I smiled back at him.

(Y/N): Thanks. I'll try.

I walked outside. I took a deep breath and a red aura surrounded my body. I started to run really fast. I quickly made it to town and ran past several people, causing winds to blow their stuff.

(Y/N): Sorry!

I saw my school ahead. I started to slow myself down and stopped in front of the school. I sighed to myself and checked the time.

(Y/N): I made it here in two seconds. Slightly faster than last year.

I walked into the building. I saw a lot of new students here, along with returning ones.

(Y/N): More than usual this year.

I started to walk and I made it to my locker. I opened it and put my backpack inside it.

Katie: (Y/N)!

I turned around and saw Katie. She has jet black hair that reach her shoulders. She's wearing blue glasses, a light blue button up shirt, and black pants. Her icy blue eyes shine in the light. She's also the nerdy type of girl.

(Y/N): Hey Katie. How was your summer?

Katie: It was great! All I mostly did was read a bunch of new books, but they were great! I should give you some of them.

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm sure I'll like them.

Katie: What about you? Did you do anything exciting?

(Y/N): Nope. I was just lazy the whole summer.

Katie: That would be you. I don't know why I excepted a different answer.

I let out a laugh.

(Y/N): You know me so well. We should get to our classes soon.

I was about to leave, but realized I didn't get a schedule.

Katie: You're hopeless. You're lucky I already got the schedule memorized and that we share the same classes.

She grabbed my hand and started to lead the way.

(Y/N): Thanks Katie. I don't know what I would do without you.

I saw her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. She smiled at me and nodded.

Katie: Just being the best friend you could ask for.

The two of us made it to a classroom and walked inside. We both sat down at some desks, with Katie sitting in the desk to my left. More students walked into the room. I noticed a girl sit down on the desk to my right. She looked at me and waved.

Ivy: Hello there. My name is Ivy.

She has brown, spiky hair that goes all the way down to her hips. She's wearing a black tank top and green shorts that showed her... Stuff. Her eyes are also green. I wonder what her favorite color is?

(Y/N): Hey. I'm (Y/N).

I heard the bell ring, making everyone be quiet. I saw the teacher get up from his desk and walked to the front of the class.

Fox: Alright class. I'm Mr. Black and I'll be your first period teacher. This class is combat class. A little unusual that it's first period, but that's just how it is. We will head out to the gym and there is where we will have sparring matches to help you use your Powers. Any questions?

Some students raised their hands. Mr. Black sighed and crossed his arms.

Fox: Good to see there are no questions. Let's get going class.

Student: Um... Aren't we supposed to introduce ourselves to the class?

Fox: Listen, kid. This is a school to teach you how to be a Hero. You aren't going to walk up and just tell everyone your name. People will know your name just by looking at you when you're saving them. I'm not the type of person to waste time, so we are starting class now.

Student: R-Right sir. Sorry sir.

Fox: Now that that's out of the way. Let's get going class!

Everyone stood up from their desks and we all walked outside the room with Mr. Black. We all walked into the gym.

Ivy: Wow! This gym has a battle arena in it!

Fox: That is the arena where fights will be. There are rules like, you lose if you get knocked out, or go out of bounds, the usual rules. Now then, who wants to go first?

Ivy: Oh, I do! Me me me!

Fox: Ok, Ivy, you will be first. Who do you want to fight?

Ivy: I want to fight the strongest student here!

Fox: Strongest student here?

He raised his hand and pointed at me.

Fox: That's him, (Y/N). Or at least, my best guess.

Ivy: So you're the strongest?

(Y/N): That's... Not exactly the case-

Ivy: I don't care! I want to fight you now!

She is very aggressive and passionate about fighting. I don't think I'll be talking my way out of this one.

(Y/N): Alright alright. I accept the match.

Ivy celebrated and ran to the arena, stepping onto it. I put my hands in my pockets and walked to the arena.

Fox: Let the first match of the year begin.

(Chapter 1 end)

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