Chapter 50: Darkness's Last Stand

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(Fox's POV)

I rushed over at Growth at full speed. I punched him down into the ground. I made one of my arms made out my Power and stretched it out. I wrapped it around Growth and slammed him down into the ground, making a bunch of dust come up. I jumped up and made a sharp blade out of my other arm.

Fox: Take this!

I landed on the ground and stabbed where I slammed Growth. The dust cleared away and I saw my blade has stabbed into his right shoulder. I let out a small laugh.

Fox: Not so tough, now are you? I actually managed to pierce you.

Growth: Ha... Hahaha. You innocent child.

He sounds way to confident for my liking. He grabbed the blade in his shoulder and shattered it. The shatter sent a lot of force my way, sending me back a couple yards. I stab a tendril into the ground to stop myself.

Growth: Since you have lasted this long against me, I will give you some knowledge of my Power. It's name is Growth. I am able to grow past any obstacle that stands in my way.

Able to grow past any obstacle? Wait, is that why he let me take those Adrenaline pills? So I would get stronger and he can grow stronger than me? Shit, I think I backed myself into a corner.

Fox: I thought I was in a winning situation... Shit.

Growth looked at his right shoulder. I noticed that it has stopped bleeding. He opened the small tear in his suit and there isn't a stab wound at all.

Growth: My healing is also growing.

So he is getting stronger! I need to take him out now! I made giant claws on my Void Arms. I jumped forward and slashed at Growth. He blocked my slash with one arm. Before he could attack back, I slashed at him with my other arm. Growth blocked that slash with his other arm.

Fox: Take this!

I made a tendril on my back and sent it towards his stomach. I managed to knock Growth back. I quickly grabbed Chemist and held her close to me. I started to surround myself in Void. I started to push my Power to its limits. I made a giant fox out of my Void, me and Chemist in the middle of it. I jumped up and slashed the forest, cutting down about half the trees down.

Chemist: Fox, please be careful. You might hit someone else nearby.

Fox: As long as I kill Growth, I don't care who I hit!

After slashing around the area, I stopped using Void, making me and Chemist land on the ground. I quickly made a pair of arms and prepared myself for anything. Me and Chemist are looking around the destroyed area of forest, looking for Growth.

Growth: My oh my. That sure was a display of power.

I heard slow clapping coming from behind me. I looked back and saw Growth standing there, with hardly any wounds on him.

Chemist and Fox: N-No way...

Growth started to walk towards me and Chemist. I tried to stand up, but I felt a large  amount of pain shoot through my body. I fell down to my knees.

Chemist: Fox!

Growth: It would appear that the Adrenaline has worn off. This match is over.

I couldn't move my body. All this pain I'm in. It feels like I'm about to pass out. Growth raised his hand and a ball of green energy formed. Chemist got in front of me and held her arms out.

Chemist: You're not going to hurt him anymore.

Growth: Don't lie, you are at your limit too. I gave you two your chance to surrender. It does tear my heart to cut such young lives short, but it is for the benefit of the world.

Growth fired the energy orb at me and Chemist. So this is how it ends...

Fox: ...I'm sorry, Chemist...

Right as the orb was about to hit me and Chemist, two figures got in front of the orb and destroyed it, making a bunch of smoke cover the area.

Growth: Hm?

The smoke cleared away and I saw (Y/N) and Dave standing there. Dave has his trident covered in blue fire and (Y/N) has his red aura around him.

(Y/N): We got here just in time.

Dave: Good thing Black Knight made that giant fox. It made it rather easy to find him.

I looked over and saw Katie running over to me and Chemist.

Katie: Are you two ok?!

Chemist lightly smiled and slowly put her hand on top of Katie's head.

Chemist: We are still breathing.

Fox: The hell are you kids doing here?

Katie: We just had to. There was a feeling in our hearts that we had to be here.

(Dave's POV)

I looked back at Black Knight and his wife.

Dave: Fair maiden, please take these fallen knights away from here.

Katie looked at me, then looked over at (Y/N) with concern. (Y/N) nodded his head. Katie grabbed onto Black Knight and Chemist, quickly leaving the area.

(Y/N): It's you, from the fair.

Growth: It sure is a pleasant surprise to see you again. I knew it would happen at some point, but I didn't predict it would happen so soon.

Dave: Rival, you met this man before?

Growth: Yes. He may not know much about me, but I know quite a bit about (Y/N). I know you too, Davidson Elsher.

Dave: I'm flattered that you would do research on me, but please. Call me Dave.

Growth: And why don't you like being called Davidson? Is it because your father, Phoenix, used to call you that?

I took a step back in surprise and let out a gasp. H-How did he know about that?! He smiled at me.

Growth: It seems I have hit the bullseye.

I readied my trident. (Y/N) looked over at me with concern.

Growth: I just realized that I know your names, but you don't know mine. I shall introduce myself. You may call me Growth.

(Y/N): Growth? You're him?

Growth: Correct.

I saw Growth disappear. I felt an arm go around my neck. I looked back and saw Growth got in between me and (Y/N). He has his other arm around (Y/N)'s neck.

Dave and (Y/N): H-How?

Growth: I wish to make this world a better place for everyone. Would you say that you two as Heroes have the same goal?

Me and (Y/N) couldn't move or speak. This feeling... It's like I can feel the power inside him. It's like some endless well.

Growth: Speechless? I do understand. Children wouldn't get such concepts about the world or being a Hero for that matter.

I tried to slash Growth with my trident, but he disappeared again. I can't even see him move. The forest around me started to darken, surrounded me in nothing but darkness. I can only see myself.

Dave: What's happening? Is this that guy's Power?

Growth: It is hard to explain, but if I am given enough time, pulling off a trick like this is child's play.

I looked around, but I can't see Growth anywhere.

Dave: Show yourself coward! Face your soon to be King!

I heard footsteps echoing out. I looked around and saw a man appear. He has dark brown hair and is wearing a martial arts outfit. I took a step back when I saw who the figure was.

Dave: F-Father?

I ran towards him, trying to grab onto him. When my hand came into contact with him, father vanished.

Growth: Your father's life was cut too short. It was such a tragedy. But you wish to know why he died?

The darkness around me was replaced with a scene of a destroyed city. I looked over and father and mother standing in front of a young me. The young me is unconscious and it looks like he's around five years old. Mother and father are in a offensive position as a guy is standing in front of them.

Growth: They we're fighting to protect your life. Such great parents, wouldn't you say?

Phoenix: Aria! Get Davidson out of here!

Top: Hmph! You act like I can't handle myself!

Mother dashed forward at the guy attacking and swung her blue trident at him. A huge amount of energy formed around the man as he blocked the trident.

Man: With my Power of Instant Strength, you two Heroes will fall here today!

He punched mother away, making my father catch her. The energy around the man grew larger as he dashed past at my parents and grabbed young me's unconscious body.

Man: You would just let me grab a child? Some Heroes you are.

Phoenix and Top: LET HIM GO!!!

Mother and father dashed forward at the man, taking me away from his grasp. The man started to get surrounded with his energy.

Phoenix: Get down!

The energy bursted off his body, hitting father and mother. The young me and mother flew into a building. She lost her left arm and father lost all his limbs.

Top: Phoenix!!! You BASTARD!!!

Mother threw her trident really hard, making it stab through the man's stomach. The man was sent into a wall. Mother quickly dashed over to him and ripped the trident out of him, making the man scream in pain before quickly passing out.

Growth: Don't you see? If you weren't there, your father would still be alive and your mother would still have her arm. It's your fault.

Dave: N-No... No it's not! It's not my fault!

Growth: No matter what you tell yourself, you can not deny the fact that you were the cause of them not being able to take out the villain in an instant.

I saw Growth appear. I got mad, pissed even. I readied my trident, the dark blue fire around it burning really hot. I swung at Growth.

(Readers POV)

I felt the fire on Dave's get hotter. I looked over and saw Dave about to swing his trident at me. I quickly went into my Power State and dodged the attack.

(Y/N): Dave! What the hell man?!

Growth: Let's say he is going through a lot. To keep it short, he sees you as me and boy does he want to kill me to say the least.

Dave: It's not my fault! It's not! How dare you make me see that Growth! Now I'm going to make sure you suffer!

I saw Alexandra appear right next to me.

(Y/N): Well... Any ideas?

Alexandra: We are going to need to knock some sense into the boy. You're going to need to fight for your life. Because right now, he wants your life gone.

Great, what a crappy situation I'm in. After having the sparring match with Dave at the school, I'm not entirely sure that I can beat him without taking some serious damage.

(Y/N): Come on Dave. Let's finally see who is superior?

(Chapter 50 end)

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