Chapter 88: Forgotten Memento

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(Readers POV)

I followed the woman with the trident for awhile. We entered a building and I was greeted by several people wearing suits. I heard some doors open, making me look over and saw a bald man wearing a suit walking towards me.

Smith: So glad that you two could make it.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Smith: I am Agent Smith, I work for the Hero Government.

(Y/N): Agent Smith? I could've sworn I heard that name in a movie.

He chuckled to himself as he looked at me.

Smith: Please, it's just an official undercover name. Follow me.

Me, Smith, and Top all walked into a room. There isn't any windows and I noticed a subtle purple aura at the doorway before disappearing completely. Smith sat down on a chair. Me and Top sat down on chairs across from his.

Smith: So you are a Hero, isn't that right?

I pulled out the license from my pocket and looked at it.

(Y/N): ...Yeah, I'm the Hero... Imperium...?

Smith: Ah, I see. So, what is your Power?

(Y/N): Power. I can make a red aura come from my body.

I made a small red aura come out of my body.

Smith: Is that all you can do?

(Y/N): Yeah, that's all I can do.

Smith: You must have a lot of experience to become a Hero then.

(Y/N): ...I guess.

Top: How are you a Hero?

(Y/N): What does that mean?

Smith: There is no Hero named Imperium in our data base. So where did you come from?

I was about to answer the question, but I couldn't think of a response.

(Y/N): I... Don't know.

Smith looked at me with an intense gaze.

Smith: I can tell you are telling the truth. I can tell, you aren't a threat.

(Y/N): Wait, you thought I was a threat?! I couldn't react to the blue haired woman!

Top: That is true, I could've killed you if I wanted to.

(Y/N): K-Killed?! A bit harsh from a Hero.

Smith: Don't mind her, we got done with a major incident about 6 months back. We had to take extra precautions is all. I hope you can understand.

(Y/N): I guess I do.

I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it and it doesn't lead to the building anymore. I saw a blue haired boy holding a purple trident and pointing it at me in an open field.

Davidson: Don't move a muscle!

I jumped from surprise. The blue haired woman came out and put the boy's trident away.

Top: You don't have to be hostile. He's safe.

Davidson: Really? If you say so.

(Y/N): So, who are you?

Smith: That is Davidson, or King if you want to call him by his Hero name. He's the Second Ranked Hero and the fastest ever to reach that spot.

Davidson: Yeah, I'm the King of this Kingdom, so you better not try anything!

Top: He's also my son.

(Y/N): I see. Well it must be quite the honor to see you two at the same time then. Number 1 and 2.

I stepped out of the room and into the open field. I looked back and the door is gone completely. I saw an older man where the door was.

Growth: Hello there, my name is Growth.

(Y/N): Hey... Did you come for my apparent assassination?

Growth: Honestly, yes.

He looked over at Top and King.

Growth: I'll take care of the situation from here. You two can leave.

Davidson: Alright, if you need me to take care of Imperium, then I'll do it by myself this time.

Top and King jumped away. I looked over at Growth.

Growth: Do you go by any other name?

(Y/N): Yeah my name is (Y/N).

Growth: It's very nice to meet you.

He definitely seems like a nice person. He started to walk away. I quickly ran up to catch up to him. He looked at me with intrigue.

Growth: That's a very nice scarf.

(Y/N): Oh, thanks. It keeps me warm in snowy mountains.

Growth: I bet it does. Do you remember where you got it?

(Y/N): I remember someone important to me gave it to me... But I can't remember who right now.

Growth: I understand. Though you shouldn't forget someone important to you.

(Y/N): ...Right.

(Time Skip)

Me and Growth made it to a huge mansion in the city I originally arrived at.

(Y/N): Why are we here?

Growth: This is my home. I have some people that I think you should meet.

(Growth's POV)

This kid... He looks exactly like Imperium, but he doesn't act like him at all. I can't sense a single intention to hurt someone. It's almost like he doesn't know how to hurt someone. But who is he? I guess I'll have to discuss that with the others sometime.

(???'s POV)

I am at Growth's house. It os definitely a huge home. I could fit my previous house in just one of the rooms.

Ashley: Brooklyn!

I turned around and saw Ashley. She ran up to me and gave me a tight hug.

Brooklyn: Good to see you Ashley.

We broke the hug as she look at me.

Brooklyn: So any luck finding your scarf?

Ashley let out a sigh as she looked down at the ground.

Ashley: I haven't... I've been looking forever for it and it just disappeared. I'm sorry for losing it.

Brooklyn: It's alright Ashley. It's only a scarf after all.

Ashley: Yeah, but you gave it to me. It makes it more than just a scarf to me.

We shared a quick kiss together, but stopped when we heard the front door open. Me and Ashley walked over to it and saw Growth.

Ashley: Welcome back father!

Growth: Hello Ashley. Hello Brooklyn. We may have a guest for a while.

Ashley: Who is it?

I saw a boy walk into the house and he looked at me and Ashley. I felt my heart stop for a moment. It's him, (Y/N). I thought I got rid of him by making no one find him in that snowy tundra he kept himself at! If only I could get rid of people completely by using my Power!

(Y/N): Hello, it's nice to meet you two.

He held his hand out for a handshake. Ashley looked at him and noticed a red scarf around his neck. I can see her get mad as she walked up to him and grabbed onto the scarf.

Ashley: How did you get this?!

(Y/N): Woah! What are-

Ashley: You took this from me! Didn't you?!

Growth stepped in and made Ashley let go of (Y/N) and stood in front of him.

Growth: Ashley, that's not how we treat guests here.

Ashley: That's my scarf! I need it back!

Growth: (Y/N) told me that someone important gave it to him. So it can't be yours.

Ashley: ...

She crossed her arms and stormed off.

Growth: I apologize for her. You see her girlfriend, Brooklyn, gave her a red scarf like yours a while back and it's like a treasure to her but she lost it sometime ago.

(Y/N): You don't have to apologize. Apparently people treating me weirdly is a normal thing.

Growth: Hehe... You're not wrong about that. I apologize again.

(Y/N): Oh, you don't have to apologize!

I stepped forward and got closer to (Y/N). He noticed me staring at him.

Brooklyn: I'm Brooklyn, it's nice to meet you.

(Y/N): It is nice to meet me.

He laughed to himself. I felt mad as I realized that I'm going to have to get rid of him if I want to keep my life. Good thing I've been erasing him memories over time. I shouldn't be worrying, I just have to wait.

Growth: (Y/N), you're free to stay until Smith figures out your housing situation.

(Y/N) quickly bowed down to Growth.

(Y/N): Thank you sir!

Growth walked off. Me and (Y/N) shared a gaze at each other before I turned around and walked away.

(A Couple Hours Later)

Me, Growth, and Ashley are sitting at a large table eating dinner. I remember (Y/N) was offered to eat at the table, but he didn't want to upset Ashley more. Growth picked up a glass and was about to drink out of it, but the glass shattered in his hand. The liquid in the glass splattered onto his clothes.

Ashley: Father, are you ok?

Growth: I am, I guess I wasn't holding back as much as I thought.

Ashley: You haven't done that in a long time.

Growth: I do remember the last time that happened.

Growth and Ashley started to laugh with each other as they remembered a time together.

Ashley: I do remember as well. It took forever to clean up all the food from the walls and floor.

I just smiled as I just sat back and ate the best food I've ever had in my life. I really don't know why I didn't do this sooner.

(Readers POV)

I was eating my plate of food slowly, making sure I wouldn't drop any so I wouldn't get something dirty. I heard some footsteps and saw Ashley walk past me without saying a word. I remember how she got mad at me earlier. I put my plate down on a nearby table and started to follow her. She went into a room and I walked up to the door and knocked on it.

Ashley: Yes?

(Y/N): It's (Y/N).

Ashley: I do not wish to talk to you right now.

(Y/N): Come on, please?

Ashley: No. I can't say it any simpler.

I let out a sigh as I took the scarf off from around my neck.

(Y/N): I want to give this scarf back to you.

I heard a click from the door and it creaked open as Ashley looked at me.

Ashley: Is this some kind of sick joke?

(Y/N): What? No! It just... I saw how passionate you got over this scarf. I could've sworn that someone gave this to me, but I think someone gave you this scarf too. I wouldn't want to go through the feeling of losing something important to me, but I really wouldn't want someone else to go through that feeling either. So... Here.

I put the scarf closer to Ashley. She reached out to the scarf, hesitating for a second before grabbing the scarf and put it around her neck. She let out a sigh of relief.

Ashley: This is so clean. You really took care of this, didn't you?

(Y/N): Of course I took care of it. It's more than just a scarf to me.

Ashley gasped as she looked down at the ground.

Ashley: I'm sorry for getting mad at you before I even knew you. That was really immature of me.

(Y/N): Don't sweat it. People just get passionate about stuff, that's all.

Ashley: Yeah, you're right... What are you passionate about?

(Y/N): What do you mean by that?

I asked as I started to lean on the doorway and crossed my arms.

Ashley: Like... I'm passionate about the person who gave this scarf for the very first time. Father said that someone important to you gave this scarf to you. Are you passionate about them?

I felt my mind pulse with pain for a second as I held my head. I can see a woman, but I can't tell who it is. I can't tell any distinguishable details about her, but I do know that she was the one that gave me that scarf in the first place.

(Y/N): What is her name?

Ashley: Hm? Who are you talking about?

(Y/N): Don't mind me, just talking to myself.

Ashley giggled to herself.

Ashley: If that's what you claim. Would you like for me to escort you to a guest bedroom?

(Y/N): Yeah, I think I'd get lost in this place.

Ashley: You wouldn't be the first. Brooklyn had trouble with navigating the first couple of times.

Me and Ashley started to walk down the hallway.

Ashley: So you're a Hero? That's what father told me.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess I am. Are you one too?

Ashley: Yes. My Hero name is Growth.

(Y/N): The same name as your dad?

Ashley: Well... He did some bad things back then, but he's changed. I made his name my Hero name so that I can make it that people can only think of good things when they hear that name. I want to honor him, because I wouldn't be where I am today because of him.

(Y/N): That's amazing. I wish I could remember why I became a Hero... Or when...

Ashley: You don't remember?

(Y/N): Nope.

Ashley: Your mind may have forgotten, but your heart never forgets. If you have the heart of a Hero, then you will always be a Hero.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll think about that actually.

We stopped in front of a door. Ashley opened it and revealed a guest bedroom.

Ashley: Here is where you will be sleeping.

(Y/N): This is a guest bedroom? This totally beats the old wooden shack I stayed in while at that snowy mountain.

I walked into the room and looked around. I laid down on the bed and it's really soft. I don't think I ever want to get up from it.

Ashley: Enjoy your sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

(Y/N): I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Ashley smiled at me and closed the door. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, quickly drifting off to sleep.

(The Next Day)

Me, Ashley, and Brooklyn are walking down the street. Ashley is apparently taking me somewhere. She stopped in front of a building I remembered it's the same building that Top took me to yesterday.

(Y/N): I'm here again?!

Ashley: Father told me to take you here.

We all walked into the building. I saw Agent Smith looking at a watch. He looked up at us and smiled.

Smith: 4 seconds early. Perfect!

I don't think that means it was perfect by definition.

Smith: (Y/N), I believe that you could be a worthy addition as a Hero, so I brought over some people that could help train you.

Brooklyn: A-Are you sure you want to train him?

Smith: I had a lengthy conversation with Top and Growth, and we agreed that training him would be a great idea.

(Y/N): If you really think I'm worth keeping around, then I guess I'll get to training.

Smith: Follow me then.

Agent Smith started to walk forward. I quickly followed him with Ashley and Brooklyn following behind me. We all walked into a large room that definitely is built for combat. It's like a huge battle arena. I saw three people standing in the middle of the room. I saw King, a girl with black hair with glasses, and a girl with long, spiky brown hair. The three looked over at me and I can tell they already have some opinions about me.

(Y/N): ...What did I get myself into?

(Chapter 88 end)

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