Chapter 80: Growing Struggle

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(Imperium's POV)

I dashed over to Super, Top, and Chemist and blasted them away with a small bit of energy. Super recovered quickly and dashed right at me. I dodged her punched that she threw at me. I was about to punch her, but a purple aura surrounded her body and pulled her away from me.

Imperium: I'm not going to let you get away!

I dashed right at her and was about to hit her, but she was suddenly moved to the left, revealing Top coming right at me and slashed her trident, knocking me back. I saw several beakers fall down and break on the ground next to me. The ground started to glow as a large explosion covered my body.

Imperium: This is starting to get fun.

I felt something grab my leg and pulled me out of the smoke. I saw a black tendril wrapped on my leg and pulling me towards Kane.

Fox: You better know what you're doing!

Kane: I got this!

Kane jumped at me and punched my face. I tried to kick him with my free leg, but a purple aura surrounded it and made me miss completely.

Super: Heads up!

I looked up and saw Super coming right down at me. I tried to block her attack, but the purple aura covered my body as I couldn't move. Super kicked my face. I broke out of the purple aura around me and tried to hit Kane and Super, but Top's trident flew by them and they grabbed onto it, making them fly away from me. I kicked the tendril off my leg.

Imperium: All these strategies you all are using are fun to see. But they won't work in the long run. I'm only letting you do it after all.

Top: How sure are you of that claim?

I smiled as I looked behind to see Top about to kick me. I blocked her kick and kicked her back, knocking her away. I started to walk towards her.

Imperium: It was foolish to try an attack without your trident-

I saw a purple trident fly past my head, that was close to cut my cheek. Top caught it and immediately swung it down at me. I blocked it with my arms.

Davidson: Did you forget about your King?!

I looked back and saw Davidson dashing at me with Top's trident in his hands. He slashed the trident into the side of my stomach. Top kicked my arms away and tried to slash the trident in her hands down at my neck. I quickly bit down on the trident, stopping it completely.

Davidson: Take this!

Davidson started to blast my body in his dark blue fire. I felt Top kick my face, making me let go of the trident in my mouth. The blast of fire sent me forward as I saw Super ran to get in front of me and punched me really hard in the stomach. I gasped out as I fell down to my knees.

Super: Now. Give me back (Y/N).

I started to stop using my Power, making (Y/N)'s hair back to its normal color.

Imperium: M-Mom? Is that you?

I said using (Y/N)'s voice. Super looked down at me, like she's studying me. She reeled her fist back and punched my face hard, making cracking noises come from her hand. I was sent flying back until I crashed into the ground, making a large crater.

Super: Don't you dare try to copy him! I know my son way better than anyone else! So you trying to impersonate him won't end well for you!

I stood up as I started to use my Power again, making my hair go back to red.

Imperium: It was worth a shot. But just so you know, you are hurting your son with every strike you hit me with. You're hurting him just as much as I am.

Super looked down at me and got mad. She ran right at me and was about to hit me. I looked down and noticed that I landed next to Jester's body. I picked it up and held it out in front of me, making Super stop.

Imperium: You'll attack me, but not the corpse of your fallen ally? Seems like you really like to beat your kid.

I looked at Jester's body and I felt something starting to shake. I saw the clown head spring out of his back, hitting my face. I dropped Jester as I stumbled back. I noticed the clown head as a hole in his forehead.

Jester: Thank you C... For taking that lethal attack for me...

So when I shot through his heart, I actually just shot the clown head? I was about to finish the job, but Super went behind me and put me in a head lock.

Jester: Remember what I told you?... Disappearing acts are child's play for me...

Imperium: What is the meaning of-AAAGUHH!

I felt a strong strike hit my chest, making me gasp out blood. I looked forward and saw an old man with a long grey beard and a hole in his chest.

Martial: All I need is one strike to the chest... For my Power to activate... Your body will start to shut down and from there, we will stop this madness.

I felt my blood start to boil as I started to scream out as loud as I can. A massive blast of red energy came out of my body, blowing back everyone.

Fox: Kane! Redirect the energy now!

Kane: You don't think I'm trying that?!

The energy started to turn purple, but quickly went back to red.

Kane: Shit! It's too strong!

I stopped screaming as I used all the energy I released to bind everyone in place, making them unable to move. I flew up and looked down at everyone.

Imperium: You think you all can put me down and look down upon me?! Fools! All of you! I will be above all! You all will have to look up at me!

I went in front of Jester and the old man in an instant. I put my hand in front of them.

Imperium: Don't bother saving me that spot in the next life.

I made a huge blast come out of my hand, vaporizing the two completely. I looked back to see everyone else and they look shocked as they finally realized what they are up against.

Imperium: I've had my fun with you all, but I think it's time for this game to be over.

I started to walk up to Super. I pointed my hand at her and let out a small chuckle.

Imperium: Do you see what happens when I actually try? There is nothing you can do. I am doing you a favor. The last face you will ever see will be of your son.

I felt something stab into my back. I looked back and saw a knife made out of blood in my back. Was that made with the blood I spat out earlier from that old man's attack? I looked over at the children and directly at Ashley.

Imperium: You.

I slowly walked over to her. Even with her completely bounded by my energy, she can still attack thanks to that damn Power of hers. I got right in front of her and put my hand on her shoulder.

Imperium: What makes you still think you can stop me?

Ashley: Because... (Y/N) wouldn't stop at anything. I'll make sure you are stopped, since he would do the same thing.

Imperium: Hahaha. You are such a cute girl. (Y/N) doesn't exist anymore. He's trapped in my Power. The moment he was born, his fate was sealed. There isn't a thing you can do about it.

I felt the blood knife leave my back and tried to slash at me again. I grabbed it and shattered it in my hand. I started to punch her gut over and over again, making her start to scream in pain and spitting out blood.

Imperium: You still fight, even at death's door! Why?! Why do this to yourself?! You're only hurting yourself more! I was going to give you a painless death, but you don't deserve that mercy anymore!

Everyone started to scream at me to stop, but I continued to punch Ashley. The life in her eyes started to fade away.

Imperium: Oh no, I'm not done with you yet.

I used some of my energy to heal her injuries, bringing the life back in her eyes. I smiled at Ashley as I kept attacking her. Whenever she would get close to death, I would bring her back to full health.

Imperium: Tell me girl. Who will try to stop me?!

(Growth's POV)

I'm still sitting in these restraints, but I suddenly felt this feeling. My heart started to beat faster and faster.

Growth: My daughter...

Why does it feel like she is about to die, but gets brought back from that point just to put back to near death? What's going on?! I felt tears leave my eyes.

Guard: Growth! Your heart rate spiked! What's wrong?!

Growth: My daughter is in danger! I need to get out now!

I tried to break out these restraints. If they didn't block my Power, then I could get out of here easily.

Ashley: ...Father...

I heard her voice echo in my mind. I have to save her now! She doesn't deserve this! If anyone does, then it's me!

Growth: I'll save her!

I started to scream out. The restraints started to glow as I used my Power to destroy them. I got up and blasted a huge hole in the top of the room I'm in and I flew out of the underground bunker Agent Smith has been keeping me trapped in. I started to fly as fast as I could towards my daughter. I made it to a destroyed city and saw what looked like (Y/N) constantly attacking Ashley. I dashed right at him and I punched him in the face, knocking him back. The red aura the surrounded everyone disappeared as I caught Ashley in my arms.

Growth: Ashley...

She passed out, but using my Power, I managed to heal her wounds. She's still breathing. I moved some of her hair that got in front of her face.

Imperium: Another joins the ring. Oh, it's you Growth.

I looked over and saw (Y/N)- No. That isn't (Y/N). I can tell. This energy is his, but isn't his at the same time.

Growth: Who are you? And what did my daughter do to deserve what you were doing to her?

Imperium: I am your lord, Imperium. She thought it was a good idea to stand against me, so I showed her what happens to those that don't comply to me.

I looked over at Isabelle. She noticed me looking at her. I nodded my head at her. She snapped her fingers and Ashley appeared in her arms. I looked over at Imperium.

Growth: Everyone, get out of here. It's dangerous here.

I saw Super and Top jump over to stand next to me.

Top: Like we are going to leave now. This bastard made this personal with me.

Growth: Really? Then it looks like the three of us have something to pay Imperium back.

Imperium started to fly up. He looked down at the three of us.

Growth: Tell me. Why do you think you are above everyone?

Imperium: Why? I'm the first ever person to have a Power. I'm the original. There is a reason I exist and that reason is to rule over everything.

I scoffed as I can barely hold back all my rage at him.

Super: I'm surprised Growth. I figured you would've exploded at him by now.

Growth: Trust me. I'm about to.

Top: Heh. Did you really change from all those years back?

Super: Top. Growth. It's time we show Imperium why we were the the best 3 in school.

Imperium: Don't make me laugh. You are children compared to what I am.

Top: Do you think we have been trying to kill you until now?

Imperium got mad at Top's comment. Super cracked her fingers.

Super: Imperium will learn why Herculean chose us to train.

(Chapter 80 end)

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