Chapter 32: Horrors At Night

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(Isabelle's POV)

Me, (Y/N), and Top are in a grocery store.

(Y/N): I wasn't expecting to go to a store...

Top: Yeah, well I need to get groceries. Since you two have been behaving better than I thought, you two can pick one thing here.

(Y/N) did a quick bow.

(Y/N): That's very nice of you.

I sighed and walked away from the two, looking for something to get. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked and saw (Y/N) following me.

Isabelle: What do you want?

(Y/N): I'm just curious where you're going?

Isabelle: I'm going to get something. Leave me alone and don't make me tell you again, idiot!

He sighed and put his hands in his pant pockets. He walked past me. Thank god, I actually got something through his thick skull. I made it over to the area with the treats. I checked the shelves and saw boxes of Danish Pastries. I felt my mouth water a tiny bit. I grabbed two boxes of them. I smiled to myself. I started to walk away. I turned a corner and bumped into (Y/N). We both kept our footing.

Isabelle: Watch where you're going!

(Y/N): Hey, you bumped into me.

Isabelle: Whatever, keep shifting the blame. Did you find something yet?

(Y/N): Not yet. I was think of some chips but I don't know what kind I want.

Isabelle: Just hurry up!

I walked away from him. I walked past an old couple and heard them start to talk to each other.

Old Woman: Relationships these days are interesting.

I felt my face heat up. I started to grumble to myself. I saw Top looking at some fruits. She's inspecting an apple. I noticed a small basket, on the floor, next to her.

Top: This one will do.

She put the apple in the basket. Top heard my footsteps, causing her to look over at me.

Top: I see you picked something out.

Isabelle: You have a problem with that?

Top: Oh you got feisty all of a sudden. Are you trying to sneak something?

Isabelle: Oh wow. Just because I did something bad earlier you assume I'm trying to steal.

Top: If you think you can hide that second box from me then you got another thing coming.

Top walked up towards me and grabbed me by the hair. I looked behind me and saw (Y/N) looking at us. He's holding something behind his back.

(Y/N): That second box was the thing I picked out.

Top: Oh? Why didn't you say so? Let's get going then.

Top let go of my hair and picked her basket up. I looked at (Y/N) with confusion. Why did he just cover for me? Top walked past me and (Y/N). I saw (Y/N) holding a bag of chips behind his back. He quickly put them back on a shelf. Top went to a checkout line and the cashier started to scan her items.

Top: Hey! You two better get over here before I leave you here!

Me and (Y/N) walked over to Top and I put the boxes down to get scanned.

Man: Oh man! It's Top!

Top: Not again...

I saw a dude run up to Top. He looks to be about in his mid thirties. He pulled out his wallet and grabbed a credit card.

Man: Let me pay for-

Top got out her trident and stabbed it into the floor, making the man freeze in fear.

Top: You think I can't pay for my own groceries?!

The man took a step back then ran away in fear. I smiled to myself. Maybe being around Top won't be as boring as I thought.

Top: Stupid people, thinking I'll go out with them if they buy me things.

Top paid for her groceries. Me and (Y/N) grabbed the bags and the three of us walked out of the store.

Top: Time to get back home. I hope you two know how to cook, since I won't be making anything for you.

(Top's House) (Nighttime)

I walked outside while carrying a Danish Pastry box. I walked over to a cliff and sat down, watching the stars and moon shine. I was about to open the box, but I heard someone sit down next to me.

(Y/N): What are you doing out so late?

Isabelle: I don't have to tell you anything.

(Y/N): Oh...

We stayed silent and I started to eat a Danish Pastry. I reached into the box and grabbed another one. I held it out to (Y/N). He took it from my hand and smiled.

(Y/N): Thanks.

He took a bite from it.

(Y/N): I assume you like these?

Isabelle: They're my favorite treat.

(Y/N): I can see why.

I sighed and looked up at the moon again.

Isabelle: I want to say thanks, back at the grocery store.

(Y/N): It was nothing. I can tell you really liked these so I decided to be nice.

I took a bite from my pastry, savoring the flavor.

Isabelle: So I want to know, why were you nice to me? I did try killing you.

(Y/N): Well... That's just who I am. I was taught at a young age to always be nice to people, even those who hate you.

Isabelle: Heh, I remember being taught the same thing when I was young.

(Y/N): Really? Well you certainly don't show it.

Isabelle: I gave you a pastry, didn't I?

(Y/N) started to laugh. His laughter made me smile.

(Y/N): I guess since you brought it up... Why try to kill me?

Isabelle: It's not that I wanted to... Well... It's complicated. Every since my Power manifested, I always hated those who thought they were better than they really were. I remember the Number 1 Hero before Super. I'm sure you heard of him, Herculean. He was my idol before suddenly he died and Super took his place shortly after. I've always hated her, I thought she stole her spot as Number 1. So someone found me one day and made me an offer.

(Y/N): An offer?

Isabelle: That's right. I don't remember the exact words but it was along the lines of "I plan on changing the world for the better. I want to get rid of those who don't deserve glory to fall and have everyone equal." It's almost like he knew exactly what to say to me for me to help him. I took his offer and he trained me. I became skilled with Time Control and he sent me to Somar shortly after. Then, after a few years of attending there, he told me about a tournament that you and Super were going to be at and he gave me the mission to kill you two.

(Y/N): So that's why you said someone sent you. But why would you try something like that? Trying to kill the Number 1 Hero?

Isabelle: Like I said before, I thought Super stole her spot at the top, but after fighting you and Super stopping my strongest attack, that's when I realized that she did deserve where she is today. Just from fighting you, I felt all her experience through you. It certainly was the most exciting day of my life.

(Y/N): I'm glad I opened your eyes to how cool me and my mom are.

Isabelle: I wouldn't say cool. All you and Super got was some of my respect.

(Y/N): ...Wait. Who sent you? They knew that Super is my mom. Can you tell me that?

I felt a knot in my throat, keeping me from saying anything. I looked at (Y/N) in the eyes. I can't explain it, but it's like his eyes got rid of my inability to say anything. All the fear in my body slowly went away and I took a deep breath.

Isabelle: He goes by the name of his Power. His name is Growth.

(Chris's POV)

Me and the Hero that choose me are patrolling the city at night.

Chris: So what are we doing here exactly?

Turbo: Easy, we are making sure no crimes go down at the dead of night. It's very important to do this, otherwise villains could get away with anything if they wait for night.

Chris: I guess that makes sense.

I looked at Turbo. He has slicked back black hair. He wears a tight suit, that's blue with red highlights, that shows his muscular body. I noticed a weird looking watch on his wrist.

Chris: What up with that watch?

Turbo: This thing? Think of it as a communicator. If I ever need the help, I can call any nearby Heroes to assist me if my Power isn't right for the job.

Chris: That must be nice to have.

Turbo: It is. You won't believe how many times I need this thing to get out of a pickle.

I checked the time and it's eleven thirty pm.

Turbo: You want to see if there is someplace open to grab a bite? I'm sure this must be a tad boring for you.

Chris: This isn't boring, but I wouldn't mind some food.

Turbo: Alright, we can take a small break and get something to eat.

Me and Turbo are about to walk past an alleyway. Suddenly, a huge fist came out of the alleyway, punching Turbo across the street and into a building.

Chris: Turbo!

I looked back at the alleyway and saw a huge man walk out of it. He has to be at least twelve feet tall. His muscles look like they're about to rip his shirt and his body is covered in black symbols.

Horror: I say it's about time for Horror to make his debut!

(Chapter 32 end)

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