Chapter 102: Control

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(Readers POV)

I am walking through the hallways of the stadium. I stopped at a door and knocked on it. Shortly after the door opened, revealing Amethyst.

Amethyst: Hi Rival! You ready to start this thing?!

(Y/N): You definitely are energetic.

Amethyst: Of course I am! I get to see all those soon to be Heroes progress!

(Y/N): It's only been a short time since you last saw them.

Amethyst: They're young! I can feel it, they have made amazing progress!

(Y/N): If you say so. Let's get going.

Amethyst nodded at me as we started to walk. We managed to catch up to Davidson, Solana, Katie, Ashley, Ivy, Isabelle, and Grace. We all walked to the middle of the stadium. The crowds of people in the seats went crazy seeing all of us. I started to wave at people. Everyone took out an earpiece that has a mic attached to it.

Ivy: Who's excited for the start of the tournament?!

Ivy shouted as her voice went through speakers that was all over the stadium. The people went crazy, shouting and screaming in excitement.

Davidson: Now that's the enthusiasm I expected from my kingdom!

Katie: I'm sure they didn't expect having so many top Heroes commentating in this tournament.

Solana: Then shall we introduce ourselves?

Isabelle: Might as well. Gives the students more time to prepare.

(Y/N): Alright. I suppose it makes sense to do it by number order.

Me and Davidson looked at each other for a moment. We both knew we didn't know who was currently Number 1. Amethyst pulled out her phone and showed us the current Hero rankings.

Amethyst: Rival gets to go first.

Davidson: Dammit!

(Y/N): Ahem... I am Rival! The current Number 1 Hero!

Davidson: I am King! The Number 2 Hero!

Katie: I am Replica! The Number 3 Hero!

Ivy: Genetic Beast here! The Number 4 Hero!

Ashley: I am Growth! The Number 5 Hero!

Grace: It's Craft! The Number 6 Hero!

Isabelle: I am Timer! The Number 7 Hero!

Solana: I am Queen! The Number 8 Hero!

Everyone just started to cheer more and more.

Amethyst: And I'm Amethyst, The Restoration Hero! I am the... Number 74 Hero!

The crowd went quiet for a quick moment, making Amethyst nervous and laughed a bit to herself. The crowd went back to roaring. Amethyst let out a sigh and wiped her forehead of sweat.

(Y/N): Alright, with our introductions out of the way, it's time for the newest batch of Heroes to make there way out here!

I shouted and pointed at the huge entrance doorway.

(Aurora's POV)

Me and my class are all walking into the middle of the stadium. We can all hear Rival's voice, saying that it's our time. We all walked through the doorway and I saw a huge crowd of cheering people.

Drake: Damn dude, looks like they got the entire place filled out! Not a spare seat in sight!

I saw huge screens on the walls of the stadium, showing us walking towards the middle. I looked ahead and saw the top 8 Heroes all in one place. No wonder people are so excited. It's rare to just see any of these 2 Heroes together, so all 8 is like all the stars aligned.

Davidson: I see that all the students are excited for this tournament!

I looked at my peers and saw that most of them were nervous. None of Rival's kids were though, except for Horace. He tightened his hood, hiding his face from the millions of eyes that can see us now.

Davidson: I would like for one student from the crowd to come up here and say a few words!

Everyone looked at each other. Drake started to rub the back of his head and look to the right. He definitely doesn't want to. Minerva and Amy started to whistle causally. Gio is just looking down at the ground, like he's thinking about some other stuff at the moment.

Student 1: Oh I know! Aurora! You should do it!

Aurora: Me?

Student 2: You are the best our school has to offer and the best in the class!

Drake: Her rival, standing right here.

Student 3: I agree! It should totally be you!

Aurora: ...I accept.

I walked up to the group of Heroes. Father handed me a microphone. The entire crowd went silent, waiting for what I have to say.

Aurora: My name is Aurora Elsher, I am the daughter of the Heroes King and Queen. I am proud to say that I am here today to show everyone that I am going to be giving it my all in this tournament. I will be giving it everything because it's the only way that you can make your dreams a reality! My dream is that I will be Number 1, so I can have the strength to protect everyone!

The crowd started to cheer for my words. I hands the microphone back to father. He smiled at me and patted me on the back as I walked back over to the group of students.

Solana: Well spoken words coming from such a classy lady! Now let's start off this tournament with a bang!

(Gio's POV)

I can't stop thinking about the events of a couple days ago. Those words that he told me. Why can't I stop thinking about it? I should've had them figured out by now, but yet I still don't. I felt someone touch my arm. I looked over and saw that it was Drake.

Drake: Dude, your match is up first.

I looked over at the arena and saw that a student is standing on the arena, waiting for me. I let out a sigh as I walked over and got onto the arena.

Student: Let's have a fun time. Alright?

I just stayed silent. No student here is an actual to me, not after what I had to go through.

(Flashback) (A couple days ago)

Me, Jes, Elda, and Ifrit are standing in front of a large building. Ifrit is hiding behind me.

Gio: This is the place you were running from?

Ifrit: Y-Yes it is...

Elda: So why are we here?

Jes: Because Ifrit told me that the man operating this place is dangerous. So we are going to get rid of him.

Gio: It's also a great opportunity to get stronger. If he is even a threat.

Ifrit: H-He is a threat! W-W-We shouldn't even be here! He might not be physically capable, b-but he's frightening!

I just put my hand up and blasted the front door open. We all walked inside, causing alarms and red lights to turn on.

Intercom: Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Please leave immediately or face a painful death!... Painful death it is!

I saw doors open up and saw a bunch of humanoid shaped robots walking out of them. I was about to blast them, but Elda stepped in front of me.

Elda: I want to fight these things. They might not be real, but I want the satisfaction of tearing something to shreds!

Jes: Go ahead girl. Show them you don't need no man or some shit.

Elda: I do need a man's blood on my hands!

She dashed forward as the robots tried to attack her. She punched the stomach of one of the robots. The force of her punch caused the robot to explode.

Ifrit: She destroyed it in one punch?

Jes: Are these robots supposed to be threats or something?

Ifrit: O-Of course! A lot of Heroes would struggle against even one!

Gio: Elda showing she can carry her weight. Her Power must be one that increases strength.

Elda: Power? I haven't used it yet!

What the hell did she just say?! You mean that was just her physical strength?!

Elda: I'll show it off! Instant Force!

Her arms started to glow a red color and she sent her fist forward. A bunch of red colored fists hit all the robots surrounding her at once, causing all of them to explode. Oil started to rain down, most likely from the robots.

Elda: It's not red, but I guess it counts! Oil is robot blood, yeah?

Elda actually is terrifyingly strong. If it came down to pure strength, she outshines me... For now at least. We all started to run down various hallways, Elda punching any and all robot in the way.

Gio: So where is this guy, Ifrit?!

Ifrit: H-He should be in the main room! I-It's in the m-middle of this building!

Elda: Then follow me!

Elda ran up to a wall and started to punch right through it. We ran wall through wall until we ended up in a huge room. I saw a huge screen that shows a bunch of security cameras on a desk. A saw a bald man with a black mustache sitting in a chair, staring at the screens.

Doc: Kids these days... Not using the door.

Jes: So Ifrit tells us that you are up to some bad things.

Doc: So what if I am? You children Heroes or something?

Gio: No. We want you to join us.

Ifrit: W-Wait! I thought you said we were going to take him down and take his stuff!

Gio: A slight change of plans.

Doc: You are a smart kid. What's your name?

He spun his chair around to face us, revealing that he has a robot eye for his right eye

Gio: It's Gio.

Doc: Gio! I'm glad to know you're name! I'm going to need it for your tombstone!

Jes: Come on man. You ain't gonna hear our offer?

Doc: Hmm... You know what? I'll humor you!

Gio: You join us, and we will take out Heroes and control the world.

Doc: Control? Now why would I join you all? When I can do it by myself and have everything for myself?

Elda: Because we possess something that you don't! Heart! Power! No worthless robot junk! A natural instinct to shed blood!

The old man start to smile as the entire room went red with lights.

Doc: On the contrary, I have the last one!

I felt a strong kick hit me in the back, making me get sent forward. I pushed my hands on the floor and pushed up, making me flip forward and land on my feet. I look back and saw a robot with long black hair.

Code: Father. Which way should I kill these intruders?

Doc: Very good question, my daughter! Rip them limb from limb!

Elda tried to punch the robot, but the robot caught her fist and punched Elda in the stomach. She gasped out some blood and crashed into a wall. The robot was about to attack Jes, but I sent a small ball of energy at it, making it catch the ball in its hand.

Gio: You're fighting me, hunk of metal.

Code: You seem very eager for death. Very well. You shall be first.

The robot dashed at me with high speeds. She tried to kick me, but I managed to block it with my arm. Even blocking these attacks hurt like hell.

Gio: This is where your End begins!

Code: Illogical. To "End" can't also mean to "Begin".

Gio: I'll show you then!

I put my hand at it's face and started to blast a bunch of maroon energy. The robot took the attack, but doesn't seemed to be phased by it.

Gio: What the hell?!

The robot punched me in the stomach. I felt a bunch of pain course through my body as I coughed up some blood. I started to blast more energy at the damn robot, but it isn't fazed by any attack I hit it. I saw Elda appear behind the robot, her face showing just how pissed off she is. Elda punched the robot as several red fists appeared to hit the robot too. The robot managed to budge, but quickly kicked Elda back into Jes and Ifrit.

Code: Those attacks... Aren't useful for data.

The robot grabbed my head and slammed my face into the ground over and over and over again. I felt blood escaping my mouth and nose. My ears started to ring and my nose broke. I tried shooting out more and more energy at the robot, not making it budge.

Gio: I... Hate... This...!

I closed my fist and made my energy go through a small hole from my index finger and thumb. A thin line of maroon energy shot up, cutting off the robot's arm that was holding my head. The robot jumped back.

Code: Subject Gio appears to get stronger the more hatred he feels! And subject Gio has made his energy stronger by the way he shoots out his energy.

I looked at the robot and some sword made out of purple energy came out of its remaining arm.

Doc: Interesting. Halt attacking Code! For now at least.

Code: Yes, father.

I saw the old man stand up and walk over to me. I looked up at him and he started to smile at me.

Doc: I acknowledge your ability to adapt in such a grim situation... So, you want to control everything? You know what does control everything? Fate.

Gio: Fate... Don't give me that bull shit...!

Doc: Fate is very much real. And do you know what controls fate?

What the hell does that mean? If fate controls everything, then nothing should be able to control it.

Doc: The answer is simple! The strongest controls fate! You get it?! I do need some data on the top of the top Heroes and you go to Heritage, correct?

I just stared at him, feeling the energy to speak fading away.

Doc: Let's make a deal. You help me infiltrate the upcoming Heritage Tournament, I'll help your little gang! Deal?!

He offered his hand to me. I slowly raised my arm and grabbed his hand. He shook my hand and let go of it.

Doc: It's a deal! And if you back down on this deal, it will be your life!

(Present Day)

(Y/N): Let the first match of the tournament begin!

I saw the student running at me. I put my hand up and blasted him with some of my energy, sending the student flying out of the arena.

Ivy: Oh, that was quick! We didn't have time to give any good commentary!

Katie: Giovanni is the winner of the first round!

Grace: And with such a strong start too!

I let out a sigh and walked off the arena. I started to stare at Rival. He is the strongest. Does that mean he controls fate? He might as well control every Hero... Wait... He controls fate... He could decide to do whatever he wanted right now and no one could stop him.

Gio: He doesn't control fate. It's more accurate to say that he can control everyone else's fate. Is this what the doctor was talking about?... I think I understand.

Soon Rival, I will seal your fate with my own two hands. No matter the cost.

(Chapter 102)

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