Chapter 76: Heroic Debut

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(Readers POV) (Morning)

I slowly opened my eyes. I looked down and saw my five girlfriends all asleep on top of me. I rubbed my eyes as I looked over and saw a water bottle. I grabbed it and chugged the water in it. Suddenly the door slammed open, revealing my dad. Katie, Ivy, Grace, Isabelle, and Ashley all woke up from the slam.

Kane: I want you out of the house!

He pointed at me.

(Y/N): Uh! Whaaa?!

Kane: You kept me and your mother up all night!

Grace: But what about the-

Kane: The sounds went past the door!

Ivy: Ooohhh, I completely forgot about that.

I can tell that my dad is fuming. Mom walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

Super: You don't have to get mad, honey. You are being hypocritical. I mean, you remember the first time we did it? I think you woke up the entire neighborhood-

Dad put his hand over mom's mouth. He let out a sigh and walked away.

Super: Sorry about him. He's just a bit cranky is all. Just make sure to get cleaned up. And do try to quiet down next time.

Ashley: S-Sorry...

Super: I think it's best if you all just get out for the day so he can have some room to cool down.

(Y/N): Alright then mom. Come on girls.

Mom left the room and closed the door as she did. I got out of the bed and got some new clothes on. The girls got out of the bed and put their clothes on. We all left my room and left my house. Isabelle snapped her fingers, making all of us appear in the city.

Isabelle: So... Any ideas what we can do for the day?

Katie: Since we are official Heroes now, maybe we can do some Hero... Things.

Ashley: That sounds good! We still have to make our official debut!

(Y/N): I'm sure we won't find much action.

Ivy: Come on, we just have to look hard enough.

Grace: Good luck with that, since the new Hero, Arts, will take care of everything!

Grace swiped some ink in the air, making a portal and jumping through it, making the portal disappear.

(Y/N): Guess she thought of a new Hero name. I like the name Arts.

Ivy: Well I thought of my final Hero name. It's Genetic Beast!

I gave her a thumbs up.

(Y/N): Nice.

Isabelle: While you all talk about names, I'm going to leave now.

Ivy: Wait! Please do the thing! Please!

Isabelle: Ugh, fine... Za Warudo!

Isabelle disappeared from sight after she said that. Ivy groaned as she went down to one knee. She reached for her back and pulled out a knife from it.

Ivy: Ha ha, very funny. You're lucky I didn't make you wear a maid outfit.

Ivy used her Power to heal the wound on her back. She made a pair of bird wings come from her back and flew up into the air.

(Y/N): Hey Katie. What is your Hero name?

Katie: Promise you won't laugh.

(Y/N): ...Depends.

Katie: Promise!

(Y/N): Ok ok, I promise I won't laugh.

Katie: I made it Replica.

Ashley: Replica?

Katie: Yeah, my big sis helped me pick out the name. Since I can copy peoples Power, I basically replicate that person.

(Y/N): Well I like it!

Katie: I hope you're not just saying that to be nice.

I walked up to Katie and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

(Y/N): Does that prove I'm being genuine?

Katie's cheeks went pink as she smiled at me and nodded her head.

Katie: I'm going to show everyone what I can do!

Katie ran off, determined to make a great debut as an official Hero. I looked over at Ashley.

(Y/N): So, ready to do some Hero work?

Ashley: Yep! This is going to be really exciting!

(Y/N): Times 10!

A small red aura came from my body as I dashed off. Ashley quickly dash at me too, keeping up with me. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small capsule of blood. She opened the capsule and started to use her Power on the blood, making it wrap around her arm.

(Y/N): Oh, you always carry blood on you?

Ashley: I have to always be prepared!

I looked ahead and saw Imperium staring right at me. I jumped a bit in surprise, but quickly calmed myself down.

(Y/N): Hey. What's up?

Imperium: Why aren't you using your full strength?

(Y/N): Again? I told you so many times, it's not necessary.

Imperium: But you can stop anyone that dares to stand in your way. You can easily stop crimes all around the world if you just used your strength to the fullest.

(Y/N): I'm not the only Hero.

Imperium: But you could be. You can be the best Hero ever and do it single handedly. Why would you rely on others?

(Y/N): What are you trying to say?

Imperium: Dave, Katie, Isabelle, Grace, Ashley, Ivy, Super, Top... All of them can't even reach a fraction of what you are.

(Y/N): Just shut up. Don't talk bad about any of them.

Imperium: Just show everyone. Show everyone your true Power. Show everyone that you can't be stopped.

My head started to get filled with the words "Do it". I tried to ignore them, but they just got louder and louder and louder. I looked ahead and saw a man with a bunch of metal objects around him. The metal objects being pointed at a group of people.

Man: If you all know what's good for, then you will-

I screamed out as red energy covered my body. The red energy went away, showing me with my hair now red. I punched the guy in his face, sending him away at a really high speed. I quickly went behind the guy and caught him. I put him down on the ground. He was knocked out when I punched him.

(Y/N): There. I'm using my full strength. Happy?

I looked around and I couldn't see Imperium anywhere. Everyone started to cheer for me and thanking me. I looked over at Ashley and she is giving me a confused look. She ran up to me.

Ashley: Hey, (Y/N). Are you feeling ok? Why would you go to that form against a normal person?

(Y/N): I... It's nothing.

Woman: You must be a new Hero! What's your name?!

(Y/N): The names Imperium. Just know that you are all safe when I'm around.

Ashley: And I'm Growth! My blood will wash away evil! Hope that doesn't sound stupid...

I looked down at my hand. The voices stopped after I transformed. I sighed and stopped using my Power, but then the voices started again. I tried to shake my head to ignore it, but they still kept going. I let out a sigh as I started to walk away. I noticed Ashley walking next to me.

Ashley: (Y/N)? (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Hm? Is there something you need?

Ashley: You're acting kinda weird. Are you sure you're ok?

(Y/N): Trust me, I'm fine.

(Time Skip)

Me and my five girlfriends made it back home. It's around 7 pm. I saw my dad in front of my room, holding his nose and spraying air freshener into my room. He turned back and saw all six of us standing there.

(Y/N): Hey dad.

Kane: You're back. So how was going out for a day?

(Y/N): It's fine... Got some Hero work done... Do it...

Kane: What was that last bit?

(Y/N): ...Oh, I don't know! I'm just mumbling to myself.

Ivy: Today was pretty successful. I think celebration is in order-

Kane: No! You can do it somewhere else!

Ivy: I wasn't even talking about that, pervert!

Kane: I'm sure you weren't!

(Y/N): You girls have fun with that. I'm going to take a nap.

I walked into my room and closed the door. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. Constant voices clouded my mind. I tried to fall asleep to ignore it, but it wouldn't.

(Y/N): Stop it. Stop it with the voices.

I opened my eyes and saw Imperium standing in front of me. He looked down at me and just smiled at me before disappearing. I put my hands over my ears, but the voices in my head didn't stop in the slightest. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. After about an hour of voices and no sleep, I heard the door open. I looked over and saw my girlfriends at the door looking at me.

(Y/N): Do you girls need something?

Grace: Ashley told us about your behavior today.

Isabelle: And we figured we would do something nice for you to cheer you up.

(Y/N): Girls. I'm fine. You don't have to worry-

Katie got up to me and grabbed my hands, pulling me out of my bed.

Katie: Come on. It sounds like you really need it.

(Y/N): ...Alright.

We all left my room. They brought me into the kitchen and I saw a plate with five cupcakes on them. The frosting are blue, red, green, yellow, and orange.

Ashley: We decided to make you some sweets! Sweets makes everything better!

Ivy: We each made one, so we color coded them. Try mine first!

Ivy picked up the green one and handed it to me. I took a bite into it and it tastes like a normal chocolate cupcake.

(Y/N): Thanks. This is pretty good.

Isabelle: You're lucky I was able to teach everyone how to bake.

(Y/N): You know how to bake?

Isabelle: When you can control time, you tend to have a lot of it to learn new things.

Grace: Wait, (Y/N) is taste testing them?

Grace started to look nervous.

Katie: Yes, that's the point of making sweets for him.

I put Ivy's down and picked up the orange one. I took a bite into it and something weird happened. The cupcake in my mouth felt really watery. I felt a strong taste in my mouth. I ran over to the sink and spat out what was in my mouth. I saw ink.

Ashley: Did you use your Power to make one?!

Grace: I didn't think he would eat them! I thought it was the thought that mattered!

I turned the sink on and rinsed my mouth of the ink. I turned around and looked at the other three cupcakes.

(Y/N): Do I dare?

Isabelle: How dare you compare my baking skills to Grace's fake food!

She picked up the yellow cupcake and handed it to me. I took a bite into it and got a subtle taste of lemons.

(Y/N): Hmm. I didn't think you would be this good at this Isabelle.

Isabelle's cheeks went pink.

Isabelle: Th-Thanks.

She crossed her arms and looked away. I put Isabelle's cupcake down and picked up the red one. I ate some of it and it's a red velvet flavor.

Ashley: Do you like it?

(Y/N): Yeah, it's lovely.

Ashley: That's a relief to hear. My dad used to make me red velvet cupcakes all the time, so I'm glad to hear that I can make them well!

I put it down and picked up the last cupcake. Katie just looked at me and waited for me to test it. I took a bite into hers and it was just a simple vanilla cupcake.

(Y/N): It's good. I like it.

Katie: Phew! That's all I could really ask for.

I let out a sigh.

(Y/N): I'm happy that you tried to cheer me up. I really am, but I'm just not feeling it right now. I'm probably just going to go to bed early.

I felt a ton of pain fill my head as the constant voices got louder. They turned into screams. I groaned and fell down to one knee. The girls ran up to me and checked up on me.

Girls: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I'm fine! I'm fine...

Alexandra: (Y/N)! Help me!

(Y/N): Huh?

I started to feel pain course through my whole body. I took a few deep breaths and got up. I started to walk out of the kitchen.

(Y/N): You all should really head home.

Katie: (Y/N)-

(Y/N): Just go! Please!

Everyone got quiet and just nodded. As they walked past me, Ivy smacked Grace on the head.

Ivy: You just had to give him an ink cupcake!

Grace: You think it's my fault?!

They left my house, except for Ashley. She walked up to me and started to hug me.

Ashley: You want to go to bed now?

(Y/N): You can have my bed. I'll be sleeping on the couch.

Ashley: Well... If you need help. There's always me and your parents.

I just nodded my head as I walked into the living room. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and I'm in the white void. I looked around and saw everyone screaming in pain.

(Y/N): Alright! Imperium! What's going on?!

Imperium: This is your doing.

I turned around and saw Imperium standing right in front of me.

Imperium: You refuse to use our Power. This is the cause. The energy build up is too much to bare, even for everyone here.

(Y/N): Then how do I stop it?

Imperium: You can let me take control for a bit, so I can handle all this extra energy. All the screaming and pain will stop.

(Y/N): Just do it. I can handle this pain and screaming for a second longer.

Imperium: Heh. Great to hear.

A bunch of chains made out of red energy surrounded me and wrapped around my body. I struggled to get out the chains, but they made sure I stood still.

Imperium: See? It wasn't that hard. Just to give me control. I could've done it myself, but I wanted to you to give it to me.

Everyone else in the white void turned into red energy and flew into me. I felt a ton of pain fill my body. I started to scream out as loud as I could. This pain, it's unimaginable! Words can't describe what I'm feeling!

Imperium: Hahahaha! I'm going to show everyone just how superior I am. It's time to remind the world who it's ruler is.

(Chapter 76 end)

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