Chapter 12: Another Hero School

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(Readers POV) (A Week Later)

Everyone in my class is riding a bus, heading to the tournament. Me and Katie are sitting together and Ivy and Dave are sitting behind us. Ivy stood up and rested her upper body on the seat I'm in.

Ivy: Who do you think is going to be at the tournament?

(Y/N): I don't know. It could be anyone.

Ivy: Come on. At least be a little excited.

Katie: What do you want us to say?

Ivy: Forget it. You two aren't fun.

Dave: I have been wondering...

Dave stood up and rested his upper body on the seat I'm in.

Dave: ...Have the students at the other school have to fight their combat teacher?

Ivy: Oh yeah. If they haven't done that, then we got this in the bag.

Fox: Alright everyone! I need your attention!

Everyone stopped talked and looked forward at Mr. Black, who's at the front of the bus.

Fox: I just received a call from a teacher at the other school and there is a slight change of plans. Only the top four students from combat class will be participating in the tournament!

Student 1: What?!

Student 2: You're saying we went through the torture of fighting you for nothing?!

Fox: I know it's upsetting to hear, but something major came up. Some sort of illness made most of their students sick and then we agreed that the top four will fight. So that means (Y/N), Katie, Ivy, and Davidson will only be participating.

Well that's definitely interesting. I hope they're all ok. Just hope those students don't have over protective moms like me.

Katie: That's definitely a lot of pressure to put on us all of a sudden.

Ivy: We'll be fine Katie. Remember, we are the best.

Katie and Ivy smiled at each other. Dave tapped on my shoulder, making me look at him.

Dave: Don't embarrass yourself or our school. We are going to show off our strength, so we can't look like a bunch of weaklings.

(Y/N): Yeah Dave. If we lose, we may get sent to take care of cows or whatever was bad back in the Medieval age.

Dave: Don't even speak that! Those aren't jobs a king should be doing!

I just laughed to myself. Today is going to be a fun day.

Student 1: So what are the rest of us supposed to do?

Fox: Those who aren't participating will be spectators and cheering on their peers!

Students: R-Right sir!

I sighed to myself and leaned back in my seat. I felt Katie grab my hand.

(Y/N): Hey, are you ok?

Katie: Y-Yeah. Just nervous is all. I'll be fine.

(Y/N): Ok. But if you need someone to hold on to... Ivy is behind you.

Katie: Hey! I don't want to hold onto her!

(Y/N): Dave?

Katie slapped my face. I rubbed my cheek, trying to soothe the pain. Katie sighed and hugged my arm, resting her head on my shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at her.

(Minutes Later)

I looked out the window and saw a stadium. A big sign lit up, saying tournament.

Fox: Ok everyone! We're here!

The bus parked in the parking lot around the stadium. I looked outside and saw a lot of news cars. Oh boy. Everyone stood up and walked outside of the bus.

News reporter: I'm here right outside of Journey Stadium where the tournament between Hero School Somar and Hero School Heritage will start soon!

She turned around and saw the class walking towards the stadium.

News reporter: Oh! We have students from Hero School Heritage here right now! Hey! Can we get a few questions answered?!

Fox: Get lost! Students, don't pay attention to these weirdos.

We all continued to walk away.

News reporter: Weirdos? What's the big deal?!

Fox: Don't you see you are distracting my students?

His eyes went black and tendrils formed from his back.

News reporter: N-No way!

She turned to look at the camera.

News reporter: Who would've have guessed that the Hero, Darkness, has become a big softy for his students!

Fox: Softy?

News reporter: It's such a touching story! The Hero without a heart can still care!

Fox: That's it! We're getting away from this woman!

We all walked into the stadium. Mr. Black turned a corner and everyone followed. Mr. Black stopped at a door.

Fox: For those who aren't fighting, leave and join everyone else in the watching seats.

The rest of the class walked away.

Fox: Behind this door, will be the students from the other school.

Katie: Before we go, which school are them from? I've been thinking about it and there are several Hero schools around ours.

Fox: ...It's the school from the north district of the city. It's Hero School Somar.

Dave: Somar? That sounds familiar.

Katie: Somar?! As in the most prestigious Hero school Somar?!

Fox: Yep.

Mr. Black opened the door and walked in. Me, Katie, Ivy, and Dave walked into. We saw a woman wearing a lab coat, wearing glasses, and has dark green colored hair. There are four students sitting on a couch, two boys and two girls. The four students looked at me. I can tell they know who I am.

Chemist: Foxy Pie! You made it!

(Y/N), Ivy, Katie, Dave: Foxy Pie?!

Fox: Oh my god. Why here? Why now?

Chemist: Oh come on Foxy Pie! Can't a wife call her husband a cute nickname?!

Dave: Wife?! Black Knight, you're married to her?!

Fox: Sadly, yes.

Dave got down on one knee.

Dave: It's an honor to meet you.

Chemist: He sure is the polite boy.

Ivy: Wait. I know you. You're the 5th ranked Hero, Chemist! The Hero that can turn water into any chemical and combine them to make new ones!

Katie and Dave gasped in shock. So these guys at Somar are taught by Chemist? Never would've guessed.

Chemist: That's right! I'm usually a science teacher, but since I'm Number 5 they let me be a combat teacher as well.

Ivy: I can't believe it! Darkness and Chemist are married! I never would've guessed!

I never actually thought that too. I'm almost positive mom would've told me about a Hero marriage, or she did and I just forgot.

Chemist: Foxy Pie! You didn't tell them we were married?!

Fox: Of course not. Why would I?

Chemist: Wow. I told my students that we're married!

Fox: So that's why I've been seeing stuff like us being together online recently.

Chemist: Enough catching up! Let's introduce our students!

Fox: Fine. Come on.

Me, Katie, Ivy, and Dave stepped forward.

Foxy: These are my students. Katie, a mimic expert. Ivy, a genetic wonder. Davidson, a soon to be king. And (Y-

Isabelle: He's (Y/N). The son of Number 1 Hero, Super.

I looked over at the blonde haired girl. She's wearing a brown coat over a grey shirt. She's wearing fingerless gloves, has some dark blue jeans on, and a pair of black shoes.

Chemist: Isabelle! You can't just interrupt people!

Isabelle looked at me with hate in her eyes. Does she have something against me? How does she know that Super is my mom? I usually keep that information a secret.

Chemist: Wait. Super's son? Isabelle, how do you know that?

Isabelle: Doesn't matter. Just forget what I said.

She sat back down on the couch. Everyone stayed quiet for a bit.

Chemist: Alright then. Back on track! These are my students! We have Chris.

She pointed at a blonde boy with hair that reached to his shoulders. He's wearing a blue tank top, cargo shorts, and weirdly no shoes.

Chris: Sup.

Chemist: We have Cody.

She pointed at a short black haired boy. He's wearing a black suit. Definitely not fighting appropriate clothes.

Chemist: Then we have Grace.

Chemist pointed at a white haired girl. She has some black smudges on her cheek. Her left eye is yellow and her right eye is blue. She's wearing a brown scarf around her neck, an orange shirt with a long sleeve grey undershirt. Her brown shorts reach just past her knees and has white sneakers. She's also carrying a giant paintbrush on her back.

Chemist: And you already met Isabelle. I didn't think we were giving them titles, Foxy-

Mr. Black covered her mouth with a black tendril.

Fox: Shut it please. Let's just wait until the tournament starts.

I looked around the room and saw another couch. I walked over to it and sat down. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I heard someone walking up to me. I opened one eye and saw Dave standing in front of me.

Dave: I want to have a talk with you.

(Chapter 12 end)

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