Chapter 28: Power Genetics

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(Readers POV)

Chemist: Ok class, I think that's enough about chemicals for now!

I looked at the time and it hasn't even been halfway through class yet. How did we go through so much information in so little time?!

Chemist: I can see there is little energy in here, so we have to talk about something exciting!

Students: Please don't let it have explosions!

Chemist: Don't worry, it shouldn't have explosions, but explosions are still prone to happen. We will talk about genetics now!

Ivy: Genetics?

Katie: That has nothing to do with explosions.

Cody: Trust me when I say that Mrs. Chemist always finds a way to have explosions.

Dave: Black Knight's wife is a dangerous woman.

Chemist: But we won't be talking about any plain old genetics, we will talk about the ones that contain Powers!

Chemist grabbed a book and slammed on a nearby desk, flipping through the pages.

Chemist: Now, when two people have a child, genetics play a huge role when it comes to deciding what Power the child will have. The child could have the father's Power, the mother's, a combination of the two, or a completely different Power!

I saw a student raise their hand. Chemist pointed at them.

Chemist: Yes! The one that looks frightened about another explosion happening!

Student: So you're saying me having a different Power from my mom and dad isn't a weird thing?

Chemist: Nope! Having a different Power from your parents isn't a clue of some hidden affair! Your Power has an easy explanation, it's a Power that once belonged to one of your ancestors long ago!

Chemist pointed at Dave.

Chemist: I'm sure you'll be a great example! So your Power is Ultra Element, correct?!

Dave: Uh, of course ma'am.

Chemist: So that means one of your future descendants will also have the same Power! All of you have a Power that someone else had in some point in time!

Ivy: Now that's cool as hell!

Chemist: Language! But yes! I'm glad to see you're excited about this!

Ivy: If I have my ancestors Power, I'm sure they're jealous that I use my Power way better than they ever could!

Chemist looked over at her desk and the fire on it got bigger.

Chemist: That's not normal. Class, please read the chapter about genetics in your science book! I'll go check up on the experiment on my desk!

Chemist ran up to the fire and started to examine it. I flipped through the pages of my science book and started to read about genetics. It started to get hit in here. I looked over and saw the fire get even bigger. Chemist got a bottle of water and the color of the water changed. She poured whatever is in the bottle now and the fire turned green.

Chemist: Interesting.

I heard the bell ring, meaning class is over. Everyone got their things packed up and started to leave the room.

Chemist: Enjoy the rest of your day class!

(After School)

I heard the final bell ring. Mister Cipher started to close his eyes, but he opened them again.

Cipher: It's time to go home. Make sure to get some sleep.

He yawned and walked over to his desk. I got up, but I heard the intercom system turn on.

Beacon: All students report to the gym.

I heard his voice.

Ivy: Again? But we just did that this morning.

Cody: That is weird. If they need to still say something, why did they not say it in the morning?

Dave: Let's just go and see what they want. I want to go home honestly.

(Y/N): Ya same here.

Dave: Don't agree with me, Rival!

Everyone walked out of the classroom and headed into the gym. All the students walked in and started to talk to each other.

Grace: Cody. Probability of you knowing what this is about?

Cody adjusted his glass and smirked.

Cody: 0%.

He said that with way too much confidence. Grace sighed and face palmed.

Grace: You're no help.

I saw Principal Beacon and Blackwell walk up to the front of the crowd.

Beacon: We do apologize for keeping you here more than necessary.

Blackwell: But this is the most important thing you will hear today. Today is the start of a program you students will be participating and yes, this is required.

Beacon: The Number 1 Hero, Super, gave us this idea and we agreed that it will be beneficial to your growth as Heroes. Before you leave, you will receive an address.

Blackwell: You will be staying with a Hero for a month. They will teach you how to be a Hero when you graduate. The Hero you will be staying with has chosen you, so make sure not to make them regret their choice. And we already got permission from your parents.

So I have to stay with a Hero for a month. I guess much wont change for me, since mom will just choose me anyway. I got handed a letter by Mr. Black. I opened it and it holds a piece of paper with only an address on it. It definitely isn't my address. That's weird, who would pick me that's not my mom.

Ivy: (Y/N)! This is your address right?!

She showed me her piece of paper. I read the address on it and nodded.

Ivy: Yes! I get to be trained by Super. This has to be a dream come true, because she picked me.

Beacon: After you have received your address, you may leave. I hope you all have a great month ahead.

I left the gym. I walked outside and just looked at the address.

(Y/N): Why? Why would mom not choose me?

I saw Katie walk up to me.

Katie: Your mom didn't pick you?

(Y/N): No. I'm not that upset, I'm just confused.

Katie hugged me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

Katie: I wish you luck with whoever picked you.

(Y/N): Thanks Katie. I wish you luck too.

I saw Mr. Black and Chemist walk up to Katie.

Fox: Come on Katie. You're coming with us.

Katie: What?! You picked me?!

Grace ran up to the three.

Grace: They picked me too! Guess we're going to be buds for a month!

Chemist: This is going to be so much fun! You two can help me with some experiments!

Katie and Grace froze in fear. Mr. Black made two tendrils and picked the two up. Mr. Black and Chemist walked away. I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Dave.

Dave: So Rival, apparently me and Ivy got the same address.

(Y/N): You have to be joking.

Ivy: Sadly no.

Ivy walked up to me.

Ivy: Super is going to be training the two best soon to be Heroes around.

Dave: You should be careful, or we'll both surpass you.

(Y/N): Welp, good luck with that.

I gave them a thumbs up. Dave walked past me.

Dave: Ivy! You know how to get to his house! Take me there!

Ivy: You have the address stupid!

Dave: You think I can read addresses?!

Ivy sighed and gave me a kiss as well.

Ivy: I'll make sure to call you every night.

(Y/N): Pretty sure we're still going to school, so I'll see you tomorrow.

Ivy pouted and crossed her arms.

Ivy: So much for me being all nice and caring.

Ivy walked past me. I chuckled to myself, making Ivy look back at me.

(Y/N): I never said don't call me.

Ivy blushed and smiled at me. She grew a pair of wings and grabbed Dave's arms. Both of them went into the air, flying to my house.

(Y/N): Alright. Time to head over to the Hero training me. Times 10!

A red aura surrounded me and I started to run as fast as I can, making sure to not keep the Hero waiting.

(A Minute Later)

After some running, I made it to a house. It's a lone house on a mountain side. I stopped using my Power and walked up to the door of the house, knocking on it. I waited for a response, but nothing happened.

(Y/N): Uh? Hello? It's me, (Y/N). The one you picked to train me.

Oh man, did I get the address wrong? I never get this kind of stuff wrong. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw the Number 2 Hero, Top.

Top: You're finally here. It's nice to meet you, (Y/N).

(Chapter 28 end)

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