Chapter 67: Inner Strength

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(Readers POV)

I was running down the street. I saw some of that dark energy moving around on the ground near some people. The energy jumped at the people. I quickly ran over to it and made a small blast of energy, getting rid of the energy without touching it. I looked back at the people.

(Y/N): Are you all ok?

Man: Yes, we are. Thank you Hero.

Woman: What's your name?

(Y/N): My name? I haven't decided on my Hero name yet.

I ran off, looking for more people to save. I did start to think about it though. A Hero name. I shook my head.

(Y/N): You can worry about that after everyone is saved.

As I was running, I heard my phone start to ring. I took it out of my pocket and answered it.

(Y/N): Hello?

Kane: I leave you and your mother for one moment and now people are screaming for lives and a bunch of this weird energy is everywhere!

(Y/N): Don't worry dad! We will have this situation sorted in no time!

Kane: That better be the case... Hey! Stop the screaming! It's hard to concentrate when I'm trying to save you!

(Y/N): Talk to you later dad.

I hung up the call. Dad is definitely having his fun during this. I saw some of the dark energy come out of an alleyway and try to attack me. I made a small blast, getting rid of it.

(Y/N): That was close. It was like the dark energy tried to sneak up on me.

I continued my running, getting rid of any dark energy that I could see. I looked to my right and saw the original holder of my Power.

???: Why don't you use our full power? You would be able to get rid of this darkness in a second.

(Y/N): Because everyone needs to beat their Shadow Copies. The best I can do is protect the people until they do that.

???: Then use our full power to protect these people.

(Y/N): That won't be necessary. That would be overkill. Besides, what if I need to use our full power later? I can't waste it now on some small bits of dark energy.

???: Come on. It won't be overkill. Just think of it like training that power of yours.

(Y/N): Why are you so insistent I use our full power?

???: ...Whatever suits you.

He disappeared from my sight. That was kinda weird. Now that I think about it, I've never seen Alexandra at all after mastering my Power. It's only him that I see now. I don't even know his name yet. I really should ask him that when I have the free time.

(Katie's POV)

I am looking around, trying to find my Shadow Copy.

Katie: This is getting stressful. I need to find it quickly before it hurts anyone.

I heard someone grunt in pain. I looked up and saw Ivy flying in the air. I can see her Shadow Copy flying after her.

Katie: Ivy!

She looked down at me.

Ivy: Finally found you. Good thing I remembered your scent.

Ivy flew down and landed next to me. I saw Ivy's Shadow Copy land a couple of feet away from us.

Katie: Wait, you were trying to find me?

Ivy: Yeah, look.

She pointed at her Shadow Copy. I looked at it and saw that my own Shadow Copy is clinging onto the Ivy Shadow Copy. My copy tried it's best to hide itself behind Ivy's copy.

Ivy: Seems like your copy got a ride with mine. Definitely does make it a bit easier to fight my Shadow Copy since it does weigh her down a bit.

Katie: You keep fighting your copy. I'll try to get mine off of yours and I'll deal with it from there.

Ivy: You got it.

Ivy ran forward at her copy and her copy did the same. Ivy tackled her copy, trying to hold it in place. I quickly went behind it and tried to pry my copy off of Ivy's copy.

Ivy: Katie! I would really like it if you moved things along!

Katie: I'm trying!

My copy was clinging on for dear life. Ivy head butted her copy, making it flinch back and throwing its head back which hit my copy in its face. My copy let go.

Katie: Ivy! It's off!

Ivy: Good!

Ivy screamed as she started to spin her copy around. She threw it away and quickly chased after it. I brought my attention back at my Shadow Copy.

Katie: Ok, now it's time to take you down.

It looked at me and took a step back. It turned around and started to run away. I was confused. I thought I was going to have to fight it.

Katie: Hey! Get back here!

I quickly started to chase after it. After while of chasing it, I stopped running and started to take several deep breaths.

Katie: How does that thing have so much stamina? I thought it was supposed to be an exact copy of me.

I saw some of the dark energy slowly coming towards me. It lunged at me, but I jumped up and dodged it.

Katie: Never mind, I can keep going.

I started to run again. I saw a huge wall of dark energy covering the street and my clone standing in front of it.

Katie: Hey! I finally caught you!

It turned around to look at me. It looked around frantically, trying to find somewhere to go. I saw some red energy going through the energy wall before it got destroyed, showing (Y/N).

Katie: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hi Katie! Any luck finding your copy?

He looked over and saw my copy standing there.

(Y/N): Oh, found it.

My copy quickly went behind (Y/N), hiding itself from me.

(Y/N): Uhh... Wasn't expecting that.

I started to think about this situation. My copy always running from confrontation and hiding behind others. It really is what I do. I can't do anything by myself and need someone else to either save me or to finish a job.

Katie: (Y/N)... Am I a burden?

(Y/N): Katie... Where is that coming from?

Katie: It's just that... I want to be a Hero. I want to save people who are in need, but I'm always the one being saved. I'm weak and I can't do anything right as a Hero. I'm just some kind of failure...

I clenched my hands tightly as I took a few deep breaths, trying not to cry in front of (Y/N). He looked at me and sighed.

(Y/N): Katie, you're not a burden. You're always there for your friends, ready to help them no matter what. Besides, you're not weak. You fought against Growth and did way better than my mom or Top and they're Number 1 and 2!

Katie: That was only one time and you had to save me in the end anyway. It was just like back when I had to fight Chris in the tournament. I couldn't beat him so you had to step in to save me.

(Y/N): Yeah, that might be true, but you don't have to be ashamed to get some help every once in awhile. It's perfectly natural to struggle and get your friends to help you out.

Katie: But-

(Y/N): Katie, you have the potential to be better than me. You just need some people to push you to that point. You're strong. Way stronger than you realize. You don't have to beat yourself up over a few falls you've had, because I'll know you have the strength to get right back up on your feet! You are my first girlfriend after all!

I looked at (Y/N) in the eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I saw my copy take a few steps away from (Y/N). I looked at it and it froze in place. I started to walk towards it.

Katie: You're right (Y/N). Being weak is a natural part of becoming strong. No one is born strong, they have to grow to that point. I'm tired of hiding behind people. For now on, I'll face things head on with no fear.

I got right in front of my Shadow Copy. I put my hand on it's shoulder and punched it in the chest, my hand going right through its body. It started to disappear, leaving behind a small floating orb of black energy that has a light blue aura around it. The orb flew up into the sky and headed towards the huge tower. (Y/N) walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

(Y/N): I'm proud of you Katie. Don't ever forget that.

Katie: I won't. Thank you for being here for me (Y/N). I wouldn't be who I am today without you.

Me and (Y/N) shared a quick kiss together. We broke the kiss.

(Y/N): Alright, there are still people that need to be saved.

Katie: You're right, it's time to be a Hero. Times 100!

A red aura surrounded my body as I mimicked (Y/N)'s Power.

Katie: Let's see who can save more people the fasts.

(Y/N): Sure, why not.

(Y/N) started to run down the road in one direction. I watched as he left. I started to run in the other direction. I'm going to save people in need, so they will get the help they need to become strong!

(Chapter 67 end)

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