Chapter 52: Top Goes Against Growth

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(Grace's POV)

I was looking around the gym. Everyone was talking about what was happening and what was going to happen. I looked over at the (Y/N), Dave, and Katie fakes and thought about what they could be going through.

Grace: I need to find the right moment to make a portal and get out of here.

I heard the gym doors open. I looked over and saw Principal Beacon walk in.

Beacon: Ok, I'm going to do a roll call to make sure everyone is here.

I felt my heart start to race immediately. My fakes can't talk! I can only make fakes of myself talk since it's my voice so it's actually believable! Principal Beacon started to call peoples names.

Grace: Oh man... What am I going to do?

Beacon: Grace?

Grace: Here!

Beacon: Ok... Katie?

I quickly hide behind the Katie fake and coughed a little.

Grace: H-Here.

I said, trying to make my voice more soft and higher pitch.

Beacon: ...Dave?

I went behind the Dave fake and moved his arm up into the air.

Grace: Present!

I said in a low and prideful tone. I saw Principal Beacon just nod his head.

Beacon: (Y/N)?

I was about to get behind his fake, but a beam of light went through fake (Y/N)'s head, making the entire fake turn into ink. The same happened to the Dave and Katie fakes. I looked over and saw Principal Beacon pointing at me.

Beacon: For future reference, at least try to make the mouths move when you try to awfully impersonate them.

He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. It was a tight grip and I felt like I'm in serious trouble.

Beacon: Where are my students?

He said in a tone that sent shivers down my spine. I tried to speak, but I couldn't open my mouth at all.

Grace: ...Sorry...

(Readers POV)

Ashley: Hello everyone. It is very nice to meet you all.

She put her hands together and bowed down for a bit.

Katie: It's nice to meet you too Ashley. I'm Katie.

Chemist: I'm Chemist. And this man is-

Ashley: That's Darkness!

She ran up to him and saw his lack of arms.

Ashley: Are you ok? I'm surprised you're still conscious.

Fox: Don't worry kid. I'll be fine.

Katie walked over to me.

Katie: Is that the same Ashley you used to tell me about?

(Y/N): Yep. I couldn't believe I found her again. But there's something about her that you shouldn't tell anyone.

I went up to Katie's ear and made sure no one else was listening.

(Y/N): She's the daughter of the man that fought Mr. Black and Chemist.

Katie: What? You can't be serious.

She saw my face and knew that I wasn't lying. She looked at Ashley then back to me.

Katie: It doesn't look like she's a threat.

(Y/N): Yeah. How I see it, she's not on the same side as Growth is.

Katie nodded at me as we both walked up to Ashley, Mr. Black, and Chemist. I can see a bit of blood dripping through the paste on Mr. Black's nubs.

Chemist: Crap. The blood is leaking out.

Ashley: Don't worry. I can help with this.

She put her hands forward and started to move the exposed blood around. She made the blood form a small ball.

Ashley: There. I used some of your blood to put a small wall to make sure no more leaked out. This is all of the extra blood.

She pointed at the small ball.

Fox: Thanks kid. If I wasn't in a lot of pain right now, you'd be in trouble for using your Powers without a license.

Ashley smiled at Mr. Black. She took the small blood ball and started to make various shapes with it.

Chemist: I have to say that controlling blood is something you don't see everyday.

Ashley: I guess it isn't... I can only manipulate blood that is on the outside of the body.

I sat down on the ground, letting out a sigh. Looked over at the direction that Top and Dave should be at. I hope they can get it out of there ok.

(Dave's POV)

I was watching as mother and Growth were fighting. It's really hard to keep track of their movements. As soon as I get a good look of them, they are already somewhere else entirely.

Dave: I can't tell what's going on...

I stabbed my trident in the ground and started to pull myself up on it. I got on my feet and took a few deep breaths. I saw mother get in front of me again.

Dave: Mother-

Top: Stay out of this, Dave!

I saw Growth standing a couple feet away from her. He moved his arm a bit, letting out a few cracks in the process.

Growth: You really know how to give me a workout. Just like old times.

Top: It will be the last time that you'll ever have to go through that. I'm going to strike you down here.

I tried to get ready to fight, but mother stopped me.

Top: Don't be an idiot. Growth is way out of your league.

Growth: She's right you know. If I wanted to... You and your friend would be dead.

What?! I looked at Growth and he smiled at me. Damn it! He's right! Me and (Y/N) would've died if he didn't let us live! I'm useless here!

Dave: No... Not again...

Mother dashed at Growth and swung her trident at him. He dodged and grabbed the trident with one hand and tried to punch mother with the other. She let go of her trident and quickly did a roundhouse kick, hitting Growth's face. He let go of the trident and was knocked back. Mother kicked her trident at Growth, but her barely avoided it. His suit got cut, exposing a small bit of his chest.

Top: You slippery bastard.

She ran ahead and tried to get her trident back. Growth picked it up and started to use it against her. Mother dodged the swings. Some did hit her, but it doesn't look like she took much damage thanks to her armor.

Growth: I'm impressed with your skills with a trident. It surely does take a lot of skills to master use of such a weapon.

Top: Just shut the hell up already!

Growth tried to punch mother, but she dodged it and punched him in the stomach. She quickly head butted Growth and took her trident back. As she was swinging at him to get a good hit in, she was blown back by an orb of energy, flying right past me as she managed to stop herself.

Top: Damn... That one hurt a little.

Growth started to clap his hands together.

Growth: Impressive. That energy attack was 50 times stronger than the one I used against Darkness that took away his arms.

What did he just say?! 50 times?! And it looked like he threw it out so casually too! Growth is way more of a threat than I thought!

Growth: Well Top... As much as I loved our little reunion, I'm going to have to cut it short.

I saw him dash at her. I got in the way and blocked him with my trident. He stopped and looked at me.

Top: Dave you idiot! I told you not to get involved!

Growth: Interesting.

Dave: No... I'm not going to watch you hurt my mother anymore.

Growth: Such a sweet son.

I tried to push Growth back, but he wouldn't budge an inch.

Dave: I'm not going to stand there as my mother tries her best to protect me.

Top: Dave... Listen to me and stop.

Growth: Oh, I see what's going on. You don't want Top to lose her life here because of you. You don't want to feel useless like how you did when Phoenix gave his life to save you.

Top: ...You bastard. Keep his name out of your mouth!

Growth: I do appreciate your willingness and dedication to grow. It's definitely a great quality to have. But you have to know that there are some fights you just can't win!

He tried to attack me. I closed my eyes and waited to the strike... But it never came. I opened one eye and saw mother standing in front of me. Growth's fist is in her stomach. She spat out some blood as she was knocked back, knocking me back too. I got up and saw a huge dent in her armor.

Dave: Mother!

I knelt down to her and tried to help her.

Top: Dave!

I looked at her when she shouted my name. She sighed and put her right hand on my cheek.

Top: I know you don't like to always listen to me, but I need you to right now. It's not your fault that your father lost his life or that I lost my arm. It was our choice because we didn't want to lose you. You are our most priced possession and we would give the entire world just to have you.

I felt some tears leave my eyes as I heard those words from my mother.

Dave: Mother... I'm sorry...

Top: Heh, don't be sorry. I'd happily sacrifice myself if it meant you could live. You're the only thing left that I could lose that's important to me, so I'd give everything else for you. Now please...

Mother slowly stood up and readied her trident and pointed it at Growth.

Top: Let me take care of this crazy son of a bitch.

I wiped my tears away and got in front of mother again.

Dave: I've made up my mind! I don't want to lose you either! I'd give my everything just so you can continue to be my mother! I'm proud to be your son!

Growth stood there and put his hands together.

Growth: ...This moment... A bond of a parent and child is something that can never be broken... It really is beautiful...

I closed my eyes and opened them again. I was shocked when I saw my father standing in front of me. I looked down to avoid looking at him, but he put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up.

Phoenix: Davidson. Make sure you and your mother get out of here alive. Make me proud, son.

He faded away, smiling, as I nodded my head. Dark blue fire started to cover my body and trident. The fire slowly fused itself with the trident, turning it from red to purple. The fire started to burn away the hair dye on my hair, revealing it to be the same navy blue color as my mother's. I pointed my now purple trident at Growth.

Dave: Hear my words, Growth! You are about to fall to your future King! The King of Heroes!

The dark blue fire around my body started to burn brighter and hotter.

Davidson: Or my name isn't Davidson Elsher!

(Chapter 52 end)

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