Chapter 30: Trials From The Best

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(Readers POV)

I dashed at Top. I threw a punch at her, but she grabbed my arm and threw me down to the ground. I stopped using my Power. I took a few deep breaths.

(Y/N): Amazing... I can't touch you, even at 100 times.

Top: I'm surprised myself. I used pretty basic movement.

That was basic?

Top: Don't get caught off guard. It's very important and if you get hit when you're not expecting it, then you can lose an ar- Can lose a lot. You need to think about more than just the goal in your mind.

I stood up. Top sighed and took a few steps away from me.

Top: I have an idea. You might want to hold onto something.

Top grabbed her trident and started to spin it in her hand. She thrusted her trident up. A bunch of wind started to blow. I felt Isabelle grabb onto me to stay where she is. I started to use my Power at 100 times. The force of Top's thrust stopped. I felt something hit my cheek. I looked up and the sky is covered in dark clouds, causing a bunch of rain to fall.

Isabelle: She changed the weather just by attacking at the sky?

Top: I haven't done that in awhile.

(Y/N): So what was the reason of making it rain?

Top smiled and disappeared from my sight. I saw an umbrella appear above me. I turned around and saw Top. She's a couple yards away from me and she has an umbrella above her. I noticed that she doesn't have a single drop of water on her.

Isabelle: When did she have the time to-

Top: Here's a test! I want you to get from there to me without getting hit by a single drop of water!

You have to be kidding me. It's raining so heavily. If it was sprinkling, it would be no problem for me.

Top: Hurry up! Before I throw you off this mountain!

I nodded my head. I bent down, getting ready to sprint forward as fast as I could. I observed the rain falling, trying to find an opening.

(Y/N): Got it!

I sprinted forward and stopped right next to Top under her umbrella. She looked at me and smiled.

Top: You failed miserably.

(Y/N): What?! I don't feel a single drop on me.

Top: There are several. I see one on your shoe, one on your hair, and three drops of water on the back of your shirt.

I got hit by five?! Even with 100 times. This is way harder than I thought.

Top: Now try again! We will keep doing this until you get it right at least once!

Top picked me up and I ended up back at Isabelle. I looked over and Top is still under her umbrella. I looked at the falling water, looking for an opening again.

(Y/N): Maybe I need to kick things into high gear. Times 1,000!

I dashed forward. I saw a raindrop about to hit my arm. I got my arm out of the way. I looked forward and saw another one about to hit my face. I moved my head slightly. I started to feel pain through my body, making me unfocused for a second. I felt several raindrops hit my head.

Top: Try again!

This isn't going to be fun, but it's more fun than getting cut open by a trident. So I'll be grateful.

(Katie's POV)

Me and Grace made it to Mr. Black's and Chemist's house. Their house is like a mansion!

Chemist: This is going to be exciting! I get two people to help me with my experiments!

Me and Grace got worried and looked at Mr. Black. He sighed and put his hand on Chemist's shoulder.

Fox: Now's not the time for that. We will start training them.

Chemist: Ok-

Fox: Without explosions.

Chemist: Now that's not fair! I never get what I want to do!

Fox: What do you mean? We had to disable the fire alarms in your room so you could do what you wanted.

So that's why the alarms wasn't going off during her class.

Grace: So what does training with you two have in store?

Mr. Black looked at us and put his hands in his pockets.

Fox: First, we have to discuss your Power's. Grace with Create can basically do anything as long as she as ink to make the creations. She can be a well rounded fighter, so for Grace it will focus on everything. From fighting up front to being support.

Grace: That sounds doable for me.

Fox: And for Katie. Mimicry is her Power, it's a unique Power, but I see it being more useful as support.

Katie: Support?

Chemist: It basically means that while some Heroes will fight the bad guys, those who are support will stay back and help the Heroes that are doing the fighting.

Katie: Oh... I see.

I have to be support? I know for a fact that (Y/N) will be fighting criminals. I've always wanted to fight by his side and to hear that I have to stay back.

Fox: Come on Grace, I'll be training you first. Katie, you will get Chemist as your trainer.

Grace: Good luck Katie. You're going to need it.

Katie: Thanks. Good luck to you too.

Grace and Mr. Black walked off.

Chemist: Those two will be training in the backyard, so we can train inside the house if you'd like.

Katie: Sure...

Me and Chemist walked into her house. This place is huge and looks so nice! Chemist walked off and I quickly caught up to her. We walked into a room and it's a huge lab.

Katie: This doesn't look like a room for training.

Chemist: Think of this room as my personal office. I don't want to start your training, at least not yet.

Katie: What does that mean?

Chemist: I maybe a scientist, but I can read people like a book. What's on your mind? As soon as Foxy Pie said you would best be a support Hero, you got sad.

Katie: Well... I want to be a Hero, but I want to be a Hero with (Y/N). I always wanted to be by his side and be with him. Hearing that I would be better off staying back and let (Y/N) jump head first into danger, it hurts a bit.

Chemist looked at me and sigh. She sat down on a nearby chair.

Chemist: I know that feeling.

Katie: You do?

Chemist: Yep. I was the same as you when I was your age. I had a special someone in my eyes. He wanted to be a Hero and I wanted to be with him, but I was told my Power would only be used for support while the person I wanted to fight crime with would be the one doing all the action. It felt like fate was against me, but I didn't care. I trained and look at me. I'm Number 5, I take care of criminals with my hands on a regular basis, and I'm married to my special Foxy Pie.

Katie: That's... Amazing...

Chemist: If you want, I can train you to be like me. If I have learned one lesson in my life time, it is that it doesn't matter what people say about you or your Power! The only person limiting you is yourself!

Chemist stood up and a bunch of flames appeared behind her.

Chemist: If you believe in yourself, then you can become whatever you want to be! And I'll help you become that, because that's my job right now!

I started to get pumped up. Chemist offered her hand to me.

Chemist: Will you do me the honors of training you so you can be with your special one?!

Katie: Yes! I would like that!

I grabbed onto Chemist's hand. She smiled at me and grabbed several beakers of water.

Chemist: Then let the training begin!

(Chapter 30 end)

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