Chapter 113: A Day For Love

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(Drake's POV)

I heard my alarm going off. I groaned as I managed to turn it off. My body is still super sore from Mel's training yesterday. I wanted to close my eyes again to fall back asleep, but I remembered the plans I made with Aurora. I got out of bed and changed into some clothes that weren't destroyed or burnt. I left my room and was about to leave the house.

Mel: Someone is up unusually early. You normally turn your alarm off three times before getting up.

Drake: I'm just going out to do something. Not big of a deal.

I saw Mel think to herself before nodded at me.

Mel: Just make sure you get back here in time for more training.

I felt my body get sore again just by hearing that. I like that Mel cares for us, but I think it's to a fault sometimes. I left the house and started to run, making my way to Aurora's house. I remember where it was when dad went to pick her up for the camping trip. After about an hour of straight running, I made it to Aurora's house.

Drake: Woah, it's still amazingly big.

I walked all the way up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I waited for someone to open the door. After a bit, no one opened the door. I let out a sigh and sat down in front of it. As soon as my ass hit the floor, the door opened. It was Aurora's mom. She's holding a glass of wine.

Solana: This is unexpected. What business do you have here?

I stood up and looked at her.

Drake: Me and Aurora...

Crap, how do I word this?

Drake: I gave her a call yesterday that we would hang out and stuff and-

I stopped talking when I noticed her glaring at me.

Solana: My daughter mentioned nothing about this. What are you planning to do with her?

Drake: Uh, I don't know. I didn't think that far ahead.

I looked past Aurora's mom and saw Aurora walking in the house. She looked over and saw me and quickly ran over.

Aurora: Hey Drake. You actually got here early.

She walked past her mother and is now outside with me.

Solana: Is my dear daughter going to have a fun day today?

Aurora: It's none of your business, mother! And it isn't father's either!

Solana: My little hatchling thinks she can flutter all by herself now?

Aurora let out a sigh and started to walk away. I quickly caught up with her.

Aurora: I'm sorry about her. She gets like that while drinking her morning wine.

Drake: Morning wine? That implies she has more wine than that.

Aurora: She has a kind of wine for morning, before lunch, after lunch, before dinner, during dinner, after dinner, nighttime, and midnight incase she wakes up at that time.

Drake: Geez! How much wine does she intake?!

Aurora: Not as much as you think. It's only one glass at most for those times. Honestly she'll more than likely dump half the glass out.

Drake: Man, your dad must pay a lot for that.

Aurora: Yeah. Poor father can't understand the difference of differently made wines. My mother will bicker at him for getting morning wine when she asked for before dinner wine.

Drake: They're all different brands too?!

Aurora nodded her head.

Aurora: My mother is a very specific woman.

Drake: She really does act like a Queen.

Me and Aurora just walked through the city while talking. We found a cafe and sat down at a table outside.

Aurora: I remember one time when I was younger sneaking into mother's wine cabinets to drink them.

Drake: You did that?

Aurora: I thought it would make me a more refined woman. I just ended up spitting it out and telling father that mother is actually drinking poison. I hated the taste.

I chuckled at that story.

Drake: Man, that actually reminds me of this one time with my siblings. Minerva was looking through the internet, trying to figure out how things are made for her power and she learned how to make these weird alcohol pills. Me and her snuck one into one of my dad's drink and he was all tipsy afterwards.

Aurora: You really got Rival drunk?

Drake: Yeah, Mel wasn't too happy when she found out. She helped dad get back to normal before he had to go out for some Hero stuff. Mel was really strict with us, even back then.

Aurora: It's only natural that an older sister would be harsh with her younger siblings.

Drake: I'm only younger than her by a day. It doesn't count.

Aurora: Now I'm curious. Who is the youngest sibling?

Drake: The order goes Mel, me, Amy, Minerva, then Horace. All of us are separated by a day or so.

Aurora: Ah, I see.

Drake: An easy way to remember the order is to say the word MDAMH.

Aurora: That's... Not a word.

Drake: It's memorable though.

Aurora let out a giggle.

Aurora: I suppose so.

We went into silence for a moment before Aurora stood up.

Aurora: I just realized we haven't order any drinks. What would you like?

Drake: Uh, whatever you'll get, I guess.

Aurora nodded at me before walking into the cafe to order us drinks. I started to look around, trying to find anything interesting and I noticed someone hiding in a tree.

Drake: The hell?

I got up and walked over to the tree and jumped up, seeing Mel, Amy, Minerva, and Horace all in the tree.

Drake: The hell are you all doing here?!

Mel: I was just curious where you went and decided to follow you a bit.

Drake: That doesn't explain what everyone else is doing here!

Minerva: We followed Mel.

Horace: It was Amy's idea.

Drake: Amy!

Amy: Hey, we're here to help you.

Drake: The hell does that mean?

Amy: We all know about your crush on Aurora.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

Drake: What the hell?! Who told you?!

Amy: Your mom did.

I grunted as I jumped out of the tree.

Drake: Get out of here! I don't need this kind of crap right now!

I saw them leave the tree and walk away. I can tell they are still going to watch from afar. Letting out a sigh, I walked back over to the table me and Aurora were sitting at and sat down. I noticed the other people at the cafe looking at me weirdly. I did jump in a tree and start yelling. Great, embarrassing myself. Fantastic start. I walked back over to the table and sat down on the chair. I heard the door to the cafe open and saw Aurora, holding two cups, waking over towards me.

Aurora: Is something wrong? I heard you yelling.

I crossed my arms.

Drake: I-It was nothing.

She put one of the cups in front of me. She sat down and took a sip from her cup. I picked up my cup and took a sip from it.

Drake: An espresso?

Aurora: Yeah, I didn't know what to get so I just get what I usually get. Did you want something different?

Drake: No, I don't really mind it. I kinda like espressos.

Aurora: Oh, that's a nice coincidence.

We sat in silence as we drank our drinks. Aurora looked at me and let out a cough to get my attention.

Aurora: There is something I would like to talk to you about.

Drake: That might be?

Aurora: I have been thinking about this. It's about our match at the tournament.

Drake: ...Ok? What's wrong with it?

Aurora: I will be honest. In that moment... When it was nothing but just us clashing... I didn't care if either one of us died.

Drake: Really?

Aurora: Yeah... I don't know why, but when I think about someone killing me on the battlefield... I wouldn't want it to be anyone else but you!

She looked at me with a shine in her eyes. I was a bit taken back from this passion. She noticed her sudden passion herself and looked down at her cup.

Aurora: S-Sorry if that came out of left field-

I interpreted her by putting my hand on her hand, making her look up at me. I stared deep into Aurora's eyes.

Drake: Hey, don't worry about it. I feel the same way.

We both stared at each other for a moment. I could feel my body heat up and I could tell it wasn't thanks to my Power.

Aurora: ...

Drake: ...

Crap, why do these feelings in my stomach have to start now? Damn butterflies! I need to say how I feel right now, or I won't get another chance! That's what it feels like at least.

Drake: Aurora.

Aurora: Yes, Drake.

Drake: I... I'm going to stop being a coward and just tell you. I love you! And not just in the rivalry sense!

Aurora: So in what sense are you talking about?

I felt my jaw drop. Aurora started to giggle.

Aurora: I'm messing with you. I know what way you're talking about.

Drake: Oh... I-I knew that.

Aurora: No you didn't.

Drake: I didn't.

Aurora: But yeah... I can't help but feel the same way with you.

We both let out a massive sigh, like a huge weight was taken off of us. I honestly had no idea what to do next. I heard some cheering from the distance. I looked back and saw my sisters and brother are watching from across the street.

Drake: I said get out of here!

I saw them running away.

Aurora: Glad to see you have such support siblings.

Drake: I guess I do.

Aurora: Were they the reason you decided to man up and confess to me.

Drake: ...No comment.

Shit, honestly yeah.

Aurora: So my charms could affect someone even has thick headed as you.

I looked back at Aurora as she smirked at me.

Aurora: Though it shouldn't surprise me. My mother could captivate King after all.

Drake: Wh-Whatever! Be lucky that a guy decided to fall in love with you in the first place!

Aurora: Then I must be really lucky that it's you.

I looked to the side and let out a huff, making a small ball of red flames come out of my mouth. I quickly finished my cup of espresso and put the cup down on the table. Me and Aurora left the cafe and just walked around the city. I guess we officially went on our first date.

(One Week Later)

It was now a week later and students were now able to return to attending Heritage. When me and my siblings made it to the building, numerous Heroes are around the building. I walked up to one of them.

Drake: Hey, what's up with all the attention?

Sugarcoat: We were all asked to take guard, just incase something like what happened during the tournament were to take place.

Drake: I see. Thanks for that, I guess.

He just smiled and waved as I walked inside the school. My siblings followed me in and we all saw a bunch of Heroes also in the halls.

Horace: W-Woah!

Mel: They truly are taking this seriously.

A Hero walked up to us and took out a paper and pen. She stared deeply at us.

Warrior: What are your full names?

Minerva: Do we really have to do that? Everyone here already knows us.

Warrior: We can't run the risk of an imposter trying to breach the walls. Tell me your names now.

We all told her our names as she wrote them down on a piece of paper. She handed the paper to a man. He nodded his head and started to scan us with lasers that came out of his eyes as a beep came from his body.

Scanner: Confirmed, they are who they say they are. Sorry for the delay.

We all started to walk to our lockers.

Amy: I couldn't help but be nervous for a moment.

Drake: Why? You are you, aren't you?

Amy: Of course I'm me! If I'm not me, then who would me be?!

Mel: No doubt you are Amy. Only she would say something that silly.

Amy: Thank you Mel... Wait a minute.

Minerva: Still, just seems like a waste of my time.

Mel: We get here early. It is not a waste of time if you have the time to spare.

Horace: That's true.

I saw Aurora at her locker. She looked over at me and waved. I waved at her back. We both agreed to keep our relationship a secret from the school.

Mel: You two are so cute together.

Drake: I swear if any of you spill the beans!

Minerva: Says the idiot that spilled the beans about who our father is.

Drake: Shut up about that! I'm big enough to admit that was my bad!

Minerva stuck her tongue out at me.


All the students walked into the cafeteria and got their food. I can see Heroes in the cafeteria, watching people. There was a bunch of Heroes in each of the classrooms, so seeing it's the same in the cafeteria isn't surprising. Everyone got their food and sat down at the tables. I was about to eat my food, but a Hero walked over to me.

Eye Sensor: Excuse me, may I check something real quick?

He asked me. I just let out a sigh and nodded my head. He stared at my food for a moment.

Eye Sensor: Sorry, but I have to make sure you aren't trying to sneak something into the food.

Drake: You can tell just by looking? No testing or anything?

Eye Sensor: My eyes are highly advanced thanks to my Power. I can see things that normal people can't.

I just want to eat my food without having someone watching over me the whole time. I saw Minerva sitting nearby talking to some people and pointed at her.

Drake: I think I saw her do something suspicious.

Eye Sensor: I shall check it out.

He walked away and went over to Minerva. I chuckled to myself as I ate my food. I watched Minerva getting bothered by the Hero.

Minerva: Oh come on. I wouldn't do anything like that.

Eye Sensor: I received an anonymous tip.

Minerva looked around and saw me staring. She slammed her hands on the table and pointed at me.

Minerva: You're such a fart!

She blinked, making her eyes change colors.

Eye Sensor: Wait, what happened to your eyes? They changed drastically.

Minerva: Oh? I'm not sure why they do that. But every time I blink, my eyes shift through the colors of the rainbow.

Eye Sensor: To me, your eyes are constantly changing, even without you blinking?

Minerva: Really?

Eye Sensor: I can see up to ten times more colors than what normal eyes can see.

Minerva: That's actually kinda cool. Watch, I can have two different eye colors when I wink.

She winked, making that eye change color while the other stayed. The two seemed to have a nice conversation. I let out a sigh. I was hoping to annoy her, not get her a friend.

(Chapter 113 end)

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