Chapter 25: A Hero's Motivation

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(Readers POV)

I checked the time and it's twelve pm.

(Y/N): Hey Ivy. You want to go out and do something?

Ivy: Yeah, it's boring here crushing my brothers in video games.

Ivan: I'm going to ignore that.

Me and Ivy got up from the couch and headed to the front door.

Ivy: Mom! Me and (Y/N) are leaving!

Angela walked in the room and gave Ivy a quick hug.

Angela: Just be back by nine.

Ivy: I will be.

Angela: Good to hear. Have fun you two.

Ivy opened the door and we walked out. We started to walk.

(Y/N): Have anywhere in mind?

Ivy: It was your idea to go out!

I laughed a bit to myself. Ivy punched my arm lightly. She sighed and put her hands in her pocket. She looked up at the sky, wondering about something.

Ivy: I want to know. Why do you want to be a Hero?

(Y/N): Why?

Ivy: Yeah. Do you have something driving you to become a great Hero?

(Y/N): Well...

(Flashback) (Age 5)

My mom put me down on my feet. I looked ahead and saw a huge playground.

(Y/N): WOW!!! This place looks like so much fun!

Mom wrapped a red scarf around my neck. I looked up at mom. She smiled at me.

Super: Anything for you, sweetie. Go ahead and play. I'll be watching from a distance. Just don't take too long, it's getting cold.

I quickly ran to the playground. I jumped up onto some monkey bars and started to swing around. I made it to the top of the bars and stood triumphantly.

(Y/N): I'm going to be a Hero, just like mommy!

I heard someone let out a painful noise. I looked over and saw a brown haired girl on her butt, with two kids standing over her.

Bully 1: Ha! Can't even take a little push!

Bully 2: Tell us again, what was your Power again?

Ashley: I-It's Bl-Blood Control...

Bully 1: What an evil Power!

Bully 2: You're definitely going to become a villain someday!

The girl started to cry as the two kids started to laugh at her. I need to help her! That's what mommy would do! I jumped off the monkey bars and ran up at the bullies. I got in front of the girl and spread my arms out to protect her.

(Y/N): Leave her alone!

Bully 1: Oh, is the little baby being a Hero?

Bully 2: What's your Power then, little "Hero"?

(Y/N): I... It hasn't developed yet!

The two kids started to laugh at me.

Bully 1: You're going to try and stop us without a Power?!

Bully 2: Guess we'll have to teach you how we run this playground!

The two kids reeled their fists back, getting ready to punch me. I didn't flinch and got ready to get hit. Mommy appeared behind them and grabbed their wrists.

Super: You two care to explain what you were about to do to my little angel?

She looked at the two kids with a scary look. They started to sweat and started to run away.

Bully 1: We weren't going to do anything!

Bully 2: Sorry for the confusion!

Super: That takes care of that. Let's get going sweetie. I didn't know this place was dangerous.

I looked back at the girl. She looked up at me with a shine in her eye. Some of her hair is covering her other eye. She's wearing a red shirt with some cartoon character on it.

Ashley: Th-Thank you.

(Y/N): It's no problem. I'm going to be a Hero someday, so it's my job to help those in need!

Ashley: My name is Ashley.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N).

I noticed that she is shivering a little bit. I took my scarf off and offered it to her.

Ashely: Huh?

(Y/N): Here. I think you need this more than me.

Ashley took the scarf and put it on. She smiled a small smile and stood up. She gave me a hug.

Ashley: Thank you.

(Y/N): Just being a Hero.

Ashley stopped the hug.

Ashley: I always wanted to be a Hero too.

(Y/N): Really? Maybe we can be a Hero Duo?

Ashley: R-Really?

I nodded my head. Ashley smile got bigger and she nodded her head.

Ashley: That sounds nice. I would like that.

(Flashback End)

(Y/N): I remember that day. I remember feeling accomplished when I helped Ashley. That was the day I knew that being a Hero is what fate wanted me to be.

I looked over at Ivy and a comedic amount of tears are streaming from her eyes.

Ivy: That's so cool! Helping people even when you didn't have your Power yet! That's amazing!

(Y/N): Yeah.

I put my hands in my pockets.

(Y/N): I hate myself for not knowing where she is now.

Ivy: Wait. You don't know? Didn't you two become friends after that?

(Y/N): We did... We were friends for about a year after that day. But one day... She disappeared without a trace. I tried asking my mom about it and she says that Ashley moved to another town.

Ivy: If she kept her dream about being a Hero, then maybe we'll cross paths with her.

I laughed at the idea. Like that will ever happen.

(Y/N): Maybe.

I said, pretty much dismissing the idea. I heard my phone start to ring. It's Katie. I looked over and saw Ivy looking over my shoulder.

Ivy: What? It's rude to not answer calls.

(Y/N): It's rude to look at someone else's phone.

I answered the call.

Katie: I almost had a heart attack!

(Y/N): ...Excuse me?

Katie: I woke up ten minutes ago thinking I was late to school!

(Y/N): I guess you learned no school for a week?

Katie: Yeah...

Alexis: You should've seen the look on her face!

I heard Alexis shout.

Katie: Get out of my room!

Alexis: Tell (Y/N) I said hi!

I heard a door shut. Me and Ivy looked at each other.

Katie: Alexis says hi.

(Y/N): That's nice of her.

Katie: Can we do something tomorrow? I'm not in the mood to do anything today.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm free tomorrow.

Katie: Good to hear. I'm going to lay down now.

(Y/N): Alrighty. Don't have too much fun. Love you.

Katie: I love you too.

The call stopped. I put my phone in my pocket and sighed.

Ivy: I guess I'm not the only one with an annoying sibling. Alright, I know where I want to go to now.

(Y/N): Really? Where?

(A Few Minutes Later)

Ivy: The mall!

I looked around and me and Ivy are in the middle of a mall. Wait, when did we get here exactly? I don't remember walking through the front door.

(Y/N): Well... What do you want to do here first?

Ivy: The food court.

She said with hunger in her eyes. She grabbed my arm and started to drag me behind her. We made it to a food court and Ivy looked at all the different shops for food.

Ivy: So many options!

(Y/N): Please control yourself. I don't have that much money.

Ivy reached into my pocket and grabbed my wallet.

Ivy: I'll make sure to buy you some.

She ran across the food court, buying some food from the different stands. You got to kidding me. She's going to blow the allowance I got this week from mom and dad!

(Y/N): ...

She ran back at me. She has a lot of food in her hands.

Ivy: I got food.

Just how hungry is this girl?

(Y/N): If never seen you like this before.

Ivy: I love the food here.

We sat down at a nearby table. I grabbed a burger and took a bit from it. I can tell this isn't the healthiest thing on the planet. I looked over and saw Ivy scarfing down the food.

Grace: Hey! Didn't think I'd see you two here!

Me and Ivy looked over and saw Grace walking up towards us.

Grace: I hope you didn't forget who I am.

(Chapter 25 end)

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