Chapter 82: Accepting Sacrifices

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(Isabelle's POV)

Everyone appeared in a far away destroyed building. I let out a sigh as I gentle put Ashley down on the ground. I looked at everyone else. Davidson, Top, and Growth look like they are about to pass out, and Katie, Ivy, Grace, Solana, Kane, Chemist, and Darkness all look out of it. Like they are hoping that they will wake up from some kind of nightmare.

Isabelle: ...To think... It would go that badly.

Kane: Super... You reckless...

A couple of tears formed in his eyes as he punched a nearby wall.

Kane: It should've been me... Why didn't I take your spot when I had the chance...?

Ivy: ...He killed Super. I'm going to kill him. Right now.

Ivy tried to leave, but I appeared in front of her.

Isabelle: Fighting him now would be suicide.

Ivy: I don't care! He has our boyfriend trapped and using his body to kill people!

Ivy pushed me away and kept walking away. Davidson got up and put his trident in front of Ivy.

Ivy: Davidson.

Davidson: Isabelle is right. Trying to fight him now, especially by yourself, you will only get yourself killed.

Ivy: He killed Super! I'm going to get my revenge!

Davidson: No! You won't! Your King says so!

Ivy: She was the woman that helped you to be where you are today and that's how you repay her?! By not trying to do something?!

Davidson: I'm thinking about this logical! There's no point in wasting energy on those already lost!

Everyone looked over at Davidson. Kane got mad and walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Kane: You call yourself a King?

Top: Leave him alone! As much as we hate it, he's right. Super is gone. Nothing is going to bring her back. Nor Jester or Martial. They are gone and there isn't a thing we can do about it. All we can do is accept it.

I heard Katie start to cry. Grace and Solana tried to comfort her as best as they could, but couldn't do much. Growth took a deep breath and looked down at the ground.

Growth: When I heard her voice... I knew... She was going to sacrifice herself. She already accepted that fate. I wanted to stop her, but she was already dead set on it. That was the thing about Super... Once her mind was set on something, she never stopped.

Kane grunted as he let go of Davidson.

Fox: The best we can do now is think about a plan for what we can do now.

Growth: Right. Chemist, wake up Ashley.

Chemist: Got it.

Chemist walked over to Ashley's unconscious body. She pulled out a bottle of water and the water turned into a purple color. She brought the bottle close to Ashley's face and opened it. Ashley breathed in whatever was in the bottle and shot up awake.

Ashley: Ah! W-What happened?!

She looked around at everyone, but we all stayed silent. Growth stood up and walked to Ashley. He put his hand on her shoulder and they started to walk into a different room.

Growth: There's a lot that you need to know.

Kane: While they do that... Any ideas?

Everyone stayed quiet. I don't think anyone has an idea of what to do. Top looked over at Davidson.

Top: What was that earlier? Your fire turned into that dark energy of that Abolition woman.

Davidson: It did? I was barely conscious when that happened.

Kane: Why did it do that?

Davidson: She told me, that I have her Power. Or at least a variation of it. I guess when I was about to die, my Power tried to keep me alive, and so it went down to the very roots of its origin to help with my survival.

Kane: It sounds like the process of Leveling Up, but on a different scale.

Isabelle: Yeah, that sounds almost like the exact same thing that happened to (Y/N) when me and him had that tournament match. When his Power first Leveled Up.

Wait, the exact same? I looked over at Davidson.

Isabelle: Let me use my Power on you.

Davidson: You use your Power on me?

Isabelle: I can return you to that state while keeping you conscious.

Davidson looked at me surprised for a moment. He smirked and looked down.

Davidson: Abolition did give (Y/N) a run for his money, so imagine me with that Power under control. We might be able to beat Imperium.

I let out a sigh as I walked up to Davidson. My hair and eyes started to glow as I started to use the Leveled Up version of my Power. Dark energy started to cover Davidson's skin as stayed still. I hope this goes as well as the last time this sort of thing happened.

(Davidson's POV)

I opened my eyes and I'm not with everyone else. I'm in a black abyss. I looked around, trying to find something. I made a small ball of fire in my hand, but the darkness swallowed the fireball and destroyed it.

Abolition: Boy. You're here thanks to that time controlling girl.

I turned around and saw Abolition standing in front of me. I looked up at her to make eye contact.

Abolition: Why are you here?

Davidson: I'm here to master this Power.

Abolition: ...You are a foolish boy.

She took a step back and put her arms out.

Abolition: Do you really think you can handle this Power? What you used was just a taste of it.

Davidson: If (Y/N) could master his Power, Imperium, then I can handle the Power of Abolition.

Abolition: Look at what happened to (Y/N). He's lost in that Power. What makes you think I wouldn't stab your back as well?

Davidson: ...

Abolition: That's what I thought-

I interrupted her by pointing my trident at her.

Davidson: Then I'll just have to take it for myself.

Abolition stared at me. She made a trident from her energy and pointed it at me.

Abolition: This will be worse than hell.

Davidson: Haha, I've already trained with hell before.

(Growth's POV)

I just got done telling Ashley what happened. I didn't want to tell her, but she needed to know.

Ashley: Super... Is dead...

Growth: Yes, that's right.

She gripped onto her knees as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

Ashley: Why? Why did this have to happen?

Growth: Ashley...

Ashley: All because Imperium had to take away (Y/N). He took him from me.

Ashley wiped her tears away and looked up. Her eyes went dull. She stood up.

Ashley: He'll pay.

I got up and put my hand on her shoulder. She didn't react or even look up at me. She is starting to make me worry.

Growth: Ashley. Please don't do anything that you'll regret.

Ashley grabbed onto the red scarf she's wearing and held it tightly.

Ashley: Imperium took all that I had. I can't regret if I don't have anything.

Growth: Daughter please. I don't want to lose you too.

Ashley seemed to snap out of it as she looked up at me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

Ashley: I'm sorry... I'm just afraid that I'll lose more than I already have.

I hugged her back and patted her back. It makes me happy to hold my baby girl in my arms again.

Growth: You don't have to worry. I'm sure we will get through this.

Ashley: You really think so?

Growth: Would I ever lie to my daughter?

Ashley took a deep breath and let go of me.

Ashley: Ok father. Let's get to the others now.

Me and Ashley walked back into the room everyone else is at and we saw Davidson covered in a dark energy. The energy disappeared as Davidson opened his eyes with a gasp of breath.

Top: How did it go?

Davidson: That... Hurt like hell...

Isabelle: I guess him mastering that Power will take longer than we thought.

Solana: And to think I've seen what Davidson could do. You really like to justify the title of King, huh?

Davidson: Of course I have to justify it. But I need to master that Power as soon as possible, or I'll be a failure of a King.

I was about to ask exactly what that dark energy was, but I saw the air start to crack. It shattered, revealing Tyler has teleported to us.

Growth: Tyler?

Solana: Who is he?

Tyler: If you must know princess, I'm Tyler, an ally.

Solana: It's Queen, not princess!

Isabelle: So why did you show up?

Tyler: I felt some shockwaves going across the universe so I had to check out what happened afterwards. I tracked down the origin of the shockwaves, but when I got there... The only thing I found was... You probably know.

He looked down at the ground, referring to Super's body.

Katie: So why are you here telling us?

Tyler: Because we are in for a bad time.

Grace: Yeah, duh. We know.

Tyler: No, in a different way. I saw a News helicopter flying over the destroyed city. It's only matter of time until they find out what I did.

Top: ...Shit.

(Imperium's POV)

I was flying over the city I destroyed. I heard something nearby. I turned around and saw a helicopter flying around, probably seeing how much damage I caused. I flew over to it and saw a pilot and two people, one with a microphone and the other holding a large camera.

News Reporter: We are currently over the destroyed city. From what we have heard, the area was engulfed in a red light that caused all this and shortly after the same red light engulfed the nearby mountain.

The man holding the camera pointed at me, causing the lady with the microphone to turn and look at me.

News Reporter: W-Who are you? Are you a Hero trying to save the people of this destroyed city? Do you have any idea what happened here?!

Imperium: I am Imperium. And you can say that I'm a Hero. I was the one that caused this.

News Reporter: W-What?! You caused this?! W-Why?!

Imperium: Because I am the ruler of this universe. I have to show the residents of my universe just who their owner is.

News Reporter: W-Well just you wait until Super shows up! She'll put you in your place and bring you to justice!

I felt (Y/N) trying to take back control the moment Super's name was said. I put more of my power to keep him back as I started to laugh. The people looked at me with fear as I stopped laughing suddenly and pointed at the camera.

Imperium: Is that on?

The camera man just nodded at me. I pointed my other hand down, making them look down. They were confused at first, but then their eyes landed on the fallen Super's body. The Hope in their eyes faded away as I made a ball of red energy.

Imperium: Tell me, where is the one that will bring me to justice? I was the one who did that! I am the one that took Super's life!

News Reporter: Y-Y-You are a monster...

Imperium: Hahaha! I am, aren't I?

I launched the ball of energy, destroying the helicopter completely. Thanks to that camera, the news of Super dead should spread across the world in no time and with the fact that I did so.

Imperium: Everyone will submit to me.

I smiled to myself as I started to fly around at a high speed. Time to find the group that tried to stop me. I'm going to kill them once and for all!

(Readers POV)

I kept screaming in pain from all the pain that the energy coursing through my body is causing me. I tried to get out of the chains that held my arms, but they wouldn't budge or loosen a bit. I need to stop Imperium!


My screaming of pain slowly turned into one of rage as I tried to break out with all my might. I still couldn't do anything.


It felt like I was about to pass out, but I heard something break. I looked and saw the chains tying my arms broke. I started to fall, but I felt someone catch me and put me back on my feet. I looked back and saw Alexandra.

Alexandra: I heard your mighty roar. I'm here to help you.

(Y/N): Thanks... I can use all the help I can get.

The energy inside me is still hurting me, but the pain wasn't as bad as before. I heard echoing footsteps getting closer, I looked back and saw a man with red samurai armor walking towards me. He drew his katana and pointed it at me.

Ichida: I am sorry young one, but you will fall here.

(Chapter 82 end)

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