Chapter 115: Loss Love Hurts

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(Aurora's POV)

Everyone fell down to their knees, exhausted by father's training. He let out a small sigh as the black energy around his body disappeared.

Davidson: Honestly, I'm amazed that you all lasted this long. I guess you all have been training this past week.

The bell rang, meaning this class was over and it was time for another class. I wiped my forehead of any sweat and left the gym. I can tell that I am slowly getting closer to father's level of strength. I looked down at my hand.

Aurora: I am making so much progress.

It might actually only be a matter of time before I can inherit title of Number 1 from father. I walked over to my locker to get some stuff for the next class. I heard someone walk behind me and let out a small cough to get my attention. I looked back and saw it was Drake.

Drake: Yo, Aurora.

Aurora: What's with this sudden visit?

Drake: After that combat class, I'm just feeling extra pumped. I was wondering if you wanted to do some sparring after school today.

Aurora: Sure thing. Just don't try to cry too much when I beat you.

Drake put his hand on my locker and took a step closer to me and stared me down. I smiled at him and stuck my tongue out slightly. After a moment, he smiled at me too and took a step back.

Drake: Alright. Now that we got plans, I actually look forward to what happens after school.

Aurora: Don't jinx it. Now it will feel like hours for school to end today.

Drake: Yeah... Probably.

I quickly kissed him on the cheek while making sure no one was looking.

Aurora: Make sure not to hold back anything against me.

Drake: Same to you too.

Before we could start walking to get to our next class, we felt the ground rumble for a moment.

Drake: Hmm? What was that-

He was interrupted by a huge light covering the entire area. I felt a bunch of force knock me back. My ears started to ring, the ringing being the only thing I could hear. I couldn't see anything. I tried to open my eyes, but they are opened and my eyes slowly adjusted from the sudden light. I saw that the school has been destroyed. All the students and Heroes are on the ground in the rubble of what was once Heritage. I looked up and saw that robot girl from the forest flying in the sky.

Code: The amount of Heroes here... Is in the expected range.

Every tried to get up from the sudden blast. I'm honestly surprised that everyone is alright, only suffering small wounds and scratches. Nothing serious. I saw my father dashed over to check up on me. After he confirmed I was alright, he looked up in the sky.

Davidson: You again.

Code: King. You are the most important Hero here. You're defeat is crucial. Seeing that you were the only one able to defend yourself properly from my sneak attack.

Davidson: You have some nerve attacking the school directly! Especially now of all times!

All the other Heroes got ready to fight. The robot girl slowly descended down to the ground and her feet landed on the floor.

Code: I go by the name of Code. I will fulfill the duties assigned to me by my father.

I saw her face. Her eyes. They didn't look like fake eyes that a robot would have. They seemed to be full of... Life. She is determined to do her job in a way that only a living person with a soul could be.

Davidson: I still haven't forgiven you for attacking my daughter at the tournament. I'll make sure to send your scraps back to your bastard of a father.

Black energy came from his body as he dashed forward at Code. She pointed her finger forward and only said a single word.

Code: Halt.

I felt a sudden pressure on my body, leaving me unable to move from my current spot. I saw that my father is the same and everyone else that is in the direction of Code pointing.

Davidson: Th-The hell? This isn't from some kind of contraption. It's from-

Code: A Power.

What?! Did she just say a Power?!

Drake: How the hell did a robot get a Power? I thought that requires being a person.

Davidson: You bastard. Once I get out of this-

Code walked up to father and put her hand under her chin.

Code: That will be unlikely. You cannot even use your Power when you are under the effects of my Power.

Her Power. It can halt someone's bodily and Power's functions. But it seems that it can't halt the brain's functions.

Code: Now. I would like to do some negotiation.

Davidson: Like hell I'll actually-

Code: Listen to my demands. Or your daughter will be first to die.

I saw father get pissed and tried to struggle to move or use his Power, but he couldn't. He stared down Code.

Davidson: The hell do you want?

Code: I want the location of Rival.

Davidson: Do you really think I know where that idiot is 24/7?

Code: Yes, I do actually.

Code turned her other hand into a cannon and pointed it at me.

Code: Now talk.

Davidson: Alright! Alright! I'll talk!

Aurora: F-Father! Don't!

Code looked at father in silence for a moment. My father start to chuckle. That chuckle turned into laughter and continued to get louder and louder.

Code: What is so funny to you about this situation? Has the life of your daughter being threatened driven you to insanity?

His laughter eventually died down as he looked back at Code.

Davidson: Please, I'm already insane.

A purple aura surrounded father and he suddenly disappeared. Code looked around and saw father behind her about to strike. She pointed at him.

Code: Halt.

Father stopped in his place. I saw a purple haired man appear behind Code and patted her on the shoulder.

Tyler: Tell me about this Power of yours. Can you only have it activated in one direction at a time?

I checked and I can suddenly move again. All the Heroes started to charge at Code.

Sugarcoat: All the students, evacuate immediately!

Davidson: Tyler you dumbass! Get the students to safety!

Tyler: I'd like to use my Power on them, but I'm too focused on making sure all the Heroes aren't in the same direction at once!

Code made a purple energy sword and tried to slash Tyler, but a purple aura surrounded him and he disappeared.

Tyler: They can do it themselves!

Davidson: There's a reason why you aren't an official Hero!

I got up completely and started to help other students up. Drake got up and started to help other students leave the scene.

Drake: Looks like we will have to leave this to the Heroes.

Horace, Mel, Amy, and Minerva all joined up with us to help the students away from the current fight scene. I looked back and saw father clashing his trident with Code's sword.

Davidson: Tyler! Send this hunk of junk away already!

Tyler: You think I haven't tried that?! Something is blocking my Power from working on her!

She has counter measures in place? Did she predict this Tyler guy showing up too?

Mel: Aurora!

I got snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Mel.

Mel: Now isn't the time to be worrying!

Aurora: Right!

After all the students ran ahead of us, we all started to run with them. We ran into the city as we saw Heroes running over to the school to help deal with that situation. A large explosion came from a building down the street, making everyone stop.

Aurora: What was that?

Horace: Oh no.

Everyone saw the boy from the forest come out of the explosion, using his Power.

Ifrit: It's now time to let this anger out!

We all saw him dash into a random direction and caused another building to explode, making it crash down.

Minerva: Crap! That must've been Code's plan! Get the Heroes distracted with the school!

Mel: Minerva! Horace! You two come with me so we can deal with him! Drake, Amy, Aurora, you all get the rest to safety.

Everyone nodded as Mel, Minerva, and Horace all jumped away to deal with the boy going on a rampage. As me, Drake, and Amy all continued to escort the rest of the students, a bunch of robots crash landed in front of the group.

Amy: Crap! Not good!

The robots all looked over at the group. Everyone got ready to defend themselves.

Drake: These robots don't look like they are as developed as Code. They should be easy pickings.

Elda: Is that what you think?!

I looked around and saw Elda dashing at Drake. She punched Drake away from the scene and quickly chased after him.

Amy: Drake!

Aurora: I'll go and help him! You stay back and help deal with these bucket of bolts!

I started to use light and quickly dashed over to where Drake and Elda ended up. Drake recovered from the attack and breathed some red flames at Elda. She dodged the flames and I stopped next to Drake.

Drake: Elda?! You again?!

Elda: Of course it's me again! I still don't have your blood on my hands!

I looked at Elda.

Aurora: Why the hell do you care so much about him?!

Elda: Why? Why?! Because I thought we shared a genuine connection with each other! Everyone else I tried to date thought I was too strong or scary for them! I thought Drake was different! To see me as someone that wasn't my outward appearance!

She lashed out with tears coming out of her eyes.

Elda: So I decided that I won't care about that stuff anymore! I won't be able to fully accept who I truly am unless I take his life with my hands! And then, I can move onto killing Rival!

Drake: Why the hell do you want to kill my father?

Elda: Because he's the reason you decided to break my heart!

Drake: What in the hell is wrong with you?! He had nothing to do with my decision to dump you! It was all me!

Elda: ...B-Bastard...

I saw her clenching her fists and blood soon spilling out of her hands.

Aurora: I don't care how heart broken you are! You shouldn't ever kill someone over something so petty!

Elda: Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?

Aurora: ...I'll kill you first.

Elda screamed out and started to dash at me and Drake. Her arms glowed red as she started to throw her fists forward. I grabbed onto Drake and dashed away to dodge all the red fists that appeared. I felt a red fist hit me in the face, knocking me and Drake back.

Aurora: Gah!

Elda: Finally landed a hit on that god awful face of yours!

I recovered from the attack and started to use darkness. Did she get faster from last time?

Drake: I don't think it was that.

I looked over at Drake.

Aurora: What do you mean?

It's like we were thinking the same thing for a moment.

Drake: I think she anticipated where you were going to go.

Really? I figured she was more of a reactionary fighter, going off of how she fought back in the forest. For her to suddenly go to predicting someone is unlike her. She must've trained herself to the bone to learn such a different battle style.

Elda: Aurora! Where is that strength you hit me back then?! Show it to me! So I can absolutely crush you!

Drake looked at me and nodded. I made a blade around my arm and tried to switch to using light to cut open his chest, but Elda quickly dashed over and knocked me away from Drake.

Drake: Aurora!

He started to breathe out a bunch of flames from his mouth onto Elda. She reached out of the flames and grabbed onto Drake's mouth, stopping his stream of red fire.

Elda: That weak fire of yours... I can barely feel it now!

She punched him in the stomach and a bunch of red fists hit his stomach too, knocking him away from Elda. He crashed into a building. I ran over at Elda and tried to slash her with my blade. She dodged and jumped back to avoid my strikes.

Elda: You are way too slow while you are covered in darkness to hit me!

Aurora: Then how about this!

I don't remember showing her this trick, so she shouldn't be able to dodge it. I put my other hand forward and let out a blast of darkness energy at her. Elda gritted her teeth and only could put her arms up to defend it. The blast pushed her back into a building, pressing her back against it.

Elda: What the hell is this?!

She started to punch the blast repeatedly. I can feel the force of her punches travel through the blast and go up my arm. The force left a small tingle through my arm. I'm using darkness and can still feel the force? I can't imagine what a direct blow could do to me like this.

Aurora: Drake! Get up already!

Drake: Just because you are my rival, doesn't mean you get to boss me around!

He got out of the building he was in and dashed along side my blast. He jumped up and started to spin around while letting out red flames, turning himself into a spinning fireball. He crashed into Elda, making a bunch of red fire explode across the area. Thank goodness most of the area was already destroyed thanks to that kid going on a rampage.

Drake: How the hell?!

I looked and saw Elda is still punching my blast with one arm and used the other arm to catch Drake.

Elda: I think this belongs to you, Drake!

She put him in front of the blast. I quickly stopped my blast to make sure Drake doesn't get hurt. Elda smiled and slammed Drake into the ground. I started to switch to using light. I'm going to use the same distance trick, even if it breaks a limb.

Elda: I remember the first time I was on top!

She started to punch Drake in the face and stomach, red fists appeared to punch him all over at once. Drake started to spit out blood. I managed to switch to light as I started to dash away to get distance. I got far enough and quickly got on top of a large building. I lined up where Elda is and dashed at her. I started to switch to darkness.

Aurora: Take this!

As I dashed forward, I saw Drake put his hands on his chest and started to claw at it. He tore up his own flesh to expose his own heart. He started to scream out while letting out a ton of red flames onto Elda. The flames formed into a dragon and dived down onto Elda.

Aurora: Yes! Hold her down!

I managed to switch to using darkness and was about to hit Elda with a punch. I couldn't see through the raging flames, but I didn't need to. Drake has her in one place... Or so I thought.

Elda: Hold who down?

As I went through the flames, all I saw was Drake on the ground and no Elda. I crashed into the building, causing it to collapse onto me and Drake.

Drake: C-Crap...

Aurora: She... Broke out...?

I heard the rubble onto of me and Drake get removed. It was because of Elda. I felt pain going all through my body, but nothing was outright broken. Elda grabbed me and Drake by the necks and lifted us up in the air. I can see that she has some burn marks on her.

Elda: I told you, those flames won't hurt me anymore. I've trained every possible moment after the forest fight to get to this level.

Me and Drake grabbed onto her arms and struggled to get out of her grasp to get air. Me and Drake glanced over at each other.

Elda: Drake! Aurora! Look at me!

She slammed our heads together, making us grunt in pain and lose more air from our lungs. Drake started to let out flames from his chest hole, but it quickly died down from us losing consciousness.

Elda: I said! Look! At! Me!

Drake: L-Like hell I will...

Elda looked a bit surprised for a moment before tightening her grip.

Elda: Fight back! Fight back harder! This isn't fun like this! Don't you love me?! I thought you would give me the life or death battle I want!

Me and Drake started to lose strength to struggle back. All we could do was look at each other. It was stupid of me to try to fight. Now me and Drake are going to die here. If I can't die to his hands, then I will at least take him being the last person I see with my living eyes.

Elda: ...Huh?

Elda dropped us onto the rubble as me and Drake gasped in, trying to fill our lungs with as much air as possible so our brains could get oxygen.

Elda: That look in both of yours eyes... I know that look. Do you two actually... Love each other?

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She stomped her foot onto my chest and grabbed Drake by one of his red horns on his head.

Aurora: Gah!

She started to continuously stomp on my chest. I can feel my ribs start to crack and snap, making me scream out in pain.

Elda: Tell me, Drake! You love her! Don't you?!

Drake: ...

He started to kick at Elda, but she didn't budge.

Elda: Tell me! Or I kill her right now!

Drake: Ok! Yes! I love her!

Elda stomped on my chest one last time before looking at Drake. I saw her start to twitch all over. Her body is shaking.

Elda: I'll... I'll never forgive you!

She started to use her free arm to punch Drake over and over again. A bunch of red fists started to punch Drake all over. Elda brought her fist back and threw a punch as hard as she could and punched Drake in the face. He was knocked back as his horn broke off from his head, leaving it in Elda's hand. He landed in the middle of the road numerous yards away.

Aurora: Dr-Drake!

I tried to reach out to him, but I couldn't get out from under Elda's foot.

Elda: He feels love for someone. I'll make sure someone knows the pain I went through. You will do it. Feel the pain of not having someone to love you back!

She tossed the red horn in the air and punched it really hard, making it dash through the air at Drake. Drake started to stand up, trying to fight back.

Aurora: Don't get up!

My voice couldn't reach him fast enough as the next sight I saw would be burned into my memory forever. The horn went into Drake's chest hole and out the other side of his body. His heart getting torn apart. His eyes quickly lost life as he dropped to his knees and onto his upper body, not moving.

Aurora: N-No...

I tried my hardest to reach out to Drake as tears swelled up in my eyes.


(Chapter 115 end)

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