Chapter 111: The Alpha Of The Omega

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(Readers POV)

I was just sleeping peacefully until I felt something shaking the ground. I slightly opened my eyes and sat up.

(Y/N): What is that? Are the kids still training?

It must be intense if they can wake me up. I looked ahead and saw a large light coming at the tent. I quickly saw Amethyst asleep next to me. I put my hand forward and made a barrier of my energy. The light easily destroyed the tent me and Amethyst are in. I noticed some kind of shattered force field around where the tent was. The forest had been burnt down by red flames and destroyed. Amethyst let out a gasp as she woke up from the attack I blocked.

Amethyst: What?! What's going on?!

(Y/N): Something not good.

I put me hand towards Amethyst. She grabbed it and restored my energy. I quickly dash forward where that blast of energy came from. I stopped when I found my kids, Aurora, two people around their age, and that robot girl that invaded the tournament.

Horace: It... Worked...

Horace passed out and hit the ground. Everyone doesn't look like they are in great shape. Were they fighting that robot girl and the other two?

(Y/N): You have five seconds to tell me what's going on.

Code: I will not be disclosing that kind of information.

Elda: So daddy decided to come out and play?!

She threw her fists forward. A bunch of red colored fists appeared in front of me. I blocked all of the punches with one hand, making the spiky haired girl take a step back.

(Y/N): I'm not messing around. Tell me who hurt my student and my kids.

Ifrit: Don't come any closer! No one will hurt them! You won't hurt my friends!

I stared at the boy as this energy is bursting off my body.

Code: We should-

Elda: Leave.

The robot girl looked over at her.

Code: What do you mean?

Elda: I know this feeling... Coming off of Rival.

Ifrit: F-Feeling?

Code: What kind of feeling are you talking about?

I glared at the three and they didn't move an inch as they stared at me.

Elda: ...Bloodlust.

I started to scream out as a bunch of red energy came from my body. The three started to get pushed back from the force. My energy was so strong that it got rid of the energy bursting off of the boy's body.

Ifrit: I-I can't keep my stance!

Elda: This force! It's going to crush us!

Code: Such amazing control of his energy. He's spreading all of his energy throughout the forest, using it to blow out all the flames and crush us while avoiding to destroy his students and the first even further.

(Y/N): You keep standing there and I'll make sure you won't move again. I'll give you one opportunity.

Code: One opportunity?

(Y/N): Leave. If you try to do anything else, I'll show you why I'm Number 1.

The robot looked around everywhere before moving backwards. She grabbed onto the boy and girl and started to leave.

Ifrit: A-Ah!

Elda: The hell?!

Code: Retreat is the only option.

They quickly left the area afterwards. I stopped letting out energy and let out a sigh. I walked over to everyone else and used my energy to heal them of their injuries. I can tell with the injuries they had, it was a tough battle for them.

(Y/N): I'm glad to see everyone is alright now.

I heard Amethyst running over. She quickly restored everyone's energy just to be safe.

Amethyst: I'm so sorry. If I knew something was going to happen, I wouldn't have gone to sleep!

Mel: You don't need to be sorry. We were caught off guard by the sudden attack too. There was no way to have known it was going to happen.

I sat down on the ground and looked at everyone.

(Y/N): So... How was your first life or death fight?

Everyone started to think about it. I saw Horace clenching his fists as he looked at me.

Horace: At one moment... I used an attack to get your attention and... And I didn't care if any of the bad guys got killed by it.

(Y/N): I see... Would you say they were absolute evil?

Horace: The boy... He only wanted to protect the ones he called friends... I-I...

I can tell he feels ashamed of himself. I nodded to myself.

(Y/N): I understand. There will come times you will have those feelings in those situations.

I saw Aurora take a step forward toward me.

Aurora: I had similar feelings. Elda had Drake in a chokehold and... I didn't care if I had to kill her to save him.

Drake: Wait... Really?

I looked at Aurora.

(Y/N): And? How do you feel about that?

Aurora: To be honest with everyone here... I didn't care. If someone wants to try and take a life, then they should expect the same treatment back. No matter who it is.

(Y/N): Is that what you truly believe?

Aurora just nodded at me with zero hesitation or doubt in her movement.

Minerva: That's... Woah.

(Y/N): I'm not saying that's a wrong way to think, but I think you should try every other option before resorting to something like that.

Aurora: Yeah... Understood.

Everything went back to silence as I looked around the destroyed forest.

(Y/N): So... You all couldn't leave the forest intact? Drake?

Drake: Hey! We tried our best to keep collateral to a minimum! I only let loose after that one kid already burned the place down!

Amy: Yeah, that's true.

(Y/N): Hmm... I'm not sure whether to believe you all or not. You really are a reckless bunch!

They tried to protest the opposite. I just chuckled to myself as I stood up.

(Y/N): I would know. Five of you are my kids and Aurora is King's daughter. It's all in your blood to be reckless.

Amethyst: We should do something about this forest.

(Y/N): ...Right.

I hate to call her at a time like this. I pulled out my phone and was about to call Isabelle. Before I could hit the call button, she appeared in front of me while wearing a nightgown. She crossed her arms.

Isabelle: It better be important for you to get me up at this time.

I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her in a hug before lifting her off the ground and doing a slight twirl. I hope my attempts of getting her in a good mood are working.

(Y/N): So we need some help restoring this forest back.

Isabelle let out a sigh as she used her Power to get out of my hug.

Isabelle: And what stopped you from making sure this didn't happen in the first place?

(Y/N): I was sleeping.

Isabelle: Such an idiot.

(Y/N): But I'm your idiot.

Isabelle looked over and smiled to herself for a moment before letting out another sigh.

Isabelle: You know to restore this place, I'm going to need Tyler's help.

(Y/N): That's why you already alerted him, right?

After I asked that, I saw Tyler appear. He's only wearing a pair of white boxers.

Tyler: You are lucky I was already awake.

A yellow and purple aura surrounded the forest as it reverted back to a point in time where it wasn't completely burnt down and destroyed. The aura went away as I have Tyler and Isabelle a thumbs up.

(Y/N): Thanks a lot on such short notice!

Tyler: More like no notice at all.

He disappeared from sight. Isabelle walked over to Horace and gave him a hug.

Horace: M-Mom! Not in front of everyone!

Isabelle: You tell me if your dad is being too rough with his training.

Horace just nodded his head. He used his Power to restore his hoodie and tightened the hood to completely hide his face. Isabelle gave me a glare before using her Power to return back home.

(Y/N): Welp... She wasn't in a good mood...

I rubbed the back of my head. I looked over and saw the sun start to rise.

Amethyst: Looks like this little trip has come to an end.

(Y/N): Hey! My line!

Amethyst just smiled at me and stuck her tongue out.

(Code's POV)

Me, Elda, and Ifrit are all running back to base. Elda has to carry Ifrit on her shoulder because he drained himself of energy from using his Power like that.

Elda: The hell was that back there, Ifrit?

Ifrit: That... That what happened to my Power... After all the experiments he did to me...

He said while breathing heavily.

Elda: Really now? Well whatever he did, it put a real beast in ya. That's for damn sure.

We had to run through town. Hopefully we don't run into Heroes on our retreat. No doubt Rival has informed Heroes about us. We cut through an alleyway, going past a a dumpster.

Ifrit: H-Huh?

Ifrit got out of Elda's grasp and went over near the dumpster. Me and Elda stopped.

Code: What are you doing?

I saw Ifrit get down on his knees and reach his hand forward. I took a step to the right and saw him slowly reaching out to an abandoned dog.

Ifrit: Hey... It's alright little guy. I'll help you.

He put his hand on the dog and rubbed the top of its head. The dog, with not a lot of energy, got up and walked over to Ifrit to lay its head on his lap.

Code: We do not have time to mess with an abandoned mutt.

Ifrit: I want to help him. Let's take him back with us.

Code: We do not have time-

Elda stepped forward and picked up the dog and put it on her shoulder.

Elda: We are taking the damn dog. That's final.

Code: ...Do what you like. If it slows you down, make sure not to disclose my father's location when you get tortured for information.

I continued to move forward with Elda and Ifrit following close by.

(Gio's POV)

I heard a machine beep. Doc nodded at me.

Doc: Alright, you can remove the attachments.

I scoffed as I took off all the things attached to my body.

Gio: What a waste. You didn't help me get stronger.

Doc: It's a delicate process, you little brat!

Jes: Gio. Are you sure you want this? It's not too late to turn back from-

Gio: What we're you even doing?

I asked Doc. He smirked as he gestured me over to him. I walked over as he pushed a button on a keyboard and showed me something on a big computer screen. I saw a diagram of my body with two souls in my chest area.

Doc: Thanks to the testing, we know that Jes can only give someone one extra soul. A body cannot possess more than two souls.

Jes: Well yeah, we did figure that out.

Gio: So what? I have two souls. Meaning I have two Powers.

Doc: Precisely. But what if we were able to merge these two rogue souls merged into one soul. Could Jes then give that person another soul?

Gio: So effectively three, but still only two.

Jes: Merge the souls? Add more? We don't even know if we can do that! You just want to pump Gio with more and more Powers! You'll turn him into some monstrosity!

Doc: Please! He wants this! You want this! You two told me that you wished to join forces! Your goals are my goal! My goals are your goal!

Gio: Shut up...

I said in a whisper.

Jes: I'm just saying that if something happens to Gio, I'll make sure you suffer a million times more than he did by your hands!

Gio: Shut up.

Doc: Oh suddenly I'm the bad guy?! Who was the one that abandoned their family?! Sure wasn't me!

Jes: You kept your mouth out of my personal shit!

Doc: Who was the one that killed their own father for his damn worthless Power?!


I let out a burst of maroon energy. The force knocked Jes and Doc down to the ground. I pointed at Doc.

Gio: You stay out of our lives. You got it?

He just scoffed and nodded his head at me. I looked over at Jes. I walked over to her and kneeled down to her. Her breathing got a bit faster.

Gio: Are you having second thoughts?

Jes: A... A little. It was one thing to have our plans in some broken down, rat infested space we called home in some alleyway... But seeing all of this... Putting you in these dangerous situations. I just... We sacrificed so much for each other and I don't want that to go to waste.

I grabbed her arm and made her put her hand on top of my head. Jes stared at me and I stared at her.

Gio: We promised each other. We would sacrifice anything for each other. You remember that promise we made?

Jes: Of course I do... It's what you said to me before we started dating.

Gio: We won't lose. I won't lose to Rival. I won't lose myself... And I sure as hell won't lose you.

Jes looked at me. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity in silence. She eventually nodded her head.

Jes: Ok... Ok. Just make sure to keep that damn promise.

Gio: Always.

I let go of her arm and stood up. I walked over to the training room. It is a large, open room made out of really durable materials. I started to scream out and let out a bunch of maroon energy. I heard a speaker system turn on.

Doc: What do you think you're doing?!

Gio: Ever since I gained my father's Power, I've been hearing voices in my head! I feared about losing myself to these voices! And I'm sure my father felt the same! I'm going to conquer it! I'll merge it with my very being!

Doc: We need to monitor this! How else will we be able to replicate this?!

Gio: That's why I chose the damn training room! Everywhere else would get destroyed!

Doc: You're energy is destroying the cameras and-

The speaker sounded like it glitched out before going quiet, getting destroyed from my energy.

Gio: This feeling!

I started to scream out in pain. My body seizing up, my muscles straining, my blood boiling.

Gio: This... Is... OMEGA!!!

I managed to move my body as I thrashed around.

Gio: This world will fall to Omega!

I fell down to my knees and started to punch the ground and even bang my head against it.

Gio: You are no longer Omega! You are now one with me! We aren't just Omega anymore!

I felt energy bursting out of every orifice of my body. All I can see and feel is the energy of Omega. My father's Power.

Gio: Like hell I am! I am the end of everything!

I tried to grip onto the ground as hard as I could. If blood was coming from my hands and fingers from how hard I'm gripping, I wouldn't be able to tell. I can only feel the pain of my energy.

Gio: We aren't just the end! We are the start of a new beginning! We are now the Alpha and the Omega!

I felt something start to truly merge with me. It was the Power known as Omega. I heard the raging voice in my head stop and the energy coming out of my body stopped. I let out a few deep breaths as I managed to stand up on my own two feet. I longer feel the pain I was in.

Gio: I... I did it... I don't need a confirmation. My Power, The End. Father's Power, Omega. They have truly become one. They are cut from the same cloth. I have sewn the two cuts together. I am... Gio.

(Chapter 111 end)

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