Chapter 21: Dave's Resolve

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(Isabelle's POV)

I opened my eyes. I looked around and I'm in a medical room. I sat up and tried to get out of the bed I'm in.

Smith: Please, stay for a bit.

I looked towards one of the corners of the room and saw a bald man wearing a suit. He took a step forward towards me.

Isabelle: Stay right there!

He stopped himself and nodded. I reached into my coat, looking for my machete, but it's not there.

Smith: We already took all the weapons you had on you. I just want to ask a few questions.

He took another step forward. I pointed my hand at him. A yellow aura surrounded him, freezing him in place.

Isabelle: You're not getting any closer.

He just smiled at me and the yellow aura disappeared.

Isabelle: What the hell?! How did you do that?!

Smith: It's the collar on your neck.

I put my hand in my neck and felt a metal collar around it. I tried to take it off, but I felt a shock from it, making me stop.

Smith: That collar is a special one. When someone wears it, it makes it so that the person can't use their Power.

What?! That shouldn't be possible! Just who the hell is this guy?!

Smith: You wanted to kill Super and her son, correct?

I just stayed silent.

Smith: Not wanting to talk? That's fine. I just want to know why you want them dead. Was it your idea, or did someone send you?

Isabelle: ...I'm not telling you...

He sighed and walked to the door.

Smith: I guess I'll have to ask some other time. Look out of the window by the bed, it gives you a perfect view of the tournament arena. You'll be staying in this room for awhile. This room is being heavily surveillance, so it's in your best interest to not try anything.

He opened the door and walked out the room, closing the door behind him. I heard a clicking noise, most likely from the door and meaning it's been locked. I sighed to myself.

Isabelle: So this room is wired, I shouldn't say much.

I whispered to myself. I looked out the window by the bed I'm in. I saw that Dave kid standing in the middle of the arena. Did he actually win the tournament?! I'm going to have to ask Him about what I should do with Dave.

(Dave's POV)

I saw Super jump up from the platform she's standing on and landing on the arena.

Super: Now it's time for this boy to show me what he's got in a friendly sparring match!

The crowd got excited. My heart started to beat faster. I'm getting a little anxious to fight Super, the Hero above my mother. Super walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

Super: Don't be so nervous. You're not a criminal, so I won't be going all out.

Dave: Right. Thanks.

Super smiled at me and jumped back, getting some distance from me.

Super: To make this fight fair, I will be forced to wear weights to slow me down!

Some of Black Knight's tendrils went to Super and gave her some weights. She put them on her arms and legs. I looked at the weights and they say 100 tons on each on. She's wearing 400 tons and still standing?!

Super: Now, Dave? Are you ready to learn from the best?

I smiled to myself and got ready. I made an ice sword in my hand. Super has a handicap, so I have to do good in our fight.

Dave: I'm ready!

Super: Then you get the first attack!

I ran at Super and swung my ice sword down at her. She raised her arm up and blocked my sword. My ice sword breaking on impact. Super used her other arm and tried to punch me. I bent back, barely dodging her punch.

Dave: Even with 400 tons on you, you're fast.

Super: Flattery won't get you anywhere in this fight.

I jumped back away from Super and she stayed there. I need to think. She can easily break my ice, but that doesn't mean it can't slow her down. I made ice cover the entire arena floor. Some of the ice covered Super's legs, keeping her in place.

Super: What are you planning in that little head of yours?

I jumped up into the air. I surrounded myself in lightning and dashed behind Super. I noticed that Super's eyes stayed on me the entire time. She can keep track of me, even at lightning speed. I made a fire trident and swung at her back. Super brought her arm back and blocked my trident. I swung at her back again and again, but Super blocked every attack without looking.

Super: That trident is kinda hot. Easy to tell where it's coming from.

She's keeping track of me from the heat of my fire?! Super is way more amazing than I could ever imagine.

Super: I want to see how you fair against me now.

Super jumped up, breaking the ice off of her, and went into the air. She landed in front of me and threw a barrage of punches at me. I tried me best to dodge them. I got rid of my trident and surrounded myself in lightning again. I ran past Super, but she grabbed my leg.

Dave: What the-

Super: Ooh, not quite fast enough.

Super slammed me into the ground, breaking the ice under me. I kicked Super's arm, trying to get her to let go of me, she kept her grip. She slammed me to the floor again. I gasped in pain. Super threw me up into the air. I tried to recover, but Super is already in front of me. She punched me in the gut, sending me down to the arena. I landed on my back and tried to get up. Super landed in front of me and looked down at me, smiling.

Super: Is that all you got?

(Flashback) (Eight Years Ago)

I tried to hit my mom, but she dodged my punch and she counter punched me in the stomach. All the air in me left my body. I fell back on the ground and coughed. I don't like her training.

Top: Is that all you got?

Dave: I can't... Keep going...

Top: Are you kidding me? You can't take a hit from a woman with one arm?! I wasn't even using my Power!

She walked up to me and leaned down.

Top: You tell me you want to be "King". A King could at least try! There is no excuse for you to give up when your opponent has a handicap!

Dave: But... You're the Number 2... Hero.

Top: You think just because I'm a great Hero makes your failure less of a failure?! Hold yourself to a higher standard! Or I'll never think of you as my son!

(Flashback End) (Super's POV)

I looked down at Dave. He closed his eyes. Maybe I hit him too hard with my last punch. I'm not used to these weights. His hand started to twitch. A pillar of fire came from his body. I jumped back from the pillar of fire. The orange fire slowly turned to a dark blue color.

Super: What is this? This might be new.

Dave: I am King! I won't just stay down and accept defeat that easily!

Dave stood up in the pillar of fire. His eyes glowed, making me see them in the dark blue fire. The pillar went away. Electricity surrounded his body. The electricity is also a dark blue color.

Super: Wait, Dave's Power Leveled Up. What caused that?

Dave disappeared from my line of sight. I quickly looked around, trying to find him. I saw him above me and he sent some of his lightning at me.

Dave: One Trillion Volts!

I put my arms up to block the lightning. I felt it course through my body. It definitely tingles, but if this lightning hit someone else, they wouldn't be moving anymore. Dave stopped and disappeared again. I felt a lot of heat behind me. I quickly turned around. I saw a huge fireball in my face. Dave launched it at me, exploding when it came into contact with me.

Super: That's definitely some heat. I'd say that's at least five thousand degrees.

Dave made ice armor around him. His ice now has a glow to it. He ran at me and punched my gut. I powered through it and punched his armor. His ice barely cracked. Dave punched me in the face, sending me back by a foot.

Super: I need to take this serious now.

I said to myself. Dave rushed at me. I reeled my fist back and punched his gut. My punch shattered all his armor. Dave spat out some saliva. He fired a blast of dark blue fire at me. I ran through the fire and went behind Dave. I chopped his neck, knocking Dave out. He started to fall, but I caught him before he could hit the ground.

Super: Dave. You definitely made a lot of progress since this tournament started.

(Y/N) told me about his and Dave's rivalry. Both of their Powers Leveled Up during this tournament. Maybe they are a great fit to be rivals after all.

Super: Everyone! Please give a round of applause for this young man here! He gave it his all to get here and he kept his promise from the beginning!

Everyone started to clap and cheer for Dave. Even though he's unconscious, I'm sure he's proud of himself. I know I would be. I hope he wakes up soon, he needs to be awake for the victory ceremony.

(Chapter 21 end)

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